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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 695x902, wowza!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11311476 No.11311476 [Reply] [Original]

>east & west occident-orient hard sci-fi power couple mega-collab edition



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.11311484

blindsight & three-body are the respective best western and eastern sci-fi novels written since 2000

>> No.11311486
File: 130 KB, 743x288, throne-of-glass-series-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second for Throne of Glass.

>> No.11311507

is malazan worth reading?
there is any snug snug?

>> No.11311514

I have no opinion either way about the series, I haven't read it, but why are 99% of fantasy covers such childish fucking cancer?

>> No.11311520

more like throne of ass amirite

>> No.11311522

Do we have a free ebook yet?

>> No.11311531

>Gibson, Sterling, Stephenson
All you know are the big names. You are hilariously uninformed about cyberpunk literature.

>> No.11311537
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you're going to read my new book and give it a glowing 5 star review on goodreads, aren't you anon?

>> No.11311547

i mocked my friend for reading these. is there more to this than it looks or what?

>> No.11311566

>cyberpunk literature
Well, you almost had me going there.

>> No.11311569

I think the fact that people keep replying to the Maas images shows just how many new people come here and don't stick around for more than a thread or two. Why don't they stick around and read some shit?

>> No.11311570

See the sticky on /lit/.
First 2 books are available, third book is easy to get by way of google.

>> No.11311588

Because that's what sells.


>> No.11311623

Just don't put a fantasy version of yourself on the cover next time, k?

>> No.11311626
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I really enjoyed them. Books 1-3 are great, 4-5 are good but felt strangely nonessential.

>> No.11311641
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>> No.11311686

there is any book which shows the characters growing up and in the end shows they married like harry pptter?

>> No.11311696

Book of the New Sun

>> No.11311701

yes, no?

>> No.11311702

No, who cares

>> No.11311761

Real Life

>> No.11311797

No, your mocking was on point.

>> No.11311799

Only if you magna cum laude, if you catch my drift.

>> No.11311819
File: 36 KB, 500x592, monthly reading_poll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no nominations in the last thread
F. Guess we'll try again! Keep it good and around or below 200 pages!

>> No.11311883

What were the ones last month? There was one there a lot were keen on but I can't remember

>> No.11311888

When did that change, because I'm pretty sure Tolkien had some level of control over the covers and illustration of his work. Going farther back and leaving fantasy behind, I know for a fact that Dickens handpicked the art for his books.

>> No.11311900

How get rid of Throne of Glass posters

>> No.11311903

>below 200 pages!

>> No.11311911
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Hi guys, the lists of books here again
Fantasy https://pastebin.com/raw/ZQTBmYSh
Science fiction https://pastebin.com/raw/wqNTkXtL

As always I listen for recommendations on what to add / remove, and how to properly name fields and accommodate books.

>> No.11311922

Could we do Roadside Picnic? It was suggested a few threads ago I think, and it's a bit of a long boi, but hell it's fantastic. Even just the first chapter would be enough, I absolutely love the journey into the zone.

>> No.11311935

Brave New World?

>> No.11311943

As is tradition by now Roadside Picnic came second and is automatically nominated. The Dying Earth and Elric of Melniboné are banned during this round.

Because the monthly reading books are not supposed to compete with or take time away from peoples ordinary reading. It's supposed to be light side reading, adding some discussion once a month. However, previously I've been accepting books up to 300 pages long.

Yeah, I forgot to say that it's already nominated because it came second in last months poll.


>> No.11311955

Isn't this list, I dunno, a bit spoilery?

>> No.11311983

>The Hardy Boys finally make it to space
>the grunge look is back in
The future is bright, boys.

I read Roadside Picnic in protest because clearly the poll was manipulated one way or the other by Russian hackers.

>> No.11312037

Throne of Glass.

>> No.11312044

The Stars My Destination?

>> No.11312065

Is it only 200 pages?

>> No.11312102

What would the minimum length be?
I want to put forward some Lovecraft to compare with Lem but all the good stories I remember are only a page or 2 written for magazines.

>> No.11312133

Fucking hackers man.


There's no minimum length. But if you want people to read a 2 page story for the sake of discussion it's probably easier to just ask the thread to read it.

>> No.11312195

The Stars My Destination
The City & The Stars

>> No.11312224

>HP Lovecraft

>> No.11312228

notice how the sci-fi general only garners this kind of attention during break periods?

>> No.11312312

I still work 60 hours a week dawg, its just I don't work 40 hours and take 16 credit hours too. My mind gets hungry ya feel?

>> No.11312341

The type of attention when people say great writers are shit?

>> No.11312429
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Kingfountain series by jeff wheeler maybe. It's more of a historical fantasy with a touch of magic. More political than action oriented. I stopped after the third book which is basically the ending you requested. The next few books are apparently about the daughter of the MC and sounds like nearly the same story but the author just lumped all the books together.

>> No.11312464

Probably with the advent of mass-published paperbacks after WWII and the resulting development of genre fiction markets.

>> No.11312737

Stop putting blindsight in a pedestal it isn't as great as you think it is

>> No.11312753

Gibson is truly the definition of a pseudointellectual hack. He thinks he's a profound thinker who invented "cyberpunk" when he literally didn't start writing neuromancer until after watching blade runner, then proceeded to rewrite the book 4 times because he was just ripping it off.

>> No.11312782

Anyone read any good fantasy books where the main character's power/magic isn't inherited/genetic i.e. they discover a relic or something?

