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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1006 KB, 2000x5363, shelf_June2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11268243 No.11268243 [Reply] [Original]

Post literature sacred and profane.

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY9FaMfy66Q

>> No.11268273

Now that is a nice shelf. I especially like that edition of the Summa

>> No.11268316


>>Walter Burkert but no Jean-Pierre Vernant

>> No.11268327
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>thread theme

>> No.11268559

love your shelf bruv

>> No.11268607
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Thanks for the recommendation my man. Dude looks interesting.

Thanks man. Yeh, this is just plain English translation. The Opera Omnia by the Aquinas Institute is Latin-English side by side, but I don't have the shelf space to spare for that larger (+3000 pages) edition. Plus I didn't see anyone on the team with holy orders, despite the Dominican seal on the cover.

Hope you like this one better.

thanks m8.

>> No.11268627

If you get a chance you should. Vernant and Burkert debated quite a bit throughout their careers. They had competing ideas on a variety of issues related to Greek Religion

>> No.11268657

are you catholic?

>> No.11268659

Are you a priest or something?

Also, bump

>> No.11268664


Not a priest. In the process of entering religious life.

>> No.11268680

This is why I come to /lit/ tbqhwyfam. Learning about guys I never heard of before who have some crazy shit to say like questioning the meaning of logos.

>> No.11268788
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Cropped so the picture will take up less room. Also, patrician taste OP.

>> No.11268814

>Penguin Josephus
my man.


>The Idiot
I loved this book. Nice shelves my guy. I especially appreciate your Rome/Russia/Orthodox bits. /his/ has plenty to say about this shelf I'm sure. Patrician confirmed.

>> No.11269182
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>> No.11269190
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>> No.11269198
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>> No.11269204
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>> No.11269221

what a disaster

>> No.11269243
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nice radio monica

how do you take a book out


>> No.11269255

Take the ones on-top of it in that row down?

>> No.11269260

awfully tricky

>> No.11269264

.........Its really not

>> No.11269284
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who /edgy/ here?

>> No.11269287

it is if you're me or Frank


>> No.11269304

Ganz Deutschland hört den Führer mit dem Volksempfänger

>> No.11269305

>dat Eco

>> No.11269309
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>> No.11269311

Honestly top notch stack

>> No.11269312
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hey bro I got a super challenge for u just for fun try it if you want or not idc

rank those books from least favorite to most favorite and tell us why the favorite is ur favorite

>> No.11269317

Don't you people worry how obvious it is that none of the books on your shelves have ever been opened?

>> No.11269329

most fav: leguin, because i grew up with her and i read her years before i read tolkien.

second fav: borges because he's the fucking man. he's a magician and he taught how to blend 2018 with mythical past and future.

least fav: not pictured but should be, blood meridian. gratuitous violence does not actually restore man. mccarthy is a brainlet. haven't read the road yet but i don't have high hopes.

honorable mention: nabokov, fuck you. humbert is basically any anon from any board.

>> No.11269348

you didn’t even talk about the ones I was curious of on your shelf, smugglers and m&d :( thanks for the other insight tho

>> No.11269357

i started m&d but got turned off by pynch's stupid primitive american prose. i've got other stuff to read. but i'll get to it eventually. and smugglers tbhwyfam i have not opened yet. been reading other things. i just finished canticle for leibowitz so i'll get on that one next and report back.

>> No.11269363

woops meant for my man. smugs4u >>11269348

>> No.11269391

I always try to read the big Pynch but he always comes off as nihilistic to me and I stop reading. I don’t know what the correct interpretation of him is but he always seems so heartless

>> No.11269392

I've posted my shelf here a couple times and never got replies, so i'll just post that I recently picked up The Tunnel by Gass and some Dostoyevsky, and I'm excited to get into them since I just spent a while finishing a sci-fi series and it's gotten a bit tiring

>> No.11269410

i think it's just the 20th century. i tried against the day yeaaars ago and couldn't hack it. i wasn't a brainlet, just didn't have the patience for it. maybe pynch isn't for me. blasphemy of blasphemies amirite. nah fambly.

post a pic nerd. what series were you reading btw? yoon ha lee?

