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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 324x500, lolita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1129335 No.1129335 [Reply] [Original]

So has anyone started reading it yet for Courage Wolf's book club?

I'm only on page 8 of 139 so far.

>> No.1129347

stop reassuring yourself of your existence by feeding pointless information into imageboards.

8 pages is nothing!

Read on, you little piece of shit and train your attention-span!

139 pages is a days work, illiterate

>> No.1129352 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I haven't spent much time on it. I got halfway through The Brothers K in like 3 days, but that was alot better than this.

Do you guys seriously like this better than Ada or are you just trying to be different or what? Also same question to Metamorphosis instead of The Trial.

>> No.1129358 [DELETED] 


>> No.1129361
File: 73 KB, 469x428, coolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deleted post
every single time /lit/!

>> No.1129362

If anything, more people espouse Lolita than Ada. That seems like the exact opposite of "being different."

>> No.1129365


>> No.1129366

who is most people?

what site has the best power rankings for books?

>> No.1129370

gtfo my /lit/ bitch.

>> No.1129372


whats so funnie?

>> No.1129377

You're not worthy of being:-
A) A tripfag
B) A /lit/ster

>> No.1129378

Ya so seriously I read up to Part III of The Brothers K. in 3 days, this is just so boring compared to Ada.

>> No.1129383


And yet you give him the attention he so craves AND bump his thread. You're not fucking helping.

>> No.1129387


This thread is on-topic & supporting a positive aspect (the book club) instead of a cancerous (beg-threads, off-topic, trolling) one of /lit/.

>> No.1129385

Do you know anything about the literary community?
Critics, academics, etc. It's not as if there's a magic website somewhere.

Regardless of your opinions about either work, Lolita is the more popular novel. Most people associate Nabokov with Lolita.

>> No.1129396

I don't like you but agreed.

>> No.1129403


No it's fucking not, it's you using /lit/ as your livejournal to tell us that you read EIGHT FUCKING PAGES out of a book everyone here has already read. It's not about books, it's about you. Because you're an attention whore. Nobody fucking cares that you read 8 pages. Not /lit/, not your mother, not the fucking universe.

>> No.1129406

I've read it, then i listened to the Jeremy Irons unabridged audio book of it.

God that man is a good narrator for that.

>> No.1129410



go away forever tybrax

>> No.1129417

Nope. The only reason Lolita was chosen was because so many other people wanted to read it. This isn't just for me, other people should have started it by now.

>> No.1129418
File: 613 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1129458

Don't be such a faggot, even if that's true, you refused to join the /lit/ club, and now you're doing it because it appeals to you. You seriously have nothing else going on literary speaking, yet you're extremely vocal about shit we don't even care about.

Also I just got here, so I'm not any of these anons already bashing you.

>> No.1129467

>you refused to join the /lit/ club

>You seriously have nothing else going on literary speaking
I stopped halfway through the brothers K. to join you guys..

>> No.1129511
File: 33 KB, 320x500, TyBrax3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean? I don't know this meme.

>> No.1129517

/lit/ is not your personal journal fuckface

>> No.1129523

Read the thread silly, that's if the OP wasn't self-explanatory.

>> No.1129543
File: 31 KB, 500x375, TyBrax9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there's only one post other than mine discussing the book ITT

>> No.1129562


yeah, i hate to say it, but after reading this thread, it doesnt look lke your winning TyBrax. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.1129563

my winning tybrax = name of teh next album i releeze

>> No.1129565

should i just delete this thread?

>> No.1129568


>> No.1129602


are you a boy or a girl?

>> No.1129689

I haven't started Lolita yet, but I'm on page 14 of A Scanner Darkly. I hope to finish it by Thursday night and then start on Lolita.

I'll probably read the Pit and the Pendulum Sunday morning.

>> No.1129709
File: 9 KB, 183x275, TyBrax15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>page 14

>> No.1129712

Courage Wolf's book club.

Wait, what exactly is that, brah? I googled, but didn't really find anything.

>> No.1129719
File: 3 KB, 130x98, TyBrax19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a tripfag. only on late at night for some reason.

>> No.1129723

What books have you guys read so far? Is there a list or something?

>> No.1129731

I only had 25 mins to read today, and that was in a busy hallway outside a locked classroom. I'd be reading now but I have to pretend to be working.

Courage Wolf is a tripbro on /lit/. He started a book club. If you want to participate, read Lolita, A Scanner Darkly, or The Pit and the Pendulum (or all 3 if you're a badass like me) by Sunday.

>> No.1129729

He didn't actually do it last time even though he said he would.

He did a massive thread to see what sort of stuff people liked then he came up with lolita, a scanner darkly & something else

>> No.1129734

you know i was kidding right?

look at the first reply to this thread.

>> No.1129737

I know, I just decided to go all aspie on you ;D

>> No.1129747

ok lol.

>> No.1129756

Oh, I see.

A /lit/ book club would be fucking awesome, though. I've always wanted to read Madame Bovary with a book club.

>> No.1129760

Seriously, you guys should start one.

>> No.1129774

Also Hemmingway is doing a monthly one I think. It's part one of The Brothers Karamazov for this Sunday.

How do you mean? /lit/ doesn't have mods to sticky stuff so I wouldn't be any different from what's already being done.

>> No.1129797

That's what I meant by "would be".

Too bad you don't have mod powers. =[

>> No.1129814

But then again, we could always schedule something.

Like every Saturday at so-and-so hour, a thread would be made discussing this week's or this month's book.

It could work.

>> No.1129819

That is what I would suggest.

And we could have one or two people be in charge of it.
And members would have to prepare something for each meeting.

>> No.1129823

ada might be better than lolita, but unfortunately only 3 people have ever read it in its entirety. one must be an uber-genius in order to read that fucker.

>> No.1129824

That's what they've done. read the couple of posts above, there's even like a choice of 3 each week.