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/lit/ - Literature

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11311834 No.11311834 [Reply] [Original]

What's some good ass far left literature?

>> No.11311838


>> No.11312060

no such thing

>> No.11312091

I recommend I Burn Paris by Bruno Jasieński.

>> No.11312132

Moishe Postone - Time, Labor and Social Domination

>> No.11312135

This! Leftism is for gays

>> No.11312144

This but unironically

>> No.11312150

OP, have you ever actually read Marx?
How versed are you in left?

>> No.11312157

far left literature is awful because it's too concerned with ideology to care about aesthetics. far right literature is awful because it's too concerned with a campy idea of "tradition" to care about aesthetics.

>> No.11312163

leftism punishes creativity and individuality so there is none

>> No.11312167

I'm not sure what you mean about aesthetics, but I'd say they are somehow MORE concerned with aesthetics than anything and that's what make them more ideological. If I'm too concerned in evoking a feeling on a reader (a revolutionary one, or a traditional one, etc), I leave my arguments out.

>> No.11312172

I've read Negri, Bifo, Deleuze & Guattari, early Nick Land

>> No.11312178
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>> No.11312197

Is an book burning a literature?

>> No.11312203
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>> No.11312240

Try Gorky. He's underrated outside of Russia.

>> No.11312245
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>> No.11312251
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It's too funny seeing these people thinking they're revolutionaries against the system when they are literally the useful idiot shock troops for jewish globo-capitalism. If you're a non jew white you really have to be retarded to be on left these days.

>> No.11312259
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>Socialist realism

>> No.11312262

What's a tl;dr on that book? I'm generally open for such texts but I feel being written in 2005, this will miss a decade of relevant context.

>> No.11312264
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>> No.11312267

Just out of curiosity, do you think you sound coherent to yourself?

>> No.11312273

the jews are trying to genocide me

>> No.11312293

There's a reissue with revision called The Left Alternative from a few years ago.


His books The Religion of the Future and False Necessity are top tier.

Tankies and anarkiddies call Unger a "liberal" so you know he's right..

Here. Watch this and get a gist of his style of thought.


>> No.11312319

It isn't working anymore.

>> No.11312330

yes, it's better to move to the right and become either an israel shill or an excuse for more, severe "hate speech" laws that criminalize even the slightest criticism towards isr*el's regime

>> No.11312353

I can't even tell anymore whether this post is ironic

>> No.11312365

Boomer israeliboo conservatism is even more dead among whites under 30 than jewish multicult freak-brigade leftism.

>> No.11312403

You probably aren't very smart then. Nonwhite? You have to be pretty retarded to not understand the JQ if you're a young white man these days.

>> No.11312420


Also this interview


>> No.11312442

Days of Rage by Bryan Buroughs

>> No.11312514


Also this


>> No.11312545
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>> No.11312597

Okay, let's for a second take the juice paranoia seriously, but let's also assume that you do want a better life for yourself instead of protecting some white raec meme.

One side promises some fascist ethnostate where you're basically a drone to your superiors with minimal freedoms, a less extreme right wing promise would be some capitalist hellhole where you're free to consume a bit and die, working your life away to make someone rich richer and have a statistically minimal chance to improve your situation, no matter how hard you tried, and there are the general leftism ideas, that at least in theory, promise to more freedoms to self determination and improve life for other people (even the brown ones). Unless you're a sociopathic billionaire already, there is zero benefit in right wing memes.

>> No.11312631

If someone doesn’t share my politics, it means that he supports everything that is bad and opposes everything that is good.

>> No.11312652
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>juice paranoia
This is just reality, man. It's not that complicated, either. Jews are tribal semites that engage in deception and nepotism, and they are hostile and totalitarian in pushing their interests over those of their host. And they're the reason shit in the west is so fucked up now, because every white-built institution now looks like pic related.

Is that really that hard for you to understand? If you can't grasp this you're probably just a stupid person who doesn't pay attention to what's going on in the world.

>> No.11312662

>Okey guys lets make and objective analysis where i misrepresent right wing politics on purpose and i make them look like fucking dystopias, and then i just say that the general leftists ideas promise more freedoms and improvement. It is an objective analysis i swear

You leftist are fucking rats, and deserve to be hang. Fucking scum

>> No.11312705

Letters of Insurgents

>> No.11312712



>> No.11312723

First example was inspired by Nazi Germany, the other Murica, the most successful fascism/capitalism experiments seemed like a good place to start. Though feel free to point out any place what went full rightwing without leftist safety nets, that is completely different.

>> No.11312734


The Black Book of Communism

>> No.11312778

ugggh fucking kill yourself

>> No.11313717


>> No.11313773


>> No.11313820

These mental constructs that people come up with about whatever lies outside of their ideology are genuinely fascinating.

>> No.11313853

Just real life examples of ideologies in action. Unlike ancaps or commies, fascists can't claim that their ideas never were tasted on a larger scale.