>> No.11269416

All these unread books.

>> No.11269425

if you post them ill reply

>> No.11269451

i think there really is a disconnect between authors who grew up in the 50s-60s-70s and millennial readers. kids today don't get excited over fuckhuge tomes like people did before cable internet. not saying the medium is dying just changing. and pynch if you're reading please be kind to us. we're only human after all.

>> No.11269461

He's not writing for you, clearly.

>> No.11269466

clearly. despite my protests i may be a brainlet in the end.

>> No.11269470
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...comparatively... i mean.

>> No.11269476

Is the Norton World Literature worth it?

>> No.11269477
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1/4 forgive the multiple posts

>> No.11269490
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>> No.11269501
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>> No.11269504
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finished this dune trilogy actually

>> No.11269525

how'd you like it? I haven't read the series since high school, almost 20 years ago. loved it. the first three books are honestly the best of the bunch. got up to chapterhouse and couldn't finish the series. never bothered with the kid's necormantic assemblages. also i've never seen your shelves before, so good on ya for posting. also

my man. fuck i'm old. haven't read this in 25 years. iirc it's p good. yoon ha lee btw is alright. good at describing reality-bending combat, bad at plot.

>> No.11269547

thanks. I enjoyed it a lot, but I don't really feel the need to read much further now, as i only keep hearing they get worse. /sffg/ told me once that the 4th one is worth it so i might eventually get back to it.

>> No.11269550

desu I really like the shelf man. Currently reading Moby Dick. I’m 100 pages in and enjoying Melville’s descriptive storytelling. Should I except more greatness in the next 500+ pages? Additionally, what did you think of M&D and 2666, respectively?
What have you thought of Dostoevsky this far? Also, cute plush

>> No.11269553
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accidental *desu but o well

>> No.11269599

i like

>> No.11269603

Moby Dick is great from cover to cover, and although its been a while since i've read it last, I think the part I enjoyed the most was the third quarter or so.
M&D was a big leap up from crying of lot 49 which was the first pynch i had of the good stuff, and although the writing style slows down the absorption of what was already an enormous tome i enjoyed it a great deal more.
Haven't started 2666 yet. one of these days I'll get around to it.
And as for Dost I'm in the beginning of reading The Idiot right now and it's more charming than i expected. I enjoy his writings a lot.

it's funny reading reviews of all these writers about how boring they are and how much dragging they do, and then realizing once i've gotten into them, how short the attention span of these people must be

>> No.11269619

easy there chief. my attention span was MUCH MORE GREATER back in the day before i was an alcoholic THANK YOU FERRY MUCH

>> No.11269622

One of these days I’ll finish GR, whether I like it or not and read M&D, which sounds better. I agree with you about the boring statement, sometimes you just really have to dig in to get something outta the big books. Which Dostoevsky books have you read? Also you mentioned The Tunnel, what motivated you to read that?

>> No.11269651

do you have a blog or anything?

>> No.11269680
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Alright no fucking around this time. I need a big shelf but my apartment is filled and I don't have the space.

>> No.11269684
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>> No.11269690
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Hardcover shelf is getting out of hand.

>> No.11269698
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>> No.11269712

Thoughts of McElroy and Gass?

>> No.11269722


Have you ever considered reading some non-fiction some time? Serious question.

>> No.11269723
File: 1.93 MB, 2074x4160, IMG_20180604_233917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beater shelf. A few of these were my grandparents. Bless my grandmother's soul for teaching / forcing me that reading "can take you to wonderful and far off places just as well, if not better than the tv!"

>> No.11269731
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>> No.11269738
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>> No.11269739

where'd you buy that copy of The Book of Lies? the one they have for sale on Amazon people have said has a lot of errors so I'm hesitant to go through there.

>> No.11269747
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not him but that's the one on amazon my man.

>> No.11269749

Yes but desu senpai I like to read to escape reality. >>11269712
McElroy is very good. His book ancient history is one of my favorite books of all time. Its about memories and whether or not we can trust our own recollection of them. He might not have the prettiest prose sometimes but his books are wildly original like nothing else. Gass is great although I've only read three of his books. The tunnel was hilarious and reminded me a lot of my grandfather when he was old. Except for all the fucked up stuff he does. But hating his wife and also fearing her was really funny. Gass writes beautifully but some may find the tunnel boring. It takes a while to get going and it's sort of rambling. I recommend both to people who have read a lot though.

