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/lit/ - Literature

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11296805 No.11296805 [Reply] [Original]

Concerning the Quality of /lit/ at the current time, the Reasons for Degeneration, and the Curse of Board-destruction

Dearest /lit/,

It has come to my attention that the quality of discourse has of late been riddled by meme-warfare and outright shitposting. The purpose of this Thread is to illuminate the Reasons behind the Degeneration and my steps to prevent further destruction of so sublime a topic as literature.

My time here on 4chan has been but 5 years and I feel the age of it well. I remained on /b/ until the traps and lolis and fags took over and have subsequently never returned. It was then I discovered /pol/ (inb4 /pol/-boogeyman) and drank the wine of reactionary politics as quickly as a turk does shag his goats. However, the influx of redditors during and following the election turned my beloved /pol/ from stormfront weeding out Jews to a Donald Trump praising propaganda machine (of extraordinary efficiency). I left for /his/ and /mu/ but was soon bored with such silly shitposting (though superior memes) and outright terrible taste in music. It was then my story turns to the confines of this Holy City of God: /lit/.

/lit/ was everything my heart craved. It was a place where my love of books (so callously disregarded in the realm of reality) was able to, at long last, lift up its eyes to a shining sun and partake of nourishment. A place I could converse with those more well-read than myself and learn snippets along the way. I felt a sense of being in a veritable Lyceum. Alas, our time has been short. What I have finally recognized as a Curse following my movements across 4chan, has taken a hold of this very board. The Soil has become dry and dusty, the trees bare and colorless, the posts pedantic and shitty.

>> No.11296807

"What hath caused such a terrible misfortune to befall this place of Virtue?" I wondered. When at last, grim realization dawned upon me. A Curse has been cast upon me by some dark and nefarious Soul. Every board I lay my head on becomes degenerated beyond recognition. /pol/, /his/, /mu/, and now /lit/ (/b/ was always terrible), have all succumbed to the curse darkening the very sky about which we gather. I began to recount the signs: I was a prophet of Kek in his heyday, I compiled the Book of Thoth, I spearheaded the Shitposting Alliance between my home-state of La Florida and the Masters of this Art: Australia, I relentlessly meme'd Kierkegaard until he became a commoner amongst philosophers (thankfully, somewhat abated), and finally, I never feared of shitposting about the most serious of topics. I was indeed the source of all terrible misfortunes of Quality for every board I traversed. Having realized the Source of the Disease, I quickly realized the measures of defense to be immediately taken.

I, as Patient Zero of all memery and shitposting, will hereby be leaving the Great Board of /lit/ from this day forward. I will return only for the Don Quixote Reading Club threads every Sunday, and there I will refrain from posting. It is my hope that this board will be able to recover from the shitstorm I unwittingly brought unto you all, and I sincerely ask for your apologies.

I will be making my way to /ck/ which is, I hope, sufficiently immunized against the kind of curse I bring with me. In honor of this transfer I have freestyled my dinner:

1/2 lbs ground beef
1/2 onion
2 cans pork and beans
1 can Italian diced tomatoes
salt and peppered to taste
served on rice

I call it: Prison Mash a la Poor Anon. It will be my debut on /ck/.

And with this I leave you all, my dearest anons. Bon Voyage!

- Patient Zero, an hero of Chaos

>> No.11296980

>came in 2013
>didn't browse /lit/ until 2017 or so
yeah you are the problem buddy
I suggest you consider the one really serious philosophical problem

>> No.11297011

/ck/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan. They know nothing of cooking and clamor about their sips and fast food garbage. I'm pretty sure you'll come back here after realizing how sordid and disgusting /ck/ is.

>> No.11297015

/a/ is the best board

>> No.11297032


>> No.11297043
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>> No.11297151
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What was your all time favorite moment on /lit/, anon Zero?

>> No.11297152

which is?

yea I just got back. I shudder to remember.

fear not, I plan to hold steadfast in the way I have apportioned to myself.

>> No.11297157

I have been on this website for almost a year. I only come to /lit/. Here's what I do to not waste time with the bullshit: I never read a post shorter than two sentences. I never write a post shorter than two sentences. Retards certainly do write long posts but you can usually tell if it's dumb a few words in.

>> No.11297164

I actually meant to say /an/ but I forgot that other hellhole existed and I confused the two.

>> No.11297175
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you are an utter pleb

>> No.11297189
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>I have been on this website for almost a year.

>> No.11297193

my memory is so poor, I can only recall generalities. The Dostoevsky explosion was an amusing occurrence, however, as I may have helped push that along as well. Besides that I once had a very interesting conversation about Free Will and God. I was contending that foreknowledge of events does not necessitate those events. There was no conclusion. Another victim of two walls banging their head against each other. I daresay, if I can't remember then so I must have squandered my time here.

