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11319654 No.11319654 [Reply] [Original]

True love can only exist in stories

>> No.11319782

Did you learn this on your own or was it told to you?

>> No.11319803

Yeah anon. I thought love was only true in fairy tales. And then for someone else but not for me.

>> No.11319870

no, over the years of let's say marriage you gradually lose the love in a sense of buying her a rose or taking her to dinner, but you also incorporate the aspect of love that makes you care and protect that person at all costs.
love is just a matter of habit.

>> No.11319991

all love is fake, only true love is between white brothers of nationalistic beliefs and hatred towards women and jews, on the field of battle against commie cucks

>> No.11319997

this but unironically

>> No.11320000

True love can only exist in stores.

>> No.11320095
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your white 'brothers' would sacrifice you in a microsecond without remorse if it meant they could have victory against the commie cucks. That's not true love.

>> No.11320104

Hollow quads confirm

>> No.11320139

What is the chemical composition of true love?

>> No.11320145

Go away Nazi larpers only Germans are allowed to be NatSoc

>> No.11320147

It's funny because Tolkien thought Aragorn and Arwen and all such loves of the Romantic tradition are just 'loves' and not a real union of the people who are not Fallen, but a glimpse of it.

>> No.11320184

duh, it's semen

>> No.11320201

The entire concept of love is very foolish.
What humans call "love" is simply a willful distortion of their entire inbuilt system of survival.
Humans survive only by banding together that much is certain.
The fact that we have crudely manufactured the idea of "love" as a somehow separate entity from this core function of our design is just a side effect of an inflated sense of self worth that comes with the level of intelligence humans have achieved.
After all love as we know it is inherently selfish and yet paradoxically we can sometimes see its effects as being the exact opposite. This is of course because of that simple base mechanism of survival that we either choose to let shine through or regrettably quite often deny in favor of that higher order selfishness which serves little purpose other than to cause trouble.
In short what we perceive as "true love" is merely the fully successful grasping of our own design which is to simply work together.
"Romantic love" is a luxury, a plaything, a game, a frivolous passing amusement.

>> No.11320240

>love is just benis in vagina

>while many great loves are barren
>while many fruitful relationships are full of hatred

>> No.11320243

Based /pol/retard

>> No.11320275

It's nice tho

>> No.11320345

Redpill: Women are like dogs if you stop feeding them you lose their loyalty

>> No.11320376

>The entire concept of swimming is very foolish
>What humans call "ocean" is simply a willfull distortion of their entire earthen surroundings
>Humans survive only by walking on solid ground
>The fact that we have crudely manufactured the idea of "swimming" as a somehow seperate entity from this core nature of our surroundings is just a side effect of an inflated sense of worth taht comes with the level of intelligence humans have achieved
>After all swimming as we know it is inherently dangerous and yet paradoxically we can sometimes see its effects being the exact opposite. This is of course because that simple base mechanism of survival (walking) that we either choose to let shine through or regrettably quite often deny in favour of that higher order selfishness which serves little purpose other than to get a little exercise.
>In short what we perceive as "swimming" is merely the fully succesful grasping of our own design which is simply to walk.
>"recreational swimming" is a luxury, a plaything, a frivolous passing amusement.

>> No.11320379

t. discount Nietzsche

>> No.11320470

>gay is ok

I'm convinced that there some sort of bizarre gay agenda at work on 4chan that's been there for years.

>> No.11320495

I'm not particularly obsessed with whiteness like he is, but I would gladly see the whole of our species wiped out than see us ruled by communists.

>> No.11320502

>In his extreme youth Stoner had thought of love as an absolute state of being to which, if one were lucky, one might find access; in his maturity he had decided it was the heaven of a false religion, toward which one ought to gaze with an amused disbelief, a gently familiar contempt, and an embarrassed nostalgia. Now in his middle age he began to know that it was neither a state of grace nor an illusion; he saw it as a human act of becoming, a condition that was invented and modified moment by moment and day by day, by the will and the intelligence and the heart.

>> No.11320639

but why?
why do you care for her?
what makes you
first offer her flowers
then, as you wither,
give her care?

if not blindness
love is blindness
the choice to know
the evil in the beloved`s soul
and yet to see none
but a fairytale

like a child lost in play
like the gods night and day
the lover learns to forget
blinded by a wish
for a different world,
blinded by the divine spark,
joyous madness of creation

and the only blessed ones
who retain this affliction
simpy choose not to be blinded
by a world of status,
dollars, rouge and wrinkles,
but by the light
of their own hearts

>> No.11320713

Here's the thing, you never know if it's true love while it happens. Only in retrospect can you really judge if it was true love, and at that point, it has become a story.

>> No.11320853


>> No.11320865

Stories and especially mythologies are based on real life. People don't just come up with something like the mandrake out of the blue. It is meant to signify a power or event in the universe.