>> No.11269752

lol of course every dumbass that abbreviates pretty to p like a twitteredditumblr user like genre fiction

>> No.11269755

>Atheism: The Case Against God
What is this mess

>> No.11269756

easy there faggot how about contributing the goddamn thread ya queer

>> No.11269783

>no bataille
u think u edgy but u aint even ballin bud

>> No.11269788

It seems from your shelf it’s fair to say you’re into postmodern works?

>> No.11269804

Really nice

>> No.11269821

As much as anything else. Genre doesn't matter all that much to me as long as the writing is nice desu senpai.

>> No.11269850

Big question: favorite book from the stacks you posted

>> No.11269855

p rude

>> No.11269864

J R. I've never enjoyed a book more. Honest to god there is a laugh on every page.

>> No.11269883

The errors are intentional

>> No.11269892

For Gaddis, should one start with JR or Recognitions? I know the Recognitions has references to Faust and other things, so perhaps not that?

>> No.11269898

How did you like the sparrow? It seemed to last a lil long only to rush through the end. The details of what happened to the padre got me though.

>> No.11269905

I started with the recognitions and was fine. I had already read Faust a few times. The book has references to everything though lol. J R is just really funny. If you want a wacky ride read J R. Now that I think about it though they are both pretty wacky. The recognitions has really serious moments though.

>> No.11269917

you finish Miss Macintosh yet?

>> No.11269925

I might pick up JR now. We’ll see.

>> No.11269952

I couldn't tell you, I was gifted it pretty recently so i don't know much about it

>> No.11269954

Ah, damn, thought it was my chance to talk about it with someone.

>> No.11269963

No. I read the first 20ish pages on my way home the day I found it. What I did read was really good though. The book hooked me and she knows how to write. But then I went home and looked it up online and read it gets pretty repetitive and that put me off. But I'm going to read it soon because I need to give it a chance. I enjoy a good fever dream novel now and then.

>> No.11270118
File: 2.68 MB, 3600x2284, Shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. Tons of shit books and YA here, but I've kept all the junk I read in HS on my shelves since I don't believe in erasing the past. Forgive some of the clutter.

I also posted my most prized book, a collection of plays signed by Mishima that I bought recently in Japan. I added it to the pic mostly to fill out the awkward white space that would have been there otherwise.

>> No.11270136

Me likey - your shelf, your theme, good all around. I'm not overly keen on Campbell, but he has his positives.

>> No.11270185
File: 260 KB, 1125x2000, hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate. Pic related isn't really a shelf so much as a thing I got in the mail today and am excited to meditate on. Henry Ossawa Tanner's The Annunciation. It's so beautiful bros.

Super jealous of your Mishima brah. Also I have that same Jung reader. S'goot.

>> No.11270303
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bilingual 1

>> No.11270323

Has it occurred to you that some people like to take care of their books, and that just because a books spine hasn't been cracked to fuck, doesn't mean the book hasn't been read?

>> No.11270324
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bilingual 2

>> No.11270363
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bilingual 3

>> No.11270396

nonfiction is for plebs

>> No.11270409
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>> No.11270418

good lord that's got to be $500 worth of competition kettlebells. girevoy eh?

>> No.11270454
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>> No.11270549

i dont want to get bullied for all the manga also on my shelf

>> No.11270594

Knowing there are other completionist autists out there does my soul good.

>> No.11271348

Well, I'm jealous.

>> No.11271357

I have most of those too. It's good to be evil--I mean, well-rounded.

>> No.11271512

Among the best ones I've seen. Such a pleasure to look at. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.11271622

That's a nice collection anon!

Sweet guitar my guy. Any desires for filling the new shelf, or just however as you go along?

thanks mate

>the well loved LeGuin
my man.

Less than that. It's only two 16kg and a 24kg. Bought them years ago to lift at home after work. Not girevoy, just presses and shrugs and curls and squats n them.