>> No.11313889

communism has been tested on a large scale many times. two world superpowers have been communist. past tense been lol

>> No.11313908


>> No.11313914

It's literally the opposite wtf.

>> No.11313924


>> No.11313949

Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung

>> No.11314062
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>> No.11314085

Speeches from Debs and Keller are good too

>> No.11314113
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>> No.11314280

ahaha it’s funny because many self-described marxist regimes have experienced famines throughout 20th century

>> No.11314283

Communism is the overcoming of capital. A society in which capital is simply owned by the state instead of private owners has obviously not overcome capital.

>> No.11314295

this but even more ironically

>> No.11315028


>> No.11315051

>le communism has never been tried before

>> No.11315425
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kek I leave /lit/ for a year and this is what it's turned into

>> No.11315527
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>muh not real communism

>> No.11315538

>muh famines
Oh so it just so happened that several marxist regimes all coincidentally had historically bad famines within the last 100 years? Why haven't any famines that wiped out tens of millions of people been recorded until marxist took over?

>> No.11315548
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>a thread wherein teenagers debate whether "real communism" has ever been tried

>> No.11316490

Good thread again guys!

>> No.11316528
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The left should be thankful that the latest iteration of the far right is led by the least competent people on the planet

>> No.11316538
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how's your cosplay for your next alt-right larping rally exhibition, chucklefuck?

>> No.11316550

I like the term 'cultural marxism' because it pisses off all the right people. Even radical leftists are nothing but the leftwing of jewish power and managerial liberalism/ZOG/GLOBOHOMO. the so called LGBTSJW community has effectively taken control over all major corportions and is now working to normalise pedophilia
all over the world. 'Queer theory' is a post christian update of slave morality, instead of guilting you with crucifixes, they guilt you with a pink haired 'marginalised' victimblob.

>> No.11316552


>dude on the right is a literal mouthbreather


>> No.11316560
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>> No.11316581

leftist utopia is basically a world run by the editorial staff of vox, nyt, huffpo and google's hr department.

>> No.11316794

>the fucked up punisher logo
Holy shit my sides, that looks like something a child would draw.

>> No.11316803

>joking queer
It all makes sense

>> No.11316809

>The Religion of the Future
I was actually just about to start reading this

>> No.11316811
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these people actively relish victimhood

>> No.11316812

It’s almost like that’s the fucking joke

>> No.11316816


>unironically reading a book by a guy named (((Moishe)))

Fucking hell /lit/, get our shit together.

>> No.11316830

Sounds decent enough. Though NYT and Google are a bit too right wing.

>> No.11316835

Wonder if it's intentionally cute.

>> No.11316843

That's a list of capitalists.
IdPol is capitalist. Just like White Power, yet another identity wank.

Huffpo, NYT, Google, all successful capitalist endeavors.

>> No.11316844

Leftists are mentally ill and if in the current year you aren't far right wing then you are objectively on the wrong side of history. There's going to be a major swing in favor of right wing policies and social changes in the next 10 to 20 years, so you guys are going to have a miserable existence unless you join the winning team.
You guys already lost, you're just too stupid to see it.

>> No.11316863

In the end, even living under capitalist IdPolers would be a huge improvement from a fascist or purely capitalist utopia with zero regard for human life. Also Huffpo are reasonably left wing by any measure, and basically SuccDems. Not everyone on the left hates every little aspect of capitalism.

>> No.11316875
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Go to bed, Grampa Buchanan

>> No.11316888

If you're not anti-capitalist you're not a leftist. It's that simple.

>> No.11316898

Unger states clearly that it is a failure of imagination on the left that betrays them, specifically where instead of proposing new ideas, they just try to humanize the agenda of the right.

>> No.11316906

for marginalised folks, for women, for queers and people of color 'identity politics' is a matter of survival. too many white guy leftists are just crypto alt right edgelords who feel resentful at a more inclusive culture, who feel resentful because they are finally getting expected to play fair. Do you seriously think actually marginalised people bother with smash le system ted kaczynski fantasies? they have more pressing concerns you know?

>> No.11316909

dumb use of the word 'leftist' since the Left wing were not originally marxists. Clearly there is a connection between neolibs and marxists even if they hate each other. they are roughly on the same side, against the fascists or whoever.

>> No.11316913

Then you're not a Marxist, there is more to leftism. How else would you define parties left of succdems but with no desire to fully dismantle capitalism?

>> No.11316935

Only that's bullshit, the left are the only people who do come up with new ideas instead of rebranding feudalism. The failure of the left is compromising with the left. Majority of the population of most countries, even fucking US of A do see appeal in left-wing ideas but the idiotic fragmentation makes it impossible for them to unite behind a single agenda.

>> No.11316943

American IP ban when

>> No.11316957

this is objectively not true. the term "left-wing" predates socialist theory and has never referred exclusively to anticapitalists.

>> No.11316962

the standard language of social justice is a product of hundreds of years of critical theory and marginalised folks talking about their own oppressions. you simply *don't* know what it's like to be marginalised.

