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File: 183 KB, 1024x688, 1279667034344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1130751 No.1130751 [Reply] [Original]

/r/ing the TyBrax pics plox

>> No.1130759


>> No.1130756

naw, i wanna fapp.

>> No.1130764

Scottish girl tripfag TyBrax

>> No.1130773

Pictures from where?

>> No.1130778

That she took of herself and posted one time I guess

>> No.1130780

I don't remember this happening.

>> No.1130791

Me neither but it still might have

>> No.1130801

someone explain

>> No.1130811

This was the thread, I only saw it this morning. She has really long legs in the last pic, chesnut hair and was in a cardigan anyone saved them?

>> No.1130826

You should have saved them yousefl, silly :P

>> No.1130830

you fags are useless

>> No.1130836

This is /b/ shit, go watch some porn

>> No.1130840

/b/ shit is the /b/est shit, /b/ro

>> No.1130841

was she hot?

>> No.1130844
File: 30 KB, 409x277, 34354652334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go! TyBrax before and after a few years of meth usage.

>> No.1130845


>> No.1130849

thanx anon, you were very helpful for 1nce

>> No.1130851

why didn't you save them?

>> No.1130855

She wasn't posting with trip and I didn't read the start of the thread.

>> No.1130858


>> No.1130869 [DELETED] 

Alright fuckers I have them but didn't you see the other thread? I'm not posting them if she's that seriously fucked up. She told me not to in the other thread.

>> No.1130878

Right that wasn't the best thing to bump to the front page. I have them but she seems fucked up and told me not to earlier, what do?

>> No.1130884

Don't post them. For that reason and because this isn't the place.

Go make a thread in /b/ or something.

>> No.1130887


hi tybrax!

are you cute? i hope not, because then i'd feel bad for not liking you very much.


>> No.1130898

OK you can get one but stop bumping the thread.

>> No.1130913


deliver first :>

>> No.1130914
File: 102 KB, 640x480, 1284515404329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't repost it now, if she's really as fucked up as she acts in that thread she might freak out over it.

Also, dem legs.

>> No.1130918

What a faggot. It's on your head if this causes trouble.

>> No.1130928


With those legs, she can troll me all day long.

>> No.1130930


>> No.1130931


excellent, tybrax repellent! thanks. :>

>> No.1130937

Stop it seriously.

Don't. How would you feel if she went and attempted suicide or something? It's out of my hands I guess.

>> No.1130938

Dem legs.. I came. She won't be happy.

>> No.1130940

She won't know if you gents just shut the fuck up.

>> No.1130942

Mogwai will flip out with you fags tapping to his Ty

>> No.1130945

Mogwai can go fuck himself the smelly brit.

>> No.1130952

post the rest!

is there any nudes?

>> No.1130954

Leave her alone, she's a depressed loony.

>> No.1130957

No nudes and I'm not posting anymore.

For your own sakes just keep it to yourselves.

>> No.1130960

Post for Anon victory.

Their was nudes

>> No.1130961


Dem legs, dayum.

>> No.1130965

why are you bumping the thread?

OP if your still here delete the fucking thread so I can sleep easier tonight, please.

>> No.1130973


tybrax, it's really late. you should consider going to bed.

>> No.1130978

I'm sick of seeing this crap. Tripfags should all be burned at the stake

>> No.1130979


>> No.1130980

reported off-topic

take this bullshit to a social networking site or forum and away from here

>> No.1130992

I'd fuck her ass so fivking hard, whilst listening to dubstep.

>> No.1131001

so where does this broad live?

>> No.1130998

Post more please, thanks. I might be able to stand TyBrax if it's just a dumb, hot broad.

>> No.1131047

ITT: Newfags getting fucking trolled, that isn't her, i have seen her and she looks nothing like that, the pictures you're talking about were posted by an anonymous member you fucking retards.

also she doesn't have facebook so no one got them from there.

you all feel for that one amirite?

also sage as you're fucking dumbasses.


>> No.1131089

Okay, then post the pics from the anon.

>> No.1131123

i came prematurely when I realized she was sitting on a book

>> No.1131149

Suicide? How fucked up is she?

Bro, just post the pics so we can all go home. Atleast give us more information, why'd she post them in the first place? Is that really Ty Brax or just another anon? Why does she troll so fucking much yet you still don't want to make her feel bad?

>> No.1131153

I'd cover her mouth

>> No.1131177

lmao @ the people all piss'd off itt

>> No.1131182

if she's that fukked up then why she post pics?

>> No.1131184

post moar pix duderz

>> No.1131185


it was a webcam you retard
she looks nothing like the girl in that picture.

>> No.1131190

webcam girl is sexy, post moar of her

>> No.1131198
File: 40 KB, 240x249, shocked starfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw tybrax is a girl

>> No.1131206

That doesn't look like a pic from a webcam, but okay, do you have anymore of her?
If not, well then alright I'm sure you wouldn't mind me saving the pic and posting all my threads on /lit/ using it, and also for every post I make that doesn't give me the duplicate error.

