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11288952 No.11288952 [Reply] [Original]

>dude white people didn't invent anything lmao

>> No.11288966
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>dude I didn't even read the book lmao

>> No.11288973


>dude praise white people lmao

>> No.11288983

What do you expect from a jew?

>> No.11289007

i like how this book is shit on by both the right and the left, fucking pop historians get what they deserve

>> No.11289043
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>dude, what a society is capable of is largely dependent on the abundance of natural resources and not being conquered and subjugated, but this is ignored in favor of viewing people as merely inferior because that narrative justifies conquest

>> No.11289052
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I expect them to be Jewish. What do you expect?

>> No.11289058

>dude white people didn't invent anything lmao
How can one get the message of this book this wrong?

>> No.11289064

>dude race is not real but papua new guineans are the most powerful race in the universe lmao

>> No.11289066

fuck off retard

>> No.11289069

Why is he wearing a wedding dress? He looks like Young Thug

>> No.11289070

>this book is shit on by the left
No it’s not. This book might as well be leftist canon.
>race doesn’t affect intelligence
>whitey just got lucky and abused his power over all the poor PoC :-(

>> No.11289084

>dude mayas invented the wheel and defeated the spanish crown with 4D chess tactics

>> No.11289304

Do you know anything about how jews think and operate?

>> No.11289316

>dude *insert strawman* lmao

>> No.11289412
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>Look At this Crescent-shaped land

>> No.11291113

Anybody in that situation would have. Not sure what that has to do with your victim complex though.

>> No.11291145

*sound of rubbing hands*

>> No.11291147

What? Leftists disown the book as being somehow racist, that's literally their ideological position.
Also the idea that intelligence is a major contributing factor to the successes of societies over hundreds or thousands of years objectively doesn't add up. We would expect to see dominant societies that never collapse if that were the case because their intelligence would never stop increasing or would plateau at extreme points similar to one another. If Intelligence were all that mattered we would also expect societies within roughly similar geographical locations at roughly the same time to advance along a linear progression of development and we don't.
There must clearly be other factors that contribute to the successful formation of societies.

>> No.11291153

Leftists disown HP Lovecraft for naming a cat Niggerman. What'd you expect?

>> No.11291162

leftists disown Lovecraft for being a horrible writer

>> No.11291167

Lovecraft's a good writer though. He's just not scary.

>> No.11291185

>We would expect to see dominant societies that never collapse if that were the case because their intelligence would never stop increasing or would plateau at extreme points similar to one another.
This is not the case, the argument is that only intelligent people can create complex civilization, but the processes of civilization are a different matter. The rise and fall are due to complex 'life cycles'.

In any case though there is a civilization that has never properly fallen, just had calamities, the Chinese, who are clearly part of the subrace with the highest IQ, the lowest crime, etc.

Intelligence is necesary but not sufficient for the development of complex civilization. Intelligent races may live as barbarians for a long time for various reasons.

>> No.11291259

>china has never collapsed
That's an extreme simplification of history

>> No.11291272

>There must clearly be other factors that contribute to the successful formation of societies.
I agree, like the aryan race being molded in the image of God himself and infused with angelic DNA

>> No.11291282

Friendly reminder that the Aryans were used by the Greeks of Antiquity as a proletariat source of cheap food because they were too stupid to urbanize their lands and produce valuable trade goods.

>> No.11291306

The thing is, /pol/, whiteness is a social construct.
Remember how just 100 years ago Irish people weren't considered "white"?

>> No.11291315

The Irish were never not considered white, that's a lie. And pol is 90% hasbara shills now.

Talk about a fail.

>> No.11291317

They also conquered the Indians.

>> No.11291333

More like they shat around in the Indian subcontinent long enough for the Chad Vedists to steal their horses.

>> No.11291344

Whiteness is a social construct to the same degree that Blackness is a social construct. Why is one despised despite its contributions to global society while the other is celebrated despite its complete failure to contribute?
You can argue that we should do away with both, but nobody is.

>> No.11291356

the chinese invented fucking everything. just move on.

>> No.11291387

His last name is Diamond, not Diamondberg or Diamondstein.

>> No.11291450

>You can argue that we should do away with both, but nobody is.
To realistically do that, would require dismantling the system that lets people accumulate power over generations.

>> No.11291461

any system that doesn't allow that removes an enormous incentive for producing anything in the first place

>> No.11291478

Tons of artists and scientists died childless. If your only motivation is to hoard wealth for generations, it's unlikely you can contribute that much in the first place.

>> No.11291484

but most people produce for themselves, their partner and their children

>> No.11291495

And most of these will be replaced by robots soon enough.

>> No.11291500

>Also the idea that intelligence is a major contributing factor to the successes of societies over hundreds or thousands of years objectively doesn't add up.
Yes it does. Its just that there are other factors.

>> No.11291692

I remember AP Human Geography too OP.

>> No.11291721

>muh accelerationism
Automation creates new fields of industry and art, its never destroyed them.

>> No.11291759

Kinda pointless to compare innovations from the past with the possibilities of current technology, and the potential of the future one. There was always low-mid skilled work, often the same type of stuff people with wealth as main motivation pick/have to pick.

>> No.11291874

>people occasionally defined races weirdly out of ethnic tensions before we understood the biological underpinnings of race
>today, the "social construct" of race has adopted to revolutions in molecular biology and quantitative genetics
>scientific research has confirmed that if you allow people to choose #X racial categories that describe them best, and then get a computer algorithm to maximize in-group similarities and out-group differences by genetic similarity, you get "computer-sorted" races that match "self-reported" races over 97% of the time
Very convincing argument, trotting out "le social construct" to disprove the validity of human biodiversity. I guess just because the "social construct" of cows in the West is different from the "social construct" of cows in India, there is no underlying biological structure of a cow, something we formerly understood to mean a biological organism with a certain collection of genes, populations, and variations of phenotypes within these populations.

Christ, a lot of you smug, scientifically and statistically illiterate defenders of the egalitarian status quo are making me hate myself into begrudgingly defend race realism. I hate white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other right-wing spergs, but now I find myself agreeing with some of their beliefs because you fucks can't put up a decent argument against them that doesn't make knowledgeable people cringe.

>> No.11292182

Actually Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans.

>> No.11292241

Yeah, with all of their human sacrifices, cannibalism, and lack of advanced metallurgy, am I right?

Even niggers could smelt iron.

>> No.11292251

Amerindians have demonstrated a higher development rate than europeans:
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to solutrean:10000 years (30000BC-20000BC)
>from aurignacian-antelian to start of crop development: 9000 years(30000BC-21000BC)
>from start of crop development to neolithic revolution: 10500 years (21000BC-10500BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of copper: 5500 years (10500BC-5000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of tin bronze: 6700 years (10500BC-3800BC)

>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to clovis: 5500 years (16000BC-10500BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to the start of crop development: 5000 years (16000BC-11000BC)
>from start of crop development to neolithic revolution: 7000 years (11000BC-4000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper: 3000 years (4000BC-1000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of tin bronze: 4700 years (4000BC-700 AD)

-"2003a. Tiwanaku Period (Middle Horizon) bronze metallurgy in the lake Titicaca basin: A preliminary assessment. En Tiwanaku and its hinterland, T 2. A. Kolata, (Ed.), pp. 404-434. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D. C."
-"1997. El bronce arsenical y el Horizonte Medio. En Arqueología, antropología e historia en los Andes: Homenaje a María Rostworowski, R. Varón y J. Flores E. (Eds.), pp. 153-186. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima."
-"Historia de América Andina: Las sociedades aborígenes"
Therefore Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.

How is this hard to get?

>> No.11292277

U just got rekt bruv.

>> No.11292286

You're fucking done buddy

>> No.11292289

Multiple civilizations can invent the same thing at different periods of time.
Being "first" by a couple hundred or even thousands of years in terms human existence is pretty insignificant.
What IS significant is that multiple civilizations with no contact with one another started doing largely the same shit around the same time (after the last ice age).

>> No.11292311

Stop samefagging.

And yet all Amerindian cultures lacked sophisticated and flexible systems of writing, established schools of philosophy, skilled seafaring and shipbuilding, gunpowder, the fucking WHEEL, advanced metallurgy (a few bronze ornaments doesn't count compared to mass productions of bronze, iron, and steel weaponry), organized religion that didn't involve carving out hearts from living prisoners of war, republican governments and constitutions, free markets, etc. Your standard for "development rate" is highly cherrypicked and misleading, but what would I expect from a pseud interested in making gotcha arguments instead of investigating the truth.

Look at the descendants of Amerindians today. Generally low IQ populations ruled by authoritarian and dysfunctional governments. I'd link a cartel webm illustrating how the genetic capacity for Nahuatl bloodlust hasn't disappeared, but that would get me banned from a blue board.

>> No.11292314

european development started from malta buret and associated siberin cultures after they split from common ancestors of them and amerindians, then to samarra and yamnaya
europeans migrated in europe only later, old european cultures are kangz, lost to history, discontinued and irrelevant

>> No.11292315

Wow I haven't seen such pathetic levels of samefagging in ages.

>> No.11292319

>t all Amerindian cultures lacked sophisticated and flexible systems of writin
not true m8. the Mayans had one

But the IQ point is valid

>> No.11292337
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Nice paranoia.
Go back to /pol/ you fags.

>> No.11292338

Yeah, they had a system of hieroglyphic-like symbols that in no way compares to the flexibility and expressiveness of the Phoenician alphabet and its derivatives. I'm not particularly impressed by the fact that the Incans had strings of knots, the Mayans had glyphs, and the rest had nothing.

>> No.11292343

>what is 5 seconds of page source editing
Yeah I'm sure that a dead thread suddenly had a bunch of cocksuckers supporting your lame post. It's just a coincidence!

>> No.11292348
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>and yet
Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans.
>look at
The survivors of the worst cataclysm a single ethnic group has suffered. Amerindians have demonstrated a higher development rate than europeans. Therefore Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.

>> No.11292352

Or maybe on a site with millions of posters two people could have agreed on something.
Get out of your trench you simpleton.

