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1131325 No.1131325 [Reply] [Original]

I need some good, recent cyberpunk.

can be in book, comic, manga, anime, tv series, or movie form.

I already read Neuromancer and watched the whole GITS and Matrix series.

Halp, /lit/!

>> No.1131343

Cyberpunk sucks. Read a genre that's less cliche-ridden

>> No.1131349
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>Cyberpunk sucks. Read a genre that's less cliche-ridden

>> No.1131352

Shit, I dunno, Snow Crash?

>> No.1131363

I didn't enjoy this book.
inb4 that's what this thread is about now.

OP: It's not "officially" cyberpunk, but try Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillip K. Dick.

>> No.1131365

Ergo Proxy and Serial Experiments Lain on the anime side.
In bookform, I recommend Storming the Reality Studio: A Cyberpunk Anthology.
Also, it's old... but Blade Runner is essential.

>> No.1131374
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I have a soft spot for Strange Days

go check it out, it's pretty slick

>> No.1131376

God, Snow Crash was awful.

>> No.1131707

Richard K. Morgan wrote a good one called "Altered Carbon."

>> No.1131712

Recently, The Electric Church was pretty good.

Can't remember who wrote it.

>> No.1131724

Just read Alfred Bester, The Demolished Man and The Stars My Destination
Done decades before the cyberpunk 'movement', done better

>> No.1131729

Man, can't believe I forgot Alfie. Demolished Man had a fantastic premise and ending.

>> No.1132274

Blame! by Tsutomu Nihei
The only good cyberpunk manga out there
You might also want to check Eden it's an endless world

>> No.1132301

Blade Runner
Immortel(Ad Vitam)
Armitage III
Serial Experiments Lain(No plot but very good)

>> No.1132302

Eh, I thought Snow Crash was alright. Not terrible, but not great either. Couldn't see why it was so highly recommended. I like some of Neal Stephenson's other stuff better, like Anathem.

>> No.1132320

Reading Anathem now. I like it, but I can certainly see why people don't always love his work. It's pretty brainy.

>> No.1132468
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>Armitage III
I made the mistake of watching the OVA. Incoherent as fuck in scene transition.
Wouldn't recommend unless you really want cyberpunk. Although on the other hand it has an awesome OST

>> No.1132505

>No plot



>> No.1132530

You'd better start writing, then.