A bit bored of protags who secretly have magic bloodlines but the only exception I can think of off the top of my head is demon cycle and I didn't really like it.

>> No.11312832

Gibbo wrote most of the book before Blade Runner came out, deriving it from earlier short stories he'd written. IIRC he had like 2/3rds of it done when he saw the movie and started the rewrites, and was more concerned over people thinking he stole the "visual aesthetic"

>> No.11312883

Way of Kings. I'm paraphrasing a bit, but magic is "earned" when someone has gone through a very hard time, like an experience that can break you emotionally, and then keep going after that, thereby attracting the right kind of attention. Or something like that. "Relics" are also possible sources of great magical powers, but we only really see one of those. No genetics or bloodline hand-me-downs.
And a lot of people think these books are good, me included. Read the prologue chapters, see what you think.

>> No.11312897

I've read the first two and have decided to wait for at least the 4th before continuing because I don't want to keep rereading them to remember stuff.

>> No.11312898

>>11312883 beat me to it, magic system bound to spirits that pick who they give powers to. Really good characters and world building, but it takes most of a book to get in to the main characters using magic.

>> No.11312914

>Working through Canticle of Leib
>finals hit and my progress stalls about half way through
Saw the planet of the apes twist coming, but is there much else to it towards the end? At this point Id have to start from the beginning and Im wondering if its worth it

>> No.11312955

I concur. As I recall him retelling it somewhere, a friend of his told him he had to go see this movie because it related to his book.

I've seen several folks here say "Neuromancer" loses all interest after Chiba (meaning the gritty Asian street setting, I presume). I agree that it's the best part of the novel. If I had to guess, Gibson was more interested in his overall conception of the future as "Count Zero" and "Mona Lisa Overdrive" both seem to exist as vehicles to describe individual constructs within his imagined framework, with MLO especially being devoid of plot interest.

If anything, I would argue that Gibson didn't rip off "Blade Runner" but instead failed to capitalize on how the audience conceived of cyberpunk and what they wanted from it. BR is, in my estimation, the superior example not simply because the aesthetic is so visually compelling but also because the androids are much more interesting than Gibson's AIs.

>> No.11312962

The author graduated Magna Cum Laude.

>> No.11312973

Seriously tempted to read these just to shitpost in more detail

>> No.11312977

Reading Tanith Lee made me realize that I don't like reading fake mythology. But that's a me problem, not a problem with Night's Master.

>> No.11312978

This is Sarah's plan

>> No.11312991






>> No.11312993

Dont you hate it when mythology is made up? Infuriating

>> No.11312994

The Genocides by Disch

do it you pussies

>> No.11312998

>Recent Questions
>30 pages in and this ia obviously a since 90s feminist man hating democrat scifi book......zzzzz, why can't we have decent scifi anymore? Obvious in future people are not guna be married, surgery lipo n roids cheap....and everyone have lots of fun at resort living in luxury in stars.....wooo weee

lmao goodreads

>> No.11313006

Its revealed later on that people who are bound to spren are compelled to not use shards, so there is that

>> No.11313085

All I can think of right now:
Elantris is like that IIRC, main character has to figure out how magic works because everybody who knew how to use magic died.

Uprooted is about some farm girl who gets conscripted to be a sorceror's maid but she starts learning magic. Mostly a generic fairy tale style story but it had a neat "The Zone but in fantasyland" setup. Main downside was there's a creepy romance subplot with her and the sorcerer.

I wouldn't mind seeing more non-hereditary stuff though. Learning hedge magic from a old crone or making a faustian pact is more interesting than "lol ur the chosen one here's ur wand."

Blade Runner was a commercial and critical failure when it released though, there wasn't much for him to capitalize off of.

>> No.11313121

>Uprooted is about some farm girl who gets conscripted to be a sorceror's maid but she starts learning magic. Mostly a generic fairy tale style story
Is it just me or are "humble girl escapes current life trajectory and finds out she is a magic princess" nauseating? I almost broke the TV when I was forced to watch Jupiter Ascending and realized its just a rags to royalty fantasy with a virile love interest that she had control over.

Is it just a feminine version of Captain Kirk and I dont get it because I dont have a vagina?

>> No.11313162

It's the for-girls version of the ol' "farm boy discovers he's the true heir to the kingdom" plot. Just your usual teenage power fantasies.

>> No.11313172

Yeah, it's not all bad you're just way more likely to run into bad examples than good ones.

>> No.11313181

Right, but I can stand shitty and frequent "bang the hot green chick" tropes just fine. I have read over 20 B.V. Larson books and every single one of his burly square-jawed blue-eyed characters does this and I couldnt care less.

Now that I think about it, it might be because banging alien chicks with human vaginas doesnt have much implications on a plot

>> No.11313364
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>it's NOT YA because it's MY favorite!!

>> No.11313385


If anybody deserves some "Stan Lee mocks Rob Liefeld" mockery it's him.

>> No.11313572

>Blade Runner was a commercial and critical failure when it released though, there wasn't much for him to capitalize off of.
True! However, he--and his friend, if I remembered his anecdote correctly--saw the correlation between BR and "Neuromancer" immediately and it's not the plot. I don't know what exactly the interested majority thinks 'cyberpunk' entails but I know I could do with a book set entirely in Gibson's Chiba and there I think is where he failed to capitalize.

