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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 212 KB, 900x1200, 1528535218672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11293624 No.11293624 [Reply] [Original]

Where can you meet highly intelligent girls?

>> No.11293632

The Asian doll look scares me, she looks like she’s more my dick off and then lecture me on all of the stupid shit I don’t understand about the world because my IQ is only 124.

>> No.11293636

*she’d bite my dick off

Phone posting, so embarrassed

>> No.11293638

Who is your favourite presocratic and why /lit/?

>> No.11293654

I don't have a thing for asians but I have a massive boner for genuinely smart girls. Pls help.

Empedocles. He had the right intuitions when it comes to the development of life.

>> No.11293660

What is the point of Mensa? Why would anyone want to be a part of a society of people equally as autistic as you? Is it for validation, as in OP's pic?

>> No.11293662

What is the point of any social club? Birds of a feather flock together.

>> No.11293683
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>> No.11293688

Achievement and improvement, I think. Why do people join a chess club? To mingle, of course, but also to get more practice and get better, and also to compete. And the same for a debate club, book club, sports club, etc.

But what is the point of a high-IQ club? There isn't even a common interest. Is it to collectively jerk off about how smart you are?

>> No.11293701

People jerking each other off.

>> No.11293703

Ideally I would not only meet such an girl but also become enslaved to her. I am considering doing an open sollicitation with girls on the street as houseman. Have any of you guys tried anything like that? Please share your experiences.

>> No.11293706

Can I be your slave?

>> No.11293707

Hey you're the girl from the goodreads thread the other day. Still dropped off the uni ?

>> No.11293715

Anything on that card that testifies your gender ?

>> No.11293717

MENSA conducts fake IQ tests, females are not intelligent.

>> No.11293730

Other than this internet shithole, where do girls like you hang out? I graduated uni a while ago and had no interest in girls as a student, so that avenue is closed to me.

>> No.11293742

Many study at my uni's private libraries but none I laid ny eyes on so far is even remotely attractive.
All hairy indians, chubby chinese and some retarded looking locals.

>> No.11293758

Man, and there was this girl that was clearly into me now that I think about it. She seems to have went on to pursue a PhD too.
Why did I have to be such a late bloomer?

I thought about university libraries myself, but I would absolutely hate it if someone interrupted my reading so I've been very reluctant to try picking up girls from there.

>> No.11293761

Tinder is only giving me dumb-as-fuck sluts.

>> No.11293766
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At church

>> No.11293771

Hate these disgusting, cake-make-up, fake insectoid gooks

>> No.11293774

hello roastie

>> No.11293778

Herro to yu Chang

>> No.11293779

>religious girls
I don't know how it is in your country but here religious folk trample over each other to kiss mummified body parts of "saints" for "good health and luck".

>> No.11293787
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I agree, there is something very off-putting about the South Korean plastic surgery face.

>> No.11293794

threw away a beautiful, crazy, highly intellectual girl for no reason and now whenever i see these threads on lit they always make me sad, i know i'll never get a girl like that again

>> No.11293796

Heraclitus because Neetshee says he's based

>> No.11293798

Dodged a bullet there

>> No.11293803

Just try to memorize their faces.
You might meet them around town or outside the library if you have more luck than me.

>> No.11293808

Congratulations! You have once again succeeded in posting a thinly-veiled 'literature' thread with the intention to gossip like a schoolgirl!

>> No.11293809
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>> No.11293825

I just want tips on where to find a smart cookie anon. And by smart I mean at least 2σ (preferably >3σ) above the average.

>> No.11293865

nah i'm an anarchist
correct and yes, i'm still enjoying my freedom
girl hair. i don't want to bandy my name about
atm, the countryside, cafes, libraries.. and my home. similar for my friends, i think. there's no easy answer i'm afraid. maybe local orchestras and things like that as well, though my local one is full of old people. uni towns are always good.

>> No.11293874

damn they put your IQ on your id card? savage

>> No.11293876

Dumb girls are better.

>> No.11293887

It's still not literature. Go to /adv/
>nah i'm an anarchist
He ain't talkin about political slavery (he wants to suck on your toes). Even if he were, slavery still kinda fits into the anarchy meme

>> No.11293896
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Absolutely not.

