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11328744 No.11328744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the philosophy behind school shootings?

>> No.11328746

mass murderer was their true identity and they had to transition to find peace

>> No.11328766

to hell with this gay earth

>> No.11328778


Just a reeeee with a gun

>> No.11328792


basically >>11328778

>> No.11328793

No one fucking knows because they all shoot themselves and never get questioned. Yeah it's something to do with
>reeeee the normies hate me why no gf?
but the actual thought process is not well understood.

>> No.11328804

Elliot rogers manifesto reveals a lot. It doesn't take a medical degree to recognize a pattern isolated/sexually stunted, surburban middle class, (mostly) young white males.

>> No.11328825

they all have their own philosophy it seems to me
columbine kids: one of them was an enraged sociopath, butthurt about his social standing(which was not even that low) the other was a retard and had anger issues as well. no coherent philosophy, random talk of 'survival of the fittest'
elliot rodgers: extreme autism and narcissism. like mindblowing levels of both. not really any philosophy either, mra style complaining about women
roof: garden variety white nationalism. seems strangely not crazy at all, quite calm. actually he is not a school shooter is he nevermind.

rodgers is literally not white m8.

>> No.11328831

>(mostly) and he white enough

>> No.11328838

his mom was a filipino hooker to the stars

>> No.11328840

>he white enough
he is not white, if he had decided to be a leftist he could use his poc identity for points. though asian males are basically the bottom of the heap in that hierarchy

The virginia tech shooter was also asian

>> No.11328849

Mostly young males who are mostly white you fucking hair splitters

>> No.11328852
File: 375 KB, 750x1048, 69210E09-1E3A-4A71-AF64-0BF247034E1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captured this a few months ago

>> No.11328854

it was funny how that nignog spree killer in phoenix a couple weeks ago had a profile sketch making him look white no doubt for political correctness purposes then when he finally got busted it turns out he was black af, also the nytimes never posted his photo but instead posted one of his white victims with the implication the victim was the perp, nytimes is a sick outfit

>> No.11328855

whites are underrepresented in mass shootings

>> No.11328859

severe, traumatic lack of empathy.

shits and giggles

>> No.11328863

56 white to 41 nonwhite. Do you not fucking know what MOSTLY means?

>> No.11328864

>instead posted one of his white victims with the implication the victim was the perp,
yeah they do stuff like this all the time. The Swedish press have a thing they do where they pixelate the person(for privacy purposes) then they make the pixels darker lol.

>> No.11328866

Murder most often isn't a lack of empathy. Quite the opposite. Very very humans are unable to empathize with their peers. Most persons we view as evil USE empathy to justify their hatred.

>> No.11328869

whites are the majority of the nation though. saying it is a white thing implies white people are more likely to do it, but they are not.

>> No.11328871

Thank you for admitting you don't know what it means thats all I needed

>> No.11328874

>Very very humans are unable to empathize with their peers.
selective empathy is quite common, almost all violent criminals dont feel much empathy for their victims even if maybe they have it for a handful of people.

i have seen groups of guys kicking someone who is convulsing and screaming on the ground, and they are laughing, literally standing their with smiles on their faces

>> No.11328877

Reminder that the deadliest mass shootings are overwhelmingly whitebois

>> No.11328878

This. All this other speculation trying to find specific influences is media/ideologue motivated bullshit.

>> No.11328881

well they are better at it, like they are better at everything else. But the asian males(also competent in general) have high kill counts as well

>> No.11328880

You're confusing social pressure and group mentality with individual emotional response.

>> No.11328886

>literally standing their with smiles on their faces

You never beat a nigga down who had it coming?

>> No.11328889

lmao no dude, they are just terrible fucking people, they feel no remorse about it. They dont need their bodies either, they will pull out their gun or knife and rob someone on their own. They will rape and murder women because they feel like it

>> No.11328891
File: 14 KB, 306x436, AndrewKehoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can top him.

>> No.11328892

So the ones more likely to be nerdy virgins forever are also the tactically worst people good to know

>> No.11328893


>> No.11328895

>56% meme
Sounds about right to me.

>> No.11328896

You are definitely a person who has said
"I'm not racist but..."

>> No.11328901

Pornography teaches young men to enjoy violating bodies

>> No.11328903

Dont be that guy

>> No.11328905

>angry at local government
>bomb children

>> No.11328907

i am extremely racist, but what I am saying in no way applies only to blacks. I had a group of friends in highschool i thought were normal until one day they decided to rob this dealer, and one of the guys, a Greek guy, beat him so badly with this metal chain that he completely stopped moving.