>> No.11297214

? I'm part of the 5% quality content of this board. You're a disgusting philistine, probably.

>> No.11297219

I take it back. I remember my all time favorite moment. The Day an anon pointed me in the direction of this site:


>> No.11297220

It's actually improved very recently desu. Slightly.

>> No.11297227
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>> No.11297228


>> No.11297232

Phil, if that's you, give up books, you are naturally a peasant and it's REALLY apparent itt. I wish you happiness but not here.

>> No.11297242

You probably mean well but I'm just really sick of these posts. They are always the same thing. "I was on (insert board like /pol/ or /co/) until I came to (insert board like /his/ or /lit/) and it changed my life."

>> No.11297254

I fear I've tarried too long in leaving
being so loth to cut the chord
but I promise this post is the signing
of the end of this long letter

-Patient Zero

>> No.11297282

I started posting on lit like in 2013, or maybe 2012, and the board was honestly not that different. less pol is basically all.

In the past 5 years a group of young men have grown up reading reactionary books instead of leftist ones, with the effect that they can now posture as intellectuals on the right instead of left. It is the exact same sort of person, in 2008 they would have been some obscure variety of Anarchist, now they read Moldbug or whatever.

As always there is a little bit of genuine discussion of literature, usually philosophy gets better results than novels. there has always been a mass of idiots repeating memes and contributing nothing.

>> No.11297290
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The problem was /fitlit/, which alerted the /pol/tards on that board to /lit/'s existence. the solution is to IGNORE THE /pol/ POST YOU FOOLS. If you don't give them the time of day then they'll go elsewhere for (you)s

>> No.11297468

How does one ignores /pol/?
Serious question, reactionary ideas sound like a call to action for me, most of the time, but I try to not go there.

>> No.11297489
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Most of the reactionaries can't even pick themselves up, much less a weapon or pencil. And those that do arm up will be suppressed for hate crimes by the police. They can only fight with pen and paper, and i've never seen /pol/ write anything worth reading

>> No.11297503

I have been posting on 4chan and this board since the summer of 2008. it has always been garbage. it changes the way in which it sucks but it has always sucked

>> No.11297504

Does anyone remember that hilariously bad and slightly homoerotic don quixote they wrote a couple years ago hahahahahaha

>> No.11297506


>> No.11297538

i been coming to 5chin for about 3 months now so idk i feel p. oldfag? like, i know what's up and that, and i know all the v. obscure memes (lol, spooks|), and i agree... this bored used to be fun but now... idk? it kind of lame? like, oook, start with the greeks!! lol, but what else you got? :/

>> No.11297741

I'll throw the bone: Why shouldn't you just kill yourself?

>> No.11297744

This board got really fucking bad within a week's time. Who's that sad loser who keeps shilling The Culture of Critique?

>> No.11297751

You are literally the reason for the decline. It was shitty /pol/ refugees all along. We need a fucking wall with a literacy test NOW

>> No.11297758

there's this anon who comes here once in a while and starts relentlessly shitting up the board, he'll go away in a week or two

>> No.11297760

He's been here for like a year or two, but he posts sporadically so it's easy to miss if you don't browse too much.

>> No.11297765

it is being shilled more as a joke right now than seriously. I see constant ironic posting of it and Schopenhauer's On Women

>> No.11297788
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>> No.11297792

The Culture of Critique is probably the most important book among/required to understand new right movements like the alt right, which have grown exponentially in the last 4-5 years, and since the migrant invasion of Europe especially. It's an important and influential book, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that a lot of people bring it up on a board about, dur, books.

>> No.11297797
File: 58 KB, 723x587, IMG_1300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone want's to hear you rant about the jews 7 days a week anon. And most of the newfag came from the trump election and ave since been spreading like a cancer

>> No.11297800

>this angers the redditor

>> No.11297805
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Except the book is fucking garbage. It's entirely based off of cherrypicking. Also it's not an invasion if they are granted asylum from their home country, which is being bombed by both ISIS and the US

>> No.11297806

Nobody said anything about Jews.
>obsessed with an imaginary /pol/ and /r9k/ using “alt-right” boogeyman

>> No.11297810
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You mean bombed by jewish neocons so their brethren can clear out more of the middle east? You sound like a buttmad jew.

>> No.11297818
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>It's another "The cancer that's killing 4chan" post that's actually about putting someone you don't agree with into a box
Would you like to go to VOAT instead?

>> No.11297821
File: 343 KB, 900x900, IMG_1254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the shitty threads involve screaming about jews
examples include

>> No.11297822

Redditor falseflagging.

>> No.11297825 [DELETED] 

You're literally aping the boogeyman picture you fucking nigger

>> No.11297827

I've read the Culture of Critique and find it interesting, but it gets brought up in completely unrelated threads all the time. The actual theory in CoC is pretty mild, it says Jews have a lot of influence in a number of important fields, and affect the mainstream culture quite a bit. This doesn't mean that Jews are entirely responsible for everything happening, and it is especially retarded when people try to blame Jews for things which are clearly not even mostly their fault.

