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11284109 No.11284109 [Reply] [Original]

So was the Nitzch an atheist or not?

>> No.11284122 [DELETED] 

>tfw Catholic and really want Nietzsche to believe he was a secret believer even though he wasn't

>> No.11284133

like Shelley he was a rabid ontologist feeling the acute strains of the Christian psyche breathing down a hellish modernity

>> No.11284149

He was a pantheist in denial, but definitely not a theist or deist in the trascendental iteration of those beliefs. If he believed in spirit, he did (and references it explicitly all the time), he did in an immanent and vital sense, not as an intelligence or being of any kind. The last parts of Will to Power give a strong summary of his views on ontology. Was not a Christian by any means, Christfags trying to recover that from him are truly pathetic. I have no idea how JBP can shill christfaggotry and Nietzsche at the same time.

>> No.11284164

The secret to our (=great men) future lies in the reconciliation of Nietzsche & Christ. I don't listen to JBP, but if he's even marginally hitting on that, he's important.

>> No.11284179

He teaches beta incels at midwit colleges and vocational jobs to stand up straight and submit to their bosses. He exploits Nietzsche specifically to reinforce slavish behavior, the worst parts of Nietzsche and Christ are exploited. So, he does exactly what you want. Also, interesting you think we are equals or that you are a great man.

>> No.11284196

Nietzsche is the most important modern Christian philosopher. He critiques Christianity to revitalise it, many saints have done the same.

>> No.11284227

>He teaches beta incels at midwit colleges and vocational jobs to stand up straight and submit to their bosses
Your leggings are showing.

>> No.11284229

true in the sense of the amoeba, were he mentions how it's not merely trying to survive but extending it's tentacles from it's body to overpower over microorganisms

in that sense for Nietzsche there is "power" even at the most basic level of organic matter and i'd wager also inorganic matter

>> No.11284261

this is what Peterson preaches and nothing else, being a straight backed beast of burden. He’s not a merciful teacher, not gracious, not redemptive, just a parasite. And he goes out of hiw way not to discuss or investigate Genius, the Will to Power, Eternal return, Perspectivism (which he rejects). Everything subtle, healthy, individualistic, willful in N’s work is mutilated by Peterson’s pusillanimous, resentful, incurious disposition and pseudointellectual, shallow grasp on N’s thinking. He’s an embarassment and continually proves himself to be a con artist by extracting rather handsome sums every month from his captive audience of helpless degenerate incel bugs

I have a nice ass and thighs so i wear leggings when i play basketball at the gym, what are you going to do about it pussy faggot?
It extends to all physical systems and energy itself, he is just a more intelligent, less cryptic Heraclitus. Had to read the Fragments this quarter and they’re uncannily similar to his critiques of epistemology and understanding of biological morality, at least the mechanics that justifies it. Though Heraclitus doesn’t make most of the connections that N does at all, however i think if we gar him humanism he would eventually come to the conclusions that N did. Also, War is mentioned as basically the driving force behind or maybe the primary effect of (irrelevant in the case of both, neither upholds causality like other philosophers do) becoming (which is explicitly mentioned as the basis for N’s epistemology, and doubt of Self, volition, knowledge, ontological ground).

>> No.11284291

post butt plz

>> No.11284308

He was a Christian, he just wanted to break the religion off from its Jewish roots

>> No.11284313

>So, he does exactly what you want.
clearly not
>Also, interesting you think we are equals or that you are a great man.
no need to be wired buddy. (and you're definitely inferior to me.)

>> No.11284364

>rabid ontologist
What did you mean by this

>> No.11284390

Yeah, probably, if you can trust his own words, especially in Ecce Homo, where he claims to have absolutely no interest in belief in God and says he discounted the idea as a kid and never was attracted to it thereafter. His bombast I’m saying it is such that you suspect he may have been lying, that he did consider it later, but at least while writing the philosophy he’s most remembered for, he was consciously an atheist. At most, he may have been some kind of Spinozic pantheist (he had great sympathy for Spinoza) or something somewhat “mystical” of that nature, perhaps making something semi-“spiritual” of the concept of the will-to-power being the driving force behind all the universe. But such pantheism, if he did adhere to it, is basically atheism in another form.

>> No.11284400

Good question. The short answer is yes.

