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11302455 No.11302455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are some writers that will better help me develop my masculinity?

For the redditor queer types, masculinity is characterized through

1. Homophobia
2. Self-reliance
3. Sexual success (hetero)
4. Financial and social rank
5. Physical strength
6. Integrity

>> No.11302465

Join us on /pol/, we aren't afraid to embrace macsulinity and whiteness unlike the feminized cucks you see everywhere today.
We're against niggers and faggots, and believe that women should be subservient to us as white men.

>> No.11302485

kafka exhibited all 6 of those and he was a scared pathetic masochistic little chap. hmm

>> No.11302490

ok I'm coming

>> No.11302491

masculinity is the same thing as violence tbqh(and that's a good thing)

>> No.11302495

Cormac McDonald

>> No.11302500

Lol OP you sound like a massive insecure faggot

transition already

>> No.11302504

I'm not like that at all, I'm largely redpilled, proud of my sex and my nation. I'm assertive, hate faggots, and am pro-active. I create 7 nigger/woman hate threads every day

>> No.11302514

>proud of my sex and my nation
i mean white men are making a pretty poor showing of it atm

like we were doing very well for a few centuries there and then suddenly its all 'lol who really cares lets just fuck around'

>> No.11302516

so did he i think

>> No.11302519

the fuck are you talking about. Kafka didn't have physical strength or sexual success nor was his social rank anything important.

>> No.11302521
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I can't help but notice the lack of integrity and strength in your post. Your words have a slimy sheen about them, an oleaginous coat of simpering faggot sarcasm often found among those who are too cowardly and weak to speak in an honest and direct manner.

Frankly, it is revolting. Do not reply to me again, faggot.

>> No.11302524

>I create 7 nigger/woman hate threads every day

oh yes, the most masculine thing on the planet, shitposting on an image board every day

christ i hope you are a trolll

>> No.11302530

fucking faggot lmao

>> No.11302546

he was from a respectable middle class family and worked as a head clerk or something

>Kafka's biographer Reiner Stach states that his life was full of "incessant womanising" and that he was filled with a fear of "sexual failure".

>> No.11302548

It feels good to embrace these ideas in front of women and to see ourselves in that light but really it wears thin if you're not raised up like that and have that mentality in you. And you're on 4chan so come the fuck on. We're exploring our minds here, not seeking validation for how fuckin manly we are. Do that irl

>> No.11302558

>an oleaginous coat

Fucking get out now.

>> No.11302572

Nothing feels as good as smacking a woman around when she doesn't perform her chores properly. Especially when she realizes she was wrong, apologizes and snuggles up to you, and secretly loves being pushed around by a strong white man like me.

>> No.11302584

These posts are all false flags or more likely just shitposting.
But I question a fundamental assumption here. Why shouldn't an effeminate male write on masculinity?
People have always used storytelling to practice and encourage the virtues they are deficient in.

>> No.11302585
File: 81 KB, 1200x800, don-hb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This is a poisonous feminine attitude that's been bred in you by the comforts of consumer society and managerial liberalism. It needs to be stamped out. Competition matters. Awareness of competition and one's competitive standing matter.

There is no such as opting out of social competition. Regardless of how many dandelions you pick in the outfield, you are still going to be a winner or a loser. And I think it's quite obvious why you prefer picking dandelions to looking at the scoreboard...

>> No.11302601

The last sentence ruins this bait, but /lit/ will fall for anything

>> No.11302610

that's the reason anyone goes on like this (see >>11302585). it's therapeutic for them.

>> No.11302614

most of us who reply to bait are aware it's bait
it's just an opportunity for us to narcissistically gie our views on stuff which is the entire reason for the website in the first place

>> No.11302616
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>> No.11302621

>Competition matters. Awareness of competition and one's competitive standing matter.
this is exactly boomer workplace managerialism you fucking dolt

>> No.11302622

looks like you're scoring many points sitting on 4chan all day. A large, strong man. Absolute unit and alpha lord.

>> No.11302634
File: 1.74 MB, 550x320, F6A30359-AF96-470B-9A71-E4C260DB3447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okay I guess Romans and Greeks weren’t manly because they didn’t care about what people did in bed.

>> No.11302642

I am making people aware of the Jewish problem which can usher in a new dawn of white masculinity

>> No.11302646

are you like a commie pretending to be a pol poster?