>> No.11314041


>a book set entirely in Gibson's Chiba
I believe Chiba was a byproduct of his worldbuilding and that's it. It was the most effective and it set the tone for the genre, but in the end it's about as important as the Rhasta station, Istanbul or that giant dome in space they go to in the context of the book. And it's been done to death, visually I mean.

>> No.11314076

I'm reading Fall of Hyperion right now and I like it but man Simmons has got a bit of a tin ear. Still not planning to read the Endymion books.

>> No.11314083


Gibson is just a hack airport-thriller writer who lucked into ~cyberpunk~ at the right time. I read The Peripheral a year ago and he was at it again wasting a great setting on his run-of-the-mill storytelling.

>> No.11314114

Don't read Endymion

Hit the virtual nail on its digital head.

>> No.11314356

Brandbag Sanderhag a fake

>> No.11314461

>Still not planning to read the Endymion books.

correct approach

>> No.11314809
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any opinions on this?

>> No.11314848
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>Novel begins with a gratuitous "That's So Anti-Tolkien!" scene

>> No.11314870

what do you mean

>> No.11314882

Something about sex probably

>> No.11314911

what the fuck is a "anti-tolkien scene"?

>> No.11314913

More like a graphic slaughter scene or the aftermath of one, extremely common starts in Grimdark fantasy.

>> No.11314956

Speaking as a long-time lurker, because there's nothing new ever here. It's BOTNS, isekai, and mockery. Sffg is a soap opera; I could drop it today, come back in six months, and the only OTM ochange would be the image on the OPand the FOTM of young adult you're mocking.

>> No.11314997

>because there's nothing new ever here
That's pretty fucking normal in most hobbies, the fact is people don't stay for long, they'll read a couple of popular series and then proceed to never read any more fantasy ever again.

>> No.11315014

/sffg/ isn't even bad comparatively, try /tg/ where most people posting in the threads haven't even read the rulebooks let alone actually played the game.

>> No.11315043

So he's reading Prince of Thorns

>> No.11315083

We're pretty insular here. I haven't been on any other part of this site in a year, I have no idea what's going on outside and I suspect a good chunk of people that post here do the same.

>> No.11315116

We're insular now, mostly as a result of the original inhabitance being driven out after repeated incursions and the invaders not sticking around after plundering the thread.

>> No.11315128

I thought it's just you, me and the other guy. Hasn't it always been like this?

>> No.11315133

t. The other guy

>> No.11315135

Which one of you is Dinoposter?

>> No.11315182

The other guy. I'm the Hackerfag poster.

>> No.11315184

It must be him >>11315128, since its not me and clearly it's not you.

>> No.11315194

There might be 4 of us. Who's OP?

>> No.11315201

The androids in electric sheep were much more interesting in that unlike hollywood which in the end with its need for a happy ending makethe love interest too human. In electric sheep it stuck to it's guns that androids aren't capable of empathy and even it goes so far as to convince you to feel for the love interest android only to make you recall that they aren't human when you learn it was a plot.

>> No.11315211

It was doomed love. I mean shit, the true film ends with them going into the elevator, Deckard realizing he's a replicant too.

>> No.11315565
File: 281 KB, 728x659, peter 2 darker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pete's Freeze-Frame Revolution AMA is up!


>> No.11315591

hated the chinkcommie problem, goot to know it's the best and there is no need to check anything gook out.

>> No.11315639

Go on.

>> No.11315703

>If I use a bunch of metaphors to describe everything people will think my prose is good!

>> No.11315724

I still like it though, it just hits that right spot of characters and scenes I can easily read and enjoy without annoying me.
Is there any other writer that does stories in similar settings that are 'better'?

>> No.11315777

Solaris was a bit of a disappointment. That's two Lem books which started out a bit interesting but ended lamely.
But I'll still try again, hopefully with something less philosophical.

>> No.11315836

Dick and Bester

>> No.11315855

The hell you're refering or replying to?

>> No.11315897


>> No.11315910

Not nearly as 'modern' or cyberpunk though.

>> No.11315960

Altered Carbon or accept that cyberpunk is not a genre and if it was it'd be shit.

>> No.11315975

Which is the other one? And what will you try next? Nice trips.

>> No.11315999

this and Ian McDonald at a stretch.

>> No.11316197

I personally believe that Cyberpunk is primarily a visual aesthetic that doesn't translate particularly well to text novels despite having originated there. The idea that there's unifying themes that make Cyberpunk a genre is absurd when "post-post-post-cyberpunk" exists.

>> No.11316224

>If I stop the middle of the plot to have a ton of chapters from the perspective of characters no one cares about people will think my story is complex and intricately thought out

>> No.11316334

such a beauty

>> No.11316348


>> No.11316386

Few things are more irritating and forced than a main character who only appears intelligent because everyone around them is either completely moronic or needlessly and senselessly evil

>> No.11316484

Pat Cadigan and Bruce Sterling.

>> No.11316752
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Did Brandon "Big Schlong" Sanderson fuck Robert Jordan's wife from behind because they weren't married?

>> No.11316968

>found a book on r/fantasy I actually enjoy but hadn't heard of elsewhere
fuck I can't dismiss it entirely now

>> No.11317009

What boo?

>> No.11317010

Which Maas novel?

>> No.11317022

The Rook, it's not even obscure or anything since it's apparently getting a fucking tv show but it's one of two urban fantasy books I've ever liked.

