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11287927 No.11287927 [Reply] [Original]

How do i choose what church i should go to?
What books should i read?
Will people think I'm strange?
can you still have fun once you convert?
How long dose it take?
Whats everyone's experience with the Church in general?

>> No.11287944
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>How do I choose what church I should go to?

The Church, capital-C, is universal. Every Mass celebrated in every church is effectively the same, and they all mean the same thing. Go to the one whose priest gives the homilies you most agree with.

>What books should I read?

I'd recommend starting with Augustine's Confessions.

>Will people think I'm strange?

>From that time on, many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. So Jesus asked the Twelve, “Do you want to leave too?”

>Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that You are the Holy One of God.”

>Can you still have fun once you convert?

You can't have casual sex or other things, but you can still have fun. You need to broaden your definition of what "fun" is.

>How long does it take?

About a year.

>Whats everyone's experience with the Church in general?

The Church is the first, last, and best defense against the forces of darkness. The world rises and falls around it, but the Church endures, to the ending of the world.

>> No.11287958

I converted last year but haven't been baptized yet. There aren't many amazing Trad churches near wear I live or in my city seems like. In terms of books there's far too many to choose from. The catechism and the bible are the two most important naturally. But specific translations of the bible are better suited for Catholicism. And unfortunately the church isn't as powerful or revered as it once was. I get surprised looks and shocked reactions when I show even a little spiritual backbone in this pussy generation. But hang in there op us papists have got to stick together.

>> No.11287967

I've read Augustine's Confessions and that's whats lead me to the point seriously considering converting

In terms of fun i suppose i mean can i still go out on the weekend and have drinks with my friends or more honestly get drunk with my friends

>> No.11287979

>How do i choose what church i should go to?
It's Catholicism, most of the church's should be similar, so just pick the one closest to you. If you don't like the priest or there's another church that has better architecture (architecture is always important consideration for Catholic church) then switch, but usually they're all similar.

>What books should i read?
Catholic Bible
For philosophers I recommend Thomas Aquinas, Francis of Assisi, Peter Abelard, "Ethics, Religion and Politics" by Anscombe

The two recent popes wrote good books, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope France

Careful with theology until later because you don't need to be some Catholic theologian, just live a good Catholic life. Bible + philosophy is a great foundation.

>Will people think I'm strange?
Do you live in Saudi Arabia? Yes, they'll kill you. Do you live in Mexico? No you'll fit in. Depends where you are.

>can you still have fun once you convert?
Yes. Be kind to others and trust God to judge, not you, and trust him to forgive. You can still drink beer and dance on Friday nights; this is Catholicism, not Mormonism.

>Whats everyone's experience with the Church in general?
I was born Catholic. I like it. I'm more a leftwing person so I especially like Pope Francis and the idea of bringing the Church's teachings back to the roots of helping the poor and oppressed and leaving judgment to God, not man. The current Church is very welcoming.

Last note, be a reasonable Catholic. Too many converts to Catholicism try and make it really oppressive as Protestantism with casting judgments. Catholicism preaches ritual and rules to guide internal enlightenment and salvation. We're not Protestants where every man thinks he can preach and push his vision of the world onto others.

>> No.11287996

This was very helpful Pope Francis's welcoming nature and as silly as the sounds his Tweets are what first got me into reading about Catholicism

I live in Northern England so i suppose people wont find it that strange

>> No.11288001
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Honestly you should consider reading some works by Chesterton next, maybe Orthodoxy.

You can absolutely go drink with your friends, just be careful of doing anything against the Church's teachings.

>> No.11288003

If you want to convert, you go to RCIA classes. And >>>/x/ or >>>/adv/

>> No.11288024

>as silly as the sounds his Tweets are what first got me into reading about Catholicism
That's not silly at all, it's a wonderful sign that the Pope is using new technology to reach out to people and send wonderful messages.

All men are sinners. The beauty of God and the Church is that He provides a way to seek and receive forgiveness and guidance, no matter how small or big the sin. Francis has done well to reach out to sinners (i.e. all men) to let them know there is salvation for them in the Church, without choosing to reject certain sinners like gay people or those who had an abortion as if their sin is gravely worse than any of our own. The West has turned away from the Church, but I think he has done well to start to bring the light of the Church back. I know quite a few atheists that admire Francis and are at least willing to come to a Mass and think positively of the Church. Hopefully more will convert.

>I live in Northern England so i suppose people wont find it that strange
Yeah, you'll be fine. Anglicanism in England has a similar aesthetic to Catholicism anyways, they just unfortunately strayed from the Church for silly historical reasons.