>> No.11302652

>being so feminized that you literally start shaking when you encounter the voice of a real man
Think it's time you return to reedit, sweety. Men are talking

>> No.11302653

nah m8 i dont care if you gas the Jews, it would make for interesting memes, i just dont buy this persona you have here, it's too on the nose

>> No.11302655

You would know about noses, wouldn't you? Fucking SJW kike

>> No.11302656
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Imagine being this spooked

>> No.11302669

i am literally a perfect aryan specimen, i have a tiny staight nose with a sharp end. I am so goodlooking I cause men to be butthurt merely by being around them

now getting back to the point, you sound like what a commie would parody a pol poster as to make them seem retarded

>> No.11302677

this is something i have been seeing a lot lately. Its very transparent. I see polfags larping as leftfags too.
I dont know what they are trying to accomplish since i want to kill the both of them equally

The leftfags are very obvious because they try to make the pol larp sound dumber than right wingers actually are

>> No.11302679

>t. roastie

>> No.11302681

God, I wish this wasn't me

>> No.11302685
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>that 15 year old boomer that thinks being a drone of capitalism is masculine

>> No.11302704
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>managerial liberalism. It needs to be stamped out. Competition matters. Awareness of competition and one's competitive standing matter.

Oh the fucking irony

>> No.11302705

did you see the episode where don withdrew from the competition & came out on top?

>> No.11302712
File: 48 KB, 349x451, IMG_1319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why i didn't expect this thread to be shit, all the signs were in the OP.
If you actually cared about the fragile concept of masculinity would would just look at the most masculine examples you can think of and find out the correlation between them

>> No.11302717

why is this word always used by people projecting. actually masculine guys are the complete opposite of fragile, they're almost inhumanly unflappable.

>> No.11302723

the concept itself is fragile, or maybe fickle is a better word, as it is a VERY broad term.

>> No.11302726

The Foundation for Exploration taught me how to be a man.

>> No.11302730

it's not though, masculine guys are stoic and dominant. if you arent these things you arent masculine
a lot of men are fragile, that is a different matter.

it's like how very few women are actually feminine, being truly feminine or masculine is for the sort of best offerings of each sex

>> No.11302731

>most masculine examples
This, kind of. When I want to imagine what would be the paragon of masculinity, I usually just think of my grandfather.
People who show by example are the types you want to go after. Don't listen to those who only know masculinity by theory.

>> No.11302740

not him but do you not know what the word concept means

>> No.11302742

yeah and the concept is not fragile, it is very clear. people have started lying about it, but that doesnt mean that the word didnt refer to something specific

>> No.11302743

being to stoic is seen as being a pushover, and that is not seen as masculine. Being too dominant is seen as compensating, which is not masculine.
Hell different cultures measure what it means to be a man in very different ways.

>> No.11302747

being stoic means you dont get emotional about stuff, being dominant means other people defer to you

you're describing other behaviors and then conflating them with it

>> No.11302749

Masculinity is a penis and a pair of balls. If you think otherwise, either your penis or your brain is just really, really tiny.

>> No.11302756

Just finished loading this page
Should I read the whole thread? Is it good?

>> No.11302760
File: 51 KB, 570x511, IMG_1522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that were getting mixed signals on our definitions, seeing as you are the one that is debating masculinity as a universally understood thing then i would like it if you gave a more elaborate definition or masculine

>> No.11302761

>Is it good?
dont be ridiculous, of course it isn't good

>> No.11302764

well masculine is a latin word, the only specific thing it's referred to is 'male'. it only picked up this new usage 400 years ago

>> No.11302767

you guys are correct of course, im being basically retarded in saying that masculinity has always meant one specific thing

>> No.11302773

they can't be masculine, so they rather 'deconstruct' the term and bring everybody down to their own level

>> No.11302783

>being to stoic is seen as being a pushover
>Being too dominant is seen as compensating

Only salty people think like this. The most dominant dude will still get everything

>> No.11302784

everyone born male is masculine, it's not a good thing nor a bad thing. it's just a thing. actually it might be a bad thing.

>> No.11302796

Ernst Jünger
Ernest Hemingway
Marcus Aurelius
John Steinbeck
Cormac McCarthy
Charles Dickens
Jack London
Jack Kerouac
Hunter S. Thompson
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Leo Tolstoy
Aldous Huxley
Friedrich Nietzsche
Carl Jung

That’s a start for you.