Might just be a case of it being slightly too old for it to show up on new releases/year lists when I got back into fantasy

Catwoman: Soulstealer obviously :D

>> No.11317031
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>> No.11317048

Does the malazan have a male protag?

>> No.11317088

>Kaladin grabbed Shallan's breasts. They were so soft they felt like liquid in his hands. He penetrated her and the lighteyed whore squealed like the chickens. He moved in and out of her and came like Desolation itself.

Seriously Sanderson?

>> No.11317121


>> No.11317135

This is bullshit. Even back in 2007 people complained that 4chan was dead.

>> No.11317164

people used to post about sp going to shit on original sp lol

>> No.11317470
File: 567 KB, 1567x963, fantasy and science fiction 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read anything from 2018 yet? What books are you anticipating?

>> No.11317528

there arent chickens, high storms would blow them away

>> No.11317606

Sanderson has a storage room where he keeps all the sex scenes he took out of his drafts before they were shown to his publisher. Every month he tells his wife he's going on a book tour for the weekend, but he visits his storage locker and furiously masturbates to his glorious smut for hours on end.

>> No.11317620

Anyone know any books that compare with The Prince of Nothing in terms of darkness and insane characters?

>> No.11317625

Because they are selling the books to children and childish adults.

>> No.11317686

Malazan has copious male and female protags. Some male protags are fucking great (KARSA) while others are tragic, evil, or sometimes a bit ancillary.

There are also some great female protags too (Helian comes to mind), some of the best in the genre in my opinion. Not that it should be a selling point, but it certainly never gets the attention it deserves despite today's politically correct atmosphere.

>> No.11317697

>never gets the attention it deserves
Fucking what.

>> No.11317698

>Has anyone read anything from 2018
Why the fuck would I do that?

>> No.11317720

>never gets the attention it deserves
What? It's one of the most popular and most well known fantasy series of recent times.

>> No.11317742

iron gold, grey sister

>> No.11317743

Is there a Cyberpunk infographic/reading list?
I've always loved the aesthetic and attitude but have never actually read any books so I'm a bit of a poser. Absolutely hyped af for 2077.

>> No.11317783

Altered Carbon or Gibson in general probably closest to what you're looking for but like most "punk" genres they exist mostly as an evolved collective idea of an aesthetic without a literary presence that really corresponds.

>> No.11317784

>No fantasy story in a post-industrial setting

>> No.11317790
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>> No.11317799

Divine Cities is kinda.

>> No.11317811


>> No.11317818


I meant for its female characters, not just general popularity.

>> No.11317822

tfw literally nobody else will ever read the craft sequence

>> No.11317857
File: 446 KB, 853x1275, ThreePartsDead_150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense anon, but the cover looks like self-published amazon ebook#345634554

>> No.11317867

3 parts black

>> No.11317871

look if the cover or the endorsement on it by one of the worst scifi writers ever doesn't sell you I don't know what will

(seriously they are good books tho)

>> No.11317899

>black woman protagonist

>> No.11318138

>author's name bigger than title

>> No.11318200

alright faggot I'll try it

>> No.11318206

anything else like cook/erikson?

>> No.11318280
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Anyone have good videos on World Building?

>Creating the world in Fantasy

>> No.11318329

Odd I read Authority
Even I read Noctuary
0 I read Oathbringer

>> No.11318440
File: 33 KB, 600x394, migranes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading a fantasy book
>major plot point involves a pending change in leadership and transfer of power
>it was written on an election year in the U.S.

>> No.11318505

I'll add it to my list. One of the very few reviewers I like on Goodreads likes it

>> No.11318596

It better be good.

>> No.11318758

Change in power is not an uncommon time for a book to be based.

>> No.11318875

Shut the fuck up

>> No.11319263

Return from the Stars, which had a neat beginning but it swerved in the middle when a romance was introduced.
Maybe I'll try Pirx the Pilot next, an adventure story would probably have a defined plot with an end at least.

>> No.11319348

Really how many fantasy books can you think of where the entire story takes place in a time of peace, prosperity, and stability with no major political upsets? How often is the entire story set during a single ruler's long, uninterrupted reign? I can't really think of any off the top of my head, but I can think of over a dozen stories I've read in the last few years that involve a monarch dying in book 1.

>> No.11319380

The Black Magician trilogy by Trudi Canavan. The reigning king never dies, he's still on the throne at the end of the third book. Granted there was still war and instability, but he managed to weather it and come out alive. Can't think of anyone else though.

>> No.11319412

Any recommendations for Cadigan?
I do have Islands in the Net on my backlog pile.

>> No.11319434

>Do you have any reading or writing related guilty pleasures? Or just any at all?
>I probably masturbate too much. Which is not something that anyone should regard as a "guilty" pleasure, but I was raised by Baptists.
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Tight pussy 2

>> No.11319521

Do the right thing and neck yourself

>> No.11319530

Worldbuilding is a retard's idea of good literature.

>> No.11319535

A mild coma

>> No.11319539

Is Tight Pussy 2 a good sequel?

>> No.11319559

>good literature
I think you're lost, friend, this is /sffg/, you're looking for outer /lit/.

>> No.11319562
File: 106 KB, 804x500, Malazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 8 books deep into this shit please tell me the ending is worth it

>> No.11319565

>reads sci fi and fantasy
>hates world building

These genres are completely wasted on you, go read some literary fiction.