>> No.11292357

the Mayan system is comparable to the Japanese or Chinese ones. It isn't hieroglyphs, according to wikipedia the difference is that Egyptian hieroglyphs are Logoconsantal and stuff like Maya and Chinese is Logosyllabic

Mainly it seems to be that the logosyllabic scripts rerpresent specific morphemes. idk some Linguist fag can explain this but the point is it is considered a real script

>> No.11292358

I would actually posit the opposite. His writing is scary despite it's turgid prose. He was more of an idea man than a wordsmith.

>> No.11292359

European development inherited the vanguard cultures' legacy which is mentioned in the truthpill text.>>11292251

>> No.11292366


>> No.11292368

>if I ignore almost all contrary evidence, such as other milestones of European civilization, and use arbitrary but incomplete metrics to assess "civilization", I can be a sophist to win internet arguments
Very convincing. I'm sure you were the kid that tried to convince everyone that the sun was alive using a middle school textbook's definition of life too.

>The survivors of the worst cataclysm
Receiving white genetic admixture, Christianity, and the fruits of European technology is the best thing that ever happened to the Americas. Their inability to make the most of their advantages in such a resource-rich part of the world is, for the most part, their own fault.

>a single ethnic group
Are you a fucking brainlet?

>> No.11292376

This is true. Amerindians and indios are retarded and even European blood hasn't made mestizos much better because the starting point was so low. It's retarded to argue otherwise.

>> No.11292378

>such as milestones of european civilization
Let's see: >>11292251
Oh, they actually were slower than Amerindians.
>receiving subhuman admixture
>slave eurangutan worshipping brainwashing
Great consequences.

Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans. Try again, chimpo.

>> No.11292391

u can see this in the fact that there are tons of guys who look like chinese delivery boys in computer science departments in elite schools, but you will never see anyone who looks like a taco delivery boy, not even extreme affirmative action can lift an aztec up to associate professor at a state school, meanwhile within two generations the chinese are publishing influential papers and doing significant research

>> No.11292394

>Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans.
>higher development rate

what the fuck does that even mean and how did u measure it?

>> No.11292395

This is true. INDIOS are subhumans. Don't mix with them.

If you are white or black, mix with each other. Let INDIOS die of inbreeding.

>> No.11292397


>> No.11292398

>Oh, they actually were slower than Amerindians.
By what standard? When the Spanish arrived with steel armaments and gunpowder, Aztecs were using clubs made out of obsidian while the Incans were using slings, and occasionally, copper-tipped weaponry. Indo-Europeans and other peoples in the Middle East have been mass producing copper weaponry since 6000 BCE.

I'm sorry, what were the Amerindians doing while Europeans propelled the world into the atomic and informational eras? Disemboweling random folks who interfered with the drug trade or suffering from chronic alcoholism. Yeah, I wonder which race is subhuman.

>> No.11292431

>you get "computer-sorted" races that match "self-reported" races over 97% of the time
And you can't guess why social constructs would have an effect on self reporting?

>validity of human biodiversity
No one denies that, just the effects are negligible when talking about anything bigger than lactose tolerance or melatonin levels.

>you fucks can't put up a decent argument against them that doesn't make knowledgeable people cringe.
That's rich for a guy who used cows to argue against social constructs. Though surely you have some studies from knowledgeable people to back your ideas up ... oh wait, science disproves all the race-memers. This only leaves the ... BECAUSE JOOCE card, and you're not one of these faggots, right?

Seriously, if you're really not one of the race realism idiots, get yourself informed about the BIG picture, not singular studies that are meant to answer different questions.

>> No.11292437

Do you /pol/ brainlets have a compulsion to shit up every thread with your paranoid delusions and hypersensitivities?
You drag everything down with your tiresome grievances and bellyaching. There's a good reason you feel rejected by society.

>> No.11292459

You just posted this same comment in the Bourdain thread, rabbi. No extra shekels for copy and paste posts. You know better than this, it makes us look bad.

>> No.11292489
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>And you can't guess why social constructs would have an effect on self reporting?
You must have totally missed the point. If you sort individual genetic profiles in order to maximize in-group similarities and out-group differences, i.e., sort people into races, you end up matching social classifications of race.

Still didn't catch that? Here's one last attempt at explaining. If you tell a machine to sort individuals into races by genetic composition, you get almost a carbon copy of racial classifications in modern society. Race is a "social construct" that is based off of biological realities of population genetics. End of story.

>No one denies that, just the effects are negligible when talking about anything bigger than lactose tolerance or melatonin levels.
t. science denier who ignores twin studies that put the heritability of of intelligence at ~0.50, which is probably an underestimate given that environmental factors are influenced by people who share similar genes.

Almost every human trait has been shown to be susceptible to evolutionary pressures, with different populations having different genotypic and phenotypic distributions according to the selective pressures of their given environments. Lactose tolerance, height, metabolism, the type of athleticism, skin color, sickle cell anemia, etc. All of these traits vary largely between populations. And you expect me to believe that intelligence is any different? Why?

>That's rich for a guy who used cows to argue against social constructs.
I don't think you understand what a social construct is if you think calling race "a social construct" is a potent argument against race realism. Social constructs are real, especially when they match scientific facts related to evolutionary science. You can measure the impact of human biodiversity to the tunes of trillions of dollars when you engage in, let's say, demographic replacement.

>> No.11292537

>mass producing
Any sources?
Everything indicates copper production started increasing just at the end of the chalcolithic and the early bronze age.
>"In Sumer, there was no standing army, although there may have been some professional soldiers. When the king, high priest and council of elders decided the need for war, they called all free male citizens to arms. Each citizen had to bring his own weapons. Common weapons included bows, spears, slingshots, battle axes, maces and knives. Protective armor was rare, although many carried shields. Professional soldiers wore helmets of copper."
>"They used copper weapons, spear and axe. (The phalanx did not use the bow and arrow.) Phalanx tried to break phalanx by shoving, jabbing with the spear, and hacking with the axe. The ensi's also employed carts pulled by four onagers (wild donkeys). Each cart had a shield in front, a driver, and a warrior armed with spears. The carts may have shaken the opposing phalanx by their noise and their appearance, or by the threat of outflanking the enemy, or they may have been used to ride down those who fled. At first the Sumerian armies dominated Mesopotamia. Their neighbors' illdisciplined, stone-armed, slow-moving forces had no chance against the Sumerian phalanx, but all too soon those neighbors began to adopt copper weapons and semi-organized tactics. Their neighbors to the west, the Amorites, nomads of the desert, infiltrated Mesopotamia (even before our written records begin); some of them adopted the agricultural life of the Sumerians and Sumerian civilization and military practices. These Amorites were known as the Akkadians."
>"There is only evidence that the Incas and other civilizations and the uses of metals as tools and weapons in a much more extensive way such as European or Asian civilizations. The Incas use bronze in a large number of sharp and impact weapons such as hammers, maces and tomahawks, spears and helmets for the highest-ranking military elements. In addition to the utilitarian and military use of metals, it also had a very important value in religious ceremonies, which was associated with gold with the sun and the moon with silver throughout the continent.9"
Incans spread bronze metalworking and was an important part of their warfare.
>I'm sorry
Amerindian higher civilization potential doesn't need "apologies".

Time to deal with it, monker.

>> No.11292548

Blackness (specifically in America, the only country who gives a fuck) is an ethnicity created by the institution of slavery.

>> No.11292563

>organisms model their environments
>different environments, therefore different populations
I like how Jared implicitly admits the existence of human biodiversity.

>> No.11292596

>using wheels for transportation in moubtainous terrain where thr primary pack animal was the llama, which are ornery and uncooperative and WEAK pieces of shit
I'm pretty sure the wheel waz invented, but just primarily a toy rather.

>> No.11292606

>having an extensive system of roads but not bothering to use wheels on them
brilliant, very developed

>> No.11292610

It was more due to having hypercentralized settlements that were only used seasonally and were heavily dependent on water transport and irrigation, there wasn't enough agriculture or industry in the off season when people would be out in the hills and jungles to warrant pack animal transportation.
It's like asking why there aren't subways in Venice

>> No.11292611
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>not bothering using wheels on stairs, cliff sections, hanging bridges with a lama
It seems reasonable m8

>> No.11292620

Me on the bride’s right

>> No.11292625

Look at that fucking path. Your wheels are going to last half a trip.

>> No.11292627

Africa has one of the most abundant places on earth and yet the only part of it that showed any success is the desert part.

>> No.11292689

>twin studies that put the heritability of of intelligence at ~0.50
That are are extremely lacking on every level, before it even reaches to further effects from environmental factors beyond parenting. Black kids still live in a world that treats them as blacks. There are even more issues with the study and the entire approach as you're certainly aware of ... but not to waste more words: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5679002/

>And you expect me to believe that intelligence is any different? Why?
Because most of the shit is regulated by very few genes and is relatively well understood. Hundreds of genes are linked to intelligence and our ability to define and test it are "somewhat functional" at best, before including external factors that can further mess with results (say higher stress for blacks) and before going into complications of heredity.

>if you think calling race "a social construct" is a potent argument against race realism
For one, I am not calling it a social construct, and don't think anyone did, there are obviously some biological elements. It's just that the social ones have the much bigger impact when talking about the context of society and not about who jumps higher. Especially in fucked up countries like Murica. Other than that, we talk about ethnicities, since different human races literally don't exist anymore. OTHER than all that, race realism is a meme no ones sane takes seriously, it doesn't need any more arguments against it than flat earth crap. I only responded to your post because I found the cow stuff hilarious. Besides, you do seem to have some intellectual honesty by approaching it from the science point of view instead of reposting total memes, so kinda hoped that someone less lazy would take the effort to throw more studies at you after the bump. (or that you'd be less lazy and look deeper into the whole shit, but let's stay realistic)

>demographic replacement
Oh boy.

