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11289409 No.11289409 [Reply] [Original]

Literature to distract myself from being an incel?

>> No.11289414

the good soldier svejk, the pickwick papers, don quixote. have fun.

>> No.11289434

Father Sergius by Tolstoy.

>> No.11289443

Two Gallants by JamesJoyce
Elementary particles Houellebecq

>> No.11289471

every Literature is the tool for distraction of fucked up society and complete voidness of ourselves

>> No.11289473

but people who have sex and love arent void

>> No.11289484

Sex and love are not some magic transformative state, you put too much expectation in putting your peepe in a vagina, it's not that great.

>> No.11289494

not weewee in vagoo, but the whole of a healthy relationsship

hell, i cant even concentrate on work because my colleagues talk about their gfs and wives all the time

>> No.11289500

Its like money
Its only a big deal when you ain't getting any

>> No.11289522

also, this

>> No.11289555

If you define yourself that way, you're certainly a bore, and are on a level so indistinguishably lower than mine that I have no idea how to properly communicate with you.

Try being a different person.

>> No.11289566

When you don’t have a gf it’s the only thing in the world you want.
When you have a gf the only thing in the world you want is to be single.

>> No.11289569

>Try being a different person.
but chad told me to just be myself

honestly, if you were an incel in your 20s, you would see it as your primary characteristic as well

>> No.11289600


>> No.11289727

the BIble obviously

>> No.11289765

>read old testament
>its full of sex stories
>"be fruitful and multiply"


>> No.11289876

Don't lie, it's fucking amazing

>> No.11289897

The Bible is full of advice for dealing with your pain, and it refocuses your efforts on spiritual goals from worldly ones.

Anybody who properly tries to follow the teachings in their will have their suffering assuaged to some degree.

>> No.11289933
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>Being an incel is my primary characteristic
>In your 20s
You've been poisoned by disgusting /r9k/esque rhetoric that has twisted your entire worldview into being about sex. You are in the same mindset as vapid sluts who do nothing but find new people to get fucked by as frequently as possible, but are even more worthless because you turn it into an all-encompassing bitterness.
People can tell that something is seriously wrong with the way you see the world, and it repulses them. It's not about you being ugly. It's about you having a deformed soul.

>> No.11289963

this, sex isn't that great and love is suffering

>> No.11289972

Hahaha Mein kampf, you fucking drumpflet xD

>> No.11290006

r9k is right about many things though

they see the underbelly of the dating market, just as only the homeless see the underbelly of the economy

>> No.11290033

>Literature to distract myself from being an incel?
Blood Meridian, Moby dick, Suttree, Heart of Darkness

>> No.11290046

/r9k/ is right about nothing. They're a bunch of endlessly whinging children incapable of taking responsibility for even the most basic problems and lashing out at everyone else in the world, and at the world itself. Misanthropes are never correct.

>> No.11290052

Can this pathetic fucking worm stop polluting this board

>> No.11290074

i dont browse r9k, so idk what their exact division is, but the idea of three classes of men- incels, normal people, and high status men- that is verifiably and obviously true.

There is some ambiguity to how you fit into these classes, and what attributes cause you to be in which one, but the basic gist of it is just not up for question

>> No.11290078

theres a difference between having moderate amounts of sex and no sex at all.

an existential difference.

>> No.11290091

Nothing outside of you can make you better. You are always already complete, and no other person can have a healthy relationship with you until you realize this essential truth.


>> No.11290098

Nothing will ever distract you from being an incel OP, I'm sorry and I know it sounds harsh but it's true. Even when fully immersed in the best book you've ever read, the simple fact that you are unable to mate will hound you incessantly. You will either eventually find a female willing to couple with you, or die trying, but until that time you will have no rest or respite from the drive for sex whatsoever.

I recommend "Whatever" by Houellebecq.

>> No.11290101

The issue is that even if it's your lack of sex, letting sex run your entire life is a reprehensible way to live. Making it your defining characteristic and saying all of society is set up on sexual lines and making it so glaringly obvious that lack of sex is tearing you apart is why people hate you, and why you deserve the hate.
I would say the same of some ass that walked around saying nothing matters but getting pussy in bars. Sex runs his life, and it makes him a bad person.

>> No.11290124

>letting sex run your entire life is a reprehensible way to live

again, easy to say if you had it
just like with money

all those beggars are so shallow and materialistic, why dont they see the beauty of spiritual pursuits?

>> No.11290131

Incelposting is bait, right? Why would you choose to subjugate yourself to meaningless and arbitrary modern standards of social interaction that would only demean you anyway if you were successful in them?


>> No.11290158

>arbitrary modern standards
>literally primal biological urge for millions of years

>> No.11290174

>Why would you choose to subjugate yourself to meaningless and arbitrary modern standards of social interaction that would only demean you anyway if you were successful in them?
I am not OP, but what is it like to hold the hand of a girl? What is it like to talk to someone about your deepest feelings?
Because I don't know, is it romanticized, is it all a meme?