The long answer is no, and only yes when viewing atheism within the Christian doctrine. Atheism is not merely "the lack of belief in the Christian god" as is normally conceived — it's the lack of belief in ANY kind of divine authority, divine being eternal, primordial, beyond the powers of mortals. Nietzsche's philosophy represents the PUREST form of "lack of belief in the Christian god" because he denied its most fundamental metaphysical premise, that being the thing-in-itself, which is why Christians call him atheist and why regarding him as such isn't entirely out of the question. But did he lack belief in all kinds of divine authority? No he did not.

>> No.11284524

I'll pray for you.

>> No.11284736

This is the most vindictive post I have seen today.

>> No.11284739

>Will to Power
>Nietzsche's beliefs

>> No.11284776

the 1888 notes and the one’s revised in 1888 are his final word on most of what he held to, Kauffman’s translation is basically devoid of sheister nazi shit
go ahead

>> No.11284815


>> No.11284844

He was for Aryan religions, such as zoroastrianism, vedism and European paganism, and against the semitic religions of Babylon, Egypt, Israel, etc.

>> No.11285792

Still it's disingenious to put together a volume assembled from several fragments posthumously and call it a definitve work of the author. Nietzsche had many plans and many of them were dismissed.
Get the complete works from Colli/Montinari and read the literary remains and fragments as uncovered and presented by actual scholars interested in the true Nietzsche.

>> No.11287545

Pure ressentiment.

>> No.11287567

Being functional allows you to assume multiple roles as needed - by you, society or other people. To me he sounds like he is prepping people for disaster situations, ranging from NEETdom to slavery and dragons. The hero myth isn't exactly a limited source.

He is not exactly trying to tie you into a failing system, going so far as to state that Universities and careers are over.

>> No.11287583

Makes me sad that we will never read what could have been his magnum opus found in Will to Power.

>> No.11287595

Panentheism is not pantheism and Christianity is panentheistic. Try again, vikang.

>> No.11287618

I wouldn't count Egyptian religion among the Semitic ones, I'd have it as a separate one along with the Sumerian one.

>> No.11288150

The words are clunky and at best just approximations of 'a truth'. But what purpose does this sophistry serve? What is your argument? Do you suppose it doesn't matter what the 'real' Nietzsche was like and the attempt is worthless?

>> No.11288844

I like you anon. One of the few times I have ever seen someone make some actually interesting points in regards to Nietzch on this board

>> No.11288861

supposing a real Nietzsche is the only thing that's worthless

If you don't grasp this, you will search and search in Nietzsche for the last scrap of paper that some archivist some day hopes to uncover. To then go on to claim that at long last you have found the final piece of that puzzle that now grants you access to a secret that was never there. You're the sophist here, my friend.

>> No.11288921

There's a reason I put 'real' instead of real, but I really have to tread on eggshells with you.
You're going to great lengths with your assumptions about me - none of which are true.

I'm just advocating to read what Nietzsche wrote and what he put together and if he did arrange a work himself you should be critical of it. How is championing Kaufman's version as the definitive Nietzsche or saying his Nietzsche is "just as valid since there is no truth" worthwhile? See, I can assume things too.

>> No.11289378

>muh argy mints
Truth is a meme

>> No.11289435

he was a-theist

>> No.11289475

Why do you care about Nietzsche so much?

>> No.11289482

no he’s prepping people for a life of wage slavery and bondage to credit and their awful families. he’s a man tamer, exactly as described in the last sections of GM, he pushes priestly and ascetic ideals to people who literally cannot withstand states of bliss or power. his followers adulate him for telling them to know their place because they were always weak, sons of weak men, and looking for masters to labor under. Peterson encourages complacency and unthinking submission to mundane authority which cannot justify itself. He is silent about so much and vocal about things the establishment, Silicon Valley, Wallstreet, Hollywood, already promote: destruction of personal time and space for office consciousness, subjugating one’s dreams and ideas to a social hive mediator, embracing boomer and youth cultures because this is how one IS social in 21st c America, being engulfed in old moral codes which restrain WEAK wills and bind them to dead patterns of subsistence, and finally iq autism which functions as a varna system OH YOU’RE 125 IQ? NO CREATIVITY FOR YOU. Its debased.
Christianity isn’t panentheistic only a small sect of theologians ever espoused that, I also never once brought up the idea about Christians being any kind of pantheist you sperging schizo
I like me more than you ever will

>> No.11289697

>literally cannot withstand states of bliss or power
What do you mean by this?

>> No.11289884


He was a fag.

>> No.11289918
File: 65 KB, 246x360, tom-of-finland-cop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about you fella. Want some dick?