>> No.1131212

you can alter it slightly so you don't get the duplicate error, do this many times to flood threads with the pic

>> No.1131216

that doesn't look like a webcam as it isn't her, i saw her on webcam.

no i wouldn't, knock yourself out

>> No.1131220

wat does she look liek?

>> No.1131227

she has eyes, nose, mouth, boobies

>> No.1131231

what does she look like?
why was she on cam?

>> No.1131233


firstly, brunette.
not sure about height/weight as it was a built in webcam on laptop only showing face
she was pretty.

>> No.1131236
File: 46 KB, 640x480, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we misunderstood each other: I want you, or anyone else, to post more pics of this girl, who, if I understand correctly, is just another Anon because, quite frankly, I'd love to partake in the old in-out, in-out with this one.

>> No.1131239


she was on cam to a few people, mogwai included, it was on a tinychat and she was showing us a book.

>> No.1131240

That's my cousin you f*cking freak

>> No.1131241

hey.. i just saw that movie lol. heh singin in the rain

>> No.1131242
File: 20 KB, 359x322, artist_Idunno7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all muggles getting trolled

>> No.1131245

what book was it

>> No.1131247


oh right okay, this girl (in your pic) was posted origionally by an anonymous user and im guessing is just from google?

said "omg isnt she hot etc etc"
file name was something like google girl tybrax

>> No.1131246


post brax

>> No.1131250


i believe it was lolita, but could have been a dosto book, we were talking about that at the time/

>> No.1131251

tineye turns up nothing

>> No.1131262

did you save any snaps?

>> No.1131276

no but i'm sure i can get her to show her face again and take a screen if it'll stop you guys from getting trolled so easily

>> No.1131278

Okay you do that too, but I'd really rather see more of this girl:

>> No.1131297

imo agreed

>> No.1131553


>> No.1131555

isn't Ty short for Tyler?

>> No.1131571

Just because I enjoy knowing about the tripfag dynamic on boards I inhabit, could somebody please illuminate me here?

>> No.1131657
File: 111 KB, 300x300, artist_wat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stagolee is the vanquished trip who popularized off-topic spamming. He was basically a good-natured tard-sometimes-troll, but wound up with a horde of follower trips which basically fucked /lit/ up big time. Rumour has it anon located his residence and did the usual telephone harassment routine. He's since disappeared.

Tybrax is a generally nasty tard who seems to have mellowed out over time. Whatever the hell it is, it's known for trolling along with some moments of decency. He's attained some following

Mogwai is an off-topic spammer in the Stagolee tradition who started out a while back, stopped, and then returned with his attempt to force-meme "/lit/", "saged for being unliterary" threads. These were popular and lead to a resurgence of trips. Eventually he seems to have tired or grown weary of anon saging

Quintin is another recent arrival who recognizable for avataring as frolo, and generally creating 9000+ threads in a day. Sometime it's literary, sometimes it's not. He's not terrible at heart

DeepAndEdgy is the czar of hate on /lit/. Egotistical and fairly self-absorbed, he'll generally sage any thread he shows moderate dislike for, and then attempt to insult you at the same time. He is known for an unusally high level of knowledge, but basically just uses it as a means to manipulate anons and flaunt himself

>> No.1131658

Arcueid Brunested is the token left-wing hipster. He writes, talks incessently about weed legalization, and is basically the closest thing we'll ever have to a bro on /lit/. He's an older trip and may have died out

Isabelle Huppert is a gay man who generally posts informed opinions and is known for creating fuckyea academic .pdf dumps. He doesn't do that any more, apparently. Avatars as some tard

There are a score of other trips, but they're not notable. Generally the recent history of /lit/ was 1)Period of relative peace 2) Stagolee begins trolling (if you can call 0/10 attempst even that)/spam-posting 3) Mogwai Begins spamming 4) Tybrax and a few more tards gather to support Mogwai in trip drama for maybe a week 5) things slowly going back to usual in the wake of Mogwai

there are dozens more, but these are the majors

>> No.1131662

you're forgetting the part where !UyhAEqbnp. ruins everything by shitting on our threads and bumping his own awful threads 9000+ times

>> No.1131675

>you're forgetting the part where !UyhAEqbnp. is the best tripfag on the board

>> No.1131677

>fuckyea academic .pdf dumps.


>> No.1131680

Thank you, this is all very edifying.

>> No.1131687

I wish I knew. All philosophy dumps, you'd have to ask the trip himself

>> No.1131694


lol you niggers pat yourselves on the back for being so smart yet you're not smart enough to archive the decent shit.

fuck this

>> No.1131696

Soooooo were there really pictures of one of the trips on the board?

>> No.1131918


>> No.1131928

What... the... fuck...

>> No.1132007


>> No.1132154

There were 4 in the original thread anyone got the other 3?