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File: 78 KB, 976x549, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11317220 No.11317220 [Reply] [Original]

"I sat on a rock on top of a rock"
How do I write this? Do I call it a rock rock instead? "I sat on a rock rock"

>> No.11317233

Depends on the tone you're going for. "A rock on top of a rock" might work fine.

>> No.11317239

I sat on a rock which sat on a larger rock

>> No.11317255

I'm on a rock (ROCK!)
Sat on a rock I say

>> No.11317312

describe first seeing the rock, then the urge to climb it then the act of sitting on it.

>> No.11317334

I sat on a rock, which was at op another rock

>> No.11317337

On a rock on a rock there sat I.

>> No.11317348

i sat on a mound of rocks

>> No.11317354

The correct rendition is: "I was rockwise rock-sat."

>> No.11317361

I sat on a rock, itself resting on another.

>> No.11317368

"The rock I sat on, sat on another rock"

>> No.11317370

That stone upon which I sat was that stone which rested on that stone upon which that stone upon which I sat did rest,

>> No.11317385

I became so dull and domesticated that an objectively uneventful experience became life-shattering. Scrambling up one rock was an exhilarating experience. But climbing up two rocks, stacked on each other, overwhelmed me like nothing else in my life had before. Surrounded with the most advanced technology the world has ever seen, endless sources of entertainment at the push of a button - and here I sit on two rocks, tasting God.

>> No.11317396
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>> No.11317401
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"Yo dawg, I heard you like sitting on rocks. So we put a rock on your rock so you can sit while you sit"

>> No.11317993

Made me laugh out loud. Joyce would approve of this sentence.

>> No.11318004

I sat on a rock, and so did the rock below me.

>> No.11318014


>> No.11318025

I sat on a rock which sat on a rock.

>> No.11318027

There, two rocks, one above the other, was where I sat.

>> No.11318030

leave and never return

>> No.11318148

I sat on a rock that was stacked on top another.
This is kinda funny if that's what you're going for

>> No.11318160

A stacked couple of rocks.
What the fuck is wrong with everyone else in this thread? The issue is eliminating redundant mentions of the word, this isn't complicated.

>> No.11318161

i sat on a rock[1]

notes and errata
1. it was on top of another rock

>> No.11318175

Call it a small cairn.
Just noscoped every fucking person in this thread; You're welcome.

>> No.11318178
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I sat upon a tower of rocks, with one stacked upon another, n rocks in height, in this discrete case n was equal to the natural number greater than one and less than three.

>> No.11318207

For a second there I thought you were going with an array approach i.e.
rock[] rocks = new rock[2]();
rocks[0] = first_rock;
rocks[1] = second_rock;
foreach (rock r in rocks)

>> No.11318219

dude rocks lmao

>> No.11318225

The rock upon which I sat was itself sat upon a rock.

>> No.11318232

Are you high?

>> No.11318248

I became so bitter and inured to empathy through unabated internet exposure that I felt an uncontrollable urge to extirpate any semblance of joy, wonder, or enthusiasm that I encountered.

>> No.11318252

By sitting on this rock I was only imitating it.

>> No.11318259


>> No.11318263

>dude weed lmao
fuck off degenerate nigger

>> No.11318274

I came so bitter after injuring two testicles through unabated Burroughs exposure that my boyfriend felt an uncontrollable urge to expell any semblance of breakfast, dinner or lunch that he ingested

>> No.11318281

honey that's a brocolli

>> No.11318289

rock upon rock, i sat atop.

>> No.11318291

Yes i know the many slang terms for marijuana

>> No.11318305

do you know "the muffin man"?

>> No.11318311
File: 11 KB, 250x187, 250px-Lordfarquaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who lives on Drury Lane?

>> No.11318322

My (((cells))) vibrated in the universe, exerting a repellent force against a rock, the atoms of which were exerting their own force on another rock below, so that it appeared I was sitting on a rock balanced atop another rock.

>> No.11318332

She's married to the muffin man

>> No.11318348

A rock sat under a rock sat under by me.

>> No.11318353

I was rockening 'pon a rockening rock.

>> No.11318363

The earth and my buttocks were making a double rock sandwich.