>> No.11292707
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>> No.11292758

>Africa has one of the most abundant places on earth
Nigga, rare Earth metals weren't ever going to be very useful to the early agrarian societies of Africa. Fact is both sedentary and pastoral agriculture is extremely difficult in Sub-Saharan Africa due to the climate and geography. Northern Africa can support pastoral agriculture and, in the case of river valley areas like the Nile, intense sedentary agriculture. That's the key fucking difference. It's very deceptive to claim that Africa is extremely resource rich when most of the resources are useless to early human societies, and the key resource for the development of any healthy society i.e AGRICULTURAL SURPLUS, is a lot more difficult to come by.

>> No.11292778
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>That are are extremely lacking on every level,
Because it is politically incorrect to investigate into this area, since we all know what the likely answer will be. It would destroy the notion of an egalitarian society.

>Black kids still live in a world that treats them as blacks.
Black kids have the highest self-esteem out of any race. Another reason why the heritability of IQ among blacks is underestimated. See pic related for a summary. I hope you're starting to realize that your entire ideology is supported by false premises, rotten all the way to the foundations. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3263756/

>before it even reaches to further effects from environmental factors beyond parenting.
A lot of so-called "environmental factors" are emergent from the genetic profile of a certain population. Your environment is often crafted by people genetically related to you, and American society at large was created by those of primarily European stock. Heritability is underestimated, not overestimated, for that reason.

>Because most of the shit is regulated by very few genes and is relatively well understood.
Complexity is irrelevant in determining heritability of intelligence. That only matters when trying to understand the specific effects that a particular set of alleles at certain loci have on intelligence and why, i.e., making medically-relevant predictions. Genes can be selected for or against singularly or in sets, you know.

>Hundreds of genes are linked to intelligence and our ability to define and test it are "somewhat functional" at best
Whether we are able to find the molecular biological mechanism is a gold standard. Heritability studies are silver standards. After all, when we apply Darwinian and physicalist logic to science, there can't be any other essentialist explanation for non-environmental causes of IQ than genetics, right?

>there are obviously some biological elements.
Understatement of the century.

>race realism is a meme no ones sane takes seriously
I take it seriously when my country has gone from 85% white to 60% white within the span of a generation. Do I want this country to end up as politically dysfunctional as Brazil or South Africa? Absolutely not, and no sane person would. I don't care about white pride, I think white nationalism is retarded, and I don't mind non-white immigrants if they're intelligent and can assimilate well, but I cannot look upon this massive dysgenic influx and not feel intense trepidation for what the future has in store for us.

> (or that you'd be less lazy and look deeper into the whole shit, but let's stay realistic)
The only lazy types are the people who will try their hardest to argue that humans are immune to Darwinian pressures. I wouldn't have become a race realist if it weren't for all of the bad arguments I've seen promoted all over YouTube over the past year. I ended up connecting the dots in a way I never thought I would. You can't hide the truth.

>> No.11292780

B-but if they had more IQs, surely niggas could've found uses for oil, uranium and cobalt!

>> No.11292782

>It would destroy the notion of an egalitarian society.
Egalitarianism is based on principal, not utilitarian measures. You can have an egalitarian system while still accounting for the objective differences between individuals by removing external barriers to individual success and letting the people achieve whatever it is they are able to. Granted, this isn't how many "egalitarians" societies are constructed.

>> No.11292786

Holy shit every time someone posts that meme argument I feel my braincells dying.
>durr but like Africa has access to uranium 235 why didn't they build nukes in the bronze age

>> No.11292799

I wouldn't be against equal opportunity. I wouldn't even be against "social justice" if there were specific, biology-supported standards for figuring out when we have solved the problem. If the broad distribution of female IQ means that only 20% of engineers would be women, then so be it. Unfortunately, until genetic realism is mainstream, there will never be realistic standards for "equal opportunity met" in any occupation. Ergo, when the idea of "50-50 split" standards aren't met, and important institutions start to crumble from neglect and buckle under the weight of mass immigration, there will be nonstop class, racial, and gender resentment that will be routinely exploited by the managerial neoliberal elites.

Like I said before, South Africa or Brazil is in this country's destiny. If you can't see it, or if you don't care, then there's no hope saving you.

>> No.11292817

It's lucky then that we're not basing our society on developing TOWARDS egalitarian base principles but rather using those base principles as the bedrock on which our society and its laws are founded.
Obviously there are people trying to subvert those principles but they're losing both culturally and politically.
Absolute meritocracy isn't an enviable state either, since you'll see corruption forming at whatever tier of hierarchies set the standards of merit for the tiers below them. Unlike in a base egalitarian society with unregulated systems where corruption can be defeated by the sudden rise of an individual outside of the bubble.

>> No.11292818

It's still named after their god Mammon.

>> No.11292820

>Obviously there are people trying to subvert those principles but they're losing both culturally and politically.
Not really. If Trump doesn't win re-election and isn't able to implement some type of permanent immigration restrictions, then this country is gone. No hope.
>Unlike in a base egalitarian society with unregulated systems
This doesn't make any sense to me. The strongest would still survive, only with vague and socially-arbitrated standards of meritocracy.

>> No.11292824

Jared Diamond is an admitted Jew.
>Both of his parents were from East European Jewish families who had emigrated to the United States.

>> No.11292825

Nothing is inevitable. The third world hordes can be easily removed or made to leave if the jewish problem can be dealt with and whites can force them out of our urban centers. This problem is still a new one and America will balkanize quickly if the demographic situation can't be reversed.

>> No.11292828

You can't blame everything on Jews. There is only a small core of progressive Jews from elite coastal centers that are really part of the problem, and there are still millions of leftist non-Jewish whites that would be pushing these policies too. The worst of the Ashkenazi Jews would have never been put into power if it weren't for the liberal WASP elites' will.

>> No.11292838

that's the real reason for the bronze age collapse, actually.

>> No.11292839

Wasps gave this power to jews or let them slowly erode their power, but this begins and will end with the jews because they are the source and everyone else is just doing their bidding at this point.

>> No.11292848

This is proof above all that the British Israelists were right in claiming that Anglos were descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, and therefore the Tribes of Israel

>> No.11292855

>Because it is politically incorrect to investigate into this area
Shitty excuse. Conservative thinktanks would love to throw cash on anyone even considering it.

>Black kids have the highest self-esteem out of any race.
Almost like they are trying to cope with it. Blacks tend to cope with stress better too but mental fortitude can only get you so far in a hateful environment. https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/apa-blog/2017/10/racism-and-mental-health

>American society at large was created by those of primarily European stock.
So rejected whites from Europe are hereditary more racist than the other Europeans and created a breathtaking racist environment that shocked the nazis because of their genetics? Well, as long you can prove it.

>Complexity is irrelevant in determining heritability of intelligence.
>Whether we are able to find the molecular biological mechanism is a gold standard. Heritability studies are silver standards.
It's not because we're talking about 5xx genes that can be linked to intelligence, even if 50% of these are 100% heritable, we're still left with too many variables and unknowns. Before even addressing the whole "what exactly is intelligence" and "how do we measure it correctly" questions, that are not quite answered. Pretending that we're anywhere close to answer any of these questions is ridiculous dishonesty. And then, once/if we do manage to find the answers, there will be still environmental factors affecting the relevance of the results further. Results that we don't have.

>when my country has gone from 85% white to 60% white within the span of a generation
And what actual effects did it have on the life quality of the population?

>politically dysfunctional as Brazil or South Africa?
Great examples that oppressive regimes will fall. How long did it take to sort out 99% white countries like France or Germany after revolutions there before they saw huge improvements?

>You can't hide the truth.
Apparently you can with a PC conspiracy that stopped every researcher to give race realism a serious look. Are the round-earth bastards on the scam too?

>> No.11292858

I wouldn't be interested in anything more than increased investigation into Jewish hiring practices, with maybe a flat but fair quota based off of psychometrics if the problem becomes too big to handle on a case-by-case basis. Most Jews aren't a problem, and the Jews that are problems are problems due to their rabid leftism first and foremost, not due to their ethnicity. If you want to hurt innocent people, I'm not interested in your plan.

>> No.11292861


>> No.11292866


>> No.11292868

Someone write a fucking book about it already.

>> No.11292870

There's no conspiracy, people in positions of power choose to follow PC culture because it's the most profitable in an economic sense and most agreeable in a sociological sense

>> No.11292881

Holy shit you're ignorant on cultures aren't you?

>> No.11292883

They aren't innocent and you'd run into ten times more problems trying to sort out the "good ones." They're too tribal and don't have the individualistic morality-based sense whites do that cause us to sell out our own in a second. Jews will never do that so they have to be dealt with as one unit, which is what they are anyway.

>> No.11292885

It takes two to tango. If someone believes a lie, they are also at fault.

I was consulting God on this subject, extending it beyond the Jews; asking about parasitism and the horrors of nature and humanity. Why are they allowed to exist? Turns out, so long as evil exists, there is something wrong with their victims as well, and there is something at least functional in the parasites. However, the good is the stronger side because pure parasitism is flawed. It can't win. If it overextends, it perishes. If it keeps going the same way over and over again, it loses. It, too, has to evolve and strive. In that evolution, however, something odd can happen. The parasitic nature is temporary. The relationship turns into one of symbiosis or one of domestication. Or their previous victims gain immunity through some method or another - 20% of our genome is from viruses, which aren't known for their benevolent traits and habits!
The real reason to oppose judaism is to avoid their domestication plans, but if they were to succeed in that... What would happen? They'd have to learn morality to make use of these animals, to increase their profits. So the moral suffering of humanity would be monopolized by jews, and everyone else would get their periodic and systematic input of philosophy, art, culture, identity etc.

>> No.11292886

see Solo, Marvel comics, the gaming industry, etc. for why you're retarded

>> No.11292888
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>> No.11292890

There are tons of conservative thinktanks pushing "niggas commit more crime" bullshit. Are you seriously suggesting these people wouldn't blow anyone for some race realism data? What about our Russian friends who are almost as racist as Muricas and already invest in conservative propaganda, wouldn't some actual science help their message? How about Chinks? They couldn't give any fucks about Western values.

>> No.11292902

>comparing pop culture with science
At least pretend that you're not underage for fucks sake.

>> No.11292905

>he believes economics is a science
Holy shit, the state of this board...