I have accepted that Jews form a part of our elite along with the old WASP stock and some Catholics. This elite is kind of in turmoil anyway, it behaves in massively irrational fashion.

Like 90% of the threads on lit have no connection with this topic, and we dont need to bring it up all the time.

>> No.11297829

Epic /leftypol/ image, comrade. Keep /pol/ in /pol/. Boards are the same thing as subreddits and nobody is allowed to post outside of their designated board XD. What we really need is usernames so we can keep track of the problematic reactionaries and maybe some kind of voting system so problematic posts are hidden.

>> No.11297835

That thread is about a book by an anti-white jew. What's the issue?

>> No.11297839
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all offense, no defense

>> No.11297840

Oh i'm sorry if i want to talk about the things that the board was made for and not your contradictory conspiracy theories. It's apparently dumb of me for suggesting that a literature board be about literature
it's a shit thread, and the bronze age pervert shilling is also annoying

>> No.11297841

Seth, if that's you, stop worrying about our Polish friend and deal with that blonde girl problem we talked about

>> No.11297843

"Nobody said anything about Jews."

It's six posts above you.

>> No.11297846

How were you able to prove >>11297788 point so well

>> No.11297849

I've been here since 2008 as well, and I agree that it was always bad

>> No.11297850

Except if people want to talk about books you don’t approve of, or if they have the wrong views on certain books.

>> No.11297853

Nearly every other literature-related website does not allow talk about jews. This one does, so as I see it the problem lies with you sticking around here and whining instead of going to one of the many other places where you can avoid that which bothers you.

>> No.11297854

What point does that image make other than box every contrary opinion to chan culture as illegitimate

it's like you're trying to enforce a hugbox or something

>> No.11297859
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>> No.11297861

lmao so this is why there's literally always a Communist general on pol

>> No.11297862

Too many commies here.

>> No.11297865

reddit is fucking braindead but it doesn't necessarily mean that every opinion that isn't yours is a conspiracy against you.

>> No.11297868

This is quite a few years old, make another one sweaty ;)

>> No.11297870

I find it hilarious that somebody actually took the time to make this. Anyone who has been here more than three years knows that none of it is true.

>> No.11297871

and when someone says it's a shit book you say "hur dur fuck off jew". It's like you're hypocrisy will never dawn on you
has it ever occurred to you that people don't talk about jews on literature related sites because,surprise, it doesn't relate to FUCKING LITERATURE
most of the new traffic came from 2016

>> No.11297872

Similar boat but I haven't adopted your two sentence policy. I dig it, and I will utilize it in the future.

>> No.11297874

Holy shit, so this is the future that butterfly wants?

>> No.11297878
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>> No.11297879

If you can't stand newcomers who actually have some solid advice for browsing this place then maybe you're no longer needed here.

>> No.11297886

The issue is why it bothers so much that you stay. Are you jewish or nonwhite or otherwise have no skin in the game? Because politics and culture, and the people who shape it, influence everything down the line, and literature is no exception. So why are you still here if it bothers you? What interest do you have in remaining here instead of going somewhere else where such speech is disallowed?

>> No.11297887

genuinely fucking delusional

>> No.11297894
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this is a much more accurate account if you're looking for one

>> No.11297898

Well said

>> No.11297901
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Are you fucking stupid? You can talk about the jews all day long on /pol/, but on a board that is SPECIFICALLY dedicated to literature, it's not too much to ask for that board to be focused on literature

>> No.11297903

>Are you jewish or nonwhite or otherwise have no skin in the game?
What did you mean by this?

>> No.11297909


>> No.11297910

All of you are fucking mouth breathing retards that would rather touch dicks about the quality of disgusting shouts into a dark void then talk about books.

I hate you

>> No.11297917

Literature is not separate from politics and culture, it is an integral part of it in the west and always has been. So what is the issue you have here? Are you jewish or mixed race or do you live in China or Brazil or what? Why are you posting here when other places disallow that which causes you strife?

>> No.11297918

I love this particular word because besides being used exclusively by braindead idiots who don't simply roll their eyes at awkward behavior it's a great way to instantly commit intellectual suicide. Embarrassing phrase

>> No.11297921


>> No.11297926

I'm trying to understand the perspective of the person who posts here and whines about a frequent topic of discussion when they could go to many places and avoid it.

>> No.11297927

Posting it twice doesn't make you the smarter man.

