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11306462 No.11306462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As soon as I hear about some famous figure and I check their Wikipedia page, I look at their "Education" section. Almost always the undergraduate degree of the famous or infamous person is from the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge. This is because I am British but if you're American you may have experienced the same phenomenon but with a few more colleges.

What strikes me about all these famous people, who work across all fields of accomplishment, is the sheer depth to their character and speech. They don't rest on their CV or current job title (Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor, Young Novelist of the Year etc.). It is easy for even the layman to notice the confidence, wit, and originality of Old Oxbridgians.

Sadly this brilliance must have its shadow. This is in the form of the famous people who managed to sneak in to the limelight after their degrees at much less prestigious universities. These names roll off the tongue like mouldy liquorice. Durham. Warwick. Edinburgh. Glasgow. University College, London. (Strangely, almost nobody famous went to Imperial College, London. You're more likely to find an Oxon Modern History alumnus in charge of a technology company. Do these Imperial alumni disappear in to dull but reasonably well remunerated wageslaves? This must be the subject of another essay.). The impression they leave is one of strained personalities suffering under the limelight. The shear stress of having to keep up with Old Oxbridgians is palpable. One feels a pity for them.

An undergraduate degree at Oxbridge doesn't just confer a world class formal education squeezed in to stressfully compressed 8 week terms with intimate tutorials with world leading academics. The extracurricular experience could reasonably be argued to contribute just as much to an alumni's success. Due to the collegiate nature of the universities, there are many more opportunities to become involved in extracurriculars both casual and world famous. The Machiavellian education gained in electing leaders of the Junior Common Rooms has gone down in history as the baptism of many British politicians. The Oxford Union is, of course, peerless.

[Section where I point out the jealousy of non-Oxbridgians will be written later]

>> No.11306497

I really hope we see a collapse of the Anglo university system within my lifetime and penalties for those who attended the most prestigious institutions.

>> No.11306537

I'm American but I understand how you feel entirely. After high school I attended a very prestigious and highly ranked community college. One can't help but feel a little superior to those dolts who wasted two years worth of tuition on a mediocre GPA

>> No.11306546
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>Look Oxford GF I posted it again

>> No.11306547

here's an amerilard guide to college
cal tech
johns hopkins
everything else

>> No.11306553

Please stop fucking responding to this shitposter.

>> No.11306555

Kill all the intellectuals my brothas, burn the books and behead the authors and thinkers of the world

>> No.11306568

>high tier

>> No.11306579

I'm not that radical, but intellectuals and their beloved institutions should be made to pay for the role they play in cementing our class structure. The books would be spared of course.

>> No.11306582


>> No.11306590

Look at the rates of affirmative action graduates from many of those high tier colleges. I should say DUDE BLACKS AND LATINOS FACTORIES LMAO

>> No.11306601

it's like 25% of the class. plenty of space for whites, who are explicitly favored over asians, btw.

>> No.11306608

Well I feel like the class structure is more apparent with the democratization of information, the "paradox of education" allows more people to be aware of social issues but I guess due to the culture in America, class is not talked about, just race and sexuality.

>> No.11306634

The most prestigious institutions in our country exist to groom our future leaders, provide the upper classes with extensive networking capabilities, and secure the dominance of the elite over the rest of us. It more than justifies the anti-intellectualism so common in America; the only issue with it is that it isn't radical enough.

>> No.11306639

25% is massively overrepresented, especially of populations that classically suffer from low educational standards

>> No.11306648

Anti-Academism needs to be separated from Anti-Intellectualism. We don't need a Libertarianism for stupidity.

>> No.11306660

So would you conclude that the majority of the reason famous and influential intellectuals come from these colleges is because of the networking and domination of the elite?
Similar sentiment?

>> No.11306670

~25% total for latino and black. actually a little underrepresented based on us demographics. regardless, my point still stands: white people arent at a big disadvantage overall since they are favored to asians just as blacks and latinos are favored to whites (up until a class is sufficiently diverse; unis dont want to drive down sat averages).

>> No.11306678

I'm really disinterested in the question of how academia produces celebrity or individuals of influence. I'm more concerned with how academia damages society more broadly.
There will always be shitheads at the top of a power hierarchy, that goes without saying.

>> No.11306685

But you admit they are disadvantaged artificially
Also I wonder how those stats would change if the illegal Latino community were deported.