>> No.11292912

chinks hate america liberals. They call them baizuo


A bunch of communists are going to see through the disgusting bourgeois tendencies of the american liberal like superman with x ray vision

>> No.11292913

>pushing "niggas commit more crime" bullshit.
Black people commit a statistically disproportionate amount of crime. That's not a racist sentiment, there are all kinds of reasons this is true that don't involve biology

Yes these companies tend to end up shooting themselves in the foot after pursuing PC culture long enough that it alienates their consumer base

>> No.11292916

>it's the out of control ghost-system attacking us and not the people
Yawn, only fools believe this anymore.

>> No.11292928

>That's not a racist sentiment, there are all kinds of reasons this is true that don't involve biology
There's no reason to avoid biology. We just fear that including biology would be a death sentence for all blacks, which is not the case.

Among those Finns known for violent crime, 1% had a gene that was associated with extreme violent impulses under alcohol. Meaning the classic ax n' hack murder of your friend whilst drunk.

>> No.11292929

>out of control ghost-system
what in fuck are you on about, it's people making decisions from a place of political ideology or because they perceive pandering to that ideology to be profitable or generally beneficial

>> No.11292932
File: 62 KB, 1039x841, DiversityIndex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitty excuse. Conservative thinktanks would love to throw cash on anyone even considering it.
You're a fucking idiot then. Charles Murray can't even speak at colleges without getting physically attacked, even though it's been two years since the publication of The Bell Curve. While AEI kept Murray on board, the think tank won't touch any more investigations. Any non-meme conservative think tank views race realism like the plague, since it gets them labeled as white nationalists.

>Almost like they are trying to cope with it.
Or maybe that there's no visible or coherent effect that "hate" has on IQ, especially in a society where even hinting at racism gets you ostracized so such "hateful" actions are heavily disincentivized.

>Blacks tend to cope with stress better too
So high self-esteem, less stress? Sounds like underestimated heritability of IQ to me. I'm thinking that 0.80, not 0.50, is a realistic number after accounting for self-esteem, stress, and the genetic mesh of a European society.

>we're still left with too many variables and unknowns.
No we're not. Either you have genes, or you have environment. Under scientific assumptions, those are the only two possibilities allowed. There is no magic specter you can blame without falling into the realm of mystical woo-woo.

>Results that we don't have.
The only problem we have to worry about is figuring out prediction, i.e., what is the potential of each assortment of alleles. You don't need to know that, however, to know whether IQ is heritable, since we know that a significant proportion of IQ variation is NOT from the environment. Period.

>Pretending that we're anywhere close to answer any of these questions is ridiculous dishonesty
You don't have to understand every single nuance to get to know the big picture.
And it's not looking good from the research we've conducted, and it probably won't get better.

>And what actual effects did it have on the life quality of the population?
Rising taxes, increased wealth redistribution from the poor to elites, ballooning government expenses, decreased social cohesion, a demographic end to American conservatism, a chronic shortage of competent STEM workers (and no the H1B visa program has been a detriment thanks to low quality of Asian worker), etc. I've attached a nice graph using US census data and the Social Capital Index project by the Office of Senator Mike Lee (R) from Utah. By the way, diversity has an R^2 value of 0.33, higher than any other factor alone including poverty (R^2 = 0.31).

>How long did it take to sort out 99% white countries like France or Germany after revolutions there before they saw huge improvements?
Every country has enough problems as it is. And you want to make it worse by undermining the genetic scaffolding and promoting social discord? The countries you've mentioned are beginning to crack under the seams of mass immigration, by the way. Neither country is "99%" white anymore, grandpa.

>> No.11292936

The problem is that we have no way of knowing who possesses such biological factors without doing either eugenics or invasive testing of innocents. Testing people for those factors after they've already been convicted of a crime doesn't accomplish anything.

>> No.11292942

>That's not a racist sentiment, there are all kinds of reasons this is true that don't involve biology
It's an intentionally misleading statement to push a certain agenda. A not very PC agenda, so let's not pretend it's a huge factor.

Instead of arresting blacks for being black to present bogus stats, surely these people could invest their billions into one or two actual studies to provide a more convincing argument.

>> No.11292946

>Apparently you can with a PC conspiracy that stopped every researcher to give race realism a serious look. Are the round-earth bastards on the scam too?
Even PC researchers that try to touch on the usefulness of population genetics while denouncing race realism get crucified. For example, look at this recent article by a geneticist in the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/23/opinion/sunday/genetics-race.html#commentsContainer

People simply freaked out that he even touched the issue, as gingerly and progressively as he did. Your name becomes persona non grata if you stake your career on this research. If you deny this, then you're being intellectually dishonest, or you're just clueless about how society works.

>> No.11292953

>arresting blacks for being black to present bogus stats
You can't provide a single source that would confirm that's actually happening. If anything, arrest stats UNDERestimate the numbers of actual crimes.

>> No.11292958

That ideology is enforced and orthodoxy about racial equality and diversity has no benefit in itself. It benefits the small group of way over represented jews controlling wall street, banks, lobbying groups like AIPAC, and the jewish media that castigates anyone broaching racial subject, because it creates an environment where aren't allowed to talk about them without being attacked as racist or antisemitic.

>> No.11292959

>Instead of arresting blacks for being black to present bogus stats
Okay you have to be trolling. The violent crime statistics are incredibly disproportionate between races, i.e., has nothing to do with police discretion. In fact, Harvard researchers have been showing that, in many cities (and likely due to the political climate), police are less likely to arrest blacks when discretion is allowed (because it isn't worth the chimpout), even if they would have arrested a white man in that same situation.

By the way, speaking on whether this type of research is allowed, this same Harvard researcher, a black man, has now been targeted by #MeToo and has been barred from his laboratory despite having no solid evidence against him yet. Really makes you think...

>> No.11292971

You're never going to affect actual political change if you keep attaching your arguments to an ideological position as nonsensical and retarded as the SJWs'

>> No.11292979

Jews are a big problem. You have to be an idiot to not get that at this point. Or in your case, a jew.

>> No.11292988

I wouldn't say that it's nonsensical, because there is definite overrepresentation of Jews in important institutions, and that this overrepresentation carries important cultural and political consequences due to general biases with the Jewish population, but almost all of the solutions presented by white nationalists are extremely unpalatable and would destroy any chance at general political success if advocated.

>> No.11292989

Nigger I'm a 21 year old raised-protestant white guy from the South. Not everyone is a literal goddamn Jew. You actually have no argument at all when you're faced with someone that isn't Jewish.

>> No.11292991

>american protestants
even worse

>> No.11292995

So you're an idiot. It's was a 50/50 shot.

>> No.11293000

Jews are unable to see themselves in the mirror. I hope Israel teaches something about themselves, but it's held in a state of apartheid to keep the jewish minds enslaved.

>> No.11293003

You're dealing with LARPs. A lot of people on /lit/ get a kick out of pretending to be white nationalists, since it gets them guaranteed (You)s, and the arguments against their positions tend to be laughably bad as well. They don't really believe what they believe for the reasons stated, unless they actually have subhuman IQ.

>> No.11293005

I really don't see the cultural connections between Jews in power. Basic Jewish religious teachings don't account for PC culture or any other political moves made by people in those positions. I think it's just people in positions of power being generally corrupt shitty people as they always tend to be, and Jews end up over-represented in those positions because they have insular, meritocratic communities similar to Asians.
In other words it has everything to do with those people in those positions of power being shitty and corrupt and nothing to do with their biology or necessarily their base culture. You can say that in cases like Weinstein's that larger cultural forces (in that case, that of Hollywood) do influence their actions.

>> No.11293008

Every country in the west was de facto white nationalist until recently. And the west has only gone downhill since those white men lost power and gave it up to jews.

Jews are quite happy with the ethnostate they try to deny to whites in the west.

>> No.11293014

I'm well aware of that phenomenon but since there's nothing to be done but address the arguments presented I'll continue to waste my time as I see fit.

You'd have posted the same thing regardless of my background because you don't have actual arguments

>> No.11293019

>Every country in the west was de facto white nationalist
America has used importation and integration of foreign peoples as sources of low-income labor for hundreds of years and those people always had some access to citizenship.

>> No.11293023

>importation and integration of foreign white* peoples

>> No.11293027

Chinese aren't white, Irish were treated as subhuman for many decades. Keep revising history.

>> No.11293030

You guys need to figure out this internet thing. The jewish problem is very apparent once you start actually looking into it. There's no real reason why a white man under 30 with an IQ over 100 shouldn't get it these days. It's nothing new either, people have been documenting their behavior for millennia.

>> No.11293035

No they didn't, and they had zero power regardless.

>> No.11293036

We attribute literally every cause to environment. These can't all be right:
> your genes control you
> your childhood experiences control you
> social/power structures control you
> economic incentives control you
> your subconscious controls you
> geography controls you
> your race controls you

>> No.11293041
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I generally agree with you that there probably isn't anything "special" about Judaism, either as an ethnicity or as a religion, outside of any standard sociological explanations. Sure, they're relatively intelligent, cosmopolitan, academic, etc., and this influences their liberal outlook, but the net result is just more liberals in government, who happen to use ethnic bias to their advantage. In other words, I don't buy the Culture of Critique argument that there are Jewish ideas, Jewish evolutionary strategies, etc. Whatever Jews are pushing, WASP elites are pushing too for reasons of control and sadism.

But regardless, Jews are still extremely overrepresented, even when adjusting for merit, which means they are crowding out a majority of the population from having the voice in society that they deserve. This is currently causing major problems and, in tandem with the establishment's desire for demographic replacement, will lead to drastic political consequences in the future if not resolved as soon as possible.

America was civic nationalist, Europe was ethnic nationalist. "White" nationalism is a meme. And any nationalism without Christendom is doomed to fail.

>Irish were treated as subhuman
Which had less to do with their traits and more to do with English imperialism. Irish are genetically as similar to the English as the English are to the rest of Europe (roughly speaking). They're all part of the same genetic cluster.

>> No.11293051

And Jews are not "in power". Maybe they're in coalition or something. And that's a very imprecise way of understanding how power works in this country. Like I said before, most Jews are not part of the problem because they're either conservative or just regular middle class people with no input.