I asked him about it later and he displayed no emotion at all, like he just didnt care. THis guy,s dad was a criminal too, so it was probably just genetic. Yet he was always nice to me, seemed to show actual empathy to me.

obviously psychopathy is overrepresented among blacks, but you guys have this inability to understand what a distribution is, and seem to think it means that each race has an essence that permeates every individual in it

>> No.11328908

its true though

>> No.11328909

>tfw no gf

>> No.11328920

this, but unironically

>> No.11328928


>> No.11328931


>> No.11328933

Kids don't learn philosophy or ethics or religion in school.
Thats why they think things like "people should all die" like the Columbine kids did and they don't have the analysis skills to rationalize them

>> No.11328943

>I like the people who are worst at being humans the most

Lol what a faggot

>> No.11328945


>> No.11328970

Pornography literally exacerbates inceldom.
>Be ugly low value dude minding his own business
>Watch porn
>Become addicted
>I'm tired of this porn it does nothing for me anymore, I want the real thing
And thus sexual frustration levels skyrocket. Also interesting thing to note: Elliot's first learned about sex through porn. Really. Makes. You. Think.....

>> No.11328984

From a lofty perspective I understand the sentiment, but comparing them to Christ is not right. They're very opposite of transcendence, they're people that become so bogged with the world that they incarnate the negativity and become an act of annihilation.

>> No.11328990

christ got butthurt at the fig tree and the money lenders he is a hypocrite

>> No.11329010

These kids are taught at an early age that everyone is equal and we should all respect each other along with a bunch of other kumbaya bullshit. They disillusioned to this by the time they reach middle school and high school when they realize their self-contained community works as a social hierarchy, and nobody treats each other with the same mutual respect, which shatters their world view. Seeing the school, the representation of reality, they become nihilists and take out their existential angst out on the school instead of the outside world.

>> No.11329023

Fig tree was an allegory. Money lenders was righteous anger at the the debasement of a holy temple. Regardless taking his whole work it's retarded to think him the same as a liberating mass murderer.

>> No.11329039

>righteous anger
if you go down that road though you get Mohammed. Christ was unique because of 'turn the other cheek' thing. It is a genuinely radical idea, like i cant think of anything else like that. Maybe the Indians or chinese have something similar with their old religions.

but yes i agree with your second point

>> No.11329058

What I was trying to say with the righteous anger thing was there is a difference between raging over a holy place for something you devote your life to and murdering over the kind of depressed and nihilistic sentiments school shooters tend to justify themselves with.

>> No.11329066
File: 16 KB, 210x244, 'lillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read DeLillo

>> No.11329079

This. There is a strain of complete amorality in today's youth that scares me.

>> No.11329080

>worst at being humans
Well spooked, humanist!

>> No.11329082

>a handful of people are corrupted irreperably but the thing that makes up 90% of the internet

Get a life

>> No.11329089

I don't know or care what your trashy agenda is

>> No.11329092

that's fucking hilarious

>> No.11329096

I understand that it's justified, but what I found so compelling about Jesus was that he didnt get angry even when it was justified. That idea just seems special to me.

i get that irl it's kind of a recipe for failure, but there is still something about it.

also i was not the anon talking about school shooters

>> No.11329101

Seung-Hui, I served with Jesus Christ. I knew Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was a friend of mine. Seung-Hui, you're no Jesus Christ.

>> No.11329117
File: 265 KB, 359x441, hechillswithhisfriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't hurt me so it's good!

>> No.11329141
File: 51 KB, 500x579, zizek fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching smoke-and-mirrors depictions of people getting sexually assaulted for your own pleasure doesn't have obvious negative consequences

>> No.11329144

actually the two small instances of Jesus acting out give me grave doubts about God in general. Like either God has elements of wrong in him as well, or God when he is in our world as a man is subject to corruption as well, and both these possibities are fucked up, and belie the question what exactly is up with our world that it is like this, or what is up with God, and is his corruption the reason that suffering is an integral element of reality. Is lucifer, who was created by God, the main symbol of this? Are there any heretic Christians that have talked about this

>> No.11329152

yeah the stories in the bible weren't a hunnid percent accurate. im a heretic lol

>> No.11329158
File: 310 KB, 580x282, c4jt321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are 15 years old and watch hour-long throat-fucking incest bukakke music montages every single day while having a belt around your neck

>> No.11329176

i feel that lack of empathy on both parties

i.e. they obviously dont care about me sp why should i care about them?

