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/lit/ - Literature

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11303589 No.11303589 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest
Do you even read?

>> No.11303590


>> No.11303592

Yes. It helps me sleep

>> No.11303597

Yeah, I'm posting in between chapters. It gives me an opportunity to digest what I've read. On a grander scale, I've read four books this month and around forty this year.

>> No.11303608

give us some highlights

>> No.11303616

No not since March I'm a lazy piece of shit with no motivation

>> No.11303623

damn good for you. siriusly

>> No.11303633


I just finished Madame Bovary a few days ago and I read the first 6 chapters of Great Expectations today.

>> No.11303644

finally an honest post

>> No.11303651

I used to but nowadays I don't really do anything.

>> No.11303657

I'll be honest; everytime I try, I just can't find the motivation to sit back and continue reading knowing that there are hundreds of more stimulating activities. Any anons know how to overcome this? Sometimes, when I'm in the right state of mind, I can finish an entire book in a single day and actually understand it all; but the rest of my days is me taking a look at 2 or 3 pages and closing it up.

>> No.11303667

On break before grad school, so I'm embracing neetdom for the summer. May was big for me, I managed to read thirty-one books, though not necessarily one a day, and some days I read two. Some were short story collections, and others were non-fiction as well. Moby-Dick was honestly the best thing I've read this year, and the longest book I read of the thirty-one. I tried to diversify my authors a bit, I read multiple works by Hemingway, Faulkner, McCarthy, Kerouac, Woolf, Calvino, Mishima, and Oe, and a handful of books by other authors. I haven't read so much in years, and I couldn't be happier. I'm reading Book of the New Sun now and I'm enjoying it thoroughly, and next I might tackle In Search of Lost Time. I think I'll wrestle with that until I start school in late August, although I plan to read Light in August at that point too.

>> No.11303734
File: 21 KB, 353x500, mobydickbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great post man
Moby Dick was the most metal book i have ever read
As I Lay Dying was my favorite "western" so far
i also tend to read a lot in very short spurts and then take breaks
keep it up my dude

>> No.11303759

I feel like I could reread Moby-Dick to pieces if I didn't have other books to read. If you're a fan of Faulkner, I reccomend McCarthy's early work. The Orchard Keeper almost seems like he's trying to imitate him, and it's a dense, difficult read comparatively, but Outer Dark and Child of God are primo.

>> No.11303767

>I feel like I could reread Moby-Dick to pieces if I didn't have other books to read.
exact same feelings man
my answer to "one book to bring to a desert island" would absolutely be moby dick
i have never re-read a book and i don't think i ever will, unless i am literally stranded on an island

>> No.11303834

As a student, I read in the train or the bus. During the holidays, I live as a NEET, so I spend some hours of the day reading. I'm currently reading Life Is a Dream of Calderón de la Barca; planning to continue with The Book of Disquiet.
I prefer to read because this way, my parents think I'm learning something, so they won't criticize me for being a NEET. To be honest, I would be almost the same person If I spent my time with anime or something like that. However, overall, literature provides me more "aesthetic" moments. Yes, I know I'm a decadent hedonist.

>> No.11303968

Not really. Never actually finished a book. Not one. I've claimed to have read hundreds but I always skip-skim over parts I don't care about. I'll get to the end sometimes. Most often I just don't give a fuck what happens with the story or characters, but sometimes I do. There's only a handful of masterplots and with all the different kinds of media now, most often there is a shorter, more engaging form of a story not in book form. Some writers definitely stand out. Short stories are the way to read.

>> No.11304778

May and September have always been good reading months for me. Good to feel unfreakish (for a change) on a board theoretically dedicated at least in part to this freakish undertaking. Thanks for the post, anon.

>> No.11304793

I've only read 6 books this year

>> No.11304797

About 100 pages today. Original goal this year was 1 book per week but trying to ramp it up to 2+ if I can.

>> No.11304800

I've been a bad boy, mommy, and haven't read in days! P-please spank me!

>> No.11304807

I feel you man

>> No.11304835

i only read fantasy/sci-fi books

>> No.11304850

I exclusively read harry potter

>> No.11304851

I'm reading right now.

>> No.11304898
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>> No.11305104

Fuck would I do that for?

>> No.11305130

How, you meme loving fuck?

>> No.11305421

>hundreds of more stimulating activities

like what?

>> No.11305428

He's addicted to his phone and the internet

>> No.11305790

>100 pages in a day

m8 how quick do you read? i can barely do 70

>> No.11305797

not really
i read 2 or 3 books a year

>> No.11305834

on a good day, I can do 500, and I don't read that fast at all.

>> No.11305846

no, whenever i try i'm bored as fuck and largely can't comprehend anything. also psychosomatic achings come and i start feeling pressure in my ears or extreme anxiety and twitchiness.

>> No.11305944

>not 5000
yeah youre right, you dont read fast

>> No.11306013

I read like 15 pages of book per hour even on babby tier authors like Hemingway. It’s not like I find it hard it’s just that I feel like I should catch every piece of meaning I can. I don’t like it because I never do find all the meaning.
I’m reading East of Eden right now and I’m trying to get to 30 pages an hour

>> No.11306022

that's what I said. don't be rude.