>> No.11293065

Anyway, it's getting late, and I think I've said all that needed to be said to the other guy on the topic of race realism. I don't think there will be any more rebuttals that wouldn't just be me repeating myself or pointing out a non-starter/cop-out. And I don't care that much about the Jewish question when nobody is trying to present the issue with any sort of statistical rigor or sociological nuance. Thanks for giving me the chance to make my case.

>> No.11293066

>DAH JOOS is a real problem gosh guys why do you need evidence of it its just so obvious

If Jews aren't breaking any laws and are appearing in positions of power due to their own credit, there's nothing to be done but to outcompete them. If evidence of nepotism or cultural favoritism can actually be brought to light, though, then it should be exposed.
The problem is that retarded antisemites have poisoned the well so much with their asinine conspiracy theories that nobody wants to bother much looking for the real evidence of that, if it exists.

My point with the Irish is to say that America has never been consistent in its treatment of ethnic groups. Even Germans experienced some degree of prejudice in coming to America, historically (and prior to the 20th century). The idea that there was a great big "White Pride" banner flying from the White House at any point is dumb as hell.

>> No.11293069

>America was civic nationalist,
America was run exclusively by white men until very recently. And jews use a group strategy, they are tribal people, everything is about the group.

The west is under a globalist system that benefits jews and harms whites. The only coalition involves those who are picked to go along, minus a few rogues here and there like Trump. This isn't really controversial either, you need to give the JQ a more in depth look.

>> No.11293074

>The west is under a globalist system that benefits jews and harms whites. The only coalition involves those who are picked to go along, minus a few rogues here and there like Trump. This isn't really controversial either, you need to give the JQ a more in depth look.
t. Your ass

>> No.11293078

>there's nothing to be done but to outcompete them.
No, they need to be kicked out. Whites are individualists and are not obligated to compete against nepotistic people who don't belong in our countries to begin with.

>> No.11293093

>Whites are
You don't decide what "whites" are, gommi
>and are not obligated to compete against
In a capitalist democratic system you are ALWAYS obligated to compete
>nepotistic people
Where is the actual evidence of nepotism. Just knowing that there are more Jews in positions of power isn't evidence of nepotism. By that logic, black crime statistics must be faked because there's no possible way black people could actually just be committing crime, just like there's no way Jewish people could possibly be taking these positions by merit.
>don't belong in our countries to begin with.
You don't decide who does and doesn't belong in our country, either.

>> No.11293100

>If Jews aren't breaking any laws and are appearing in positions of power due to their own credit, there's nothing to be done but to outcompete them. If evidence of nepotism or cultural favoritism can actually be brought to light, though, then it should be exposed.
I've posted clear evidence of over-representation, even when adjusting for merit, when it comes to Ivy League admissions as reported by Ron Unz. I'm sure you've seen plenty of /pol/ infographics discussing over-representation elsewhere in industries such as academia, journalism, civil service, and Hollywood. By many different standards of merit, including IQ, SAT scores, and college admissions, the evidence leans strongly towards "nepotism".

>The problem is that retarded antisemites have poisoned the well so much with their asinine conspiracy theories that nobody wants to bother much looking for the real evidence of that, if it exists.
I agree. I can't stand the wignats. They're ruining it for all of us.

>My point with the Irish is to say that America has never been consistent in its treatment of ethnic groups. Even Germans experienced some degree of prejudice in coming to America, historically (and prior to the 20th century). The idea that there was a great big "White Pride" banner flying from the White House at any point is dumb as hell.
White pride is a misnomer. European cultural values were always privileged in the United States, from our system of government to our religious beliefs. Mass immigration always causes tensions between the in-group and the out-group anyway. But the funny thing is that groups within a continental genetic cluster eventually learned to accept each other after a century, while the continental meta-groups themselves have only grown in mutual distrust of one another. Multiculturalism, or should I say multiracialism, is a recipe for disaster in every country that it has been tried in.

I've given the question way more of a "look" than you have. At the end of the day, no more than 10% of the Jewish population is part of the problem. I will say it once and I will say it again, I cannot support any plans that would harm the latter 90% of innocent people.

>> No.11293109

>the evidence leans strongly towards "nepotism".
The only valid evidence of nepotism is to grab an individual and demonstrate exactly how they were given preferential treatment. Otherwise you can't pick out exactly who got what position how even if the stats suggest that nepotism was involved. We're not going to arrest Jews by quota and ship them out of the country on trains for fuck's sake.

>> No.11293123

>Any non-meme conservative think tank views race realism like the plague, since it gets them labeled as white nationalists.
As if they care. We live in times when the president thinks there are some fine white nationalists.

>Or maybe that there's no visible or coherent effect that "hate" has on IQ,
Yeah, surely there is not a single study that shows how stress affects performance. You're trying to outdo the cow line, aren't ya?

>especially in a society where even hinting at racism gets you ostracized
If becoming president is ostracized ... uhh ... you're beginning to slip from with the whole "I justify my beliefs with science" angle.

>You don't have to understand every single nuance to get to know the big picture.
Understanding how and what genes affect intelligence, what intelligence is and how to measure it are not nuances but crucial, before you can get into what is hereditary and what impact the environment has. Of course we can skip all the tricky science and roll with muh IQ scores meme but even then there is nothing you can latch on, sans an outdated studies that don't hold up anymore.

>Rising taxes
Nothing wrong with that per se. Brown people aren't to blame that shit gets wasted on the military to build tanks for fun.
>increased wealth redistribution from the poor to elites
>ballooning government expenses
Is the case everywhere in the world, and was always more extreme in Murica and states that basically have one party.
>decreased social cohesion
Seems a bit more complex than that (shockingly) and who knows how it will be in a generation or two.
>It is plausible that heterogeneity in diversity’s effect among movers is driven by certain socio-demographic groups being more/less sensitive to changing diversity, 22 e.g. older individuals may be more sensitive, and therefore, only movers into homogeneity are affected.
>a demographic end to American conservatism
Wait, brown people are actually saving Murican politics after saving their music? Are they going to revive your literature next?
>a chronic shortage of competent STEM workers
High demand and an education system open to few is bound to cause it.
>The countries you've mentioned are beginning to crack under the seams of mass immigration, by the way.
For one, no, both are doing ridiculously well. And the point was that revolutions like in Brazil/SA tend to make things worse for a bit, whether the country is white or not. Can't really progress without getting rid of a few parasites.

>> No.11293125

>The only valid evidence of nepotism
What's with liberals and their willingness to engage in wishful thinking even in the midst of insurmountable statistical evidence?

>demonstrate exactly how they were given preferential treatment.
Or the Justice Department could investigate the worst offenders, make examples out of them, and scare everyone else into compliance. If absolutely necessary, we could use psychometric studies to assume what would be fair "merit-based" representation and set a hard quota within key industries. But I don't think it needs to go that far, especially once affirmative action lawsuits start gathering steam.

>> No.11293131

Yes let's grant the federal government unregulated broad-reaching powers to target people of a specific background, because they won't turn around and use them on YOU when the next generation of political reactionaries take the reigns.
Did you learn absolutely nothing from the Obama era?

>wanting proper investigations is wish fulfillment

>> No.11293137

>shit gets wasted on the military to build tanks for fun.
>there totally aren't terror regimes cropping up all over the world interested in the mass slaughter of western civilians, guys. Remember, religion of peace!
The only problem with military spending is that we're too pussy to use the bombs we've paid for.

>> No.11293148
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>Dude having access to materials is all you need and social structures, cultures and customs have 0 impact on how you use them lmao

>> No.11293161

Material access informs the development of social structures, which informs the development of culture. It's not hard to grasp anon.

>> No.11293165 [DELETED] 

>that pic
lmao, if you went to a good college you would know jews are always qualified, unlike blacks and latinos. EVERY jew i know at a top school actually had the scores and grades to earn their slot. affirmative action was literally developed to keep them out of top universities.

>> No.11293169
File: 329 KB, 1330x762, POL-politics&diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As if they care. We live in times when the president thinks there are some fine white nationalists.
If you're referring to Charlottesville, Trump essentially stated that there were normal conservatives and centrists protesting the removal of the Confederate statue, which is true. Don't start bringing in sensationalist garbage.

>Yeah, surely there is not a single study that shows how stress affects performance. You're trying to outdo the cow line, aren't ya?
You're joking, right? There are probably a million studies on the relationship between stress and cognitive performance. I won't even bother linking one to save character space. Just type in some key words into PubMed, you'll get a billion results.

>If becoming president is ostracized ... uhh ... you're beginning to slip from with the whole "I justify my beliefs with science" angle.
Donald Trump isn't a racist and did not run on a racist platform. More media sensationalist garbage. Where did Donald Trump endorse race realism?

>Understanding how and what genes affect intelligence, what intelligence is and how to measure it are not nuances but crucial,
It isn't necessary at all when understanding heritability because the experimental setup will tell us, by pure logic, whether the variations were caused by genetics or the environment. This weird fetish on molecular mechanisms is weird, considering that the field of genetics was founded by, Gregor Mendel, somebody who lived a century before we even knew the molecular structure of DNA. Even he was able to make tangible, replicable, and generally understood advances into how traits were inherited, without the molecular biological mechanism.

>before you can get into what is hereditary and what impact the environment has.
You have this completely backwards. I just don't think you understand the epistemological limits set by twin studies, where you can control for both genetics factors and environmental factors in order to determine the variation of a given trait caused by either/or. Unless you want medical applications, this is irrelevant.

>sans an outdated studies that don't hold up anymore.
The underlying scientific principles didn't change. These studies aren't outdated unless genetic variation has drastically changed.

>Can't really progress without getting rid of a few parasites.
Yeah the white people who are responsible for the vast majority of economic output and social stability are the "parasites". lol

>Yes lets grant the federal government unregulated broad-reaching powers to target people of a specific background,
You're approaching this from the completely wrong perspective. In order to enable Jewish nepotism, non-Jewish whites and Asians have to be discriminated against. Those are the people who suffer from the most underrepresentation relative to merit. The Trump administration already has a case against Harvard University, though they are only focusing on Asians (since the Overton window is so fucked right now).

