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/lit/ - Literature

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11274829 No.11274829 [Reply] [Original]

>he STILL hasn't read The Bible

I cannot even COMPREHEND how many literary allusions and allegories you dimwits are missing...

>> No.11274837

its too long

>> No.11274842
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>he read the NIV translation of The Bible

>> No.11274843

it's not like i read other books either

>> No.11274863

Most people get to Leviticus and give up. You need to skip the boring priestly shit and get to the good stuff like the Wisdom books.

>> No.11274894

Because the newer translations are a lot dryer. The language of the King James Bible is much richer.

>> No.11274937

I read an illustrated version as a child, does that count?

>> No.11274939

>Implying I read books written after The Bible was widely known.
Get on my level.

>> No.11275197

All the relevant stories are already well known enough that you don't have to read it

>> No.11275204
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How do you know you just aren't missing relevant stories because they aren't widely known?

>> No.11275214
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I don't want to

>> No.11275247

They're all relevant. There is such life lessons such as when God sent down 42 bears to eat a bunch of children for making fun of a bald guy

>> No.11275255

that's metal as fuck

>> No.11275373

I've literally known people in Master's programs for Theology-related areas (Christian Social Work, Campus Ministry, etc) that did not know most of the basic stories of the Bible, like the Golden Calf.

How much do you then expect the regular Joe to know?

>> No.11275527

The NT is great but the OT is a fucking slog, reading Jew myths feels like a waste of time when I'm not Jewish or Christian.

>> No.11275536

You should read Gensis through Exodus, then the NT, then the rest, then the Qu''''ran for shits

>> No.11275562

They were teenagers. Thugs. Entirely deserved.

>> No.11275577

>he hasnt read the bible in its original koinic greek

>> No.11275580

>reading something feels like a waste of time
What are you even doing here?

>> No.11275607

the ot is more interesting it's just very uneven
the nt is literally the same thing like 5 times over though Jesus is a cool guy and doesn't afraid

>> No.11275609

Just because there are words on a page somewhere doesn't mean it automatically has any value.

>> No.11275621

>reading is automatically a good use of time

what you read matters too you know...

>> No.11275636

this made me love God even more, an absolute boss

>> No.11275644

I could be reading something better instead.

>> No.11275653

Bullies deserve to die

>> No.11275838

unironically this.
If you're a /lit/ fan, which I assume you are, the KJV is a must.

>> No.11275845

Psalms, Proverbs, Job and Lamentations, then Genesis and Exodus are probably the most significant to the /lit/friend.

>> No.11275852
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>tfw I've only read the four Gospels
>tfw it's all that matters

>> No.11275858
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this desu

>> No.11276460
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I've read this, does it count?

>> No.11276638
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>he reads the GayJV
>he proudly recites verses of GayJV while wearing a tudor fur coat and long white hoses
>muh prose
literal LARP tier bible, belongs in the bin of history

>> No.11277073
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Absolutely true. Without a decent foundation in the Bible, Shakespeare, Greek & Roman myth, and Dante, you're cheating yourself every time you read.

>> No.11277185
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>just finish the part about the Levite and the concubine
>he chops off all her fucking limbs and scatters it around Israel
Why did he do that? Was it because of how she was unclean? And if so, why the need to scatter the parts?

>> No.11277198

It's not really known. The most obvious explanation is that it's an incredibly visceral image for the recipients that matches the magnitude of the crime. But I find it weird that a Levite of all people would have a body desecrated like that.

>> No.11277216

Not at all. He does so as a visceral message of how the men of the Benjaminite city of Gibeah broke all laws of hospitality and gang-raped his concubine to death (to save the Levite's own ass). The Levite placed her body on his donkey and traveled home. He then cut her body into 12 pieces—one for each tribe of Israel—and sent the pieces throughout the land. The striking response was, “Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt. Just imagine! We must do something! So speak up!” (Judges 19:30).

The tribes of Israel (minus Benjamin) came together and decided to have the men who killed the concubine put to death. But when they confronted the people of Benjamin, the Benjamites refused to turn the guilty men over for their crimes (Judges 20:12–14). A civil war erupted, with the tribe of Benjamin eventually being defeated. All but 600 men of Benjamin were killed (Judges 12:47–48).

Judges 21 records the aftermath of this war. After a period of mourning, the nation’s leaders sought to find a way to keep the tribe of Benjamin alive. Their answer was to punish the city of Jabesh-gilead, who did not respond to the call to gather against the Benjamites. The punishment was that the 600 Benjamite men were allowed to steal young women from Jabesh-gilead to take as their wives. So in the end the rape/abduction is punished by letting them rape and abduct other women.

>> No.11277219

Youre right OP I really should

>> No.11277230
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>So in the end the rape/abduction is punished by letting them rape and abduct other women.
lol jesus christ. Shit like this is so funny in the worst way in Judges. Every time God frees Israel's ass they just shrug and go "time to fuck up again, guys!" and do the same shit. Is there a time Israel FINALLY decides to hold its shit together?

>> No.11277265
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We're, uh... still waiting on that one.

>> No.11277411
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Have a guide.

