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File: 127 KB, 220x309, Original_New_Yorker_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11304480 No.11304480 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best magazine to subscribe to?

>> No.11304482

None of them.

>> No.11304487
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>> No.11304493

>current year
>subscribing to anything
Bad news for you, anon, there’s no subscription based platform that can afford to publish good content regularly. If it’s not a legacy rag with overt political leanings and a massive endowment like the New Yorker, it’s a fucking e-pub that doesn’t print anything and only publishes sub ~3000 word tripe to a mobile app that MFAs can knit their brows over on the subway to and from class. Find your local used bookstore and collect more classics to read.

>> No.11304502

yearly reminder the new yorker mascot is literally a bourgeoisie guy in a top hat

Do you think people who jerk off to anime and piss in bottles to avoid contact with other humans are going to read the new yorker?

Christ on a cross son, that pure normal fag tripe.

>> No.11304503
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The New Criterion is quite good.
NYRB has 5 truly great articles a year amidst a sea of regressive leftist fluff
The London Review is great when they dont review political stuff, at which time they are quite tiresome
I found the Paris Review utter trash.
I enjoy the Federalist as a news site.
The Wall Street Journal could be worse
The New Yorker and The Atlantic are the best of normie never-trump mags.

>> No.11304538
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>> No.11304572

Certainly not that one

>> No.11304612

only correct answer itt
also, Zyzzyva

>> No.11304616 [DELETED] 


>> No.11304730

Can anyone recomend good french magazines/news outlets to subscribe to?

>> No.11304736
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>> No.11304759
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>I enjoy the Federalist as a news site

>> No.11304822


>> No.11305256

okay but that's your opinion

>> No.11305262

I'd say Barron's

>> No.11305268 [DELETED] 
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>New Yorker

>> No.11305338

how could it be anything but

>> No.11305348
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>that 25 year old boomer who subscribes to magazines to show how sophisticated he is

>> No.11305356

>tfw 35 and no friends to show off my magazines too

>> No.11305380

the federalist is breitbart for people who think they're too smart for breitbart

>> No.11305398

i dont get this meme where anons say 25 year old or even 13 year old boomers.

>> No.11305400

you go to the library and read all of them

>> No.11305407
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>that 22 year old boomer who can't get nu-memes

>> No.11305426

forced malicious crossboarding meme like the bugs shit

>> No.11305501
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>I enjoy the Federalist as a news site.

>> No.11305611

Financial times

>> No.11305655

Architectural Digest
The New Criterion
Lapham's Quarterly
and if you're a girl, or live with your girlfriend:
Harper's Bazaar
Elle (French edition, if she speaks)
Southern/Coastal Living

>> No.11305719
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I'm pretty fond of Private Eye, it's the only one I bother to subscribe to anyway.

>> No.11306486


>> No.11306597

AFP is the only good French news outlet but it's really, really good. You can't buy a subscription as an individual though. Apart from that French journalism is among the worst in the world.

>> No.11306613

Culture War magazine

>> No.11306619
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It triggers /pol/ babbies though

>> No.11306631

awful tripe for middle aged 'conservatives' who are just gosh darn sick of the modern world*!!!!!!

*by modern world, we refer solely to elf n safety laws and social media, these faggots actually love most aspects of modernity without realising it

>> No.11306638

a bit too puritanical and whingey, but yes otherwise this is the best uk publication. real investigative journalism, wit, and cartoons.

>> No.11306674

>i buy it for the articles

>> No.11306864

>E. Michael Jones all over the front page

>> No.11306907

Yeah, he runs it, I subscribed for a year and collected them, but hardly read, they sent me several letters asking me to resubscribe. I'll have to do it again, it's only $50 for a whole year, physical copies.

>> No.11306932

James Joyce Quarterly

>> No.11306963

when ur definitely not one extremely not mad left winger guy replying over and over

go read the baffler, current affairs and the outline while talking about how youre too good for them my guy. apparently jacobite is a shitty left wing magazine too lol

>> No.11306970

I've never read his books, but I plan to as they all seem very interesting and relevant. Which of his do you recommend the most?

>> No.11306974
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The Spectator

>> No.11306980

The New Yorker and the Economist, continually renew their 12-week $12 trial under name email addresses.

>> No.11307052
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>> No.11307115
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Look at that marketing and It's easy to discern their target audience: pompous, wealthy, out-of-touch, urbanite New-England aristocrats. I got curious today and grabbed the May edition from Soulseek. I finally had to give up when I reached the Fortnite article... How can people read this shit and take it seriously?

>> No.11307119

Unironically playboy used to be better than all of these “literary” magazines

>> No.11307152


The New Yorker is middle brow as fuck and it's marketed toward people like you.

>> No.11307153
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Not even remotely worth the price (what is it now, like $200 annually?) unless you really enjoy reading about Trump and gender representation in the American workforce over and over again every single week. There is maybe the odd couple articles that are worth your time, but I hope to God you are pirating, not paying for that shit.

>> No.11307186

Maybe it's marketed towards educated middle-class city dwellers who have illusions of aristocracy; In that case it's even worse than I had thought.

>marketed toward people like you
Doubt it. I live in a poor hick town ruined by heroin, live in a trailer, and have no higher education.

>> No.11307191

I'd say FT or The Economist which are really broad based with good form and content.
Just remember that they are both ruled by jews, be it the producers or the editors.

>> No.11307195

Honestly the fortnite article was good. Video games are destroying the youth and fortnite is a perfect example. Kids taking over classrooms playing it while Juuling, haha it's all fucked.

>> No.11307363

>rothschild owned publication relentlessly promotes open borders

can't imagine why

>> No.11307456

Cahiers du Cinema

>> No.11307681

The Economist and ft are both really wanting. Macro financial news is worthless outside of gettjng geopolitical news. For actual markets, you need outlets that are more down and dirty

>> No.11307717


>> No.11307722

>No subscription publishes good content
Not true you just have to wade through the dregs to find anything worthwhile. The only magazine I subscribe to any more is Haggerty and honestly it's the only one not acting like some stooge for a car company pushing the "buy our shitty crossover" angle. They dedicated an entire issue to Steve McQueen's mustang a few months back and it was fantastic

>> No.11307727

I miss when this rag wasn't pseudoscience based trash. They push at least 2 gender bullshit issues a year now

>> No.11308266
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even pol can get some things right

>> No.11308328

Ausfag here, that was literally established by the CIA to make the "right" here pro-American and anti-British / anti-Communist lmao
>The Economist
>50 reasons why the New Germans should fuck your wife AND WILL INCREASE THE GDP (pbuh)
The Economist is the biggest pseud magazine around. Its literally kept alive by kids in high school who think the debate team is for a cognitive elite and dentist waiting room subscriptions the receptionist can't be fucked to cancel

>> No.11308351

Paris Review is worth it, especially all the content on their site.

>> No.11308359
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Trying out subscriptions to these two. Haven't made up my mind on either of them yet.

>> No.11308376

The Athletic

>> No.11308380

>not wanting a crossover

>> No.11308399

The New Yorker is ok, just stay away from the fiction section

>> No.11308428

All of them are capitalist propoganda.