>> No.11293901

What does this have to do with /lit/?

>> No.11293903

Did anyone bother actually reading that letter? From the paragraph before the bullet points:
>If you pass the test can join the mensa.

>> No.11293904

Isn't /lit/ the smartest board on 4chan?

>> No.11293907

Yes. A girl being dumb is cute, which is what girls are for. Being smart isn't cute. It's like if a girl tells you she's a doctor or a lawyer or something. No one fucking cares about your career.

>> No.11293911


>> No.11293918

Typical response. Feel free to call me a virgin next.

>> No.11293919

No, that would be /g/

>> No.11293923

I don't care about her career either (since I can potentially provide for both of us) but I do care about her brains. Dumb girls aren't cute at all.

>> No.11293931

basically nowhere
there are way fewer intelligent women than there are intelligent men, and that's just a fact that you need to come to terms with
you don't talk to girls because they are intelligent or for their engaging conversations. it would be nice but 99.99% of the time it's impossible
you talk to girls because they are beautiful, because they are cheerful, because they make you feel more important, loved, and needed, because they make life more bearable
if you want intelligent conversations talk to your friends

>> No.11293934


>> No.11293936

Women think men will care about their careers because they are projecting their own desires onto men. Women are attracted to men with status and money, so they think men are attracted to the same thing in women. But of course men don't care.

>> No.11293937

>girls making insecure threads
Where's that gossip thread poster when you need him the most

>> No.11293945

For fuck's sake I'm a guy. I don't need lessons into what a guy wants from a woman. I need hints on where all the intelligent women are hiding.

>> No.11293954

Sure, but what if I want to have smart kids? I'm taking the long-term view here. I'm not looking out for random fun with a "girlfriend".

>> No.11293955

>girl hair
Such a worthless detail on such a site

>> No.11293958


>I just want tips on where to find a smart cookie
>2σ (preferably >3σ)

>Can't even figure this out on your own

I don't think they would want to date somebody this dumb.

>> No.11293959

see >>11293808

>> No.11293961

Okay anon I'll train you to be a daddy

>> No.11293964

It doesn't matter how smart you are if you have no data to process.

>> No.11293967


>> No.11293968

You can always process what you already have in your mind. No external world is necessary

>> No.11293977
File: 31 KB, 645x588, e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can always process what you already have in your mind. No external world is necessary

>> No.11293991

no lol my iq is not 136

>> No.11294069

am i supposed to be impressed?

>> No.11294114

tfw no high IQ korean soulmate

>> No.11294149

Less socialized smart girls are better, or at least the culturally oppressed smart girls.

>> No.11294227

If you are seriously working towards something in your life, get a chubby bitch who's willing to take over the day-to-day responsibilities of your life while you work.

Intelligent girls come later.

>> No.11294236

Smart girls rarely make good companions.

>> No.11294239

Aimer une femme intelligente est un plaisir de pédéraste

>> No.11294240


this. no man cares about the womans career.

>> No.11294244

based baudelaire

>> No.11294269 [DELETED] 

make more videos please

>> No.11294272

desu I'm a man and I'm attracted to rich girls. And it's not because I need the money.

>> No.11294293


>It's not because I need the money

I wonder why you like them then?

>> No.11294310

I once went on a date with a woman who was a Mensa member. She wouldn't stop fucking talking about it and how guys would buy her flowers. The date ended with her having ago at me for "insulting her" when I didn't even fucking say anything. 6/10 would probably date again because she was pretty hot.

>> No.11294370

when are you gonna make more youtube videos?
it's been months since your last one

>> No.11294484


>> No.11294486

link to utube acc?

>> No.11294491
File: 59 KB, 730x482, j1kh2hifd44z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of pic related.

>> No.11294528


>> No.11294532

awful image

>> No.11294544


Imagine being this pathetic lowlife

>> No.11294550

Kill yourself before you rape someone male feminist

>> No.11294564


Nice retort you fucking mouthbreather. Never post on my /lit/ again

>> No.11294568
File: 309 KB, 680x707, carlcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most cucked post on /lit/ right now

>> No.11294578

>phone posting

>> No.11294581

i think he's a boomer

>> No.11294607

If she's really smart she will realize her place

>> No.11294654

did anyone else here think they were high IQ but as they've progressed through life realised they're average

>> No.11294655


so.....is this really a 10/10 on /lit/?


