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11278249 No.11278249 [Reply] [Original]

>peasants can afford book
>upheaval of the systems that preserved civilizations for centuries ensues
Was the printing press a mistake?

>> No.11278260

t. nobleman

>> No.11278283

Quite antibourgeois attitude, but let us go ahead.

I think it was inevitable outcome and printing press being maybe the latest manifestation of such (technological) democratization.

From a traditionalist perspective, one could go argue that things started to go wrong when the letters (or runes) itself were separated from their original sacred (or symbolical) nature to only convey a means of vulgar communication.

Language and writing was originally something associated to priesthood and sacred scribes. It was probably the Marxist agitators who made the "The pen is mightier than the sword!" possible through their manifestos.

>> No.11278321


>> No.11278480

Got any books to recommend based on this topic?

>> No.11278486

This is a really interesting idea and I need to watch a debate on it right now.

>> No.11278499

>I think it was inevitable outcome
I want the Hegelians to LEAVE!

>> No.11278531

It wasn't the printing press that was the problem.

It was the fact that the Catholic Church had suppressed all dissenting ideas for a thousand years beforehand, which meant that everything from the reasonable to the absolutely batshit insane was taken as being "legitimate" ideas if they disagreed with the ingrained Catholic worldview.

>> No.11278557

>Was the printing press a mistake?
Yes, as well as universal literacy and education

>> No.11278561

>dude just be a peasant lmao
uh no thanks

>> No.11278565

There ya go, friend

>> No.11278573
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>> No.11278575

Low IQ people should be peasants. They have no right to interject or opine on matters that are beyond their level of understanding. You cannot become more intelligent by reading a book. IQ is fixed.

>> No.11278581

You want me to check out /r/catholicism for ya, bud? Maybe I can bring back some epic deus vult memes for you! :)

>> No.11278588

>what is the deadly sin of gluttony

Russia is so fake and gay.

>> No.11278604

>Catholic Church had suppressed all dissenting ideas for a thousand years beforehand
False. They funded new ideas and required extreme proof before accepting them. Without the Church, all knowledge would have been lost in the middle ages and there would have been a true dark ages. The period you defined brought stability to an incredibly fragmented and desolated former Empire. I don't believe in God and I see the Church as a vehicle for good for over the first half of its existence.

>> No.11278677

False. The catholics were mysoginist and the norse had gender equality. Watch Vikings on the History Channel you uncultured swine.

>> No.11278706

The Church did preserve knowledge, yes, but it kept access to that knowledge for itself, and was willing to (sometimes violently) suppress anyone who posited different social or metaphysical worldviews than itself.

>> No.11279233

You mean the same network that has ancient aliens?