>> No.11293186
File: 1.38 MB, 7608x2984, POL-antiwhiteleverage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to an exceptionally prestigious college. And from my experience, I've found that it's hit-or-miss. Lots of brilliant people, lots of okay/kinda sharp people who probably took the slot of a more deserving middle class white or an Asian. In contrast, every white person I met who wasn't a legacy was exceptionally bright. I find that Unz's statistics seem to match my experience, give or take.

>affirmative action was literally developed to keep them out of top universities.
Again, this is a meme, vastly overstated when you examine any relevant statistic that can be associated with merit. Laugh at my pictures all you want, you're basically trying your hardest to deny reality because this is what you've been conditioned into your entire life.

>> No.11293187

lmao, if you went to a good college you would know jews are always qualified, unlike blacks and latinos. EVERY jew i know at a top school actually had the scores and grades to earn their slot. holistic admissions was literally developed to keep them out of top universities since they performed disproportionately well on by measures of ability like scores and grades.

>> No.11293200

youre so blatantly lying. literally every jew i know at my school scored 2250+ on their sat. jewish people are concentrated at the high end of the iq distribution, get over it. it would be strange if they didnt do better on their sats.

>> No.11293210
File: 291 KB, 1173x569, 1173px-Early_migrations_mercator.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Material access informs the development of social structures
Literally everything informs the development of social structures. Literally. Not figuratively.

Its only two options.
>Everyone is functionally incapable of intelligent thought and all the powerful nations that exist today just got lucky by occupying good land.
>We actually all know what we are doing but have different survival strategy and everyone looked for areas that would best suit the survival strategy they were going for, some just worked better then others.

and the book argues for option 1.

>> No.11293211
File: 17 KB, 526x268, statisticallyilliterate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my anecdotal experience beats your statistical evidence!!!
>ignore the fact that the amount of whites with 2250+ SAT scores is at least 3-4x the amount of Jews with 2250+ SAT scores, so Jews should NEVER be outnumbering non-Jewish whites at top universities
Come on, this is basic statistical literacy at this point. Admissions is a zero-sum game. The difference between academic merit and enrollment is so great that it is obvious that Jews were picked over non-Jews despite having equal (or perhaps lesser) merit.

>> No.11293214

ivy league literally schools had limits on the number of jews they would accept. it's why people like jonas salk didnt get in.

>> No.11293226


>> No.11293227

Admissions back then were far less meritocratic and far more about elite status than they are now. Ever since the rise of standardized testing and the expansion of the Ivy League from the playground of the wealthy to the birthing grounds of the managerial elite, applying to top schools has never been more accessible, even if you're not from the coastal metropolises. What was discrimination in the past due to being at the top of their game is now a competitive playing field in the present, since you have to compete with top students from all over the country, not just from nearby prep schools. And if it weren't for Jewish nepotism, Jews wouldn't be represented any more than maybe 10% of the student body at any top university. We have SAT scores and IQ scores to prove this, too, as well as numbers indicating over-representation in those very institutions which could provide an explanation for how this discrepancy occurred (hint: nepotism, or at least anti-white and anti-Asian discrimination).

If you can find any other reasonable indicator of merit to go by that could overturn my evidence, then I'm all eyes. But if you're only going to provide conditioning-inspired rebuttals and lame anecdotal evidence, then I guess I've won this argument. It's time for Ivy League schools to stop discriminating against working class whites, middle class whites, and Asians in favor of Jewish admission.

>> No.11293230

my god you're stupid

>> No.11293238
File: 41 KB, 600x477, 32[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure buddy

>> No.11293239

It doesn't do wonders for your intellect when you boil down an entire book into a shitty strawman of the author's point

>> No.11293256

Skimmed the article. Seems like the crux of the article is whether 20-25% of Ivy League student body is Jewish and troubles replicating that number. Restated, if the percentage of Jewish students were only 10%, then it wouldn't be over-representation, especially after getting the numbers after replicating Unz's methods. However, according to many Jewish publications, citing the Hillel college organization which manages Jewish relations across the country, this is probably the case.
>Source: https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/The-most-heavily-Jewish-US-college-and-other-facts-about-Jews-at-American-colleges-437701
>Yale University’s undergrad student body is 27 percent Jewish (1,500 Jewish undergrads out of 5,477 total). Percentage-wise, it narrowly beats out its Ivy League rival Harvard University, which is 25 percent Jewish (1,675 out of 6,694 undergrads). But Cornell University and Columbia University both have more Jews in total — 3,000 and 1,800, respectively.
Everything else, such as exploring the "collapse of Jewish performance" and what not, is still gross over-representation if the student body is 20-25% Jewish, just not as gross as previously estimated. And if anything, I can imagine that anti-white discrimination is only ramping up as colleges push to be more "diverse" at the expense of non-Jewish whites and Asians.

tl;dr Unz is still right, just only by a factor of like, 5, instead of 10.

>> No.11293265

By the way, Unz had responded to this critique, too. Though I'm too tired to read it now. I promised I would get offline, but I couldn't resist the urge to stick around. Thanks for the civil conversation.

>> No.11293320

>Trump essentially stated that there were normal conservatives and centrists protesting the removal of the Confederate statue
So you're saying he couldn't say in a way that wasn't inviting confusion, after taking his sweet ass time to address it in the first place? Or that he didn't know that majority of the protestors were white nationalists? Or that there was no need to denounce the white nationalists for him? I don't know, man, as demented as he seems, I'd be surprised if he could be THAT wilfully stupid.

>did not run on a racist platform
R-right. Mexicans and Muslims aren't races, he's in the clean! No dogwhistles to hear here.

>generally understood advances into how traits were inherited, without the molecular biological mechanism.
Only that intelligence isn't a trait like a big dick but a complex mix up of fucktons of genes, and we can't even fucking decide on a scientific definition nor how to measure it. Though at least now it's obvious where the biggest misunderstanding comes from. People aren't rpg characters, mate.

>These studies aren't outdated unless genetic variation has drastically changed.
Well, fine. Inconclusive and very incomplete does it too.

>responsible for the vast majority of economic output and social stability
Like slave owners?

>The Trump administration already has a case against Harvard University
Might become the second decent thing he does after killing TTIP. Would be for the wrong reasons but who cares, the whole ivy league cancer is a corrupt mess. Either way, enough procrastination for me. Take care and props for keeping it civil.

>> No.11293388

Advanced ancient civilisations my dude

>> No.11293422

>not being conquered and subjugated
Well there goes Europe. One of the hotbeds of war and subjugation for thousands of years.

>> No.11293434

>Literally everything informs the development of social structures.
>Not figuratively
So how did David Spade's toenail clippings effect the development of any social structure?
Other guy was right, you didn't read the book.

>> No.11294725

They create arbitrary categorizations for how “advanced” a society is based off of presumptions about their lifestyle in a timeperiod that was never witnessed and has no documentation. Why are you questioning him anon? Didn’t you see he had sources, that means he must be right.

>> No.11294754

>It would destroy the notion of an egalitarian society
Eh, not really.

>> No.11294789

This guy is completely right and shits on /pol/ white nationalism while making a good, wellspoken argument for why inherited traits do make a huge difference and racial categorizations are offensive but valid. He is of course, ostracized immediately.

>> No.11294812


>> No.11294855

they didn't demonstrate higher immunity defenses tho LMAO

>> No.11294861

amerindians btfo

>> No.11294894


>> No.11294903

joos bad lmao

>> No.11294911

Niggers can´t melt steel beams

>> No.11294933

The most hilarious part of this book is when he suggest the tribesmen from Papua new guinea are smarter than europeans because they've had the evolutionary pressures of hunter gatherer lifestyle.

>> No.11294934

It’s strange reading your posts, I can tell every post that’s yours by the way you phrase things, and agree with literally every point you’ve made. This is weird as fuck this isn’t supposed to happen on lit.

>> No.11295101

>At the end of the day, no more than 10% of the Jewish population is part of the problem
100% of the jewish population is the problem because 100% has the built-in chosenite mentality and will slaughter their own children before they sell out their own to a non jew.

The naxalt fallacy is a rookie mistake, especially as it concerns the jewish problem. It stems from the individualist European mindset that can't comprehend the nature of tribal/clannish people.

>> No.11295116

>individualist European mindset
england & america, you mean

>> No.11295136

Ashkenazi Jews are intermarrying at very high rates right now, which I think is somewhat unprecedented for them. Jewish girls from my generation have no qualms at all about dating non-jews, and Jewish men never really did in the first place. Obviously the Orthodox are not like this, but even they are intermarrying at significantly higher rates lately.

The inbuilt tribalness of Jews is not standing up to the brainwashing of modern multicultural society, which whatever you may believe is not wholly of their creation. The fact that they still behave badly and form little mafias that take over industries is a problem, but the masses of Jews are not doing that, and are even abandoning their heritage.

>> No.11295159

I'm sorry, that pic is hilarious. It's like the wardrobe of some tongue in cheek vidya game.

>> No.11295176

You don't understand how jews work. They are so tribal because they shed the least tribal members to the target society they're subverting while the ortho-hatchery keeps the supply steady. This is how they've remained cohesive through infiltration for thousands of years. They're all a problem, even the fractional jews (think Tim Wise). You're underestimating and misunderstanding the enemy.

>> No.11295195

maybe, they fret about the intermarriage themselves though. And either way this means that it's true that najalt, if they shed the non-tribal ones.

Im not saying you're wrong though, i honestly dont know enough about the subject to comment.

>> No.11295196

I didn't read it, but the overall idea I get from it is that geography has a big influence in both the genetics and culture of the groups that develop there. What's wrong with that?

>> No.11295197

indeed, this guy's swallowed the chinese dogma. As long as they never change their name, they've never had a collapse, it seems.