>> No.11294673

>CTRL + F tits or gtfo
>0 results
What the fuck

Tits or gtfo

>> No.11294676
File: 19 KB, 200x269, ChrisLangan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have an IQ of around 164 or higher, you can join Chris and Gina Langan's Mega foundation.

>> No.11294681

>tfw 138 IQ
>too smart for dumb people and too dumb for smart people
is there anything worst?

>> No.11294697
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>all these betas falling for a crossdresser

>> No.11294708

living while painfully dull and mediocre is a really bad feeling
knowing I shouldn't be envious of beautiful things, perfectly aware that I can never create anything beautiful myself

>> No.11294738
File: 237 KB, 616x480, 1528219885412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretending to be an edgy teenage anti feminist isn't funny anymore. You aren't fooling anyone with your googled memes and contrived tardation.

>> No.11294746

welcome to 4chins

>> No.11294748

Being dumb

>> No.11294755


>> No.11294757

I'm sorry can you try saying that again on this here Chinese cartoon discussion board for mega intellect posts like yours o'lord giant brain?

>> No.11294792

Thanks for the valuable life advice Dr Peterson

>> No.11294798
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>> No.11294800
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The opposite actually
Kindergarden through first grade they put me in a special needs class because I didn't "play well with others" Fucking crybabies lol.

Then they took me out of that class when they realized their mistake and was placed in advanced programs through high school.

I wasn't some teacher pet though and I was a chad football player + pothead; so teachers never really liked me and kind of fucked me over with grades. I never really cared though since I had better things to do.

Then went to college where school actually matters for the first point in your life and easily maintained a 4.0 GPA in college + graduated Summa cum laude.

Graduated and started a consulting company that could be going places. My current focus.

Didn't IQ test until fairly recently; but when I did
>156 IQ

Yea. I'm definitely homeschooling any of my progeny. I grew up in a top 5 school district in the entire country (US); and not one of them even tried to unlock my potential. Quick to write off someone if they're athletic, rambunctious, or discuss topics outside their sphere of knowledge. Can't believe my taxes go to those havens of averageness honestly. Teachers are kinda parasites desu.

Oh what could've been, eh?

>> No.11294820

Can't tell if boy or girl.

>> No.11294850

that's my fetish

>> No.11294851


If this test wasn't done in the US;
There is a VERY high chance that it is a counterfeited document.

Asains have 0 qualms about helping their kids cheat (biological parents and the teaching faculty) on standardized and IQ tests.

China and Korea are the biggest frauds due to the increased scores acting as a tool for global and public propaganda.

Nasty race of people those slants. Play some dirty dirty tricks.

>> No.11294864

She's really pretty, but her eyes are strange...they make me uncomfortable.

>> No.11294880

it's contact lenses

>> No.11294883
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The possibility of it being a fake certificate was already brought up (both here and on /sci/ -- that thread has a lot fewer replies compared to this one btw). Who cares? It's not about that girl.

Euro girls are a lot qtr.

>> No.11294886

>Euro girls are a lot qtr.

>> No.11294890

yes but then you can be ignorantly dumb and happy

>> No.11294901
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is there even a correlation between IQ and happiness?

>> No.11294906

>high degree of signaling without substance

>> No.11294909
File: 701 KB, 1986x3000, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11294936


>Who cares? It's not about that girl.

It kind of is.
If no one calls them on this bullshit, nearly a quarter billion dollars in funding for college (taxpayer funded) will be allocated to seeking out international students and paying their tuition, apartment fees, and sometimes automobile costs. This funding belongs to the American students who have been paying into the system their entire lives. It is literal theft. Which isn't that bad, because I judge people on their intelligence anyway; but they are instead bringing over literal retarded foreigners while using our money to do it.

Want to know how they find these yellow gems of knowledge? Standardized and IQ tests.
>ya know the one's they cheat on

>> No.11294948

aye yo mods could you ban these users and trash these threads please? three of the front page threads are gossip threads not even vaguely associated with /lit/ and the spinoza thread is stupid people responding to /pol/

>> No.11294955

>It kind of is.
Given that I'm not Korean and don't plan on chasing Korean skirts (in Korea or elsewhere), it really isn't. What they do there is their own problem.