>> No.11290000

you must be forgetting the sixth rule for life, friend. pics of your room or gtfo

>> No.11290031


>> No.11290058

>He was a Christian
I wouldn't be surprised if there were Petersonfags here stupid enough to think this.

>> No.11290132

Honestly I just feel real sad for him now. He was a super smart autist who had too much expectations for himself that he had no chance to live up to. And these days his work is dragging down rambling pseudo-patricians like this anon right here >>11289482

>> No.11290933

He was but that's not all that important to him.

>> No.11290947

>Will to Power
When are anglos going to stop citing this non-book?

>Before Colli and Montinari's philological work, the previous editions led readers to believe that Nietzsche had organized all his work toward a final structured opus called The Will to Power. In fact, if Nietzsche did consider producing such a book, he had abandoned such plans in the months before his collapse. The title of The Will to Power, which appears for the first time at the end of the summer of 1885, was replaced by another plan at the end of August 1888. This new plan was titled "Attempt at a revaluation of all values" [Versuch einer Umwerthung aller Werthe],[2] and ordered the multiple fragments in a completely different way than the one chosen by Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche.

>Mazzino Montinari and Giorgio Colli have called The Will to Power a "historic forgery" artificially assembled by Nietzsche's sister and Köselitz/Gast.

>> No.11292567


>> No.11292624

You have to be pretty dull to not be able to find which parts of that book are worthwhile. Most of it is, even if it's in an incomplete form.

>> No.11292814
File: 1.03 MB, 1019x746, YEP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy thinks he's smart i'm schleep

>> No.11293692

Found the pleb

>> No.11293716

No. I think that he made it clear he wanted the overman to take the vacant seat. Ergo, he kept the Christian eschatology and return of Christ in some manner. He even saw the Overman as a conqueror and ruler.

Heck, the Masons turned the Catholic church into such a mess that it's upside down. Nietzsche seems, in comparison, to be a Christian prophet.

>> No.11294010

>which parts of that book
>that book

There you go again. It's not a book. Nietzsche did not write a book called Will to Power.

It's a onesided collection of fragments presented as a book written consciously by Nietzsche. To be clear: there's nothing wrong with reading Nietzsches unpublished writings. I have the entire collection of his unpublished writings in seven parts. It just bugs me that anglos use and regard it in such a prolific way.

>> No.11294235

His writing is deeply touching, insightful and provides me with an aesthetic bliss.
While I agree I have to backpaddle a bit. The Kaufman translation along with its introduction (found here https://archive.org/stream/FriedrichNietzscheTheWillToPower/Friedrich%20Nietzsche%20-%20The%20Will%20to%20Power_djvu.txt)) seems to be at the very least an interesting and worthwhile edition of a historical artifact of Nietzsche publications. Of course Kaufman used his sister's arrangements of notes for Will to Power arguing that this allows readers to cross reference a German translation without effort. He did revise the textual changes by Ns sister but kept the structure - out of all of Ns notes she chose the outline providing her with most editorial authority and -even- then was not completely faithful to it. Omissions and changes to Ns other outlines different versions of the book use suffer the same fate. It would be very interesting to get a historically-critical edition of Will to Power showig the different stages of its idea along with posthumous editing work, falsifications and so on.
Kaufman's introduction raises another interesting point: grouping and organizing Nietzsches aphorisms and fragments makes it easy to work with them - it's useful as an overview. Especially considering that
Kaufman is transparent about the dubious history.
What publication do you own?

>> No.11294400

You seem like you might know. In chapter 15 of The Birth of Tragedy Nietzsche makes reference to the Fiji islands in conjunction with genocide and patricide. No commentary I checked has bothered to explain this reference. Do you happen to know if Fiji islanders are known for murdering their own? I get the passage just fine - it's just "why Fiji?"

>> No.11294559

>It's not a book.
Actually, it is. It's just not one compiled and published by Nietzsche.

>Nietzsche did not write a book called Will to Power.
He did at one time, scrapped the project, and then used certain parts rearranged in several other books that he did publish. My point is, while no one should be considering it a part of Nietzsche's bibliography, they should be considering a good deal of it a part of his philosophy. Even his madness letters I consider part of that — there's some reason even in those to be found, if you know how to read it.

>> No.11295803
File: 35 KB, 441x464, Sun, woman, animal, super-human, spirit, law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Antichrist is a Christian
So dumb

You must have fallen asleep in his pages and dreamed up this interpretation