>> No.11295241

>And either way this means that it's true that najalt, if they shed the non-tribal ones.
They're just high on their own supply. But even michlings, quarter jews, and 20% jews like Karlin retain tribal allegiances because the jewish problem is deeply biological on a level whites literally cannot comprehend. And it's not our job to make the distinction anyway. They have to be dealt with as a whole or you'll just end up with a bunch of conversos who will say whatever to stick around so they can keep jewing. This problem has been dealt with in every way imaginable in the past, and the only solution is full on removal of all jews.

>> No.11295502

Literally the same standard of evaluation in both clusters of cultural development, including archeological evidence.

>> No.11295518

>>politically dysfunctional as Brazil or South Africa?
>Great examples that oppressive regimes will fall. How long did it take to sort out 99% white countries like France or Germany after revolutions there before they saw huge improvements?
Hahaha oh boy. I just want to point out that you're completely delusional if you think that South American shitholes like Brazil are going to be fixed, at least in the foreseeable future.
Attribute it to an ignorant culture, to low IQ in the population due to race or to both, but the result is the same.

t. South American

>> No.11295569

>not being conquered and subjugated
Who the fuck has never been conquered and subjugated? I can only think of those backward tribes in brazil and shit that we don't make contact with for some reason.

>> No.11295580

Iq is not science, anon. Iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.11295615

Too stupid for AP calculus?

>> No.11295684

That's why I talked about culture if you prefer that explanation.

>> No.11295711

>the most robust and predictive measure in all of psychology is pseudoscience
ty for your input

>> No.11295728

>the most x
I see that's why everything in the middle ages was right.

>> No.11295766

I love going to Good Reads and watching dumb libtards try to criticize sections of the Bell Curve. My favorite is when they think IQ, which is the most g-loaded and predictive indicator in psychology, is bullshit and that multiple intelligences theory is "better" (despite its uselessness). Translation:
>Ayo Tyron can spit bars and Jamal can shoot hoops. Where da IQ test fo dat???
It's delusional.

>bragging about AP classes
Underaged brainlet.

>> No.11295776

>the most x

>> No.11295781

>makes testable predictions
>is a pseudoscience
That's a fantastic hot take you have there, faggot.

>> No.11295829

Yet iq cannot even answer the most fundamental questions:
>doesn't know what is intelligence
>doesn't define intelligence influences
>doesn't explain intelligence physical mechanism
Iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.11295833

Jesus anon, are you trying to make dizzy?

>> No.11295841

it technically doesn’t have to, you’re asking for philosophical rigor and they do define the mechanism of action anon

>> No.11295855

that doesn't make it a pseudoscience, that makes it part of an incomplete understanding of the mind.

It works very well to predict outcomes in populations, why would you just throw that out.

>> No.11295877

Great input.
It claims to measure intelligence, yet it doesn't even know what is intelligence.

As I mentioned before, it doesn't even answer the most fundamental descriptions of intelligence.>>11295829

Iq is not science. As it claims to be science, then it's pseudoscience.

>> No.11295882

But it did. You don't understand the scope of causality.

>> No.11295899

why do you keep ignoring that it predicts for outcomes? It cant be measuring nothing important if it does that. Why wont you address that?

Why do you think that something useful and accurate should be thrown out just because it doesn't have an entire integrated theory? No other scientific field works like that, they keep looking for theories and they use anything they have that has predictive value.

>> No.11295911

Why do you assume correlation=causation?
Why do you force iq as science when it's not science?

It's like people with political bias doesn't care about scientific rigor and just want to push for their ideology.

>> No.11295955

Are you just retarded or what m8? You dont see the relevance in knowing that you cannot take a population of 80IQ and make them behave like 100IQ people?

Do you understand even what predictive value means? It's not two things that randomly happen to correlate, it's that if you have the IQ, you can predict the outcomes of the people in the society. The fac that we dont yet understand how the mind works doesn't mean that we aren't measuring how it functions.

The laws of thermodynamics can't be explained in terms of individual atoms interacting, they have to be seen as general patterns that occur. We care about them because the patterns reliably happen. The same thing is true of IQ, there is nowhere on earth with a low average IQ that functions like somewhere with a high one, the pattern is always the same.

your last point is unbelievably hypocritical, because if people werent biased they would accept IQ as the reason for differences in outcomes instead of inventing absurd conspiracy theories about 'structural racism' and the like

>> No.11295965

The laws of thermodynamics can be explained in the most conceivable way.

Iq cannot even grasp intelligence phenomena.

If people weren't biased, they would not push for iq when it's not even science.
>take a population of 80iq
Not science, anon. Iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.11295970

It's the most g-loaded indicator we have. And it has useful predictions, especially for the kinds of outcomes that would be reasonably influenced by intelligence. Nobody said that IQ was perfect, and it doesn't have to be in order to be scientific. Now take your pseud garbage off of this thread.

>> No.11295980

Sure they can. Why can't all of them be right to a certain degree?

>> No.11295983

the laws of thermodynamics cannot be explained with reference to the individual atoms. they arent real laws in that sense, they are patterns which reliably occur.

IQ is very obviously measuring something like intelligence, because it accurately predicts what people can achieve.

I dont think you even understand what science is, and your reasons for not liking IQ are very obvious and have nothing to do with scientific rigor which Im sure you dont sperg out about in other contexts.

>> No.11296009

The laws of thermodynamics indeed can be explained in the most conceivable way, again.
iq claims to measure intelligence, yet it still cannot describe intelligence.
>i don't think
Now that you admit arguing in bad faith, I guess we all can see you were doing with for your political agenda.
>g correlation
>pseud garbage
Iq is not science, as it has been exposed in this thread.

Iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.11296020

would you mind defining science for us, because i dont think you know what it is
I will give you a hint, your definition should include the concept of reproducibility

You just keep repeating the same two or three phrases over and over like some religious lunatic, not even addressing the points we make.

>> No.11296052

>i'll give
The definition you are spouting is applied in social sciences where fenomena isn't even described but implied elements based on the psychology theory of the decade, are used for statistics and thrown in the archive without any kind of physical or direct fenomena explanation.

Iq is included in the social "" science "" topics and research.

>> No.11296056

Oh look its this retard again

>> No.11296061

you dont know what science is do you

You realize we dont understand how gravity works either? There is no theory explaining that. By your logic the equations we have about gravity are not science

>> No.11296062

I guess that's how pseudoscience supporters set "scientific knowledge".

>> No.11296067

Gravity is explained in the most conceivable way.
Intelligence phenomena isn't.

>> No.11296073

>explained in the most conceivable way.
what does this autistic phrase you keep repeating mean, and what does it have to do with science, which is observation and prediction

>> No.11296080
File: 10 KB, 600x315, AbUWe1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x isn't science because I say so
This is what retards ACTUALLY believe

>> No.11296091

>science is assuming correlation=causation
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
I guess this post is science then>>11296056

>> No.11296125

I'm pretty sure this guy is a retard in the most conceivable way. Maybe even a Eurofag, given the way he calls things "fenomena". Probably angry that he tested low IQ. Just wait another hour or two until he goes to bed.

>> No.11296136

Sounds about right tbqh

>> No.11296141

You cannot escape from the truth. Specially scientific rigor.

I'm sorry american pseudoscience lovers with political agenda.

>> No.11296149

science at its core is observing stuff, making a prediction based on how you think things work, and then seeing if your prediction comes true. other people can then come and test it as well.

IQ so obviously fits these criteria that the only possible reason people dont like it is because of its political implications.

>> No.11296153

the meme about Americans being dumb and uncivilized has the unfortunate effect of raising up European dunning-krugers like this guy into even further delusion.

>> No.11296176

Hypothesis aren't scientific facts. Scientific knowledge is built on scientific facts. Nice try, pseudoscience lover.
>if you don't like it it's political
Quite a way to out you like some political obsessed mofo.

>> No.11296190

>Jared Mason Diamond (born September 10, 1937) is an American ecologist
burgers 0, civilised world 1

>> No.11296202

Diamond is a jew, neither burger nor civilized, but pre-medieval gypsy semite.

>> No.11296203

i literally said it is making predictions, and seeing if they come true. It is the entire idea of science.

your constant repetition of canned phrases belies your inability to think flexibly and respond to what people are actually saying. You havent given any definition of science except a vague reference to things being conceivable that you refuse to elaborate on.

What im saying anon is I think you are genuinely too dumb to partake in this conversation

>> No.11296219
File: 803 KB, 2000x1997, 1509797069114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-it's just a meme I swear

>> No.11296224

>what is science
I guess it's time for you to learn a new word.
>it is the entire idea of science
The fact that you want to merge scientific facts category with the concept of "hypothesis" is hilarious.

>> No.11296241

Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge")[2][3]:58 is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.[a]

''in the form of testable explanations and predictions''

Literally my point

>> No.11296254

Your point is about merging scientific facts with hypothesis, which is, as I said before, hilarious.

Iq fails at the most fundamental descriptions of the subject it claims to study.>>11295829

>> No.11296259

read popper you brainlet

>> No.11296262

Iq makes testable explanations and predictions actually, making it science according to the definition you posted.

>> No.11296264

yeah im aware of popper, it's not relevant right now, this guy refuses to even admit that the scientific process is based on making predictions and testing them

>> No.11296299

Except it claims to measure intelligence, yet it cannot even describe it.

According to the definition posted, it doesn't study intelligence.
It falls into the social "science" cathegory. See>>11296052

>> No.11296313

It makes the claim that intelligence can be measured by pattern recognition tests, then it provides evidence for this by showing how people with low and high IQs perform in tasks considered to require intelligence.

Easily science.

>> No.11296318

This fallacy is pretty well known, however pseudoscience lovers hate it, it seems.

>> No.11296333

whoever taught the proles about the distinction between correlation and causation did a massive disservice to public discourse.

IQ tests measure the same thing that is being used in tasks which are thought to require intelligence, they are measuring various attributes of cognition. The correlation in this case is absolutely due to causation, both the IQ test result and the ability in various tasks is due to the general level of cognitive ability.

>> No.11296382

>the correlation in this case is causation because they are measuring it because it requires intelligence
Great proof.
Intelligence phenomena isn't even observed and comprehended. The fact that performance is measured implying cognitive "innate" ability component is actually the subject that is being observed seems to be the rule.

tldr: The posterior hippocampi of adult subjects who passed the difficult Knowledge exam for London taxicab drivers showed significant enlargement as opposed to before they began studying for it.