>> No.11316963


>> No.11316982

Ganging up by color is the strategy of a prison inmate.

Inclusivity should work both ways. Otherwise your attempt at egalitarianism is a lie. It's punitive and legalistic. There is no justice in it.
Marginalized people are just that, marginal. Why would any sane movement of the people restrict it's focus to the margins, that is, to the minority? Minority Rule is right wing, not left.

>> No.11316997


>> No.11317006
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>> No.11317007

the left wing term comes from revolutionary france and they mostly republicans of various sorts

>> No.11317028

in the age of Trump, it is not white people who are being systematically excluded, it is not straight people or male people. you might even think you are not racist or sexist, or transphobic that you are a nice guy who reads books, but you might have some serious entitlement issues, you might be due for some serious self questioning, because, truth be told you benefit under this system. if you have ever interacted with a queer person or a person of color, you might have said many things that are casually very hurtful.

>> No.11317029

This is why you lose.
You alienate any sympathizer from the majority when you insist he cannot ever understand or empathize. It is the minority itself that is alienating the majority, by a policy of erecting an impassable wall of experience.
The question then becomes one of self-isolation. You ask the majority to work for your agenda yet deny them the very ability to sympathize.
You are a minority centered cult.

Why would the majority care what you want if you don't care what the majority wants, and as an addition, when you make it clear you despise that majority?

>> No.11317030

ye thats exactly what i said

>> No.11317040

Not even USSR claimed that it has achieved communism

>> No.11317045

It's like there is a balance. No one has to restrict their focus on anything but at the same time it's given that everyone will focus on the most crucial problem in their life and it's given to identify with people who suffer from a similar issues closer.

>> No.11317053

>marginalised folks
can someone explain the use of 'folks' in this context

is it so we think of feral niggers as like quaint and normal people?

>> No.11317055

>You ask the majority to work for your agenda yet deny them the very ability to sympathize.
Where did you get that? Just because you won't be able to get the problems of a gay bi racial tranny fully, doesn't mean you can't empathise nor would supporting their agenda have any downsides for you.

>> No.11317060

I do not want to be a nice guy. I am not motivated to help you by hurting myself. There is no motivating reason to do so.
You deny me even the empathy and sympathy to bring you into our system of benefit.
Why would I stop benefit for myself to help you? Why should I care about less than 20% of my own nation's population? Lgbt are only 4%. If that slim minority has no interest in any greater inclusion, then let them be damned

>> No.11317066

that's how folks in queer communities refer to each other

>> No.11317071

>the standard language of social justice is a product of hundreds of years of critical theory and marginalised folks talking about their own oppressions. you simply *don't* know what it's like to be marginalised.


>> No.11317079

I enjoy the telling fascist terminology of idpol.
The entire movement is volkish

>> No.11317084

the entire thing is a joke anyway, white men prop up the entire country, women and blacks are net drains on the taxpayer

none of this is about empathy lmao, it is about power, money, and humiliation

>> No.11317087

Hasek was an anarchist.

>> No.11317116

That's what I mean though.
Capitalism is fine by idpol standards so long as Ellen stays on TV, and Joy Reid too.
It doesn't matter if little white boys are born poor and never make it out of poverty.
What matters is the picture, the optic of the minority figure.
Their own people stay in ghettos but as long as some of the rich are black or gay or female then everything is as it should be.

>> No.11317141

you *don't* know what it's like growing up with no role models, no people who look like you in media. being casually dehumanised, you simply haven't experienced it. no matter how bad you've had it your life would have been qunatifiably much worse, ceteris paribus, if you happened to be queer or a person of color. Being woke is not a choice for them, it's a matter of survival.

>> No.11317145

having a role model wont make their neighborhoods stop ebing literal warzones. fucking ridiculous

it would be woke for them to stop killing each other and not having jobs but good luck with that

>> No.11317156

not to mention they kill us as well and we're supposed to just not notice it

>> No.11317165

>hates blacks
>hates gays
>hates women
>likes little white boys

>> No.11317184

you are angry at a culture that is moving beyond the focus of the straight white male and becoming more inclusive.

>> No.11317202

Obviously Orwell, Hemingway, and Steinbeck. Camus as well.

Pynchon might not be a communist but he's clearly very critical of capitalism and US society. Ditto for Tao Lin, Zadie, and even Mira Gonzalez.

>> No.11317238

>you seem angry

That's the idpol equivalent of "mental illness" projections by the right.

Isn't that an evolution of "hysteria" and "women are naturally slaves to emotion, incapable of rationality"?

I reject that projection.

If a person is angry, why is that negative? Why can't you deal with healthy aggression?
Are you so crippled by neuroses that basic human emotion frightens you?

>> No.11317242

Based & redbulled

>> No.11317248

How inclusive is the shit country you come from? Not at all because no one wants to live there, because "inclusivity" is only expected of white societies, because those societies are run by jews who want to pad their power with anyone but white men, because white men are the group whom they view as their main enemy.

