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/lit/ - Literature

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11285783 No.11285783 [Reply] [Original]

Is 18 too old to finally start having an interest in and getting into literature? I feel like I should have began when I was younger for some reason

>> No.11285795

if you spent the next year actually reading you would be better off than 90% of this board, but you wont lmao

>> No.11285800

No you retard.

Getting into literature isn't like deciding to transition, there's no minimum age

>> No.11285810

Just read, nigga.

>> No.11285830

Yes. If you haven't read 50% of the canon and learned 10 languages by age 15 you're doomed to be a brainlet for the rest of your life.

>> No.11285833 [DELETED] 
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18 is old enough for HUUUGE BLACK COCKS

>> No.11285837

no wonder Ben doesn't like porn

>> No.11285839

No literature has a really low barrier to entry of you have an above average iq, if your intelligence is at least remarkable you will pick up the skills associated with it rapidly. its much easier than mathematics or physics

>> No.11285840

What's up man? How are the folks? Is everything alright?

>> No.11285841


>> No.11285852

hahahahahah i actually laughed op, well done

>> No.11285854

Should have started at 11, but the longer you delay...….

>> No.11285864

She's a doctor folks.

>> No.11285868

No, don’t make excuses, just star somewhere and keep reading and trying to learn and be a little better each day.

>> No.11285870

At 18 you're supposed to be fluent in Latin and Greek and familiar with Homer and Ovid. If this isn't the case it's very likely you're a prole and need work a lot harder to get a good life.

>> No.11285875

Now this one, totally me.

>> No.11285879 [DELETED] 
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It could be worse. One of my fellow students at university is currently studying philosophy, and had never read any philosophical works (or any books at all, besides the Harry Potter series, and a few Sherlock Holmes short stories) before getting into it. He's actually gonna have to live off this, unlike you, who might take it as a hobby to casually engage in.
Pic unrelated. I just wanna get banned to free myself from this shithole for a while.

>> No.11285900
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It's never too late to get into books. Just keep reading, anon. And don't forget that reading is first of all great fun.

>> No.11286297

That's how old I was when I got into literature, and I'm 22 now. I'm not as well-read as I'd like to be, but I've made it through a decent number of major works and I'm very familiar with Western philosophy.

>> No.11286305

Literally everyone feels that way. All you can do is read.

>> No.11286363

lol stfu you're a fucking baby literally. You can't even appreciate literature until you're 25. Until then it's just pretending to understand what people wiser than you have experienced

>> No.11286375

What if I want to appreciate it though? Do I need an older person to guide me?

>> No.11286624

maybe if it were 1910 with a 30 yr life expectency

>> No.11286711

>30 yr life expectency
it's actually not that simple.
truth is, in the past child mortality was pretty fucking stupidly high. this is what fucked the statistics. because yes, when you have a bunch of kid die before the age of 5, it lowers the average life expectency.

the reality though is that if you survived until like 10 years old, you'd usually be pretty good. people didn't die at 30, they died at 60, 70, 80. it's just the average that's messed up.

>> No.11286730

No. You just get books and read them. If you want to be an author or critic or something it would be rare for you to succeed at any age.

>> No.11286783

its too late to get into anything at 18 actually. with a life expectancy of around 80, you only have about 60 years left to read and understand books or do anything else with your life. thats not even enough time to find a job, let alone start a hobby, may as well kys now

>> No.11286803
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>> No.11286827

Is this a legit x ray?

>> No.11287406

Big kike tiddies

>> No.11287436

>x ray

>> No.11287445

/pol/ get out

>> No.11287478

I feel as if /pol/ is the source of stupid threads like these. There are similar threads on /fit/ asking the same thing. Of course it’s not too late, just do it.

>> No.11287535

I see her and get a strong urge to touch my willie.

>> No.11287536

If you’re a man, you probably won’t have an original idea in your head until you’re at least 28 anyway. Get into philosophy. I started with Plato, have read up to and understand Leo Strauss.