This appears to be hard evidence that the brain PHYSICALLY "rewires" itself in response to focused training. Doesn't this mean that intelligence as measured by your ability to quickly discern patterns is really just a function of training after all?

Not only iq fails to describe what it claims to measure, yet its tests even deny its own "foundations".

Iq is pseudoscience, sorry.

>> No.11296389

they have obviously tested this, and you can't change your IQ very much. It's like you're not even vaguely acquainted with the literature, they have been trying for a century to figure out ways to raise IQ

>> No.11296396

do you honestly think it's a coincidence that physicists or lawyers have a really high IQ, and that they had that IQ as children as well? IN your mind this is some sort of coincidence?

>> No.11296427

They have obviously showed an exception of the supposed "inability" of increasing iq, which trumps its implications.
Try again.
Not only they have showed an increased iq, they have proven how g factor is not an innate infallible knowledge.

And this reconfirms again iq is not science. It's so pathetic you cannot even contemplate how important is this arcticle, and I'm not even surprised. You have proven how your political agenda is your only interest about cognitive research.

Iq is not science, sorry. iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.11296441

they have not showed 'an exception' they have showed that no reliable method of increasing IQ exists.

We would have heard of such a study, the Left would bring it out at every possible opportunity.

You really don't know what you're talking about, and you don't understand what science is. I understand your article fine, and the knowledge that the brain rewires itself is not a revelation, we know that, and it is not changing the person's IQ.

>> No.11296448

hello jidf

>> No.11296452

The IQ test finds outliers very well. If someone is legitimately a genius and not a meme "artistic genius" they'll almost always have a really goddamn high score on that test. It's not exact, and it can change with aging, but the idea that you can't describe differences in intelligence without understanding every aspect of human intelligence and therefore IQ tests are invalidated is beyond retarded.

>Hurr durr look at me scientists don't know shit about half the processes in cells and dna take that you fucking nerd scientists it's all pseudoscience because it cannot describe the thing its studying
Here's a weird fucking idea - maybe the reason we study and measure and compare things is so that we can describe them better.

>You can't know IQ tests are testing intelligence even though intelligence is exactly what's required to solve the problems on the test
How do you know a fucking test in school is testing whether or not you did basic memorization? Because if you didn't remember you wouldn't know the answers. How do you know an IQ test is testing problem solving ability? Because the people taking it are or aren't able to solve logical problems. And they've done a ton of fucking work on the things that you just dismiss offhand under your broad label of "pseudoscience" because considering that people have different levels of intelligence makes you feel bad.

The worst part is a person like you will probably breed.

>> No.11296589

>it's not changing the person iq
Spatial reasoning is correlated with g.

And what they found is:
>Here, by contrast, we utilized a unique opportunity to study average-IQ adults operating in the real world as they learned, over four years, the complex layout of London's streets while training to become licensed taxi drivers.
> In those who qualified, acquisition of an internal spatial representation of London was associated with a selective increase in gray matter (GM) volume in their posterior hippocampi and concomitant changes to their memory profile. No structural brain changes were observed in trainees who failed to qualify or control participants.
We see that intelligence is not fixed; it is PHYSICALLY built through training, and thus IQ does not indicate maximum potential.

>you really don't know what you're talking about
Funny you say this when it's clear you haven't even read one word. Could you, at the very least, skim the fucking abstract next time? Maybe get your shit straight before you post? I guess I shouldn't expect better from IQ pseuds.
They have proven wrong the supposed "innate" cognitive ability, which is important outside burgerland politics.
Strange, huh?

>hurr we don't know
Then don't claim iq is scientific knowledge.
>you can't know
Your lack of awareness is entertaining. Stress, diet, physical activity, hormonal differences and other elements affect performance. The supposeed innate "cognitive" ability is claimed to manifestate completely once they take the test.

Throwing a hissy fit won't help your case.

>> No.11296604

They're training themselves to do a specific task. If you take a low iq person theyll be worse after 4 years than the high iq person

good lord you're dim

>> No.11296620

>AGRICULTURAL SURPLUS, is a lot more difficult to come by.
Apparently not if you're Rhodesian

>> No.11296637

They have increased their intelligence, anon.


>> No.11296674

Except the adults studied have showed an improvement in iq scores.

That's what iq claims. Not proven.

>> No.11296713

I miss it when /lit/ wasn't yet another /pol/ spin-off.
This site is dead and buried.

>> No.11296790

There are three types of people on the internet now: jews trying to cover up awareness of the JQ, low IQ people who are too dumb to understand the JQ, and people who are aware of the JQ. The last group is eclipsing the former two at a rapid pace because it's simply too difficult to ignore now.

>> No.11296793

>everyone who believes my dumbshit conspiracy theories is a smart boy like me :DDD

>> No.11296833

They increased their task-specific performance, not their intelligence.

>> No.11296846

They show better spatial reasonin which is correlated with g factor.

>> No.11296865

By that argument, women can grow a Y chromosome by weight training (its presence is correlated with muscle mass).

>> No.11296906

Considering the change of genetics of one person due to certain activities is mainly discarded since Lamarckism was BTFO, that's not a good analogy as the Y chromosome is a well studied substance, meanwhile the idea of an innate cognitive component is postulated to be measured by iq.

Try again.

>> No.11296970

g is very well studied:

>> No.11296985

And it's in no way a measure of such "innate" cognitive ability. See>>11296382

>> No.11296986

it literally is. read the literature

>> No.11297007

As >>11296382 shows it's not. Such "innate" ability has been proven to be modified, which contradicts the postulates of g factor and iq.

It's funny how you try to make an erroneous analogy which implies that such postulated "innate" ability has been demonstrated and observed, however this research just shows how iq still works with hypothesis and its basis are so weak you have nothing to add to the subject.

>> No.11297021

that one study does not show iq can be changed in any real way, it shows that the brain adapts to specific tasks.

You would have to have a study that showed a group of low iq people attaining a much higher Iq through training. you would have to have studies of high iq and low iq people doing the same training and see the differences.

These studies do not exist because similar things have been tried and they dont work.

>> No.11297061

The study shows spatial reasoning has improved, which is correlated with g according to what iq is supposed to do.

If such "innate" cognitive ability has increased by mere activities, it simply doesn't follow g factor claimed characteristics.

>> No.11297077

why is it unthinkable that spatial reasoning skills can be improved? There's always been an accepted bound by which a person's IQ can be expected to change during their developmental period, beyond gaming the system. It makes little sense to expect people to have their full innate g factor intelligence right out of the womb. More likely there's a certain point of IQ growth where g factor plateaus and any additional gain is from familiarization with the test.

>> No.11297095

Because they are adults you brainlet.
And adult subjects actually strengthens the study, because:
>Several longitudinal studies have been conducted (e.g., [ 9–18 ]); some involved children or young adults, potentially conflating brain development with learning...

And what they found is:
>Here, by contrast, we utilized a unique opportunity to study average-IQ adults operating in the real world as they learned, over four years, the complex layout of London's streets while training to become licensed taxi drivers.
> In those who qualified, acquisition of an internal spatial representation of London was associated with a selective increase in gray matter (GM) volume in their posterior hippocampi and concomitant changes to their memory profile. No structural brain changes were observed in trainees who failed to qualify or control participants.
We see that intelligence is not fixed; it is PHYSICALLY built through training, and thus IQ does not indicate maximum potential assuming such innate cognitive ability.

>> No.11297544


>> No.11297551

>More likely there's a certain point of IQ growth where g factor plateaus
Did the tests address this question over a long period of time? 4 years sounds like a lot at first glance, but it's only 1/3rd of the time devoted to primary education so we can reasonably expect intelligence to continue developing over that period of time even in adults.

>> No.11297553

we do not see that at all, we see that devoting a lot of time to one acitivity makes you better at it. Where is the study turning people with 80iq into 120iq? It doesnt exist you faggot

>> No.11297554

Did spatial IQ change or no? And how do the results of your experiment show anything different from just building crystallized intelligence?

>> No.11297562
File: 19 KB, 361x370, 1517238484059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's bad about the book? i read it in highschool for a paper assignment and all i remember was that europe was full of better resources compared to africa which was just just sand in the safer regions. It doesn't seem far fetched to assume that geography did play a big role in the development of certain civilizations

>> No.11297566

Because its racist and/or DA JOOS

>> No.11297571

>if I write 'da joos' then everybody will stop noticing jewish behavior
truly a sophisticated strategy anon

>> No.11297582

how is it jewish or racist? it's just about how one region hand an easier way of getting resources than the others

>> No.11297583

everything is jewish and racist you brainlet

>> No.11297584

It isn't either of those things but see you mention it even once and some retard like
crops up

>> No.11297604

The "da joos" tactic is used exclusively by jews trying to minimize the effect of jew-wise arguments, but I don't even counter-signal it because of how fucking weak and ineffective it is.

>> No.11297613

>everyone who makes fun of me on the internet is DAH JOO

>> No.11297643
File: 341 KB, 1200x1680, derjude-resizedjpg-150fe11e4cfacc65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are an inbred hivemind, they're incapable of creative or original thought (which is why they're such bad writers). Many have made the claim about how jews will continually repeat the same weird actions and arguments without any awareness of what they're doing. The "Da joos" thing is an example of that. So is trying to label talk about the jewish problem a "conspiracy theory." This is just how the one-track mind of the jew thinks: high on rote behaviors, lacking in all creative/spatial argumentation/reasoning/originality). High IQ alpha wizard whites who have been woke on the JQ for a long time have seen this type of shit over and over.

>> No.11297650

There are more people on the internet that think you're a retard than there are actual Joos on earth you fucking donut

>> No.11297659

The number of me's will only continue to increase and the jews' time in the west will continue to run down. That is how this goes.

>> No.11297686

Yeah keep crying in your own wastes and labeling everyone who looks at you like a sick dog a Joo that's gonna get a whole lot done you sad LARPer

>> No.11297704

Tick tock, Schlomo.