>> No.11297930


>> No.11297932
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>> No.11297947
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I don't think you have understood a word i said. This board is for books, not conspiracies. I come to this board to talk about books, not conspiracies. You come to this board to shitpost about conspiracies, not books. /pol/ and /x/ are the places where you shitpost about conspiracies. If you want to talk about a specific work then thats fine, but if people disagree with you then they are not part of a cabal that is out to destroy the west. please, for the love of god, just talk about literature and not about a jewish conspiracy

>> No.11297957

You know he's just going to dance around your response again. Or just keep repeating the same sentence.

>> No.11297979

I'm here to talk about books. And I have read far more books in my life than you have. I don't like to talk about conspiracies either, but you don't have to be a genius these days to understand the negative influence jews have in the west. So I'm trying to figure out why you are unable or unwilling to understand that, and why you would rather stick around here and whine about it instead of going somewhere else. What's stopping you? Don't I deserve a place to talk about books where I don't have to tiptoe around my words and have to worry about getting banned for my opinions? To me that place is here. So why you're here whining and trying to avoid the opinions of people like me when you have numerous outlets I don't have. Are you jewish? Is that why it bothers you? Why are you not answering that question?

>> No.11298000
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I don't care what you think; you can think the earth is flat, or that the moon landing was fake, or that aliens exist, or that the jews control everything. But talking about it on a board that is not made to talk about conspiracies is fucking annoying. you don't go to the bathroom to eat spaghetti, so don't talk about conspiracies on a literature board. Tlk about the jews on /pol/, not on /lit/. here we talk about books. I'm not jewish, but you shoving your agenda down my throat in a place that doesn't call for it angers me. It's like how you get mad when people put their PC agenda in things. so please, shut the fuck up and read a damn book.

>> No.11298002

Welp, there he goes again.

>> No.11298013

Jesus dude calm down, I hate /pol/posting but you seem very frustrated

>> No.11298017

>They infected every board and demanded it became like them
is a good description to this kind of posters >>11297979
Even though he has an entire dedicated board for politics and talking about the jews, that has far more people than here, he still feels the need to come whine in a completely unrelated board topic because that is simply how cancer spreads, the only way of dealing with such parasites is to ignore them until they eventually go away, unless he's willing to talk about specific non-meme books I don't see why we should indulge in his posts.

>> No.11298018

I'm not talking about politics or conspiracies, you idiot. What kind of Harry Potter universe are you living in? Are you aware of how culture works and functions in society? It doesn't seem you do since you want to avoid part of it and whine about your inability to escape it instead of simply going somewhere else. Why are you here and what world do you think you're living in?

>> No.11298028

Who is talking about politics here? No one, the discussion is about culture and literature is a part of that, and why some people would rather whine about one aspect of that here instead of leave. Every other literature board one can avoid the topic.

>> No.11298037
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you know what? fuck it. do whatever you want. keep making shitty threads and baiting for (You)s, i don't see any point at trying to have a conversation with you if you have a brick for a brain
that's why i'm leaving this damn thread, this site is doomed

>> No.11298043

very reddit post anon-kun

>> No.11298048

I did not make the thread and the one thread I did make on the front page is about one of the most important works of western literature.

>that's why i'm leaving
Good, get the fuck out. You are a coward whining here about how the speech of people you disagree with isn't limited enough when you have dozens of places you could go to avoid it.

>> No.11298510

t. ben lerner

>> No.11298557
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1526424259646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this. THIS is b8.

>> No.11299398

wow it's that author from that series! he's relly cool can i save tis pic to reac with as wel? :)

>> No.11299408

but don't jinx it

>> No.11299432

only to those who know

>> No.11299445

Most people with a distaste on how 4chan culture is "Evolving"
generally pack up shop on move on to other websites.

many anons, will latch on to memes, and make youtube channels about them, or web sites.
-satisfying videos, ylyl compilations, 9gag.

secondly many anons don't have cookie tracking turned off.
so the shills know which boards you visit, and hype shit by creating shit threads and reports stale old memes.

You can tell a shill is shit by reporting shit memes.
like froggoboi, and wojacks.

Trump had a whole meme squad, that produced quality original memes constantly. However the current style of vaporwave, faschwave, is currently getting quite stale. and people are mainly just reposting stuff.

kinda hard to shill on lit. unless its contemporary authors.
and the only other thing is the Ayn Rand foundation- but lit specifically makes rand posting a bannable offense.

like all issues with "creative communities". they get fucked up becuase it encourages the gawkers, and spectators, which only repost shit, and only talk about the meme authors stirner, Neitzche, DFW, Pynchon, et al.

and OP you are a narcissistic faggot
patient zero my fucking ass.

>> No.11299453

Tfw I've been on 4chan for 14 years..

>> No.11299460

7 years here

I like it, the chaos of it, the need for the consensus to always bite its own tail

>> No.11299461

This is one of the most pathetic posts I've ever read on this board. Go outside or kill yourself.

>> No.11299731

>upset over pepe and wojak
see >>11297788