>> No.11329199
File: 436 KB, 750x1135, B7611580-5838-4989-BE19-EFAD5214F9FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another post from Anon

>> No.11329212

It's not philosophy, but rather a lack of one. People who become school shooters have tried to interpret the world and their place in it, but felt that they've failed in it, or don't feel like it's worth anymore. When having decided this, they choose to ignore every single anchor point that would ground them in the society and instead begin to construct a scaffold of ideas that run contrary to everything moral or just. This is because they feel the society hasn't been moral or just towards them.
Also, it's possible that some just start to lose grasp of who they are and start entertaining dark thoughts, only when going through them more and more, become desensitized to the point of thinking about the intricacies of the act. The lack of philosophy or code is mostly at fault for the descent into killing.
An interesting excerpt from Charles Whitman's suicide note:
>I do not quite understand what it is that compels me to type this letter. Perhaps it is to leave some vague reason for the actions I have recently performed. I do not really understand myself these days. I am supposed to be an average reasonable and intelligent young man. However, lately (I cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts. These thoughts constantly recur, and it requires a tremendous mental effort to concentrate on useful and progressive tasks.

>> No.11329251

those were simpler times

>> No.11329252

I don't do that though

>> No.11329277

look up malay mass assault (amok). malay means gentleness and it's supposed to be the zenith of their culture to be considered gentle. since there's no outlet for resentment and no recourse to any natural justice like vengeance, it's very easy to discharge communal resentment through one individual or a group of individuals until they react in such a way which alleviates the community of blame (and often the perpetrator too as one symptom of amok is memory loss of the event)
if you think about baudrillard on american smiles, or the "have a nice day" meme fake polity of the US, outside of being racist against people you don't live near, you haven't much option for resentment discharge communally. it's also why communal responses tend to imply that the community could not have done anything which would deserve the response, because the point of channeling responsibility for the act on to an individual is in order to deny that dissatisfaction exists in the rest of the community, who were probably voicing that dissatisfaction onto any potential scapegoat they could find until the event. american mass assaults notably occur when the most people will watch it on the news, which is the one program besides the kardashians that is guaranteed to make them resentful, and usually they adopt racist propaganda which they did not learn from their left leaning families or other causes which are notable expositions of resentment and divestment.
personally, i hope some country brings back vestal virgins. sacrificial qts sounds more optimal for community unity in times of trouble from my own view. it's been a bit of a sausage fest since that i don't like mondays girl

>> No.11329356

I think it has to do a bit with the lack of a little platoon, like what Burke talked about in Reflections on the French Revolution. The internet has kinda taken away any real need to care about the people around you, because it connects you to people all around the world. Which is why shooters empathize more with people in other countries rather than the people in the towns and cities they're in. The lack of a little platoon is also caused a bit by parents not taking an active role in their children's lives but the main point is I BLAME THE INTERNET!

>> No.11329368
File: 113 KB, 1194x1194, FallingDown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern life is unfulfilling and enraging. Only normalfags can survive in this filth

>> No.11329374

That movie is fucking awesome. I first saw it when i was like 14 and I intentified with it even then lmao

>> No.11329416

woah dude you must be like the next hitler or something shadilay my frog

>> No.11329458

Copy pasta or delusion with some okay points.

>> No.11329469

Finally some good posts

>> No.11329936

that cold stone stare when talking about hard shit they did i think is more of a reaction formation. esp. since you say the kids dad was also a criminal too.

its like i did this thing that was fucked up l. and now i gotta act all hard, and carry it through with me and this is how men whi kill act if they want to be seen as badass.
same type of people who say they are crazy/loco just to get people off their backs.

in reality this guy probably has trouble sleeping at night.

>> No.11329938

>reeeee with a gun

>> No.11329956

As Zizek would say they took the super ego too seriously

>> No.11329959

ive been around these guys my entire life and i can tell you they dont give a shit, it doesnt bother them even slightly to hurt people outside their circle

there is not even a spark of regret

>> No.11329967
File: 57 KB, 388x499, 1523116135085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in pain so that means everyone else should be in pain too also i want to prove how edgy i am

>> No.11329996
File: 30 KB, 284x400, 22246108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.11330051

Americanism, basically.
Combine an easy-mode life of entitlement and spite with a culture of glorified and normalised violence. As well as a precedence for shootings (the idea doesn't just come from nothing). In fact, the prevalence of school shootings in USA has influenced foreign kids -- whose countries just don't have shootings at all. To plan and attempt, though never succeed. Americans are a cancer that must be cut from the world.

>> No.11330062

yeah its not like school shooting are basically the same in all developed countries or anything you complete fucking retard, lmao imagine being as fucking retarded and brainwashed and basically dick in ass as your faggot ass fucking cunt opinion, kill yourself and your mother even wont care

>> No.11330073


>> No.11330090


>> No.11330111

life sucks, might as well kill myself
but just killing myself is so pathetic, might as well kill a bunch of other people to make some real contact and impact for once

>> No.11330130

it's because of feminism

>> No.11330134

>it's a transvaluation of values
pretty sure nietzsche would stand vehemently opposed to school shootings, the spirit of revenge borne of ressentiment

>> No.11330157

Lmao what a cuk

>> No.11330162
File: 31 KB, 661x482, stair7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was his problem?