The narrative you've bought into is bogus, this was only ever between two groups of men: one too honest and idealistic for its own good, the other a band of middle eastern swindlers who are about to get kicked out for the 300th something time.

>> No.11317250

Inclusivity is impossible if you exclude the straight white male.
By design it is inconsistent and unrealizable.
Is it such a wonder that no one buys your exclusionary inclusivity?

>> No.11317254

there have been famines in non-marxist countries in the past 100 years, genius

>> No.11317261

This is a redpilled board, cuck.

>> No.11317265

Fucking dumbass

>> No.11317270

white male anger results in women and marginalised folks getting killed. ie. incel crisis. the anger of marginalised people is a justified response to oppression. your anger is a product of entitlement.

>> No.11317272

mental illness is a stupid term i agree, you come across as a closet homo pedo though.

>> No.11317281

white men are not killing blacks lmao, have a look at the interracial crime rates, it is absurdly skewed in one direction.

if you're worried about women getting raped you should probably start with black men, they commit enormous amounts of rape, on their own women and on other races of women

>> No.11317288

>enormous amounts of rape

>> No.11317315

It's not rape. White women willingly have sex with black men, that's just evolution.

>> No.11317321

Rapists of all races should be in prison dumbass

A black man raping a white woman is no worse than a white man doing it, and also substantially much less common

>> No.11317323

with the top tier ones sure, i am talking about like the truly aberrant specimens here who are so subhuman they literally cant control their rape impulses, they also rape little boys and girls, they are basically functioning on the level of an animal

>> No.11317329

>You're projecting i'm mentally ill
>Are you so crippled by neuroses
LOL we can go back and forth all day with the no i'm not mentally ill you're mentally ill.

Fact is you love little white boys and hate blacks/gays/women. It's interesting that you only care about what I'm assuming you are, a white male. I mean really is it that much of a stretch to say you're just a self-centered incompetent faggot who's angry that you're being equalized. I also find the fact that you didn't say "white male" and said "little white boys" to give away some homo pedo tendencies.

>> No.11317360

Very Lacanian of you, Dr. IdPol.

Maybe it's the psychoanalysts that are pedos, seeing genitals everywhere and sexualizing every thought and occurrencd

>> No.11317373

'idpol' is a right wing snarlword for 'empathy and basic human decency'

>> No.11317377

I enjoy you declaring what you think I feel. What you want my motives to be.

Why would I hate nonwhites and nonmales?
Doesn't that betray your own sense of entitled infantilism?
>If you don't cater to minorities you then must hate minorities

I don't let dogs shit on the floor or hump my leg, does that prove I hate dogs?

>> No.11317402

Not him but it's not a far stretch. If you don't do anything to improve the situation for the oppressed (obviously depends on your means, no one expects you to offer your mom to the next sad black guy) you're part of the oppression. And comparing human suffering to dogs shitting on the floor ... well, it doesn't help the picture for sure.

>> No.11317404

Oh yes, the ubiquitous "encryption" "dogwhistle" meme.
Yes, Lacan, everything really means something else, no one is aware of their secret obscene desires and blahblah.

Maybe it's just that you yourselves are so perverted and educated to see things through the lens of the passive aggressive that you can't imagine there are people unlike you who mean exactly what they say and aren't sublimating everything.

You hate yourselves so much that you don't feel right unless you are being anything other than what the mirror presents you with.

>> No.11317409

they're not oppressed, they're just dumb and violent. You can recognize this without hating them

>> No.11317413

great book

sadly he passed away this year ;_;

>> No.11317415

Most peoples empathy I would say is more inclined towards their family and personal loved ones. I and many others really dont have much reason to use so much of it on colored people I havent even fucking met. I dont just go out looking to be friends with minorities just because. That comes off as fucking pathetic. I like my ethnic coworkers enough but I cant say I care that much about them personally like the white coworkers I have.

>> No.11317419

Shalom, fancy seeing you here Rabbi!

>> No.11317423

deep down, you know you undeservingly benefit from the suffering of queers and people of color, and that makes you feel guilty. you should use your privilege to help marginalised folks instead of denying it. try doing some social activism and heal your toxic whiteness. internalise the true meaning of feminism and social justice into every aspect of your life, sure it might hurt at first, but it will be a huge growth experience that will allow you to become a better more empathetic human being. marginalised folks have a lot to teach us

>> No.11317433

Can you even argue the points without doing the pseud equivalent of name-calling?
>I'm not a pedo you're a pedo
Except my motivation for calling you a homo pedo is that you talked about little white boys, your motivation for saying I'm a pedo is that I called you a pedo.
Lmao that's why jung is a fucking retard and you're a pedo faggot.

>> No.11317434

>ou know you undeservingly benefit from the suffering of queers and people of colo
this rhetoric made sense when it was applied to the proletariat but the idea that white people lviing in homogenous white countries somehow owe their wealth to minorities or gays is fucking ludicrous

once again, blacks are literally supported by whites. their existence is subsidized by welfare, they owe whites gratitude for everything they have

>> No.11317436

>being this naive
Jesus kek.