I seriously think I shouldn't be alive since obviously I will never have kids.
I wished that I could have died a more honorable (or not) death in a pointless war, I believe that happened to people like me in earlier generations and that this is what is supposed to happen to us.

>> No.11290189


Don't distract yourself from that, go out and talk to some girl

>> No.11290193

He isn't talking about sex in and of itself, but the motivation for seeking it out in the first place. Wanting to get laid for no other reason than to not look like a loser in the eyes of chad is a bad motivation desu

>> No.11290201

Where do you meet these mythical creatures?

>> No.11290206

>than to not look like a loser in the eyes of chad

not only of chad
90+% of people had sex and dont see it as anything special

>> No.11290232

it meant a lot to me as a teenager. I cared about it probably more than anything else. Im not exactly old now, im 24, but the sort of soft part of me that cared about things like holding girls hands or talking about my feelings has been completely bludgeoned out of me. I now no longer think it would have made much of a difference if I had not had the girlfriends I've had. I view the entire thing as a kind of emotional pathology, if I were to have a wife it would be purely for the purpose of having kids, the romantic aspect wouldnt exist.

Id liken the entire thing to a drug addiction actually. The emphasis our society places on it is similar to the glorification of drug abuse. I did not experience anything from romantic love I would qualify as different than what ive experienced from getting drunk. The two both give the same sort of euphoric feelings, and that's about it.

The whole mindset of desiring romantic love is fundamentally the mindset of a kind of weak, hedonistic person, which is of course the template of the modern individual.

this post might sound edgy, but i am genuinely not trying to be edgy, i really do think romantic love is a kind of unhealthy addiction

>> No.11290243

>I now no longer think it would have made much of a difference if I had not had the girlfriends I've had

thats what you believe, my fedora'd friend

>> No.11290247

Modern dating conventions =/= fulfillment of your biological imperative to procreate

>> No.11290253
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Apply some philosophy in your life. To have or not have sex should never be priority, even filthy animals do that as their motive but you can understand better. Do you want to be chad? When men lament this question they usually want to put dick into wet hole. By being incel, robot or anything of such you probably know and undertstand that love and sex is not idealistic fantasy a lot of people believe. It is just primal instinct which men project to a women and women project to men. You live love in complete illusion and you abandon control and any sense of virtue. To have sex or not is not a value. Anyone who believes this is ignorant. If you feel powerless find guidance in philosophy. The problems you face are not unique and you will realize having sex or not having sex is completely meaningless besides your horniness or wanting children. Horniness can be dealt with easily. If you are christian read those philosophers, if not read stoics or any other philosophy that deals with life and how to be content with it. Don't abandon it just because you are frustrated and don't rely on self help or some herd mentality in closed community.

>> No.11290263

why are you calling me fedora'd im not even sure on the religion question

and its not like the view im outlining here is original to me, i just came to the same conclusion a lot of other people have

>> No.11290269


Outside. Just approach strangers once in a while, be polite and ironic and everything will be fine

>> No.11290293

>I cared about it probably more than anything else. Im not exactly old now, im 24, but the sort of soft part of me that cared about things like holding girls hands or talking about my feelings has been completely bludgeoned out of me.
I feel mostly the same (and the person you replied to isn't >>11290243) although I haven't ever held a girls hand, slowly and slowly sex it has become less relevant to me and I am just 20 now.
But I feel that this is for different reasons then you, maybe my brain has just given up on it.

>> No.11290308
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>> No.11290309

So much I could figure out by myself.

>Just approach strangers once in a while
How can you talk to a stranger? I don't get it, what would you even talk about.

>be polite and ironic and everything will be fine
If being polite and ironic were enough qualifications I would be an uber chad right now.
I am breathing ironically and I had a Professor complain to me that the emails I wrote to him were too formal.

>> No.11290334

well you're very young. I wouldnt discount sex as something you can do, or relationships. I think that sex and relationships are healthy, but in a not so dramatic fashion, it's more like how it's healthy to play sports, you just feel better in general. It's not a dire existential question is my point. Im really referring to the specific sort of romantic obsession that people, especially the sort of artistic people likely to be into literature, get addicted to.

Just my opinion though m8. I can't say exactly what your situation is like, but not obsessing over something is basically 99% of the time the right thing. That doesn't mean you have to give up on it all either though.

>> No.11290430

>talk to some girl
Can't recommend this

>> No.11290526

it was from the very start

genetics decide everything

>> No.11290559

Not him, but all of my ancestors managed to reproduce, why can't I.
I should have the right genes, right?