>> No.11277421

>The case for Christ
Fucking lol

>> No.11277619

I liked it...

>> No.11277663

Baby's first theology. It's a good one to start with.

>> No.11277679

>What does beginner mean?

>> No.11277726

Is their a guide on bible books, I wanna skip most of the “boring Jew law” ones. I’ll read them later, but for now I just want a foundation. Any tips?

>> No.11277737

Literally based

>> No.11277757
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Well, there's this YouTube channel that covers the entire book book by book, old and new T. Might check it out, it's basic, clear, but also talks about how the entire narratives binds together into Jesus.


>> No.11277761

At work with. I earbuds, so I can’t watch it. I’ll check it out when I get home, thank you. Anyone got visual guides?

>> No.11277782

You can listen to it easily. The video part are just well made illustrations, but don't matter to the audio.

>> No.11277794
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How did this became an unironical term.
Also, the fiction section looks pretty good.

>> No.11277837
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Essentail OT


>> No.11277839

Thanks mate

>> No.11277842
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Most editions of books gives notes for the literary allusions and allegories though

>> No.11277853

I want to read it, but english is not my first language. This is an excerpt from King James version:
>If one be found slain in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it, lying in the field, and it be not known who hath slain him
Is it worth to read this translation instead of, for example, New International version?

>> No.11277865

>thee thown thine thist GaaaawD theewn'st'd
garbage language

>> No.11277875

Isn't there a translation into your own language?

>> No.11277876

Be warned. 2nd part of Exodus is heavy on details about how to built the Arc of the Covenant ant it takes a quite a while to describe it all...

>> No.11277877

Pussy. It’s very nice if you have more than 10 IQ

>> No.11277886

It usually isn't that cryptic. You should be fine with KJV is you don't want to get one in your own tongue.
>t. English not my first language

>> No.11277887

You can read the narrative parts to get the overall story. This is what I put together from reading it myself:

Genesis (can skip: 5, 10, 36)
Exodus 1-24, 32-35, 40
Numbers 10-36
Deuteronomy 34
Joshua 1-13, 22-24
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings (can skip: 7)
2 Kings
Nehemiah (can skip: 10)
Daniel 1-6
1 Maccabees (not in Protestant Bible)

>> No.11277912

In polish, writer can alter syntax as he wishes, and that I don't like. Thus spoke Zarathustra was easier in english and much more appealing. This is my opinion, but anyway, I want to read as much as I can in english. Will try KJV, thanks for (You)s

>> No.11277942

I ve read entire bible, i finished it in duration of a year, 2 years ago, and i barely remember anything

>> No.11277986

This is a self-aware post.

>> No.11278011

No one will ever eat fruit from the fig tree anon. No one.
Though the tree will blossom, it will.

>> No.11278019

There are a few other sites with different boards. This is likely from 8ch

>> No.11278039

Can I get a drink of water at least? Just one will do.

>> No.11278055

Try Samaria, you're wasting your time with Judea.

>> No.11278083

Maybe I'll meet a qt who may or may not have had 5 husbands.

>> No.11278111

Its true. I'd read lots of renaissance lit and was blown away by how much had gone over my head when I finally got around to the KJV, not just in respect to allusion, but in respect to style.

>> No.11278399

Proverbs 9:10 KJV
>The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding

>> No.11278518

>you need to read the whole bible
False, the creation story, the garden, cain and abel, and one gospel is pretty much all you need to understand all of western art. Add Abreham, Moses and Job as a bonus.

>> No.11278545

> He still hasn't read the Book of Mormon
God will punish you for your iniquities and whoredoms!

>> No.11278583

Because the bible is a reference book. Especially the old testament. There is no reason or anything to gain about reading long lists of kings and such.

>> No.11279184
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>Book of Mormon
fan-fiction is not needed to understand what God has given to us.

>> No.11279260

> reading Atenism fanfic

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.11279445

lit should make a books of the bible flow chart à la the starts with the greeks ones. i want to know what the good stuff is

>> No.11279470

Asimov's Guide to the Bible. I am deadly serious.

>> No.11279485

based michael tsarion watcher/reader (i hope)

>> No.11279704
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חחחחחחחחחח ראה את כל הגויים האלה חושבים שהם מהבינים את תרבותנו

>> No.11279837

thank you for this anon

>> No.11279852

Just read the book of job and then throw it in the trash

>> No.11279898

you forgot Ecclesiastes, too.

>> No.11279999

A lot of the KJV differences are just manuscript differences
one example, Angels matthew 25:31 , from 2nd column the 7th
>all the other librul professor crap: angels
>muh kjv: HOLY angels

lets see,
Greek text:
Ὅταν δὲ ἔλθῃ ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ἐν τῇ δόξῃ αὐτοῦ kαὶ πάντες οἱ ἄγγελοι μετ’ αὐτοῦ, τότε kαθίσει ἐπὶ θρόνου δόξης αὐτοῦ

πάντες οἱ ἄγγελοι
all the angels

Some greek texts, a byzantine one includes "holy" but Codex Sinaiticus a very comprehensive bible dated to 350s do not have "holy" at all


You should not jump into fast conclusion about KJV. The translation is quite a complicated process.