That's not really empathy then. There is an obvious personal benefit in wellbeing of people close to you, say it's going to be tricky to fuck your gf if she dies, so it's given to want her to feel well.

>> No.11317440

YOU'RE guilty.
YOU don't deserve what you have.

Stop trying to project your ridiculous guilt complex onto me.

>> No.11317444

yes it is real empathy you complete fucking retard. pretending to care about black people for vritue points is not empathy

>> No.11317453

>pretending to care about black people for vritue points is not empathy
Of course but neither is limiting your empathy to beneficial scenarios. Is the idea to empathise with random people who suffer really that outlandish to you? Do you not at least feel soooome desire to help some hobbo, say if he was white? Or do you need him to be your brother or at least a distant relative?

>> No.11317459

You know that anyway you look at it you're fucking stupid right? Even if jewish people controlled the system, why would they then try to change it when it's been working out in their favor. They are capitalists, and the left is against of at least doesn't fully support capitalism. There is logically NO reason a group in control would attempt to LESSEN the control they hold. Your conspiracy is dumb because it contradicts itself

>> No.11317460
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>It's another thread which devolves into /leftypol/ arguing with /lit/.

>> No.11317462

I dont know a fucking thing about that homeless white guy. He can be a piece of shit for all I know.

>> No.11317474

me specifically i have very low empathy, basically none at all really. But people generally care about their friends and family and not about strangers, obviously they will have a pity response if they see someone in pain.

>> No.11317475

idk just any political literature except like starship trooper

>> No.11317481

>entitled infantilism
Is this some jungian shit, you literally are the exact thing you accuse other people of being then if they call you out you accuse them of projection. Lmao fuck you cunt.
I didn't get it from thin air I got it from what you typed out you retarded cunt. Lmao at you saying minorities are dogs face it you're a weak faggot i'd punch your face irl.

>> No.11317482

There's no contradiction, you're just not very smart and have no clue about what's going on in the world.

>> No.11317498
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Could be worse, /pol/ doesn't even attempt to read books.
Then explain what kind of 7D chess is happening where people who are in good positions BECAUSE of capitalism, would then try and WEAKEN capitalism? It literally makes no sense.

>> No.11317501

Of course, but even so, he'd be still a piece of shit in a shitty situation. A human being with feelings. He might totally caused it all by himself and maybe just raped someone an hour ago but none of it matters for actually empathising with him, which differs from sympathy.

Well, empathising, caring and sympathising are all different things. The latter two are often reserved for people closer to us but empathy is pretty common for a wider circle.

>> No.11317521


>> No.11317529
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Got some charts from when /lit/ was more lefty. First one here

>> No.11317547

I'm a high empathy man and it's awful. You end up absorbing other peoples suffering, it's torture to walk this earth.

>> No.11317549
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Second here.

They're very theory-focused and miss a bunch of the good contemporary fiction and nonfiction. I remember these were never finished, though, so they could be updated if someone wants to do the work.

>> No.11317559
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Cool meltdown there, queer-volkism poster

>> No.11317576

So does eveyone in a poor situation get empathy? Or is it forfeit in situations? Like would you ever feel empathy for some poor redneck nazi?

>> No.11317583

The truth is:
Live together
Die alone

>> No.11317589

just watch charlie manson videos on repeat. I've brainwashed myself into a helter skelter apocalypse soldier (PoC ally)

>> No.11317595

I'm cool man all I'm saying is that you're the kind of person that if i hit in the face wouldn't do anything about it.
Idk what volkism is but you are definitely the queer. And a pedo too.

>> No.11317615

You just don't understand how jews think. Not other's job to explain that to you.

>> No.11317618

I'm glad you find comfort in the idea that if you ever hit someone they'd never hit back.
You can't even control me in conversation. You can't even control yourself in conversation.

We both know you do this kind of posturing online because you're a coward and you are the one who really never fought back.

>> No.11317644

How does it matter who the person is for the feeling? They might be an idiot with disgusting beliefs that cause them to feel even worse and make calls that make it worse but the crucial bit is that it's also a suffering human being.

The specifics only get relevant when it comes to action, say I'd be less inclined to drive across the town to help some redneck nazi I know to fix their only car compared to a decent person; but if there was a starving guy on the street asking for couple bucks, who cares if he wears a nazi uniform and calls his starving dog Blondie. (Obviously depends whether "couple bucks" is really not much for you)

>> No.11317650

>They might be an idiot with disgusting beliefs that cause them to feel even worse and make calls that make it worse but the crucial bit is that it's also a suffering human being.
well if you actually follow this i am impressed with you. i normally see 'empathic' people heaping sadistic scorn on the sort of white trash demographic

>> No.11317662

No I'm saying if i hit you in the face you wouldn't hit back. I've been boxing for 3 years now and actively train/spar so no I don't get off on hitting someone who doesn't hit back, it's different if they're talking shit.