>> No.11288030
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Attend the church of your soul and worship at the altar of life. Religious texts and discussions only to help you understand that place which no worldly church could reach

>> No.11288044

>it's a wonderful sign that the Pope is using new technology to reach out to people and send wonderful messages.
catholics sound like happy-android rhetoric machines... boomers....

>> No.11288058

>catholics sound like happy-android rhetoric machines... boomers....
Being happy is good for the soul

>> No.11288210

That’s odd. I’ve been leaning towards Catholicism, attending traditional Latin mass, and undergoing the Catechism for a few months now. The only doubts I’ve had were generated by Pope Francis and his... uh... liberal ways.e

>> No.11288226

>Pope Francis and his... uh... liberal ways.e
Pope Francis is just trying very hard to get through to secular society, which has completely lost touch with Christianity, so Pope Francis has to dumb it down in a way

>> No.11288247

Why do you want to take part in opiate tomfoolery?

>> No.11288255

Pope Francis and the modernists need to realize that they’re diluting the message to the point of meaninglessness. Tolerance is weakness when it comes to degeneracy, and faith was never supposed to be easy. It makes it hard to take my faith seriously when I have to deal with weekly rumors and faux pas by Pope Francis, and I suspect from the gradually increasing sedevacantist sentiments that I’m not the only one. For crying out loud, Ed Feser wrote a long article questioning the doctrine of Papal infallibility last week!

Then again, I grew up an atheist from atheist, Eastern European family. Maybe my perspective is off. But it just doesn’t seem right with me. I hope the next pope is reactionary friendly like Pope Benedict XVI.

>> No.11288261

I agree with you. Pope Francis is making a mistake, not realising that Christianity's greatest selling point is how utterly different it is from every other way of life. To sell it by showing how similar it is to normal life doesn't work, because then what's the message? "Hey join this religion that lets you live the life you are already living except now with cryptic rituals and a lot of suffering"? It's idiotic. But we can rest assured that as the modernists in the church die out we'll return to a much clearer orthodoxy

>> No.11288281

Eventually, the half-hearted secular “converts”, who are promised too much forgiveness and not enough discipline, are going to loathe both themselves and the church when they realize that 1) they can’t give up their old life; 2) the Church isn’t strong-willed enough to guide them with a harsh tone if necessary, 3) it will lead to their spiritual damnation. The only real thing that the Catholic Church needs to change, besides carefully appropriating new technology, is understanding how to convey the message of Christ to people used to secular materialism. Instead, they’ll be poisoning the reputation of the Church among the latest generation of souls who need every last bit of strength to overcome the empty and hedonistic singularity that has gripped the whole developed world.

>> No.11288316

>The only doubts I’ve had were generated by Pope Francis and his... uh... liberal ways
Francis isn't a liberal, he preaches the Beatitudes and the tolerance of Jesus Christ. If this offends you because you think this relates too closely to some man-made political/social ideology, that is a failure on your part, not on God's nor Francis'.

>Tolerance is weakness when it comes to degeneracy
Jesus would disagree with this.

>not realising that Christianity's greatest selling point is how utterly different it is from every other way of life
Then you don't believe in God. Just admit that. Catholicism is a manifestation of God's teachings and pathway to salvation. If you think religion should be something that you are sold based on how different it is so you can feel you're part of some great big LARP, then God and salvation were never what you believed in.

>> No.11288347
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>f this offends you because you think this relates too closely to some man-made political/social ideology, that is a failure on your part, not on God's nor Francis'.
It is Pope Francis and his not-so-subtle adherence to liberation theology (a modernist invention that straddles the line of heresy) that is the problem, not God or my political beliefs. Both you and I know that Pope Francis struggles to avoid committing egregious theological errors on an almost weekly basis. It’s an embarrassment how little he seems to care for established doctrine, especially if it gets in the way of leftist sentimentalities.

How much longer can we expect the Vatican PR to excuse a particularly abhorrent comment as being twisted by an atheist with an axe to grind? I’ve never seen such a targeted pope before... though much of the non-pozzed Catholic clergymen are growing tired of it, fast. Like I mentioned earlier, though I personally dislike the approach, no pope has done more for sedevacantism than Pope Francis.

>Jesus would disagree with this.
Wrong. See pic related.

Then you don't believe in God. Just admit that. Catholicism is a manifestation of God's teachings and pathway to salvation. If you think religion should be something that you are sold based on how different it is so you can feel you're part of some great big LARP, then God and salvation were never what you believed in.
If faith and good works is a “great big LARP” then we are all truly lost on this Earth. It sickens me how clearly swayed by moral relativism you are, despite calling yourself an earnest Catholic.