>> No.11302798

Is this leftypols idea of being witty? You arent fooling anyone

>> No.11302800

>The most dominant dude will still get everything
the hell is this supposed to mean?
like alexander the great, napoleon and hitler? they all ruined their own countries and died shamefully with no sons to succeed them

>> No.11302804

I do not think masculinity is a bad thing like feminists say, or that it is "toxic". I view it as something flawed. But there are benefits to masculinity like being able to handle responsibility, or learning how to be a leader.

I also think pol are retards too. There are lots of men who are feminine or naturally feminine
Its probably harder for a man to accept that they are feminine than for a woman to accept they are a bit masculine

>> No.11302820

surely you have got it wrong, historically wrong. men have never been very good leaders, or very responsible. that's how marriage came about (and lasted). you ever read the odyssey?

>> No.11302824

Greeks and Romans had an extremely tight sexual ethic. If you were a bottom you were human pondscum, bipedal hotdog water of the lowest status

>> No.11302834
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, liberty-gun-beer-trump-youth-t-shirt-white-16662-21-2-0-62-176-119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think masculinity is about standing up to a feminised bureaucratic society based on slave morality and cultural marxism. Consensus reality, the limits of what's acceptable and what's thinkable, defined by nepotistic cliques of heavily jewish cosmopolitan managers and journalists. These 'people' want to reduce humanity to a homogenous mass of genderless, raceless and cultureless debt cattle fed on mass culture and processed foods. that's a fact. I wonder why they feel so threatened by' toxic masculinity'? I read the new york times and vox every morning, I read the washington post. Why? so I can get into the heads of these people, spend the rest of the day becoming everything that takes away your sleep at night. I see my subjective existence as a weapon to be perfected. Every time I see an 'lgbt pride rainbow' i start foaming at the mouth and shaking with murderous rage. Guess that just means I'm normal and good at resisting cultural marxist indoctrination. most people would agree with me, but they are afraid to speak their minds due to political correctness. seriously, if you are ''trans'', if you are a homosexual, I WILL regard you as an Enemy. Only an Enemy would want to destroy you. I was an advocate of peaceful coexistence for long enough, but you people DON'T want peaceful coexistence. this is war. you freaks are beasts and you must be put to the sword, a feast for the birds and dogs.

>> No.11302841

America was a mistake

>> No.11302852

they got everything, then lost it to another dominant leader
subordinate people never get anything at all

>> No.11302855
File: 172 KB, 875x988, caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the land and money is owned by men and feminists are butthurt about the patriarchy.
It is natural for alpha men to be conquers and leaders of men.
If women ran the world we would still be living in mud huts. White men conquered the entire planet and the moon.
The languages everyone speaks are European. The lingua franca is English. The second most spoken is Spanish.

Of course there is war. Its diffrent alpha men fighting each other trying to be the most alpha. Stalin was alpha as fuck, he ice picked that little kike beta trotsky. Hitler was alpha as fuck. he rose up from extreme poverty as an artist and became leader of his nation and almost conquered the whole of western europe.

You will never hear stories like this about a woman

>> No.11302858

where does that leave jesus christ

>> No.11302861

cucked on a cross

>> No.11302869

as the true king

>> No.11302870

being attracted to women is just about the gayest thing a straight man can do

>> No.11302871

that 25 year old neet who is secretly ashamed that he cant be a man and a good provider so he decides that work is pointless.

>> No.11302880

It was the awakening and subsequent planned corruption, by way of "free love" and sub-par drugs, of the Hippie movement.

>> No.11302881

today in words that trigger all the right people: managerial liberalism, cultural marxism, ZOG, slave morality,

>> No.11302882

Yet we still remember their names. And nobody will ever remember yours. Feel that? Thats how dominant they were.

>> No.11302883

not in england. the queen owns all the land.
and before the patriarchy there was a matriarchy. and after the patriarchy there'll probably be some kind of mechiarchy with the machines in charge and all of this will be so peripheral to the general misery we won't be discussing it (unless women can save mankind)

why would we be living in mud huts? a woman can tell a man to build as well as a man can. and if there were no women would men bother to do any of this? really women have all the power.