They are the key to understanding the world.

>> No.11287555

>If you’re a man, you probably won’t have an original idea in your head until you’re at least 28 anyway
This guy knows how to post

>> No.11288147
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>that 18 y old boomer who started reading at the very same age

>> No.11288160

>I feel as if /pol/ is the source of stupid threads like these.

Astute analysis.

>> No.11288171

And in 5 years you'll tell yourself you should've started at 18-21, just do it.

>> No.11288176

Nah dude don't listen to the others who say it is.

>> No.11288193

you're a virgin and the one who made this pic too. start with fucking women before reading the greeks

>> No.11288243
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Is anything by Ben Sharpio worth reading?

>> No.11288248

I didn't become interested in reading until around 21, and while I wish I started much earlier, I'm glad I did. It's never too late. It isn't like learning a language where it gets harder with age, it just means you've read less books than you could have done.

>> No.11288303

This. Teenagers who think they are too far gone are retards, invariably, and I say that with the benefit of hindsight in that I once was one. Just go read a book OP. Slow and steady is the key.

>> No.11288345

No. Modern American politics are gay.

>> No.11288378

Okay, this is epic

>> No.11288421

Unironically this. Reading classics as a kid just makes you well read, but you'd still lack the experience to appreciate any of it.

>> No.11288426

i love her:(

>> No.11288461


>> No.11288466
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You're too late anon, in a few years you will be dead. Why bother at this point?? Just leave the reading to the younger kids

>> No.11288486

More pictures of abi, lit is gay

>> No.11288724

>Is 18 too old
Lol you're practically just out of diapers. The answers no, never too late.

>> No.11288735

what if you're 25 and still lack experience like at 18?

>> No.11289914

i'm 21 and i'd like to start reading more, i plan to read the 100 books of the "Bokklubben World Library". But which books a beginner should read first in order to learn how to enjoy reading ?

>> No.11290024

I dunno if you can really understand serious literature when you're still under 18. You just haven't been in the world and learned about enough shit yet. I started reading a lot in high school, and now when I go back and read books that I read back then I realize I missed so much. So yeah, you're probably fine. In fact most people don't really start reading big boi books until they're in their 20s, and maybe it's better that way. I wish I had tried to enjoy my teenage years a little more instead of trying to understand Joyce and Faulkner being a fuckin nerd virgin.

>> No.11290063

you should read what you're interested in, and I mean interested in not entertained by. Things that actually compel you or are close to deep questions you have about the world

>> No.11290332

absolutely this

I wanna go back and reread everything I read as a teenager because I feel like I didn’t appreciate it enough. But I’m only 22 so I’m sure I’ll feel the same way about myself again in 10 years

>> No.11290528

Best time to start anything is when you're 5.
Right now is always the second best though.

>> No.11290549

You can easily read /lit/s top 100 in under two years. And then you have read a good chuck of the best literature already.

>> No.11290557

His Incest Diaries

>> No.11290592

I got Primetime Propaganda by him but haven't read it yet.

>> No.11290645

Just read the Bible and fully understand it. That's all you need to do

>> No.11290675

Go to bed Jesus

>> No.11290709

neuroplasticity exists for a period during childhood and then it also exists for a time during the early 20s.

anyway i am a firm believer that you can learn anything at any age. maybe you cannot become the master but you can get pretty fucking good at most things with practice and persistence.

>> No.11290713

Wanna post the top hundred?

>> No.11290746

>Is 18 too old to finally start having an interest in and getting into literature?
sorry you have to leave now

>> No.11290798

"does this look engorged to you"

>> No.11290966

Yes. You need to find an older, noble, virtuous, wise man to guide you through your sexual and philosophical development. The Ancient Greeks understood this. Unfortunately, 18 is a little old for most modern homosexuals, but if you show true interest you might get lucky and find a Socrates to bugger your cornhole in between philosophical discussions.

>> No.11290992

well i think everyone else got the point you autist

>> No.11291351