>> No.11319566

>but I can think of over a dozen stories I've read in the last few years that involve a monarch dying in book 1.

But that's like the classic opening to a Quest story. For example, Harald Sigurdsson is in the Varangian Guard, fights a bunch but is imprisoned during a period of turmoil after the emperor dies for either stealing loot, because the empress wanted to marry him, fucking a nobleman's wife, or just murder (sources vary), but is released when the new emperor is overthrown and (according to the sagas) castrates and blinds the emperor, and escapes about a year later (the empress wouldn't let him leave apparently) and heads back to Scandinavia to retake the throne of Norway.

>> No.11319570

The next two books are better than book 8, but I still found them pretty slow compared to his earlier ones. Book 9 especially, since it's basically just the build up for book 10. Shit really hits the fan in book 9, but not toward the end.

>> No.11319573

Yeah that was kind of my point. Royal death is one of the most common ways to kick off a big epic fantasy plot.

>> No.11319599

No, I usually read at least one new SFF book every year but I have not decided what to read from 2018 yet. Considering either Circe by Madeline Miller (not sure if it counts as fantasy desu) or reading the Baru Cormorant series which have it's second book come out this autumn.

>> No.11319601

I should've been more clear, it's not out yet. Those are books I'm looking forward to.

>> No.11319603


My point, Brandon, is that you have the characters, ideas and plot while the worldbuilding is the icing on the cake. You hack.

>> No.11319607

Isn't the sequel to Tight Pussy called Tighter Pussy?

>> No.11319609

Post again when you've read it. I'm slightly interested in reading more Lem but Solaris was honestly a little off-putting.

>> No.11319610

Tight Pussy 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.11319620

>hurr sci-fi and fantasy can't have good writing and only rely on worldbuilding
You idiots are as bad as outer /lit/.

>> No.11319735

No, they really aren't.

>> No.11319748

I'm not him but
Synners by Pat Cadigan and
Vurt by Jeff Noon

>> No.11319777

It's the exact same argument. The only difference is that outer/lit/ think they have good taste while our idiots seem to admit to having bad taste. And neither is right because the reason behind is wrong.

>> No.11319860

Why are the reasons wrong?

>> No.11320123

Your going to be hit by a massive sack of buyers remorse.

>> No.11320146

They all assume that literally all fantasy and sci-fi fall under the quite harsh definition of genre fiction that is used there at /lit/.

>> No.11320172

outer/lit/ards are on par with /v/ermin/, and that amorphous mass of cretins that makes up /r9k/, /int/, /his/, /tv/ and /pol/

>> No.11320238

>big twist in ASOIAF was who Jons mum / parents were
>literally revealed in the first half of the first book
Ummmmmmm fantasytards?????

>> No.11320403

So, I'm just now getting around to reading Lankhmar, Jesus there's a lot of fetishism.

>> No.11320424
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>As is The Tombs of Atuan, Tehanu is written from a female perspective. The novel makes clear that women's magic is as strong as men's, the former being described by the witch Moss as being "deeper than the roots of trees, deeper than the roots of islands, older than the Making, older than the moon". Although it is less concerned with authority and dramatic action than male power, it is equally valuable. Wizards are portrayed as emotionally stunted, arrogant and detached. It is made explicit that wizards lead a life of celibacy to devote all their energy to their magic. These shortcomings are laid bare in Ged after he has lost his power. He is completely at sea and is described by Moss as having the emotions of a fifteen-year-old boy. He does not have the courage to face the King's men to tell them he can no longer be mage, and flees. He relies on Tenar to work out a solution for him, and find somewhere for him to recover his sense of identity. It is only when he acknowledges his feelings for her and enters into a relationship with her that he begins to develop emotionally. Thus although he has lost his power as an archmage, Ged is reborn by deferring to female power, and so discovers his own feelings and the value of simplicity. In so doing he reaches a new maturity and depth to his character, not available to him as Archmage. The dark wizard Aspen is portrayed negatively; his loathing of Tenar is plainly based on hatred and fear of her womanhood.

I don't think anything has ever been so retroactively ruined for me as Le Guin has ruined Earthsea, in general.

>> No.11320438

Ever read Heinlein?

>> No.11320445

Le Guin said so much stupid shit that revealed exactly how much of a stereotypical preppy privileged white girl she was, I like her stuff but it's definitely one of those "never meet your heroes" situations with her.

>> No.11320468


The worst part about it is she's not even subtle about it when you take a moment to look at it. Khargish are the whites in the Earthsea setting, cruel blonde-haired barbarians who partake in slavery, mass sacrifice and worship dark powers and nameless things, whereas the rest of the setting is far darker in skin pigment, and although they have their own flaws in general, they're nowhere near as exaggerated.

>> No.11321238

Final Emprie is only $5 on Amazon!

>> No.11321250

>Khargish are the whites in the Earthsea setting, cruel blonde-haired barbarians who partake in slavery, mass sacrifice and worship dark powers and nameless things

sounds more like those are just vikings, buddy

>> No.11321324
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>paying for books

>> No.11321340

>If Kirkus Reviews say of a hardback "this was an exercise in meretricious misogyny, stunning in the depths of it's depravity", do not be surprised if you subsequently see a back-cover quote like this: "Stunning — Kirkus".
Oh fuck, I thought this was a joke.

>> No.11321364

Tight Pussy 2: The Loosening

>> No.11321367

Does Brawne Lamia become any less of a Mary Sue in Fall of Hyperion? I liked the first book except for her, and I'm told that she's even more prominent in the next.