>> No.11318384

It's not the rock you sit on that matters — it's the rock underneath.

>> No.11318389

Picture this. A rock. Then another rock on that rock. Then a person sitting on that rock. Yep, that's me.

>> No.11318405

It was 1985 and Starship were singing we built this city on rock and roll over the radio into my biological father's auto repair shop by the banks of the canal, the ducks slowly circling and leaving wakes on the water, peaceful and providing a contrast to the noise of the radio - we built this city on rock and roll - as I was conceived, my mother passing through town on her way home from the overnight shift had paused to ask a mechanic for a light and its flame had ignited not only the loose-rolled tube of Golden Virginia but lust in the golden virgin who held it to it. We built - sang a former member of Jefferson Airplane as if revisiting former glories or having an acid flashback - this city - my mother moaning in the back seat of a Humvee with all four wheels removed for routine maintenance, knees practically to her ears - on rock - the pain of first penetration not as bad as she's been led to expect and the cigarette still not put out - and roll. My mother's eyes roll back as she reaches climax and the ducks pause for a brief moment in the canal as if they know. My biological father humming along - we built this city - I've heard this story from her so many times - on rock and roll, which she did, swaying her body about violently in the throws of lust. She got unlucky, had me but never saw my biological father again nor experienced the sweet release of mechanical sex nor any other kind of erotic sensation so she says, so she sobs in her cups every time it comes on the radio again which is less and less these days but she leaves it on, tuned to the classic rock station, listening: we built this city on rock and roll, a phrase that has stuck in my head since the first time she told me this story at age six or thereabouts, and in much the same way that Starship built that city on rock and roll, someone has built this rock on which I am sitting on (another) rock.

>> No.11318406

I saw rock so many times in this thread that it turned "weird looking" halfway through, then returned to normal by the end. that's never happened to me like that before, thanks, rock rock.

>> No.11318411

I bet you're wondering how I got here. Well lemme tell ya, buddy, it's a looooong story.

>> No.11318415

At which post did it return to normal for you? That is your preferred style.

>> No.11318433

That's because you're stupid.

>> No.11318444

What a comfy photo

>> No.11318447

Rock. I. Rock. Wait. Order wrong. Where was rock. I. I. Rock. Which rock? Multitude of rocks? A murder of rocks. Rock. I. Child screams. Murder? Rock. Upon which does God sit. I. Rock. Rock. Good.

>> No.11318508

It make me anxious, like it gonna fell in any sec O_O

>> No.11318844

There I sat, under the blazing heat of the heavens, but above the fiery torrents of the inferno. I motioned to stand, looking outward into the desolate abyss of the desert's reign. The souls of my feet casting the weight of my being downwards into torment, while the soul of my being is lifted upward to sanctitude. Forever stuck between the quarrel of the universe's struggle for balance, I sat down on this rock once again. A meager clarity came over my psyche, a feeling of solace, at once I began to wonder what the nature of this rock was. Here I sat on this rock, which was sitting on top of another closely identical rock. By any means, this structure could not of been manmade, since it must weigh well over a ton. No human could, nor would they have the motive, to lift this rock where I sit. This here structure must just be a nature anomaly, but what is the likelihood? Especially here, where there are no other rocks to be found, that cannot be it. How long has this structure stood for? It must have existed before my creation, and will continue to do so after my decay. But who else has witnessed this rock, where another rock sits, where I sit? Surely I cannot be the only one, there must have been others? Or perhaps I'm simply stuck somewhere in a dream. But this clarity that I feel mustn't be a result of a dream, perhaps this is my burning bush. But what is the message, I cannot understand, but I can feel it. Yes, YES! This tower of rocks, where I sit, is proof of the existence of God. Even out here, where no life would dare to live, the essence of God is.

>> No.11318865

On my rock
I get my rocks off
On my rock.

>> No.11318883

this rock im sitting on is sitting on a rock.