>> No.11317678

I know what you're saying. What I'm saying is that I don't believe you.
I do believe you've always been a coward from the moment you were abused as a child and it made you a homosexual.

I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm happy you've found a healthy outlet for your aggressive fantasies.

>> No.11317680

Well, empathy isn't something to pick and choose, the people who do are often pretty young kids or pissed off adults who think like kids, who didn't really consider the implications of their ideas. Given how they usually use platforms that focus on attention and approval, a position more complex than "fuck the trump voters" just doesn't work too well in the scenario. I doubt most of them would really think like that if they took couple moments to actually think.
A bit like gaymer gate kids who spam rape threats, and just lack the tools to consider the implication of the shit they say.

>> No.11317688

lol now this is projection

>> No.11317692

Why are so many artists liberal then

>> No.11317695

so how is the left going to deal with ethnopolitics? right now they're fine with playing some boring inversion of it ("pocs need representation!"/"poc solidarity") but what are they going to do if whites ever feel the squeeze? are they fine with people simply paying lip-service to multicult while simultaneously becoming more ethnocentric? how are they going to convince iranians and jews to blanda upp with somalis so we can finally become equally brown. will the selfless redistribution of white genes usher in an era of communist bliss?

>> No.11317699

What isn't working anymore

>> No.11317718

Fuck all countries. With a glorious one world government, the ethnostate fantasies will become even less feasible. But if some people of a similar ethnicity want to fuck and live next to people like them, who cares.

>what are they going to do if whites ever feel the squeeze?
Do you have any specific scenario in mind?

>> No.11317729

>One world government

Sounds like a fucking racket

>> No.11317732

it's insane to me that people on this board who pride themselves on being well-read and intellectually curious somehow think that idpol-centric liberal democrat hysteria is in any way a reflection of an anti-capitalist project

even anti-capitalism isn't necessarily opposed to the general sort of managed market structure dominating contemporary macroeconomics, it just requires that the flow of profit to capital investments be more tightly restrained so that the entire liberal democratic project doesn't just end up with the majority of the population toiling in neo-serfdom to a tiny group of feudal lords

>> No.11317760

It's the only reasonable way to deal with global problems and focus on the future. Obviously there are tons of dangers but we are already living in a world dominated by very few superpowers, that waste their resources pretending to outdick each other. One world government would only make things official and remove the national posturing that harms everyone.

>> No.11317769

Yeah and every major corporation should conglomerate to make things as simple as possible too

>> No.11317793

what I'm trying to say is that by talking about "ethnostate fantasies" you're going to have a brazil situation, a society that's heavily stratified along ethnic lines and all political momentum derailed by ethnic schisms. the more industrious people are just going to secure their own well-being because who really wants to actually solve the problems of the mulatto underclass

>Do you have any specific scenario in mind?
for example, what if the white underclass of rotherham starts rioting and demanding a rape-free neighborhood? judging by the tone of your post I guess these people are to be sacrificed for the greater good, their crime being not having enough cash/social capital to gracefully escape the brown hordes

>> No.11317854

States and markets are different fucking things, though with a decent enough regulations (say forced prices for crucial goods), monopols wouldn't be a big deal either way.

>the more industrious people are just going to secure their own well-being because who really wants to actually solve the problems of the mulatto underclass
Secure it where? If the parasites still live in the same country as the underclass, it won't work for long. If they fuck off, the underclass will be better of automatically in few generations. (More likely just replace the parasites while their system exists)

>what if the white underclass of rotherham starts rioting and demanding a rape-free neighborhood?
Their problem is related to basic ass sexism and unlikely to be such a big deal once the patriarchy is dismantled.

>these people are to be sacrificed for the greater good, their crime being not having enough cash/social capital to gracefully escape the brown hordes
Rape isn't something you can escape when it's the cultural norm across the world. Hollywood is a great example that being a millionaire won't protect you from it while rampant sexism exists.

>> No.11317932

>States and markets are different fucking things
Yeah no shit roastie, they still go hand in hand and obviously influence each other.
>though with a decent enough regulations (say forced prices for crucial goods), monopolies wouldn't be a big deal either way.
Yeah and when that one and only monopoly fucks up uh oh we have a mass shortage on this crucial good lol oops

>> No.11317951

This but unironically

>> No.11317983

>Yeah and when that one and only monopoly fucks up uh oh we have a mass shortage on this crucial good lol oops
If previously famine ravaged Soviet Union and China managed to get their shit together once the systems stabilised, it's likely going to be a non issue in the future.

>> No.11317997

>China got there shit together
Actually, they moved on to raping south and west Africa, the coral triangle and Brazil after Nixon bailed them out.
Soon there will be nothing good left in the world.

>> No.11318019

>it actual takes a while to modernise a peasant shithole after it was raped by colonialism and war
Woah, makes you really think.