>> No.11321372

It's alright. For the life of me, I don't know the exact year this is set in. I thought it was Victorian era but then some folks are described as having television later in the novel.

>> No.11321452

I found the video. At what time does Christopher Paolini say that? He doesn't at 55:53.

>> No.11321529

Man, '06 4chan used emoticons and abbreviations often. If you unironically hate that shit, you came here after '09.

>> No.11321637

>wise man's fear

what a big fat fraud

>> No.11321676

tfw too tired to read

>> No.11321768

Stop masturbating so much

>> No.11321791

Get a short story collection

>> No.11321801

I'm trying. Didn't yesterday.

short stories are for short people

>> No.11321804

>Attention span so short when you start reading you want the chapter/story to be over no matter how much you enjoy the book
>When I get to a new chapter I immediately check to see how long it is

>> No.11321819
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>tfw the pure relief when you see the next chapter is a short one

>> No.11321847

Accept you're a manlet and grab a short story collection.

>> No.11322027
File: 888 KB, 500x280, yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YA lit
Is this the western equivalent to japan's "light novel," /sffg/?

>> No.11322047
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How many fantasy authors got away with writing about drows and putting drows on their book covers without violating copyright?

>> No.11322171

99% of all modern fantasy is derivative of tolkien anyway

>> No.11322200

yeah I finished it a couple of days ago, I was sad when I found out he is a lazy fuck.

>> No.11322286

you can literally call the dark elves or night elves and you already avoid a copyright violation to gamesworkshop. also just mentioning drow or describing drow does not net you a copyright violation either.

>> No.11322313
File: 146 KB, 950x534, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Sarah's new series comes out next year we'll switch to posting Crescent City

>> No.11322352

At least it's not supposed to be YA...

>> No.11322493

what I wouldn't give to cum in that mouth

>> No.11322503
File: 629 KB, 2500x2500, 28591613._UY2500_SS2500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read The Axe And The Throne?
Is it any good?

>> No.11322588
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Sarah J. Maas, more like Sarah J. Mass

>> No.11322595


>> No.11322601

So traveling means eating, I see.

>> No.11322608

The corruption of women by age is an even greater tragedy for men than it is for women.

>> No.11322617

Throne of Shattered Glass

>> No.11322628

the worst is that he's of the mentality that arthur's don't owe their readings anything and he acts like writer's block is a terminal disease.

>> No.11322634

in his case it probably is

>> No.11322638

looks like fat jlaw

>> No.11322660

why doesn't she find a husband and have children instead..

>> No.11322667

Probably finds sucking random foreign dick exciting, the slut.

>> No.11322691

needs a better euphemism for being a massive slut

>> No.11322865
File: 105 KB, 540x475, 1448585700461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any books/series where the protag learns to be a wizard/warrior/assassin or some shit but theres also a significant part of the series that takes place when the character is grown/graduated. Preferably not YA

>> No.11322894

Red Sister

>> No.11322901

schooled in magic. havent read it personally but i heard good things about it. its basically adult harry potter but with a female mc. its on my to read list but still pretty far off.

>> No.11322937

the magicians is pretty much that

>> No.11323013

Are there any heros journey/shounenshit sci fi books?

>> No.11323035

red rising

>> No.11323094
File: 2.01 MB, 1400x1416, starshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11323124

>reading something from this century

>> No.11323219

Any recommendations for massive fantasy wars? I liked the prince of nothing and aspect emperor, where the whole series takes place in an endless gigantic war. Not the climactic finale, or the dark future, the day to day of mustering armies, gathering supplies, marching sieging cities, fighting field battles, scouting, etc...
Scifi is also fine as long as there's less focus on the grunts fighting and more on the generals and politicians LOGH style.

>> No.11323233

malazan, black company

>> No.11323307

Magician: Apprentice by Raymond Feist

>> No.11323594

Throne of Bones by Vox Day

>> No.11323601

>She is married and lives in Pennsylvania.[4] She announced on Instagram on November 22, 2017, that she and her husband were expecting their first child, a boy. Her son, Taran was born in June 2018. Maas is a writer of young adult science fiction and fantasy literature.[5]

>> No.11323609

How the fuck do you spend "decades" traveling when you're 31 years old?

>> No.11323616

She's really not any more "prominent" in Fall; she probably gets about the same amount of exposure. I don't really think she's a great character, although I wouldn't call her a Mary Sue when Kassad isn't.

>> No.11323666

went to florida with their parents at age 10

>> No.11323863
File: 60 KB, 334x499, 9EBD9675-5A16-452A-A2B5-2D90DC361CA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it?

>> No.11323877

It's good newfag

>> No.11323887

Amazing, but it's a comedy of manners, not an ebin earth-at-the-end-of-time soulcrusher. Like all of Vance's books, really.

>> No.11324326

why is there no /lit/ maintained calibre server where we dump everything and everyone can read just whatever? or something like an rsync share so bandwidth is shared between the users?

>> No.11324365

a night in the lonesome october. one of these months itll fucking win

>> No.11324468

99% of stories can be summed up as "a person goes on a journey" or "a stranger comes to town" anyways.

>> No.11324525

Well I can't fault her for being a Prydainhead

because you didn't read the sticky

>> No.11324559

>because you didn't read the sticky
the sticky is shit and you know it.
sure going through irc channels or mobilism works. but having a proper library without any bullshit that can be accessed efficiently is much better.

