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/lit/ - Literature

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11319214 No.11319214 [Reply] [Original]

What books do Wojak and Pepe read?

>> No.11319219

books where niggas finna bout to get dabbed on i would think

>> No.11319237
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Why is it does the feels man do this? I do not like this?

>> No.11319240
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They're not real, OP.

>> No.11319244

They're realer to me than you are.

>> No.11319267

wojak strikes me as someone looking for meaningful works that would help him stir his life in the right direction, but he is also impossibly naive, my prediction is that he would bait the hook and get rused into starting with the greeks.

Pepe is ambiguous and difficult to label, he has the ability to embodie whatever, so I could picture him reading anything desu.

>> No.11319275

Good interpretation. I've always felt a kinship with Wojak and you basically described me in talking about him.

tfw you will never have naive conversations with Wojak about Plato

>> No.11319283

Spillane and Clancy

>> No.11319301
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my god what an excellent post

>> No.11319308

Pepe and Wojak posting is top patrician activity.

>> No.11319312

why does pepe make me feel so inferior

>> No.11319343

my twisted world, elliot roger.

>> No.11319356

Frogposters do not read. Baldyposters cannot read. I don't see why it would be any different with the characters themselves.

>> No.11319397

awful post

>> No.11319514

He cute

>> No.11319954

He cute!

>> No.11320703

My diary desu

>> No.11320716
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Pic related.

>> No.11320752

>the absolute state of grown men in 2018
Kill yourself immediately

>> No.11320876
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>> No.11320892



Calm down

>> No.11321778

sauce on that?

>> No.11321872

no thanks I’ll just have a side of ranch please

>> No.11321898
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>> No.11321916

Pepe reads Suzie Quint with irony.
Wojak reads a bunch of shitty self help books but never gets better.

>> No.11321926


Prove it, and with more than just a single anecdote! :-)

>> No.11322232

London theatre productions when?

>> No.11323014


>> No.11323494

only meme writers and meme books

>> No.11323513

Wojak: Critique of Pure Reason
Pepe: Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.11323520

That's a /lit/ book.

>> No.11323562

you aight white boy

>> No.11323597

based /tv/ brother