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11317804 No.11317804 [Reply] [Original]

Will you ask your digital assistant to read books to you once the technology is sufficiently mature?

What will she sound like? How fast will she read? Will she have an accent?

>> No.11317819
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>mfw no qt ai to read erotica to me in a south african accent while I touch myself before falling asleep

>> No.11318403


She will sound like an exact copy of Ingrid Bergman talking in a breathy tone.

She will read at a normal, slightly slower pace.

Yes, a Swedish accent, as Ingrid Bergman did.

>> No.11319165

I'm going to use a completely unique accent. One never heard before in the history of the world.

>> No.11320737

I used to have my Kindle read to me in the car... would definitely make use of a realistic human voice. Got a lot of web serials I'd love to binge-listen.

>> No.11320744

Not books, but JOI written by me FOR me.

>> No.11320756

God yes. I want a scottish accent, or a southern accent. Only voice I really have in my head at the mo is Jeremy Irons, but hot damn, what a voice!

I've actually looked up text to speech programs online to put stories into, so I can listen to them. It didn't really work. I was super bummed that google hadn't upped the quality in the last 10 years.

>> No.11320770

A Martian accent?

>> No.11320778

haha, look what I found
this is pretty fun
I'm listening to graham (UK) read my shitty stories back at me.

>> No.11320887

Thanks dude, I love hearing people read my work out for me, and was getting tired of microsoft's text to voice thing

>> No.11320909

hey no prob! It costs money tho. Bummer.

>> No.11320928

no. i just couldn't trust any of those.

>> No.11320934


Good idea.

>> No.11320939

Who rich throaty voice here?

>> No.11320967

>not having your computer girl read on a whispering tone the first chapters of your book in the teutonic inspired west slavic language you created
why even have an ai gf??

>> No.11320981

Irish Cait for me:

>> No.11321082

I found a free one that's just as good, if not better