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11285109 No.11285109 [Reply] [Original]

>"...the kingdom of God is within you.”

what did he mean by this?

>> No.11285133

>You are powerless to god influence

>> No.11285135

Kingdom of God is euphemism for benis :DDD

>> No.11285141


>> No.11285150

That trying to create „heavenon earth” is not only not-blasphemous, but also obligatory.

>> No.11285153 [DELETED] 

If this were true, then all of us have an inner benis that gives us pleasure and joy, the source of all of our positive feelings. We masturbate with this penis, which nobody can prove of its existence, but which we can still feel within ourselves.
God is benis.

>> No.11285159
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The ultimate hubris at the heart of the anthropocentric myth of creation, that man was not only made in the image of divinity AND achieved the vision of divinity (knowledge of good and evil), it is also identifiable with divinity itself from in its conception. In short, we can/are able to be gods or at least become one with God, even are destined to. This shit is why we can't have nice things

>> No.11285165

I can go with this.

>> No.11285171

Science purpose to PROOF the other way around

>> No.11285180

Congratulations on your duality word you just cuck yourself

>> No.11285196
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>american "artists" doing what hieronymus bosch did better 500 years ago
miss me with that shit

>> No.11285201

I don’t think science deals with “obligatory” stuff. Science (as in natural science) deals only with “is” statements and leaves lought” statements outside of its scope.
I hope I understood you well, but honestly please learn how to conjugate verbs in English before you consder posting outside of this thread. English grammar is literally baby-tier and failing at it is fucking pathetic and abhorrent.

>> No.11285209

Uhhh WHAT?

>> No.11285210

just as god created man, man created god

>> No.11285239

why are the 'legion of the devils' portrayed as abstract things or whatever

>> No.11285329

You speak sentences without knowing of words


>> No.11285341

Means the same as 'in the midst of you'. i.e. He is the kingdom in some way. It doesn't mean 'the kingdom is in your heart' or whatever nonsense. Look at the context. He's disrupting their expectation of a Davidic kingdom by proclaiming that the KoG has already come in a different form than they expected.

>> No.11285389

It has been proven people in ancient time believe concept, we today could prove or build ourselves around.
In general, people had less tool and access to each other to build grand establishment and important system.

>> No.11285394

Wasn't it the opposite? The Pharisees wondered where the kingdom of God was because that was the duty of the Messiah and he said the kingdom wasn't some physical place that you could see.

>> No.11285403

>This shit is why we can't have nice things
The belief that objectively nice things exist and can be sought is why we don't have nice things?

I hate how semi-accurate this is and that you know it.

>> No.11285405
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>> No.11285409

“Seek these sacrifices within thyself, and thou wilt find them within thine own soul. Understand that thou hast within thyself flocks of cattle … flocks of sheep and flocks of goats. … Understand that the birds of the sky are also within thee. Marvel not if we say that these are within thee, but understand that thou thyself art even another little world, and hast within thee the sun and the moon, and also the stars.”179

[625]The same idea occurs again in another passage, but this time it takes the form of a psychological statement: “For look upon the countenance of a man who is at one moment angry, at the next sad, a short while afterward joyful, then troubled again, and then contented. … See how he who thinks himself one is not one, but seems to have as many personalities as he has moods, as also the Scripture says: A fool is changed as the moon. …180 God, therefore, is unchangeable, and is called one for the reason that he changes not. Thus also the true imitator of God, who is made after God’s image, is called one and the selfsame [unus et ipse] when he comes to perfection, for he also, when he is fixed on the summit of virtue, is not changed, but remains alway one. For every man, whiles he is in wickedness [malitia], is divided among many things and torn in many directions; and while he is in many kinds of evil he cannot be called one.”

>> No.11285414
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>It has been proven people in ancient time believe concept, we today could prove or build ourselves around.
You've got to be more clear

>> No.11285430
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>> No.11285442

>seek ye first the kingdom of God
Where is the kingdom of God?
Don't go searching in that temple or with those people. All you need can be found within yourself

>> No.11285558

>Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own?

>> No.11285725

The Good News has made you able to conceive the Kingdom of God and act accordingly instead of seeking better external conditions.

>> No.11285750

The kingdom of God is the Holy Spirit, that's why he said: "In the last days they shall say lo here and lo there, fear not, for the kingdom is within you." He also said to his disciples that some of them would see the kingdom of God before they died.

>> No.11285776


>> No.11285782

Just be yourself

>> No.11286988

Chad this is a trap

>> No.11287002


>> No.11287053

Jesus’ answer was that the kingdom of God was not coming in the manner the Pharisees were expecting. The kingdom would not be inaugurated with spectacle or splendor; there would be no great and magnificent leader who staked out a geographical claim and routed the Romans; rather, the kingdom would come silently and unseen, much as leaven works in a batch of dough (see Matthew 13:33). In fact, Jesus says, the kingdom had already begun, right under the Pharisees’ noses. God was ruling in the hearts of some people, and the King Himself was standing among them, although the Pharisees were oblivious to that fact.

Various translations render the Greek of Luke 17:21 various ways. The phrase translated “within you” in the KJV and NKJV is translated as “in your midst” in the NIV, NASB, and NET; “among you” in the NLT and HCSB; and “in the midst of you” in the ESV. Earlier versions of the NIV had “within you” with a marginal note suggesting “among you.” There is obviously a difference between saying “the kingdom of God is within you” and “the kingdom of God is among you.”

“Within you” comes off as an unfavorable translation, seeing that Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees at the time. Jesus was surely not saying that the kingdom of God resided within the Pharisees’ hearts. The Pharisees opposed Jesus and had no relationship with God. Jesus in other places denounced them as “whitewashed tombs” and “hypocrites” (Matthew 23:27).

The better translation would be “in your midst” or “among you.” Jesus was telling the Pharisees that He brought the kingdom of God to earth.

>> No.11287109

Flannery go to bed, your drunk

>> No.11287726
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Jesus was a pantheist whose message was obscured by his colleagues, his community, and the state

>> No.11287733

heironymous copped his style from Pieter Bruegel the Elder

>> No.11288097


>> No.11288124

not really, Bruegel was more slice of life, a very grotesque and black humor slice of life, but nevertheless

>> No.11288126

Are you a priest?

>> No.11288129

When is this illustration from?

>> No.11288131

about 2000BC

>> No.11288140

Where are these quotes from?

>> No.11288348

It's from The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by Jung in which the first quote is attributed to Origen.

>> No.11288468

protestant bullshit

>> No.11288483

it's a contemporary rework of another where the man possessed by legion looks ordinary and without the scissors. i'm having trouble finding it again though

>> No.11288492
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Original (Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld):
Rework (Bruce Conner):

>> No.11288513
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>where the man possessed by legion looks ordinary

>> No.11288540

>where the man possessed by kek

>> No.11288570


>> No.11288579

Thanks. I thought it was an interesting idea and was wondering if it had any history to it. It would seem not, I guess.

>> No.11288746

This, you dummies.

>> No.11288780

imagine being a devil in the form of a roll of toilet paper

>> No.11288815

>everyday life of a /b/ lurker

>> No.11288856

good god, I wish that were me

>> No.11289089

Thank you