We out here anon.

That was not my intention. Sorry I made you feel mad/sad/bad.

>> No.11271644

i am hands down the biggest "pleb" here. i enjoy reading stupid shit though.

>> No.11271655

we're all plebs anon, some of us just try to hide it. what do you like to read?

>> No.11271658
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of course being a brainlet I forget to attach the image.

>> No.11271662

restart with the greeks

>> No.11271674

My man welcome to the upper crust. *puts bay leaves on your head*

I enjoyed Canticle for Leibowitz very much. How is Lucifer's Hammer?

>> No.11271695

Lucifer's Hammer takes a while to get going but it's a fun read once shit starts happening. Learned more from it than I expected.

>> No.11272383

>implying they aren't brand new books to replace the old ones which have literally disintegrated from use

>> No.11272671

>and this is my unread books shelf

>> No.11272714

Apart from the Loebs this is basically all garbage

>> No.11272828

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11272874

>gifts of the demiurge
>five volumes of Aquinas
>five volumes of Campbell
>ten theological dictionaries
I think these facts extrapolate themselves. barely even counts as literature

>> No.11272884
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decent, people still play 3.5 though?

>> No.11272903

I read dost as the archaic version of Do.

>> No.11272939
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What's it all for, anon, if not the study of the greatest work of literature?

I think mostly everyone has moved to 5 or Pathfinder. Doesn't matter because there are no games in my town anyway. :{ Mostly I love to just read them and enjoy the cool ideas; sometimes I take one of them, mix with a figure from Roman history or something, then write a short story about it. I like your shelf doe, grew up playing CRPGs with AD&D rules.

>> No.11273411

What makes a good /shelf/?

>> No.11273448
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What's your fiction to non-fiction ratio, guys?

I was wondering that earlier today and just did a count - 110 books in total and I've got exactly 55 from each.

>> No.11273470
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>walks into your room
>anon, have you actually read all these?
>the spines on the books aren't even broken!

>> No.11273484
File: 40 KB, 720x450, UmbertoEco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about the books I've read...

>> No.11273626

monoglot yet based

>> No.11273627

Heh, why would I ever read a non-fiction book for?

>> No.11273668

>tfw you buy most of your books used so people on /lit/ will think you've read more of your library than you actually have

>> No.11273685

>It's not about the books I've read...
I waste money on books i'll never read, and post them on 4chinz to look smart!

>> No.11273881

>waste money
Books are not that expensive.
>i'll never read
That's a heavy implication.
>post them on 4chinz to look smart!

>> No.11273965

>Books are not that expensive.
This is completely untrue.

>> No.11274005

Oh shit nigga im about to cop the landmark series in paperback. How do they hold up?

>> No.11274098

Why is your copy of Things Fall Apart so dang thicc? Is it a critical edition or summin?

>> No.11274139


A local occult bookstore has a good Babby's 1st Crowley section which is where I got all my Crowley. Honestly Amazon is just fine for most of that sort of thing. All common Weiser in-print titles.

The Book of Lies is actually enjoyable literature as reading it sets up knowledge of early 20th century culture back when you actually had to know these things and couldn't just google them: memes like 23 skidoo, the branks (look it up), and other things kicking around in Crowley's head that he pulled together. A short, breezy read, I recommend it. You also get a taste of a few incantations and spells and such that Crowley recommended for use without getting into the tall schizophrenic weeds.

>> No.11274670

gotta bump this güd thread

>> No.11274733

I think any shelf is good if it reflects the character or interests of the owner, when it is clear that some care has been given to selecting its contents. Whether they are read or not also says much. But merely having some books speaks to the ideals of the owner, of how he wants to be. Anyone could have any shelf. But a good shelf indicates the user has some thought in it.

I need to count but probably 65% non-fic. That's including cookbooks, textbooks, religious study, car manuals, histories, a few biographies, camping/homesteading stuff...

They're great. Feel kinda like Oxford, and the type is nice. As for the spine, in the pic, the Herodotus is read and Xenophon is not. Slight curving from laying flat (as you must read them, they're too big to hold properly). I'd like a bit more glue in the binding tbhwyfam but no pages have fallen out yet. I give it twenty years.