>> No.11324570

>quoting stephen king without crediting him

>> No.11324805
File: 61 KB, 212x218, 1511644444262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but having a proper library without any bullshit that can be accessed efficiently is much better.
Then make it you lazy little shit instead of complaining.

>> No.11324872

>Throne of Bones
the sanctimonious goodreads reviews make me want to try this

>> No.11324919

I'd rather have a eunuch sing Wheel of Time in its entirety in falsetto with a full bagpipes orchestra as musical background every time I'm trying to sleep for a year then read anything by that faggot.

>> No.11325007
File: 99 KB, 1914x1364, more comprehensive sf infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been too happy for some time now with the quality of the infographics OP provides
So I have decided to make my own with these much broader era designations
What would would /lit/ recommend go into them?

>> No.11325029

Currently reading the bobiverse books, I really want to like them, the premise is so cool. But the reddit is just too much. I can't go two fucking pages without le funny pop culture reference. It's a shame because his standalone book, Singularity Trap, was really fun.

>> No.11325052

Nudes of your mom. Stop trying to fit books in neat categories.

>> No.11325053

>a proper library
The servers in #bookz have tons of great stuff but if you want to roll your own with a handful of Gene Wolfe and Sarah Maas books plus Blindsight then enjoy your autism

>a dubious assertion

>> No.11325097
File: 818 KB, 800x994, Richard_Bober_Calde_of_long_sun_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man... Book of the Long Sun really falls apart halfway through... I'm actually really sad at how bad everything after Lake is... I was enjoying it even more than New Sun up until then! I really couldn't bring myself to care much when the scale went beyond Silk and his mantieon

Is it just me, or do other people have the same opinion?

>> No.11325154
File: 8 KB, 128x128, Roll the dice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going throw a die and pick one of these, we have loads of nominees now and it would be a shame to have them all banned from next months vote.

>> No.11325157

I want to read that but wouldn't it be more appropriate for oh let's say October maybe

>> No.11325160

Just group them by sub genre or theme instead of era. And make sure to make a nice looking image.

>> No.11325368

what did you find was wrong in it?

>> No.11325533

You can try getting off your fat ass and GOING to a proper library

>> No.11325752

Kassad is pretty flat and uninteresting, but I don't know if he's a Mary Sue. He told his story as if talking about a hero, which is how he seems to think of himself. (I mean, his goal seems to be to run up and shoot the Shrike to death. That's stupid to the point where I think it counts as a flaw.) Brawne, on the other hand, is an unreasonably strong and attractive female with a positive attitude who tells her story in a pretty conversational manner, and she still gets to fuck the hot dude, and is really good at fighting so she gets to defend him until literally dozens of people are shooting at them, and she's the best detective who people bring the hardest cases to (even though we see her do actual detective work for maybe 4 or 5 pages total,) and at the end of it she mind-merges with the author's favorite poet. Maybe she'll be better in the next book.

>> No.11325779

There's A Wizard of Earthsea, but it's technically YA. I mean, the main character grows beyond adolescence, but the writing is pretty simplistic. Still more readable than Sanderson.

>> No.11325805

Does it have non white characters?

>> No.11325841

>Still more readable than Sanderson.
Out of morbid curiosity, which popular fantasy authors have worse prose than Sanderson, if any?

>> No.11325844
File: 77 KB, 640x643, The queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maas introduces a black character
>She gets murdered brutally
Is our queen secretly red-pilled?

>> No.11325855
File: 3 KB, 171x192, 1518132944423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she could handle my big cock

>> No.11325856

Are you fucking retarded? There are only two mary sues in Hyperion - fucking Aenea and fucking Raul.

>> No.11325862

I didn't see any 1 million gender people in the first book

>> No.11325880

Mark Lawrence

>> No.11325887

Okay well like I said, I've only read the first book and neither of those are in it, dipshit. Brawne is by far the most Mary Sue of the lot introduced in book 1 for the reasons I explained in >>11325752

>> No.11325918


>> No.11325999

yeah but it is fucking shit

>> No.11326004
File: 10 KB, 480x360, You just know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Women can't do subtle. You see Brandon playing as if nothing happened, but Robert's widow is just giving him bedroom eyes from the night they shared.

>> No.11326013
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Blood Song is like what you describe and the first book is pretty decent though it is obviously YA.
Wouldn't bother with the sequels though but it is pretty great to imagine as a stand alone.

>> No.11326039

Come to every thread faggot. If you were the one who shilled me a year or two ago it was okay. Book 2 is utter trash though. It was basically the protagonist being lead around by his cock. Not reading anymore.

>> No.11326062

I finished the series a few days ago and was massively disappointing. The last 3 books are boring as fuck, and it only starts getting good again like 3/4 of the way into the last book. When it ended I still had a shit ton of unanswered questions and overall was really unsatisfied. Wish I hadn't wasted my time with Malazan, it's not a surprise that his newest trilogy ended up being canceled due to poor sales.

>> No.11326068

FUCK this is so accurate to me and i don't know what to do. I really enjoy reading but it takes me so much willpower to actually get on with it and do it

>> No.11326071

>s-she is demonizing whites
Fucking neck yourself and read some history >>11321250 is right.

You rollie pollies just look for shit to complain about and you don't even read.

>> No.11326123

>people are actually reading Maas
I guess maasposter won in the end.