>> No.11288352
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>that 19 year old boomer who gets his beliefs from /christian/ screencaps

>> No.11288357

>didn’t feel like citing passages late at night so I pulled out a screencap tang cited a whole bunch of them at once
>instantly resorts to ironic memeing in the face of overwhelming evidence
This kills the modernist.

>> No.11288358

You have to drink only wine and eat only figs. You'll probably kill their buzz tho

>> No.11288369

>Then you don't believe in God. Just admit that. Catholicism is a manifestation of God's teachings and pathway to salvation. If you think religion should be something that you are sold based on how different it is so you can feel you're part of some great big LARP, then God and salvation were never what you believed in.
Even though the other anon is a cringebeast I think you might be interpreting his words rather unkindly here. He means part of the thing that drives people to Christianity is seeking something more (and of a distinctly different quality) than what is offered in their present lives. Lukewarmness is not appealing.

im niot a christian or theist btw so neither of you boys accuse me of being some denomination or breed of christian hateful to you k...
I'm not the anon you were talking to. Pardon the intrusion.

>> No.11288399

>If faith and good works is a “great big LARP” then we are all truly lost on this Earth.
that's not what you said. You didn't say the appeal of Christianity is faith and good works. You said that is something to be sold for how different it is. *That* is relativism. "Different" is relative to one's situation. You are trying to paint me as relativist when nothing I have said implies that.

lmao, you know I'll stick to reading debates on theology from theologians and from the Bible. There are of course disagreements that are worthy of debate. Besides your pic attached has nothing to do with what I wrote. It's trying to push back against the Nice Jesus meme. Jesus had no nice things to say about the Pharisees, the greedy, the usurers, the hypocrites, those who oppress, the lazy, etc. But degeneracy is talking about lapsed morality or lifestyles of sin borne from a lack of moral awareness; Jesus cleans the feet of the prostitute despite her degenerate lifestyle, that is teaching and salvation through tolerance. Those who are "degenerate" can still have a moral center that must be brought to the Church.

>It is Pope Francis and his not-so-subtle adherence to liberation theology (a modernist invention that straddles the line of heresy) that is the problem, not God or my political beliefs.
I would absolutely object to the idea that Francis adheres to liberation theology, but I will agree with you that he has been too quick to bring excommunicated liberation theologists from Latin America back into the Church with little penance from them.

>> No.11288424

>He means part of the thing that drives people to Christianity is seeking something more (and of a distinctly different quality) than what is offered in their present lives. Lukewarmness is not appealing.
Hm, that is better worded. The Church is pretty upfront on what is sinful and on how you can receive forgiveness if you honestly seek it. The ritual and doctrine is different I guess to regular Western secular life and thus can be appealing by providing structure and guidance; but I guess emphasizing "different" is weird because Catholicism also seeks conversion from other Christian denominations, from Islam, from Hinduism, etc, all of which contain their own rituals, rules, and doctrine.

>> No.11289422
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>How do i choose what church i should go to?

The reality is, contrary to what other people here have said, is that the Church is a VERY mixed bag, two Roman Churches across could look/feel/sound like entirely different religions if you didn't know better. Choose a parish with more reverent and beautiful liturgy, sound and orthodox preaching is generally to be found in parishes like that, along with a fuller expression of the sacramental Catholic life.

>What books should i read?

The Gospels should be your number one, read a chapter everyday and really think about it, take the words to heart.

>Will people think I'm strange?

Really depends on where you are, your personality and your friends. But chances are no, because although you will think and act differently than other people in some respects you're still going to be a functioning adult.

>can you still have fun once you convert?

Yes. Fun is alot more than drunkenness and casual sex. But don't worry you can still drink and have a social life.

>How long dose it take?

Depends, a traditional priest will give you private instruction and baptize you when he sees fit. The majority of parishes might make you go through some program which takes a year.

>Whats everyone's experience with the Church in general?

From the best to the worst. The Church is filled with sinful people like you, personalities don't become instantly agreeable because they adhere to a particular religion, you will still have to deal with human problems as you would anywhere else. If you focus on God and carrying your cross to the Kingdom of God you'll get through it.

>> No.11289428
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Have a guide

>> No.11289476

Religion belongs on /pol/ unless you're discussing a philosophical work.

>> No.11289519

>religion belongs to incel-pol
>lit is only for incel-philosphers

>> No.11290839

>Converting to Catholicism

>> No.11291658

Be honest; did you read Joyce?