>> No.11318029

>>it actual takes a while to modernise a peasant shithole after it was raped by colonialism and war
this meme again lmao. Colonialism was literally, LITEARLLYAEJKFD the same thing as 'modernisation'. They went and built a bunch of shit and educated the natives.

>> No.11318037

Piss off dummos!

>> No.11318052

"Don't mind us for imprisoning you in your own country, drugging you and robbing you naked, it's all modernisation and uhh education!"

>> No.11318061

>the most successful african countries are the ones that were most heavily colonized
>colonial africa was pleasant(inb4 leopold)then went to shit when yt left(see Rhodesia, the Congo, now SA)
>elevating literal savages into civilization is a bad thing
so this is the power of colonialism memers

>> No.11318073

>colonial africa was pleasant
This comes from the same /pol/ babies who get heart attacks over seeing a brown person across the street, holy fucking kek.

>> No.11318082

i love posting the same retarded opinions in thread after thread and refusing to acknowledge any arguments against them

>> No.11318084

it was m8. it genuinely was nice
nobody on pol cares about seeing a brown person, it is the mass immigration of low iq hostile people that causes obvious problems

>> No.11318087

Apartheid was a net positive for Africans

>> No.11318089

>idpol-centric liberal democrat hysteria
woah dismissing the struggles of marginalised folks and using sexist language.

>> No.11318091

top tier argument

>> No.11318093

Piss off!
Why are you responding ya frickin nimcumpoop!

>> No.11318098

You were the post who I meant to tell to piss off!!!

>> No.11318100

>marginalised folks
do you guys seriously never get tired of saying this

>> No.11318106

nice exclamation points you literal faggot

>> No.11318114 [DELETED] 

>nobody on pol cares about seeing a brown person, it is the mass immigration of low iq hostile people that causes obvious problems
thats literally someone on your side being satirical you fucking dunce

>> No.11318115


>> No.11318120

thats literally someone on your side being satirical you fucking dunce

>> No.11318124

i can tell you all construct your sentences in exactly the same way with the preapproved set of little phrases

>> No.11318129

This is mysterious.

>> No.11318139

Why the fuck wouldn't I? /pol/ mental gymnastics are genuinely fascinating, especially when they move away from the circular juice questions.

>> No.11318142

>mental gymnastics
i pointed out the complete incoherence of the 'yt ruined africa' meme and none of you even attempted to respond

>> No.11318147

well it's tough to get more specific on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.11318153
File: 61 KB, 688x560, osuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a proud /pol/lack esoteric hitlerist and mass immigration isn't honestly my first concern at this point. Gee, I would also go as far as wishing radical islamic terrorists were actually imposing sharia law all over the west, honestly, that would represent a tremendous improvement over the current sorry state of the place. My real beef is with the lgbtsjw cultural marxism community and the (((managerial elites))), the feminists, the staff of cnn, vox, pitchfork and the nyt. it's us or them, these freaks don't want peaceful coexistance, they want to destroy you and everything you hold dear or ever found meaningful. only an Enemy would want to destroy you. so struggle to the death it is. animal to animal. if anything, I see jihadi islam as a potential ally. in this dirty struggle, the price will go to he who is the dirtiest. after all, the ideal 'muslim' according to shitlibs would be a blue bearded genderqueer hijabi who takes 2032803 dicks every night. and we can't have that. first of everything, i am an anti liberal. liberalism is an antichrist. I want to become everything you hate and fear. shave your noggin, carve a swastika into your forehead with a red hot dagger and get ready to face the bloodshed. you freaks are dogs and you must be put to the sword


>> No.11318169
File: 146 KB, 500x522, ifHTfq5cKSr_ajzaq-pRM0ctf8WuYZYdeytXOidpAhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You frickin greenhorn, directly engaging the subject creates a trolling bias in your sample that is is very difficult to use!
You didn't point out ass. And couldn't delimit ass from tits dummo

>> No.11318179

yeah i did, i explained very clearly that a)building things is not destroying somewhere and b)the successful african countries today were all colonized

africa has always been shit. It has had a few mid tier civilizations like Benin and that's it. They ruined their own continent and they fucked up the countries yt built for them.

>> No.11318193

You didn't point out ass, piss off loser

>> No.11318203

you are literally incapable of engaging with the points im making why do you even post here, do you and your lefty friends just jerk each other off by repeating nyt headlines and bits of anarchist pamphlets, like what is this

>> No.11318213

You have no factual points.
Piss off dummo!

>> No.11318221

you dont understand how this works, you would have to say like 'well actually the infrastructure they built couldnt be used by the natives once they were gone for x and y reasons so you cant point to that as a benefit of colonialism', like you have to be able actually think about the topic here and have a point

as it stands this is just sad, i require better commies than this

>> No.11318250

You literally replied to a post about the unsustainability of industrial agriculture and over fishing with this autistardation defending colonialism. You are a dummo and need to piss off
You have no idea what you are talking about and I hope you realize that in whatever faggy little game you are playing.