>> No.11326157

Well she is cute and fat enough for you to hate fuck. I wanna hear her squealing.

>> No.11326161
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>> No.11326162

the 80s was so fucking gay

>> No.11326176

I agree, although it's not unreadable or anything.

Long Sun is basically an 1100-page prequel to the vastly superior Short Sun, though.

>> No.11326182

Uh they're not in Fall of Hyperion either. It sounds like you made the mistake or reading the Endymion novels anon.

>> No.11326187

She's not really any better but if she didn't ruin the first book for you she won't ruin the second. Except for one thing which only happens at the very end and is mostly there as an unintended warning about how bad the Endymion books will be.

>> No.11326214

Was posting it every sharethread not enough for you?

>> No.11326235

Can you imagine if LotR was released today? It never would have been published. "John, the plot summary you've given us is good and all, but you're just going to need to take out this whole thing with the hobbits at the start. It's irrelevant!"

Goodreads: 1-star, shelves: did-not-finish, review: the synopsis drew me in, but as far as I can tell, the adventure it promises never came! I read for an hour straight about some petty halflings. The wizard that showed up barely even did anything, just fireworks. Terrible pacing; not going to bother getting to the rest of it.

>> No.11326258

Back then, people only had shitty TV or books. Now we have tons of on demand entertainment. Books have to get to the point faster to capture people's attentions.

>> No.11326292

That's literally what people come into this thread and post.

>> No.11326316

Should I bother finishing the Farseer Trilogy? I enjoy the characters well enough, but Royal Assassin gave them the idiot ball way too hard.

>> No.11326481


fitz is a great character, gets better with every book

>> No.11326500

>Not all original reviews, however, were so kind. New York Times reviewer Judith Shulevitz criticized the "pedantry" of Tolkien's literary style, saying that he "formulated a high-minded belief in the importance of his mission as a literary preservationist, which turns out to be death to literature itself."[3] Critic Richard Jenkyns, writing in The New Republic, criticized a perceived lack of psychological depth. Both the characters and the work itself are, according to Jenkyns, "anemic, and lacking in fiber."[4] Even within Tolkien's literary group, The Inklings, reviews were mixed. Hugo Dyson complained loudly at its readings, and Christopher Tolkien records Dyson as "lying on the couch, and lolling and shouting and saying, 'Oh God, no more Elves.'"

>> No.11326541
File: 74 KB, 850x373, 2015-02-23-elves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christopher Tolkien records Dyson as "lying on the couch, and lolling and shouting and saying, 'Oh God, no more Elves.

Lost it.

>> No.11326554

I want to have a blog for writing stories on. Which site is best for categorizing posts?

>> No.11326605
File: 31 KB, 388x532, 1445976139453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Oh God, no more Elves.'"

>> No.11326725

Does the plot become less forced? I don't want to spoil the first two books for anyone who hasn't read them, but if you have, you know as well as I do that if Fitz's allies/mentors/father figures/buddies/whatever just admitted they had a problem and that "it" had to be dealt with, the plot could have unfolded completely differently.

I mean, it really disappointed me that Fitz didn't do an in-character version of this when Chade finally admitted they had to do something(without apologizing for being a condescending ass to Fitz about it up to that point):https://youtu.be/uK1n2rOcr7k

>> No.11326733

and he really is a great character, all in all. I have to say, if Robin Hobb has one strength above all others, it's definitely character design/development. Although I wish she'd be a little more descriptive of faces sometimes.

>> No.11326751

It's interesting how Blade Runner just completely cuts out the whole focus on real animals from Do Androids Dream.
I'm only a few chapters in but it's rather amusing trying to imagine movie Deckard getting all excited about owning a real live animal.

>> No.11326761

It's impossible to imagine Harrison Ford get excited about anything really.

>> No.11326812

Hi whats s good blog for dumping your writing on

>> No.11326825

only place i know of is https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasywriters/

>> No.11326827

royalroadl. people regularly get picked up there by publishers.

>> No.11326838

if you post all your writing online isn't there a chance that someone will just plagiarize it?

>> No.11326848

New Thread

>> No.11326942

I lost interest in the third book, that's where things really fall apart. It lacks the adventure/mystery feel of the first two volumes and I instead 500 pages of politics and incessant prattling. So many new characters are introduced at once and I couldn't be bothered to care about any of them.

I was also surprised to find that the development of the main cast turned them into less interesting people. Silk's loss of his faith happens too fast and is totally unbelievable. Auk and Chenille spend the entire book being dumbasses in the tunnels, just when I started to like them. Then at the end Auk gets possessed by Tartaros and the whole "we gotta leave the Whorl plot point is just dropped at your feet with no build up. Don't even get me started on Mint's chapters. I'd rather eat my own feces than read another page of her pointless military escapades. Why am I supposed to care about this minor character fighting against an evil government that has had very little time to establish itself in the story? I was very invested in the plot of Blood and saving the mantieon, but that was pretty much dropped as soon as book 3 starts in favor of the dreadfully boring political battle.

I really don't get why Wolfe decided to take the series in that direction. It misses everything I liked about the first two books

>> No.11326978

Only if you do it anonymously. As long as its attributable and time-stamped somehow, anyone who engages in outright plagiarism can be caught out. If you're worried about someone "ripping off your ideas", that's how the story always goes.

>> No.11327050

They mention it briefly. Someone ask if a snake is real or not.