>> No.11294959



That is a pretty shitty website for a man of intellect. Hmmmm.

>> No.11294966

>nearly a quarter billion dollars in funding for college (taxpayer funded) will be allocated to seeking out international students and paying their tuition, apartment fees, and sometimes automobile costs.

US colleges like foreign students because they pay so much tuition

>> No.11294973


Are you from the US?
If you are when you graduate high school and get a job. They this thing called "taxes". This actively fucks you over if you're an American trying to go to college but need a scholarship.

>If you aren't from the US
You are at least rationale enough to understand what I wrote, yes?

>> No.11294985


The US pays that tuition you retard + housing + room and board +a monthly check for spending money.
>read comprehension on /lit/
I thought you fuckers were one of the smarter boards on this shithole.

>> No.11294999

>Are you from the US?
No, thank God.

>> No.11295008

you are so so wrong... where are you getting this information?

>> No.11295034


A more reputable source than you are sweetie.

>> No.11295074

>International students typically pay full tuition, boosting revenues for schools. They also spend heavily on housing and other goods.

>foreign students pay up to three times more than in-state students at public universities

Public universities often use international recruiting to help balance budgets when states cut funding for higher education.

>Most of the international students pay for their American education, which is the most expensive in the world, with personal or family funds.

I can't believe I did that.

>> No.11295123


Hahaha yea, thanks for doing the digging for me though anon. Baiting with a specific desired outcome is not an easy thing to do. So I'm glad this worked out for both of us.

No hard feeling. =]

>> No.11295162

does anyone else think this is shopped from 136 iq, the 3 and the 2nd 9 on 99% look suspect

>> No.11295172

i thought the 9 looked suspect

>> No.11295447

Don't know but I wish I was more intelligent. Being average is pain and you feel slow if your interests are intellectual. If I could at least know someone of high intellect in my area but that is not possible for a lower working class like me, he/she would probably got bored with me anyway. At least I can afford some books and will receive my plato soon. Reading through screen is pain and many ebooks have bad translations or format.

What I know from psychology is that in average men are more intelligent and there are also more intelligent men around but also more mentally retarded. Women are mostly average so it is rare. If you find this rare person, she will probably have many more interesting people to talk to and some goal you probably can't or don't want to pursue.

>> No.11295608

You don't want a highly intelligent girl, and certainly not a career girl. Women like >>11293683 become the most univocally neurotic burnouts that will make your life an absolute manic depressive hell. That counts for stupid but cultured girls, "art girls", the whole spectrum. Get yourself a modest girl with a fair head on her shoulders and good values and you'll be a happy man

>> No.11295652

a modest girl is boring and they always talk about dumb shit nobody cares

>> No.11295668

Considering Mensa lets you buy whatever score you want I wouldn't consider any of it real.

>> No.11295675

The only good smart people are the practical ones otherwise its just a waste. Hegel and Lacan both had an average IQ and both accomplished way more for science

>> No.11295761


>> No.11295810
File: 93 KB, 790x842, 1465441595396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw there are people who live in a society where it's considered normal to buy your daughters plastic surgery when they become teenagers

>> No.11295826

>(he wants to suck on your toes)
Yes exactly it's like you read my mind!

>> No.11295842


>> No.11295985

>normalfag problems - the video

>> No.11296011
File: 25 KB, 400x300, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Thank you

>> No.11296048
File: 145 KB, 639x815, 1509128822015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha I saved it too

>> No.11296051

Ugly dyke.

>> No.11296093

>intelligent girls
The only intelligent girls are the ones who married early to rich men while evading pre-nups.

Seriously, if I was a woman who was growing to maturity post 2008 crash, I would plan my entire life around getting a husband who was part of the elite. Put the effort in at school to get good marks to go to a University attended by well connected men, keep myself chaste and physically fit, and work on charm and social grace.

The world is rapidly becoming a libertarian nightmare, with a tiny global elite supported by a disenchanted technical class lording over a huge mass of literal peasants. If you are outside of that elite, you either a. spend the time trying hard as fuck to become part of the pet technical class or b. as a woman, marry into the elite. Any other option is a sign of being stupid as fuck, which is why I will never term a woman as being intelligent if she never marries into the elite (or, in very exceptional circumstances, becomes part of the technical class which supports them).