>> No.11274742

Incidentally I've heard the Julius Caesar is missing a lot of stuff and the text refers you to the Landmark website or some shit. Maybe it's just his letters or something but that's pretty flagrant. I guess it wasn't possible to fit it all in one book and the company didn't want to put out a two volume set? And it's not out in paperback yet afaik.

>> No.11275151

It really isn't. It's got the main stuff which all the Landmarks have but they went all out with the essays and put what was considered extra online.

>> No.11275208
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Are you a greek faggot?

>> No.11275224
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I moved recently and my living quarters is limited. Larger than my old abode however.

Please, criticise me.

>> No.11275234
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>Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.11275242
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Where are that guy with a LOT of Plato?

Books everywhere.
He published two photos here a month ago...

>> No.11275319

Good, I'm glad I was misinformed. Still... being definitive and complete in one volume is kind of what the brand is about.

Nice shelf. Cervantes is based, read 'em if you haven't. Not a Douglas Adams fan, but he's alright I guess, and seems a staple of slashdot/reddit tech bros.

>the bankers
>conspiracy theory
You are missing Bernays' Propaganda my guy. And Smedley Butler's War Is A Racket. Look up Rothbard's Anatomy of the State as well, it's a short read, as is Mill's On Liberty. If you're interested in hacker lore you might want Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution. It was pretty inspiring to me as a kid. Never became a programmer though.

>> No.11275620

>never become a programmer
I figured that out a while ago. I will preserve it as a hobby, nothing more. I appreciate your recommendations and will take them to heart. Currently I am reading Plato's Republic. Once I'm done writing down all the questions and counterarguments I have regarding that text, i will move onto Cervantes. I got the spanish and English version of 2 of his works. I intended to challenge myself.

>> No.11275632

I forgot to mention, I'm not a commie (motorcycle diaries I know), but im would recommend Saint Isidores Etymology.

Im surprised its not mentioned at all on this board

>> No.11275743

Propaganda by Jauques Ellul is way more based

>> No.11275779
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Some say I have the best taste of all.

>> No.11275946
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Shame, you live in a small town or something? I live in Wyoming (not the capital) and I managed to find a 2e game. Otherwise I plan in a few online games, which I suggest looking into if you're hungry to get back into it.
2e also has a Roman setting book (green book) that I've always wanted to run a game in (and to get a hold of a copy)

pic is my main shelf

>> No.11276245

>>five volumes of Aquinas
Of course we all know you're trolling

>> No.11276337
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That's an admirable plan! And I wanted to ask you about the Etymology actually. Looked it up... I'm sure it will be memed in coming days. Dunno how useful it is today, but if civilization ended tomorrow I'd be grateful to have a copy.

You do.

Smallish, with a PC game focused "game store." Most people here speak Spanish first and English poorly. Everyone is busy just scraping by, having kids, getting drunk to distract from the fact they live in a diesel fume and brake dust clouded truck stop shithole. I could probably hook some local college kids but I'm too much of a misanthrope to enjoy their company. If things go according to plan I'll be back on the road and moving soon anyway. And if that happens, I'll have to leave the books behind. Wew. I really hate it here.

...T-that Mars trilogy looks interesting... :^)

>> No.11276449

Russian roulette.

>> No.11276810

Depends what type of buyer you are. I use to frequently buy used books for a couple dollars a pop. There is also a local bookstore by me that allows trade ins and you can just read so much on minimal cash. It is as cheap as playing indie PC games.
If you are a collector or buy new books then I would have to agree with you that it is not cheap.

>> No.11276816

I have around 110 meters of bookshelf notgonna take a fucking picture

>> No.11276933

yep, bilingual 4

>> No.11276979
File: 25 KB, 448x412, 1525141262901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you just know when you move to another apartment something is gonna be lurking behind all those books like a spider

>> No.11276982

wish I could afford a book collection like that. Broke ass me just takes things from the charity book table at my local Tescos if there's anything remotely interesting there.