>Its diffrent alpha men fighting each other trying to be the most alpha
the trojan war was over a woman.

we hear those stories because what did those men do? they organized. and all those organisations failed. women don't organize, they exemplarize.

>> No.11302885

One can provide without drinking Rand's kool-aid and LARPing as Don Draper.
You don't care about providing for a family, this competition talk is you struggling to find your balls in a society that demands emasculation.

>> No.11302887



>> No.11302891

well, i think that's further than you have authority to go. and caring about posterity is crying over your own grave

>> No.11302896
File: 127 KB, 390x325, Freisteller_AngelaMerkel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking the english monarchy matters in 2018

okay now you are just being a contrarian.

You want to know what happens when a woman runs things? She lets the invaders in to kill her people

>> No.11302898

women do that so that they have more men competing for them and the ones that kill the other ones will be better breeding stock

>> No.11302905

she does own all the land. and between me and you of course it matters, it's part of our constitution.
& i don't think merkel is a real woman

>> No.11302914
File: 916 KB, 1473x1055, Tullio-Crali-Bombardamento-aereo-1932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm starting to sympathize with those belle epoque decadent edgelords who believed bourgeoisie society was rotten to the core and had to be purified in the cleansing fires of war and atrocity, so something better could rise from the ashes. I just want to start some shit. Helter Skelter. Meltdown. WWIII. RaHoWa. All forms of violence are quests for identity.

>> No.11302917

>something better could rise from the ashes.
this part never happens though lol. humans are just garbage

>> No.11302933

the modern politician is nothing but a puppet for the oligarchs (men) who really run things
The dumb cunt most likely has a buercracy of diverse advisors telling her what to do

A woman knows nothing of loyalty or honer. It is honorable to die in battler.
Just giving up?
That means you are a bitch.

Look, these are simple prison rules

only a woman would willingly kill their entire nation in the name of tolerance. Christ, even obama was deporting spics left and right

>> No.11302951

>Tight butt sex only.

Yup. Ethics.

>> No.11302957

well i think you're on the psychotic fringe, but you're not the only one. i suppose the more the 'home' is lost replaced by small life boxes in cities, the more people will go out and shoot everyone they see

no that part almost always happens
humans are capable of anything. that means good and bad

>> No.11302974

If there's such a thing as 'toxic masculinity', it's a result of societal machinations perpetuated by female sexuality. If women stopped rewarding agression, dominance and violent, men would simply stop being bullies. Men do such things because it gets them laid. Imagine women started being extremely attracted to passive, subordinate men overnight: everyone and their cousin would turn into beta males

>> No.11302976

well maybe we should drop the prison attitude to things. what did shakespeare say about it:

Can honour set to a leg? no: or
an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no.
Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? no. What is
honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what
is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it?
he that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no.
Doth he hear it? no. ‘Tis insensible, then. Yea,
to the dead. But will it not live with the living?
no. Why? detraction will not suffer it. Therefore
I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon: and so
ends my catechism.

>> No.11302991
File: 111 KB, 960x567, il-comandante-dannunzio-trai-suoi-bersaglieri-a-fiume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scratch a liberal/leftist/transperson and you will find they are always deeply pessimistic about human nature/hate life and themselves see history as nothing but a bad dream to be forgotten and the future as a void empty of all hope. They are ashamed of existing and being human and want to drag everyone down to their level of untermenschood and self loathing. there's nothing more revolutionary than reactionary vitalism: the idea that life is worth living and there is an Immortal Cause worth dying for. the unapologetic affirmation of life warts and all. use the past to build a bridge to the future and resurrect forgotten dreams of glory. you might say I'm cruel, sadistic, but i think I'm an angel of mercy, releasing the weak from their suffering.If liberals/anarchists/communists 2018 AD had any fucking guts, they'd be Fascists. I've come to think of fascism as a natural immune response that kicks in whenever things get too degenerate. many people who saw hitler in person said there was something unnervingly inhuman, perhaps divine about the Fuhrer. I am possessed by dyonisiac energies from beyond these star. Once you drink the wine of the gods there is no going back, everything is tasteless and drab. I am not from this earth. a pilgrim of longing. VIVA LA MUERTE! ALL HAIL THE BLACK SUN!

>> No.11303004

Moron, good luck raising sons with an abject retarded understanding of masculinity.