>> No.11306025

No I just carry books around to impress women

>> No.11306032

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

You think it's easy being me? You don't know the half of it, kid. You don't know the sort of rejection I've faced. And this is my territory you;re in. I bet you thought you could just come into this board and post whatever you wanted, like /b/ or /r9k/, rite? Wrong. I and many others come here for the specific point of discussing LITERATURE. Read that word carefully, look it up if you have too. And while we were amiably pursing this noble subject of erudition, you came along and decided it was a propitious idea to put a libidinally charge representation of what I, and many others on this board, cannot attain on the front fucking page. You cretin. You sad, dead, little phallus-minded moron.

So in conclusion: prepare yourself. Post whatever jezebels you have left, with the time you have (it isn't very much time). I'm coming for you, bitch.

>> No.11306045


>> No.11306466

no, i just sort of brush my eyes over the words until i see a paragraph break and then i turn the page.

>> No.11306641

Do you people think reading will acually improve ones vocabulary and comm skills, being a non-native english speaker?

>> No.11306673

It’s probably the next best thing to just conversing with native English speakers

>> No.11306720

Congratulations! You have once again succeeded in posting a thinly veiled 'literature' thread with the intention to gossip like a schoolgirl!

>> No.11308226


>> No.11308544


I finished parmenides 2 days ago and I'll either do sophist or aristotle metaphysics ∆ (4) next, or maybe something else from the giant reading list notes....birth of a tragedy is tempting or maybe alan watts' "the book".

>> No.11308573

I think sometimes my brain is just not ready for it. My body would convulse and shrivel up if I started reading something like 200 pages a week, unless we're talking light stuff which I don't really get into. Once the mood hits I just try and take advantage, its like a randomized stock market for whenever it happens. Just try not to predict the future

>> No.11308625
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No, the internet has ruined my capacity to concentrate but I remember having a great time reading before that happened.

>> No.11308626
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oh man oh wow oh man

>> No.11308744

I read in spurts. I’ve finished four books since January but now I’m reading Don Quixote (separate from /srg/) and sort of stalling... it’s not nearly as good as I was hoping :-(

>> No.11308844

I try, but get self conscious and end up googling "how to read faster" and thinking "these methods are dumb! I'm not going to write in my book, and I'm not going to just skip words!"

Then I try reading again, and the cycle repeats until I end up crying myself over to 4chan or really anything but reading. :^/

>> No.11309424

im mostly depressed lately,
been playing Dark Souls instead

>> No.11309538

buncha dorky nerds on this board

>> No.11310082

I try to when i have the time, but i hate reading because i can't enjoy it. It is a tiring battle, re-reading pages 3-4 times because of having zoned out and lost focus, the eternal search for that good reading spot with no noise and the horrible pitfall of accidentally buying a book, finding it really hard to read but committing to it anyways just to find out that after all the efforts made to read through it; it is in fact absolute garbage. Then i sit there wondering why i wasted so much energy on something of no substance.

>> No.11310117

I'm glad you liked my joke.

In reality though, i read 1 book a day, everday.

By the age of 10 a had mastered 20 languages. By the age of 12, read every book in the country.

On my off days i like to read the dictionary upside down, back to front and front to back at the same time.

>> No.11310350

that’s like binge watching 4 movies in a row, 0 digestion

>> No.11310711

Since 2016 on my twentieth birthday I've spent over £1000 on books but I've only read two of them. I keep telling myself "I'll start tomorrow" or "at the beginning of next month I'll do it, I'll finally make my way through what I've got," but I keep wasting money on books and keep on not reading them.

I think I'll eventually get round to it once I've completed my collection, whenever that is.

>> No.11310722


>> No.11310737
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I only read trash. I haven't read anything with depth in years.

>> No.11310761

says you

>> No.11310762


Femdom is much less enticing when you realize that women are not entities and only act dominant when prompted by men.

Also, no, no one reads. It sucks.

>> No.11310772

I love reading. It really fuels me, gives me much more insight into everything. Reading newspapers in comparison is shit, low content and disinformative. I'm not ugly and love girls and sex but read around 50 books per year. It's my main hobby.

>> No.11310878

>women are not entities

>> No.11311076

decided to try and read 50 books this year (one per week + two shorter ones to read in a day or so), have managed to do it so far. i didn't read shit while i was depressed in 2015-2016 and i still feel guilty about it.

>> No.11311084

not really
but when i do ill finish the book in a couple days
id like to read more but music/vidya/tv always find a way to keep me sucked in and i have no willpower

>> No.11311108

He means they don't exist. He's right, by the way. They're all metaphysical constructs that can interact in the 3rd dimension as long as they bring doom to men. It's not a nice existence, but even worms don't want to die.

>> No.11311262

well yeah I said that

>> No.11311483

I like to buy books, and then just stare at my bookshelf. So yes.

>> No.11311515

No. My name is Jared, 19, and I never learned.

>> No.11311526

it’s more about how much free time you have. Last weekend I was reading 100 pages per day because I didn’t have anything else to do. I probably only read like 30 pages per hour

>> No.11311565

Even as a kid pre-Internet I never particularly liked reading but would always force myself to do so because I felt obligated. So yes, I do read, but not nearly as much as I should, or would like to. Currently, I'm slogging through the Homeric epics. The thing I hate the most about my situation is that I'm actually half, but not fully, entertained by it.

>> No.11311575


>> No.11311649

you’re just cucking yourself by forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do m8

>> No.11311658

Well it’s not like I have anything better to do. Pretty sure there’s a part of The Gay Science where Nietzsche explicitly condemns this kind of behavior but fuck it