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/lit/ - Literature

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11291690 No.11291690 [Reply] [Original]

What are the benefits of using literature as your storytelling medium? Like why not tell it via others instead?

>> No.11291726

if your literary focus is to tell a story you've missed the point entirely

>> No.11291738
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If you set out to create a message about the human condition without having a good story to convey it you’re a fucking retard.

>> No.11291748

it's the cheapest out of them, and you get more cred for it than movies and video games

>> No.11291763

Because if I write a good book they'll turn it into movie anyway, I don't even have to do that!

>> No.11291769

>duh hooman cawndishun
Please stop trying to write

>> No.11291798

That’s true but that can’t be just that. Otherwise we’d have far less amateur filmmakers and more penny dreadfuls

Then please, do enlighten me as all you can do is say “lol i know the truth and you’re dumb” tell me and convince me of your opinion my man. Isn’t knowledge meant to be shared?

>> No.11291810

Because it's by far the most accessible and cheap one. Only music and drawing come somewhat close but require much more effort.

>> No.11291819

Accessible for the writer or the audience?

>> No.11291832

Mostly for the writer but it's rather accessible for the audience too assuming you did your job.

>> No.11291849

But the average Joe Schmo doesn’t wanna read, he’d rather watch a movie.

>> No.11291861

Interesting that the hardest medium to make (in a practical sense) is also the easiest to consume.

>> No.11291886

That's a meme.


Sure it doesn't look super great but keep in mind that the numbers are from Murika.

>> No.11291905
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Well, the movie is the culmination of several artforms, it is visual, it is auditory and is created from that which is written. It’s a passive experience which you only observe, sit back and kick off your shoes. Most movies aren’t horribly challenging to understand, like Se7en is a fantastic movie but you don’t need to contemplate it too hard.

>> No.11291915

i find it very hard to concentrate on movies, reading books is definitely easier because you control everything about the process.

>> No.11291916

You can do the whole thing yourself.

>> No.11291925

>Most movies aren’t horribly challenging to understand
This applies to most novels too.

>> No.11291954

I suppose so, think of it I guess as an endurance test, most people can run but they won’t run a marathon. People can read books but they won’t wanna read them to full length. It’s far easier to kill a few hours watching a movie instead, it’s self contained and non-committal, like a one night stand.

>> No.11291982

this is the biggest one

>> No.11291993

What about publishers and editors, as it’s hard to distribute books (e-books notwithstanding) and spot your mistakes.

>> No.11292011

Why not tell it via literature?
Seriously now - different art forms aren't superior to each other in themselves. They simply work with different tools, which will lead every form into a slightly different direction (prose is more likely to be reflective, while films can be more sensual experiences - Sergio Leone's westerns can't be recreated as novels and Ulysses can't be filmed).
Use the form that you're adept in and that is practically viable. You're very unlikely to make a good film if you haven't studied film theory and don't have a decent crew, for example.

>> No.11292020

sure, but the bulk of the work still comes from a single artist. a single editor is absolutely nothing compared to the amount of hands it takes to make a movie (the other major narrative medium)

>> No.11292032

what point?
one of literature's great uses is to entertain
another is to instruct
another is to create social change
there are probably others (to confess one's inner feelings, to express the unexpressible... e.g. when writing is one of the means with which to dispose of traumatic life experiences, and more)
most of them are achieved through storytelling, because humans makes sense of their lives by creating narratives to encapsulate different scales of time and experience

storytelling is the practical reality of achieving anything with literature

>> No.11292045

>the bulk of the work
It's THE work, hands down. Everything else window dressing for words that were already written.

>> No.11292048

yeah unless you're writing a poem in which case you're retarded, because poetry is gay

>> No.11292065

i don't want to take too much away from what a good editor can do. it's all anecdotal evidence from interviews with authors, but it sounds to me like a strong editor can be a pretty powerful force between the drafts and the final product

>> No.11292076
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>> No.11292093

Good post my man. Good post

>> No.11292126

For the opposite reason vidya is the worst. Cheap, requires one person, no new technology, and can be done exceptionally quickly if required

>> No.11292135

Don’t forget you can steal assets for your game

>> No.11292179

video games are the worst right now because most studios are stuck in a mindset that games should be plotted like movies and take many of the same cues. as video games mature the most affecting narratives will probably barely have stated plots at all

>> No.11292274

>Like why not tell it via others instead?
What kind of question is that?

Literature IS inferior to theatre

>> No.11292300

I agree but we're are way in the minority with that one.

>> No.11292310

How does one know to use certain mediums for certain stories?

>> No.11292313

you write the story for the medium