>> No.11303010

though it doesn't really reflect well on your paternal nature if you resort to name-calling like that

>> No.11303026

I was raised in a traditional style. Mom at home with strict father that taught me shit and worked. Never had a problem with anything op listed.

Did you guys no have this? This was common in the 80s and 90s, not so much today.

>> No.11303058

>this part never happens though lol. humans are just garbage

maybe what's rising from the ashes is a superior post organic lifeform, ie. skynet AI. shitlibs and leftists are all about the 'sanctity' of human life an ethics of mandatory hedonism. the quality of life is being degraded, homogenised, deprived of heroism and will. what's the point of 'diversity' if everyone ends up thinking the same and consuming the same products? your so called 'utopia' is way more nihilistic than my skynet omnicide hyperfascist scenario.

>> No.11303069 [DELETED] 

i don't think that's as traditional as you think. at least not for characteristic #4

>> No.11303081

Do you know how the queen got the land? It was inherited from men who conquered it long ago

>> No.11303099

victoria conquered most of the globe.

>> No.11303106


>> No.11303115

Men conquered most of the globe while Victoria was queen. Most of the times she left England were for holidays.

>> No.11303136

it's the same for almost all leaders.
& our golden age was under elizabeth i

>> No.11303144

OP is a self-antagonizing retard. Over-defining and source-seeking is inherently non-masculine. You don't want to know anything, you just want to complain. Tears will drown your paltry metrics, so save them for only the truest nights

>> No.11303267

Nothing manly about being scared of gays. Nothing manly about using a propaganda term for aversion to homosexuality either. "Heterosexualism" would be a better word.

>> No.11303273

>of course it matters, it's part of our constitution
The British constitution is worth the paper it's written on.

>> No.11303291

You're right about all but homophobia. Casual sex with attractive young men is the height of masculinity. Though of course that's not to say you adopt the whole homosexual lifestyle with its feminine affectations.

>> No.11303341

very funny
but it's worked well for hundreds of years

>> No.11304370


>> No.11304443

>2. Self-reliance
Is that why masculinity is so reliant on loyal friendships?

>> No.11304451

>>>/d/ is apparently the height of masculinity.

>> No.11304455

>sexual success and integrity...
Holy shit man, what's the deal with these fucking posts lately.
>Dude alpha male LMAO

>> No.11304463

>dude just be a loser like me XD

>> No.11304464

Healthy habits are going to turn you into a better man than reading about any idealized notion of masculinity ever will. Lift, eat healthy, be productive, and be social. Do those things and you'll be more of a man than 90% of people walking around. Reading men will never turn you into one.

>> No.11304505

>Dude look at me i am such a big boy alpha male.
Are you honestly this fucking retarded. Those classifications are not applicable on human beings, we are not just instinct and hunter-gatherers.
Anyways, how are integrity and sexual success both qualities of the masculine man?
Or by sexual success, you mean having a wife and kids, which is a good thing?

>> No.11305451
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Tolstoy was a queer.

>"I have never been in love with a woman,” the entry read, “but I have quite often fallen in love with a man. . . . I fell in love with a man before I knew what pederasty was. . . . Beauty has always been a powerful factor in my attractions; there is D—, for example. I shall never forget the night we left Pirogovo together, when, wrapped up in my blanket, I wanted to devour him with kisses and weep. Sexual desire was not totally absent, but it was impossible to say what role it played."

>He seems to have felt there was something holy in submission to Chertkov’s will, but the bond wasn’t strictly spiritual. Chertkov liked to keep plenty of handsome peasant youths nearby; as a young man, Tolstoy had written that he’d loved only men, and never women. He worried, pathetically, about Chertkov not loving him enough, even as friends and family wondered how such a great man could love such a cad.

>In one letter, Tolstoy wrote Chertkov that they loved each other "unlawfully, more than brotherly."

>> No.11305822

t.e. lawrence had almost all of those and he was very girlish

>> No.11305853

straight men dont actually give a fuck about homos buttfucking
if you take pride in being a homophobe you are 100% likely to be a closeted bottom faggot

>> No.11305854

- Stoics
>Ernst Jünger
>Carl Jung


>> No.11305863

Holy fucking cringe, dude.

>> No.11306180

good post

>> No.11306208
File: 349 KB, 519x680, st-benedict-7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most masculine virtue is chastity.

>> No.11306229

You can start by leaving this site.

>> No.11307264


>> No.11307272