>> No.11318902
File: 36 KB, 680x344, C676BB90-4CA2-4BA8-B28B-B7CB5CEC17CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sit on roc
You sit on roc
She sit on roc
Roc sit on roc

>> No.11318939

Not bad

>> No.11319258

That clearing down in the wood with the trail nearby, common land, you know. Near where the Henderson girl hanged himself, God rest and all. Anyhow in that clearing down by's you got these two boulders, one right atop the other like a giant put them there in a minute. Time was I clambered up there and watched the day go by, wasn't nothing like it.

>> No.11319270

“Sitting on a rock atop another rock”
“Beneath the rock he sat on was an even larger rock”
“A two-rock rockpile”
“A stack of two rocks”

>> No.11319303

Come back and stay alway

>> No.11319322


>> No.11319401

The way my seating was arranged was like so: topmost me, then my ass, then a rock, then a rock (which was a different rock).

>> No.11319405

I sat on a rock and that rock sat on another rock?

>> No.11319422

I got rocks on rocks on rocks

>> No.11319466

based oldfag

>> No.11319483

Existence is such that when a man sees a rock sitting atop another, a chair is created for man to sit in.

>> No.11319516

Look, I always wanted to fuck my mother. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, incest is wrong and all that, but I've read Bataille and Nabokov, dig? It's basically all just propaganda to keep you from plunging seven inches deep into the sopping canal that you came from; think of it as predatory capitalism: they don't WANT you to know that you can fuck your mother and the world won't end because then you'll never leave your house (which I don't anyway) and won't contribute to their crummy society. So yeah, fucking my mother is pretty much all I ever wanted in this life. I imagine doing it in all kinds of ways, ya'know? Like, we start with some nice throat fucking and then maybe I grease her ass up a bit and plow into that penurious hole. Basically I wanna do it all with her. Her tits are good too. Real hangers. Real big one that slant down to her thighs whenever she's sitting by the pool in a lawn chair reading. I'd like to die somewhere in between those milk-hoses. Anyway, I figured I would try and get things going with the old girl like this: we go on a stroll through a park, yeah, real romantic, huh? And then I do something to really scare her, get her motherly heart beating like real fucking fast and all that hot blood pumping all for my sake while I get my own blood hot and all pumping somewhere else myself. She comes running up to me, puts me between those heavenly hangers and then I make my move. Maybe rape her if she isn't into it, but hey, I bet she will be. She's got a dirty mind. I know cause she's been teasing me with nice long ass-shots in the kitchen every day for about a month. It's been murder, man, I tell ya. But like, to get this whole thing going, I need to fake an accident, ya know, so I found this great spot, real picturesque as the French courtesans say, real meditative too. There's these rocks, big one, like my mother's tits, and the one is balanced onto the other real fucking zen like. You should see it in the park, it looks like a goddamn monument or something. Two rocks, the one balanced on the other. And so I figure I'll climb up on the one and sit there and then fake myself losing balance. I guess the fall will be legit, but so will the sweet, sopping pussy that'll be pulsating to have me put my cock deep into where I first came outa to comfort the great comforter in my life, ya'know?

>> No.11319587

Who speaks (spoke) like that?

>> No.11319593

I like this one.

>> No.11319618

I rocked on a rock's rock

>> No.11319628

i doublerock sat

>> No.11319683

Frank zappa?

>> No.11320314

I sat atop a stack'ed rock.
To be read in iambic pentameter.

>> No.11320330


>> No.11320377

A rock (human) sat on a rock (chair) that was on a rock (shelf).

>> No.11320378

Rocking rock what a rocker rocking on top rocks two is what rocked my socks this afternoon.

>> No.11320389

"I sat upon a rock that rested atop a rock of equal proportion." Describe rocks
And those are boulders.

>> No.11320393

Vintage meme has looped back into fashion. 10/10.

>> No.11320395

I was sitting on a rock, something me and it had in common.

>> No.11320396

Sounds good

>> No.11320399

Two rocks; one resting on the ground, the other in turn resting upon the first. Possibly three; me sitting on top.

>> No.11320400


Very solid. Will make it. Though 'I sat on two rocks' might improve the flow, I found the present tense change slightly jarring.