>> No.11290651

natural selection still continues, anon

>> No.11290681

>natural selection still continues, anon
I just assumed that millions of years were enough to select against autistic retards too beta to talk to women.

>> No.11290715

ah, that

yeah, its truly fascinating (in a depressing way) how many "defective" people there are, after millions of years of evolution

but "autists" are actually needed as well. technically, nikola tesla and franz kafka contributed much more to human progress than the biggest chads

>> No.11290730

this is because chads spend so much time spreading their seed that they never stop and think how to create a legacy that can exist without their appearance in a room.

>> No.11290766

Yes friends, Chad's descendants will ask 500 years from now why you didn't have any children while they marvel at your great works

>> No.11290771

That's why all of the world's civilizations had arranged marriage up to the 20th Century.

You can thank classical liberal individualism for this, btw.

>> No.11290773


not every incel becomes a famous writer

and george martin is married

>> No.11290784

they had nothing to do with giving betas a chance. arranged marriages were about ensuring some financial security for the bride.

in the middle east, where arranged marriages reign supreme, there are LOTS upon LOTS of frustrated incels, since they dont have the wealth and status to marry.

>> No.11290796
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>tfw volcel

even 16yo pussy gets old femme


>> No.11290848

Bullshit, the ancient method was between two families with business and/or friendship ties.
People of all classes were constantly arranging marriages, still do in Korea et c.

>> No.11290860

Instead of reading, channel your rage into writing.
Some of the best literature ever written came out of guys who were frustrated they couldn't get laid.

>> No.11290865

>healthy relationsship
There's no such thing. That's why you're still a virgin, you have a distorted view of how the world actually works.

>> No.11290877

120 Days of Sodom

Literally "roasties get toasted," the literature.

>> No.11290891

for example?

my favorite authors, joyce, beckett, kundera, chekhov, godard all wrote their best works while in happy marriages. (while i dont like incelcore like nietzsche or

you need to have your biological needs covered before you can ascend to higher realms.

>> No.11290895

*like nietzsche or lovecraft

i know they both had some sort of sex, but clearly, their love life was obviously unfulfilling

>> No.11290919

IRL, though, roasties are happy

>> No.11290922

Daily reminder that incels should just take hormones and become cute girls

>> No.11290923

enlighten me, o woke sage

>> No.11290924

they really are not though. female reported happiness has been declining for decades, and is now lower than men's for the first time

>> No.11290929

so the sexual revolution has made females unhappier and males happier? contrary to what incels say?

>> No.11290974

>enlighten me
This is your problem, you inept, mammal, you can't even participate in the most basic of rituals performed by literally every single living thing on this planet. You are holding yourself back by thinking you're not following the correct unspoken rules or procedures. How about you stop overthinking, get rid of your impossible standards, and just go out and talk to girls. For fucks sake you pathetic weasel, not everything is meant to be "mastered" or "overcome" just act like you are a living being and everything else will sort itself out.

>> No.11290981


>happy marriage

He was constantly paranoid that Nora was off fucking other guys so much that he felt the need to write a 700 page novel about a guy getting cucked.

>> No.11290986

it certainly seems so. the true incels i dont think had sex back then either, so they were likely just as miserable but had no way to coordinate with each other and express this in public.

but the mass of men seem to have somehow improved their lot by losing power and not having to marry and provide for women. at least that's what the superficial interpretation is

>> No.11292266

>just b urself bro


>> No.11292276

cut your penis off anon.

>> No.11293287

Biggest lie on this whole website possibly the whole internet

>> No.11293293

He's objectively right though

>> No.11293298

If you've been castrated or raped several times then yeah he's right on

>> No.11293308


This guy >>11289933 is right

But if it's that big of a deal for you, and you're in your 20s, why not just fuck a hooker and get the disappointment over with?

>> No.11293406

Because being an incel isn’t about the act of sex, it’s about not being acknowledged as male.

>> No.11293920

modern dating conventions suggest you should fuck as many women as possible

thats also your biological imperative

>> No.11293924

t. atheist

>> No.11293938

Its more than that. Its about being acknowledged as a person.

Romantic/sexual intimacy, like familial love and friendships, are a baseline from which confidence and self esteem can grow. Think of a child that has grown up unloved by their parents or guardians. We all know of one or two (you might be one yourself). What happens to them? They're walking messes; beaten dogs who react to the world with either hostility or fear. This is because they had no baseline when they were growing up. Nothing to validate themselves as beings with worth and importance. That's what love does. It confirms your place in the world.

As we grow up, we seek affection and companionship from other places, places where affection is given because of who we are rather than what we are (i.e. someone's son). We seek friends and as we get older we seek partners, who validate us in the most intimate and personal of ways. You can never be that bad of a person if someone lets you stick the most vulnerable part of your body in the most vulnerable part of their body; if someone allows you to be naked with them; if someone deeply confides with you emotionally and spiritually; if someone is close to you and totally at peace. You can't be all bad if this happens. You must have SOME worth.