>> No.11296100
File: 111 KB, 700x524, I love eating 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG is an anarchist?


>> No.11296115

Ugly dyke.

>> No.11296165

damn that other anon was probably right

>> No.11296175

Democritus for his sense.

>> No.11296491
File: 202 KB, 450x466, bigger d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At high social status soirees.

>> No.11296516

Her eyes scare me

>> No.11296530

contact lenses

>> No.11296554

You're welcome.

You'd have to have a kid with him as an insurance policy in case he dumps you for a younger broad.

>> No.11296571

>Dumb girls are better.
It's been proven children are much more likely to inherit intelligence from the mother.

>> No.11296574

I wish

>> No.11296959

everyone links my first fucking video, yeesh.
oh, i'll get round to it. i have more time on my hands nowadays, after all. and i'm reading a damn good book at the minute.

>> No.11297188

a guy typically only cares about a woman's career if it indicates some kind of relationship bonus
e.g. teacher (more affectionate parent)

>> No.11297205

Holy snap. I remember you. A few of the regular UK people on tinychat used to crush on you pretty hard and talk about you a lot actually back when that was still a thing.

>> No.11297208

/lit/ is filled with highly intelligent grill anarchoprimitivists with STEM degrees and lesbian life partners. it's why /pol/ hates us. i think we're jewish and black when it's politically convenient too, but that's just in US hours.

>> No.11297217

You are the reason why anonimity is a double edged sword. Fuck you shithead, if i knew you irl i would ostracise/murder you for your poisonous tongue

>> No.11297231

argh no way, i honestly thought /lit/ had forgotten me. oh well.

>> No.11297239

no you're still on the shortlist for our youtube gf. when carli gets out of the nunnery her mother has probably shipped her to, you might have to mudwrestle over the crown. i'm betting on you, because ballet dancers are no good in the wet. on oxfordgirl!

>> No.11297256

>Women like become the most univocally neurotic burnouts that will make your life an absolute manic depressive hell.

Where are you getting this? Most of the women in my grad program seem to have pretty normal relationships.

>> No.11297268

>I just want tips on where to find a smart cookie anon.
Try applying to graduate programs at Ivies, Oxbridge, MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford, etc.

I'm not being sarcastic. I didn't think I would get in, but here I am. You just gotta try hard enough.

>> No.11297301

You never really knew about the /lit/ tinychat? It was a thing a while ago, I honestly can't remember how long though. Yeah, there were at least two or three UK regulars and I swear at least one of them knew you somehow, that or they were a Londonfrog level creep who was stalking you.

>> No.11297311

>want tips on where to find a smart cookie anon.
>Try applying to graduate programs at Ivies, Oxbridge, MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford, etc.
Not him but easier said than done. What is your background? Tell us more about yourself and we'll probably see how you got into one of those programs.

>> No.11297492

>Well I'm so much better than you because I'd actually murder you!
lmao you couldn't hurt a page on a book, cuck.

>> No.11297594

not him but.. well, oxford is not so hard to get into. you don't have to get especially good grades. i got good gcses (shit by oxford standards) and got in because of the entrance exam (which i didn't even prepare for.. i am still ashamed of this) and the interviews. i had three. for non-stem it might be different. they don't care much about what you are on paper, in my experience, though it may depend on the college. the interviews are literally just testing your ability to use new information, solve new problems, and to use help from the tutors. there's no charm to it. one kid on my class is so autistic he can't even have a conversation. so the whole rich kid thing is a bit of a myth. my dad stacks shelves and my mum photocopies crap for teachers.

>> No.11297597

Why do you need a step to state that you're done, isn't that a bit redundant anon?

>> No.11297616

God I wish that (You) was me.

>> No.11297619


>> No.11297812

>Pretending to be an edgy teenage anti feminist isn't funny anymore
It will never stop being edgy or funny until feminists learn to take a fucking joke. If the simple, incontrovertible truth that women are not equal to men continues to raise the heckles of some moronic bourgeois journalist and her horde of pet idiots, then so too will being a chauvinist never stop being funny.

>> No.11298511

By not dropping out of college.