>> No.11320402

Very nice

>> No.11320413


>> No.11320440

i was on top of two rocks

>> No.11320465


>> No.11320547

Woe to the poor rock
Upon which a rock there lay
Upon I lay too

>> No.11320629

I was really rockin' out

>> No.11321116
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>> No.11321154
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>this is your mind on comp sci

>> No.11321158

i sat twice a rock

>> No.11321189

"There was a pillar of rocks, made of one laying atop another, and it was there I sat while [doing this and that]"

>> No.11321210

We were at the beach
Everyone had
matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
and there they saw a rock
that was under a rock

>> No.11321214

The rock, that I had been sitting on, sat, balancing it´s bulk but not budging, on a large boulder.

>> No.11321294
File: 74 KB, 624x417, snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snap! I know where this is going.

>> No.11321344

The rock is on the rock
Rock on rock

>> No.11321376

>a Humvee in a civilian repair yard in 1985
Not believable without an explanation. It is so out of place that not mentioning how it got there is a distraction.

>> No.11321403

haha! I recognize that reference
*posts captain_america_tumblr23344.jpg*

>> No.11321424

>I sat atop a rock stacked upon another
How's that, OP?
>hehe look at me so clever XD
Fucking compsci bugmen

>> No.11321456

A sat on a rock which sat on a rock and crossed my legs, like Walther.

>> No.11321469


>> No.11321474

Holy... I want more

>> No.11321601
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1476516583010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look, I always wanted to fuck my mother
You had me dead right there. This entire post is 10/10

>> No.11321608

I sat atop the realisation of the Sisyphean dream

>> No.11321647
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1528562577730s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based

>> No.11321687

>this is the weakest meme this year
Evwn the buhmer meme is funnier

>> No.11322127

>i sat on a monument created by mother nature which was laying upon other creation with the same characteristics

>> No.11322142

>for moments i felt like sysyphus

>> No.11322144

>sissy fiend dream

>> No.11322159

i sat on a cock

>> No.11322573

I sat on a rock, so did that rock.

Erudition kid, work on it

>> No.11322580


>> No.11322610

I sat upon two rocks, one atop the other.

>> No.11322801

"I sat on a rock on top of a rock" sounds like this is the best, why do you hate repetition and literalism anon? Are you a homosexual?

>> No.11322812


>> No.11322819

I was molested as a kid

>> No.11322845

this is why we need to burn the cities

>> No.11322870

>injecting the classics into the running of a bath or the sweeping of a porch.

>> No.11322883

I sat on a rock which sat on a rock.

>> No.11322887

<!DOCTYPE html>
L-look mommy, I'm a programmer

>> No.11322896

There I layeth
Upon a rock
It too, unswayed
I rest my cock

>> No.11322986

t-thanks guys. i've been too afraid to attempt writing but maybe i'll give it a shot and get better.

>> No.11323058

There was once a rock, which sat precariously on a slightly bigger rock. This bigger rock clinged on rockily to an even bigger rock. This final rock was so big, that it could not cling to anything, so it fell through the cosmos at incredible speed. I happened to live on this rock, and I decided to sit on the smallest rock, which sat on the slightly bigger rock. And so we went.

>> No.11323160

I would read more of your snarky misanthropy

>> No.11323451
File: 1.29 MB, 928x1200, a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly balanced bodies of stone on top of each other, seemingly defying what one ought to expect from rocks. Oh! How mundane materials can create these otherworldly formations! How one feels tempted to defy the same old nature and put a final death blow to it's tyranny by climbing those formations! But i'm only a melancholic bag of meat in the misty morning tied to a dog leash, dragged behind a jolly pendulum tail.

>> No.11323905

The rock on which I chose to rest my derrière was itself sitting on another rock. This latter rock was not itself sitting on any other rocks but was only being sat on by the other rock (the first of which I spoke) which was in turn being sat on my myself, as mentioned previously.

>> No.11323917

I became so jaded and apathetic after unabated exposure to your pitiable attempts at comedy that I actually considered reading Burroughs to lighten my mood.

>> No.11324004

>liberal arts majors seething at the slightest reference to programming
Is this a 'pent up resentment over having ended up not making much money post-graduation because you followed your dreams' sort of deal?

>> No.11325534

I'm not a liberal arts major, but the comment they're replying to is reddit.

>> No.11325592

post-meta-retro-ironic maymay