>> No.11318257

you have once again failed to address any argument and made some random meta-point

>> No.11318261

You greentexted a fictional story tangible related to Africa, which was cute but kinda in the wrong thread for that.

Hell yeah, finally more /pol/aks are waking up to the obvious alliance with jihadis. The flag can use some work though, at least make it green.

What can I say, the artist in me rebells against an overly methodic approach.

>> No.11318264

I posted this, but it's so dam good that I'm going to bump myself too.

>> No.11318297

trips of truth
Liberal idpol btfo

>> No.11318318

99% of the world is hurt by capitalism we're not going to bend over backwards to exclusively help the 5% hurt by homphobia. It's bad but you're the one being privileged here by drinking the neoliberal approved identity politics kool aid instead of gaying up the actual leftists

>> No.11318347

It's a lot easier and faster to deal with the worst effects of homophobia, and would free up the faggots to worry about larger problems. The indiscriminate opposition to identity politics is idiotic. You don't have to support some "more gay CEOs" movement to improve things for fags.

>> No.11318362

Ok you're very much correct there. I probably come off as way more of an asshole than I mean to I just have a lot of self declared socialist™ friends who are like that

>> No.11318391

what else do the fags want? even after leftists finally give them free licence to go around raping children in the open street, they will still feel victimised and hate you for being a white male. these people enjoy feeling victimised more than they enjoy getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.11318398
File: 1.64 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these do okay

>> No.11318511
File: 100 KB, 540x540, 17951928_10154703202535756_1134482840341111433_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.11318518
File: 1.21 MB, 1074x1598, CommunalistReadingList.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also these

>> No.11318539

Hell, even the kids with Ché shirts and lgbtqa twitter avatars who buy Black Panther merch to support blacks are potential allies, some of them genuinely care about the symptoms of capitalism and can be open to out of the box thinking, being too dismissive about their shallowness can push them deeper down the liberal path. Though of course there is the risk to get too distracted with pronouns, shit's a tricky balance.

>these people enjoy feeling victimised more than they enjoy getting fucked in the ass.
Someone did some serious research in the field, eh?

>> No.11318603
File: 82 KB, 400x400, ff7b8f18a1aca9b1479bb8786d0f871879be975ec71718920e4815b01c0aa137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would've been a leftist only a few years ago, but honestly it's the leftists who have put me off it, that and the fags. I even ran a semi popular leftist account on twitter with pronouns in my bio. Believe me, I read Marx. but interacting with these people just got me angrier and angrier, at myself at the world, couldn't enjoy anything anymore because everything's problematic. I even started typing the leftist way with CAPS and *asterisks* for emotional EMPHASIS, to show i *really* cared for other PEOPLE. finally, I had no choice but to surrender to the call of the Black Sun. I had been lying to myself for a long time. I have come to believe fascism is like this immune system response that kicks in whenever society gets too degenerate, and we're in the depts of the kali yuga my friend. there is this powerful cultic element to certain forms of fascism that really feels like something else next to the narcissistic onslaught of images and emotional pornography of internet leftism.

>> No.11318611
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 1527904410193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookchin poster is that you?

>> No.11318665

holy shit shut the fuck up you spineless faggot

>> No.11318768

In both cases it seems you cared more about belonging and the politics were secondary, and of course fascist offered a lot more connection than constant "well, actually it's problematic" bitching. Besides, hey these kinds of people got some "problematic faves" type of shit now to deal with the denial. Also generally these are liberals and not leftists, though of course leftists got their own share of fags.

Spending a while on /leftypol/ lowered my opinion of a lot leftists (and their obsession with soviet propaganda) for sure, specially because I had pretty high expectations. But then again, why should another person having somewhat similar ideals affect mine because there are a lot of disagreements between us on a personal level? Ain't going to become some anti-femenist retard because some bitch still has hang ups about sex work and porn, or anti trannies because some guy without a dick is offended about me mis-prounoning her by accident, or anti-black because some black guy got offended that I called my azn girlfriend "my nigga". The big picture matters way more than couple (well, okay a fuckload) people complaining about small things and getting mad, and hell sometimes they have a point and reevaluating your ideas and self-perception is pretty fun.

>> No.11319254

>"leftist are fucking rats and deserve to be hang"
>"deserve to be hang"
Weak incel of ill-constitution detected. Don't worry, there are tons of herds to follow. Just pick one that validates your victimhood, you borborygmous of a manboy.

>> No.11319264

Have you read the Grapes of Wrath?

>> No.11319273

>it is another I don't like the Left coz of other leftists episode
For fuck sake ideology is not religion so why do you people treat it as such?

>> No.11320098


>> No.11320271

Nice word salad fagtron

>> No.11320375
File: 724 KB, 200x216, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11320412

It's no use, these people have been brainwashed by birth to equate everything even vaguely left with "communism". None of them know what communism means, none of them have read Marx, none of them can explain how a totalitarian state embodies an economic mode that's explicitly stateless, etc. They're hopeless.