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11273723 No.11273723 [Reply] [Original]

Is Part 1 the best part of this book? I’m halfway through part 2 and nodding off from boredom.

>> No.11273778

i like the part where raskolnikov pretends to sleep. Bad catch me sleepin LOL lmao

>> No.11273814

2 is probably the hardest to get through
After he meets Porfiry it gets a lot more interesting
There's another couple chapter slog later in the book centered around Luzhin but other than that, it's all good

>> No.11273823

i was very mislead on what i thought this book would be and now i don't now if i should read it

>> No.11273832

Tolstoy was here.

Dosto is an overrated hack.

>> No.11273852

The last two chapters of the book are what really struck me the most, but not necessarily the most exciting to read through.

>> No.11274308


>> No.11274563

Tolstoy loved Dostoevsky

>> No.11275286

OP here

Definitely read it as it is a classic of literature and rife with relevant and important themes. My gripe is that a lot of the anxious ruminations and dark fantasies of the main character (the most interesting parts of the book for me) are interspersed between totally ordinary day to day activities like his sister visiting him. Also, Russian names are fucking impossible to remember. I can't even spell the main character's name without looking. The value is there, though.

>> No.11275331

For me I felt the last 250 pages of the book were the best parts

>> No.11275355

When the officer is onto him is the best part of the book.

>> No.11276445

The parts alternate between his personal relations and relations to the law

They are also symmetrical about the middle

I personally loved the luzhin scene

>> No.11276482

Entry level Dosto. At least this one opens up with a murder and has an exciting inverted detective story aspect to it

>> No.11277605

>that part with the girl reading the bible out loud
felt feverish man

>> No.11277613


first post in ages, hello lit, stay psueds! *tips fedora*

>> No.11277660

Have an upvote good sir :)

>> No.11277745

Are you really having trouble with names?
Can't you remember Avdotia 'Dunya' 'Dunecka' Romanovna Raskolnikova? Or Sofja 'Sonya' 'Sonecka' Semenovna Marmeladova?

>> No.11277784

Dostoevsky believed in redeption through suffering, starting with his readers.

>> No.11277814

I read this book a year ago. The ending of part 2 is interesting and the whole book is just fantastic. Finish it, it is worth it. From Russia with love

>> No.11277965
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>your waifu will never read you stories from the Bible

>> No.11277969
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That's how I felt after Notes

>> No.11278040

>tfw no sonechka gf

>> No.11278059

lmao how? The book was hilarious.

>> No.11278103

What is the book's moral story?

>> No.11278244

literally finished it two days ago. I’m not sure if I preferred part one or two, I guess Mr Marmeladov was an interesting and depressing character to watch unfold.

>> No.11278623

Not him but even as a Russian they are annoying, specially when reading in English. Shit like "Sonecka" is just a painful perversion. Not that "Sonjechka" looks much better.

>> No.11278786

You have to be genuinely autistic to be unable to keep up with the name schemes

>> No.11278916

You'd have to be autistic to keep up with them

>> No.11278926

The names are usually listed along with a short description in the back of the book. You don't even need to be autistic to read Dostoevsky and keep track of the characters names.