>> No.11306687
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>I'm an intellectual because my daddy paid for SAT prep courses and private school
>I'm an intellectual because I study alongside Chinese locusts who don't speak a word of English and will plagiarize and bribe their way to a degree
>I'm an intellectual because gamed the admissions office with affirmative action and legacy connections
I hope you don't think you're in any way intelligent. You're a dumbass who got scammed by a Hogwarts fantasy that never really existed. The university system is a scam that everybody including the government is using to loot the middle class. Stay tuned for the inevitable crash

Non-Jewish whites are the single most underrepresented ethnic group at elite institutions when you consider their share of the population and their high school academic performance. Jews are overrepresented by 1200% to parity at Harvard, for example, despite making up only 5% of the best high school students in America. Look at CalTech's demographics for a more accurate picture of academic performance by ethnic group (technical schools like CalTech and MIT have objective admission standards that can't be bought or gamed). Non-Jewish whites are 66% of all NMS semifinalists, but only 23% of the student body in the Ivy league.

>> No.11306697

Well another factor is the illusion that the education system levels out the difference between classes, while it probably maintain or exacerbates them.

>> No.11306713

asians are at a disadvantage overall. white people are not. if the college admissions process were race blind, then the acceptance rates for whites would largely stay the same since, while the number of latinos and blacks would decline, the number of asians would also rise. a case study in this is cal tech, which puts little emphasis on race in its admissions. guess what? it's over 40% asian and even less white than some school that practice affirmative action.

>> No.11306730

Cal Tech is a different school with an entirely different audience. Not a good representative of the Ivy League

>> No.11306747
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What's especially egregious is that non-Jewish whites literally created these institutions. If anybody has a right to attend them, it's New England's WASP stock that gave these schools their wealth and status. That gave them their fucking names.

Asian insects and Jewish subversives can feed on the corpse of Anglo-European achievement, but they can't convince me the culture trickled down.

>> No.11306768

youre clinging to unz's stats which have already been falsified.


>> No.11306775

I'd like to agree, but American society uses intelligence to justify its structure. As far as society is concerned their one in the same. I can't really blame people for resenting a system that more or less decided their fate by the time they were twenty.

>> No.11306776

>fucking Brown
Want to know how I know you're Jewish?

>> No.11306778

People who never went to Oxbridge tend to have grand ideas about what it is like. In reality the people you meet there are just as ordinary as the rest of us, if not just slightly more intelligent and hard working. All great men taught themselves. Become an autodidactic learner if you actually want to succeed in the world.

>> No.11306792

dartmouth is probably the least jewish ivy, lmao. columbia is one of the best unis in the world by every metric. amherst is the premier liberal arts college. brown is an ivy with a unique curriculum and regularly ranks top 15. are you the dude who keeps spamming shitty data about jewish representation at top colleges? you realize none of these schools actually tally the number of jewish students? jews apply as whites, they might mark their religion on the common app, and their names might hint at their origins, but it's hardly as explicit a process as you seem to think.

>> No.11306794

Did you even read this article before linking it?

>In my own research, such Weyl Analysis could only be applied to the NMS semifinalist lists, whose numbers were sufficiently large, and I employed it as a validation-check upon my more subjective estimates of Jewish surnames for that dataset. I was very pleased to find that the match was quite close. For example, my estimate of Jewish NMS semifinalists based on direct inspection was 5.95%, while the estimates based on Weyl Analysis were 5.92% and 6.03%, depending upon the particular subset of distinctive surnames selected. This tended to increase my confidential in the direct inspection methods I also applied to the far smaller lists of Olympiad winners and such.

>> No.11306831

did you? he discusses how the estimates for jewish representation at elite colleges are grossly exaggerated and notes that jews are concentrated in the northeast where ivy league schools are located. unz also underestimates jewish representation in prestigious math

> Unz’s error arose because he used different sorts of information with different biases that did not cancel out but actually reinforced each other, underestimating the proportion of high-achieving Jews and overestimating the Jewish presence among Ivy League students.

ironically unz, a jew, embodies jewish stereotypes about as well as anyone. not exactly a trustworthy source.

>> No.11306881

>> Unz’s error arose because he used different sorts of information with different biases that did not cancel out but actually reinforced each other, underestimating the proportion of high-achieving Jews and overestimating the Jewish presence among Ivy League students.
This statement is nowhere to be found in the link you posted. I'm going to assume your mediocre brain went on the fritz after you frantically googled "ron unz WRONG" and posted the wrong link. Because of your panic-induced error, this debate is now concluded in my favor. I am correct and the winner of this intellectual exchange.

>> No.11307009
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>Almost always the undergraduate degree of the famous or infamous person is from the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge
i think you overrate them. what youll often find is that they will have attended an independent school or grammar school before they were 18, which is where the qualities you describe were instilled. i dont think i've ever seen someone who has been to a comprehensive school and then onto oxbridge with these attributes

>> No.11307680


>> No.11307708
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when will this boomer meme finally die?