>> No.11277017

>buy Kobo e-reader
>go to libgen
>all the knowledge of the world at the tip of your hand


>> No.11277052

> e-books
> implying that's a collection

one precariously placed glass of water is all it takes, son

>> No.11277057

nigger, kobo e-readers (at least the one I have) is water proof to 50 cm or 1 meter..

>> No.11277085

too bad I drink exclusively two metres of water every time I read try again next time buddy

>> No.11277345

>he thinks an e-reader is a collection
>one software update and everything is gone
>service eventually gets cancelled, everything is gone

>> No.11277353

what fucking service holy shit

you can just fucking dowload pdfs and epubs to pc and transfer them to your kobo you stupid fuck

>> No.11277423
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Saint Isidore goes into a level of detail that cannot be labeled anything besides excruciating. His etymology is not only on the nature of things but also on math, medicine, grammar, rhetoric, philosophy, pronunciation, astrology, etc.

It's essential for anyone who's interested in that time period and in the "finner details".

>> No.11278790
File: 414 KB, 719x626, wojakthefirerises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day all of the services will stop, anon.

>> No.11278794


>> No.11278800

water, power, garbage, internet, fuel delivery. those.

>> No.11278813

>durrrrrrrrr paper books are useless because the sun is gonna run out of energy eventually

>> No.11279042
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millennial ereader savages will not be looting my books, i tell you whut. they're gonna have to figure out civilization from whatever bullshit is at the public library, if it hasn't all been burned for warmth already.

>> No.11279051

what film is that

>> No.11279062
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Young Ones (2014). Michael Shannon, Elle Fanning, McPhee, Hoult. Excellent, excellent film, and Shannon is great as always.

>> No.11279103

5,9/10 - 8 334 votes


>> No.11279123

It's not a blockbuster. It's a Mad Max movie where, comparatively, "nothing happens." But it's a pretty accurate depiction (imo) of post-apocalypse life. It's about coming of age in a hard scrabble agrarian life, the passing of generations, a road movie minus the car. Are you really going to let the lowest common denominators sway you?

>> No.11279128
File: 2.12 MB, 2000x1500, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My humble shelf.

>> No.11279127

>Are you really going to let the lowest common denominators sway you?

>> No.11279158

Oops. Looks like you got caught in the pleb filter.

My man! Impressive collection. You're missing The Never-Ending Sacrifice though, highly recommended if you were a DS9 fan. I like the pine board construction. Been meaning to make something like that and hit it with linseed.

>> No.11280746

Not letting it die

>> No.11280872

yeah it's a norton critical. has some extras about achebe. a landmark work but how relevant 19th century colonialism is to today is debatable. on par with hemingway.

>> No.11281181

this is wannabe edge, not actual edge. you, my friend, a pseudo fagit

>> No.11281266
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>> No.11281270
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>> No.11281293
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>> No.11281296
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>> No.11281309
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What’s favorite book from those 3 posts and why? Also I didn’t see him, but what do you think of Pynchon to similar guys like Barth and Gass?

>> No.11281313
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, 54888805657__E089908C-20B8-43BD-B062-17FA55E0489A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom got me these and so I decided to organize some of my favorites

>> No.11281347

pynchon and barth are fun, and to be honest I haven't read gass (besides the first 25 pages of the Tunnel and the first 25 or so pages of Omensetter's luck, and the impression I got was of a heavy writer)

>> No.11281353

what about your fav from the posts

>> No.11281858

i have to tell you that i find it very hard to rank 'great' authors, almost impossible, but maybe bellow or melville

>> No.11282088
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>> No.11282125
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rotated for my man with the Christ image in his pic. wish I knew what any of this said.

>> No.11282130

oh hey some is in English. i read the Dhammapada when I was a teenager and bad Catholic. patrician taste anon.

>> No.11282798

Look at those paperbacks crumble to pieces. This is why I spend $60 on quality hardcovers from folio society and the Easton press.

>> No.11282812
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>The revolt of Owain Glyndwr

Fucking based Welshman.

>> No.11282826

How is Cannonball in Russian? Compared to the English if you've read some of it.

>> No.11282834

Sorry, Ukranian. I'm ignorant to slavic languages and can only pronounce some characters.