This is what incels and FA's and robots lack, this most profound and intimate validation. And Normies never understand this lack because you only notice it when it isn't there. They say "I validated myself!" And they're wrong. We are validated by others, by the people we love who love us back. Everything else is shallow narcissism.

>> No.11293947

I'd say Dr. Suess.

>> No.11293975



>> No.11294154


>> No.11294373

being an incel, what else

>> No.11294377

>what is epigenetics

>> No.11294446

No idea, I have no clue on biology beyond highschool.

>> No.11294475

Incels should just kill themselves or transition. What pathetic sex obsessed people.

>> No.11294698
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>> No.11294779

sexual acts are worthless without the potential for love and progeny
If not fucking some drunk, fat, slob in a garden at a house party is anti-normal then I don't want to be normal

>> No.11294844

Slave morality was created exactly for you OP, don't worry.
Not being able to talk to girls means you're too smart for other people. Or you're a holy man far superior to the rest of the degenerates.

>> No.11294848

this, just don't read any neechy or classical greeks OP

>> No.11295040
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Why were we made for this bare unsparing world?

>> No.11295104

no its rather inefficient, previously they were sent to work on merchant vessels, frontier land, fight in wars overseas, work in mines, in factories for 100 hours a week. there’s just less purging selection so incels persist for longer and because of heightened mutational load leading to more neurologically dysfunctional children, combined with the catalyst of urban/suburban atomization there is much greater prevalence of inceldom. Statistically a larger number of them than at any point in human history, there are 100-300,000,000 incels in China alone. Its going to cause a socio-biological crisis.
there is no such thing, you would have to be someone with dozens of partners who got laid on a weekly basis for it to be valid and not cope
incels are ugly and neurologically dysfunctional, they have to instill some kind of transformative or evolutionary becoming or they won’t get laid, this usually means taking drugs like adderall or trenbolone. You cannot cheat your desires or sexual selection. If you want decent looking women you won’t get hard with ugly women unless you get plastered every time you’re with them. Its a valid strategy, just you are leaving out that women are awful to deal with, they select harshly, the ugly one’s are whores too, but ugly and unclean, so some psychological lubricant is probably necessary. You are encouraging hump and dump black out drunk outtings. I could never get erect from an ugly woman without alcohol
normalfags are sex obsessed
try to relax and work on your jaw line and body, make sure you are showering regularly, brushing teeth, sitting up straight, drinking water, keep your hair clean
no the act itself has merit, love and reproduction are noble, but just experiencing satisfaction is desirable unto itself
no it was created for peasants and enforced by priests who are the slave moralist par excellence
reading anyone won’t fix it, you have to take chances and drugs

>> No.11295793

>boomer dating advice is to drink water

>> No.11295906

>Its going to cause a socio-biological crisis.


>> No.11296014


>> No.11296035

>We are validated by others, by the people we love who love us back. Everything else is shallow narcissism.
wise words

>> No.11296195

I have no sympathy for incels anymore. You're a bunch of self-defeatist whiny nihilists. I'm unattractive and awkward but I was able to find a virgin online who lived close by right when I turned legal, met up with her and took each other's virginities, then moved on with my fucking life. Haven't touched a girl since and I couldn't care less. Sex is a way bigger deal in your head as a virgin than it actually is, and I'm sickened by you faggots who ruin any natural potential you have whining about it and groveling at the feet of women who feel the same disgust for you that I do. Get your shit together.

>> No.11296207

>I'm unattractive and awkward
>was able to find a virgin online who lived close by right when I turned legal

choose one, retard

>> No.11296279


basicallly the essential incel writer

>> No.11296374

Read pleasant hell by john dolan, won’t necessarily help but might motivate you to truly tackle life to avoid the nasty pit that is the author’s lifestyle

>> No.11296509

there are none

>> No.11296517

Is he the first writer to speak of the sexual marketplace? Perhaps the first incel.

>> No.11296528

He's not incel

>> No.11296597

>there is no such thing, you would have to be someone with dozens of partners who got laid on a weekly basis for it to be valid and not cope
I got plenty of prime pussy desu, no sour grapes involved. It ended with me breaking it off with the last girl deliberately and then staying celibate.

>> No.11296666

>Misanthropes are never correct.
Yet they exist in every age, and the world creates them at ever growing rates. There is truth to consistency and consistency to truth.

>> No.11296694

It's almost like when you don't such catastrophic importance on sex, you give off an attitude that doesn't seem creepy and desperate. I'm a 4 on a good day and was still able to. Stop feeling sorry for yourself faggot.

>> No.11296703

>Why would you choose
But you don’t choose anything. That’s why it’s called “incel”, involuntarily celibate.