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/lit/ - Literature

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11272405 No.11272405 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche once claimed that when it comes to philosophical talent, India is first, and England is last (worst). He also claimed that Europe has not yet reached the level of spirituality that India had reached thousands of years ago.

/lit/ likes to talk about the Bible a lot, it's become almost a meme, we all seem to agree Bible is a source of wisdom.

But comparing the ancient Indian Indo-European civilization with the Jewish one, to see the spiritual level they were at.

Deuteronomy was written in 7th century BC (according to scholars). It has stuff like:

>You may eat any animal that has a split hoof divided in two and that chews the cud. However, of those that chew the cud or that have a split hoof completely divided you may not eat the camel, the rabbit, or the coney.

A veritable pearl of wisdom.

TWO CENTURIES before that in the 9th century BC, the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad had already been composed. Sample from the text:

>"That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite. the infinite proceeds from the infinite.
>(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe), it remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone."

One text deals with stuff like what you can eat and where you can put your penis, the absolute retardation probably due to excessive exposure to sun of the desert man can be felt on every page of the Bible.

On the other hand, the Indian text of the time show a philosophical depth of a Kant or a Hegel. Schopenhauer said that the re-discovery of the Upanishads by Europe is comparable to the rediscovery of ancient Greek materials in the Renaissance. He said it's by far the most profound material he's ever read.

Question: Why do we still waste so much time & energy with Desert Trilogy when our own, Indo-European heritage, is so much more richer and profound?

>> No.11272424

0/10 bait. Read Isaiah.

>> No.11272439

TIL shitting in the street and worshipping cow patties is profound

>> No.11272476

>Compares eating law in Deuteronomy to the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Try as I might, I can't find anything in the yogic Upanishads that wouldn't sound profoundly mystical in some way to a laowai, which is maybe the best point against white boy scholarship of hindu doctrines.

>The unknowable eastern rite lmao

>> No.11272489

sandal wearing, yellow fever having, chinese girlfriend wishing, eastern metaphysics contemplating, om whispering, celestial fetishizing WYPIPO utterly, utterly BTFO.

>> No.11272505
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Everything you said in your post is for the most part true but this was still essentially a massive bait designed to troll Christians. This is surely going to turn into a thread with lots of high-quality discussion with no ad-hominems at all.

>On the other hand, the Indian text of the time show a philosophical depth of a Kant or a Hegel.

That's an insult to the Indians tbqh

>Question: Why do we still waste so much time & energy with Desert Trilogy when our own, Indo-European heritage, is so much more richer and profound?

Because nobody in the west experiences any connection to eastern philosophy outside of of a brief mention in world religion classes or certain classes in college.

>> No.11272506

>this universe is infinite
>Indian philosophy doesn't even consider epistemology as a field of study
>Nietzsche wasn't even a philosopher

6/10 triggered me hard

>> No.11272514

Christfags had the fpbp. OP needs to go home.

>> No.11272519


>> No.11272520

>Try as I might, I can't find anything in the yogic Upanishads that wouldn't sound profoundly mystical in some way to a laowai, which is maybe the best point against white boy scholarship of hindu doctrines.

lol what are you even trying to say here? That when white people read eastern texts and perceive them as mystical that they are misunderstanding it? You are so mired in innuendo that it's difficult to tell whether you are even making a point.

>> No.11272525


>> No.11272530


>> No.11272555

>hangs self upside down by the balls from a tree
Dude I'm so enlightened lmao
>sits in one position so long their muscles completely deteriorate and joints no longer function
Woah bro I understand everything now
>starves self to death by accident
lol oops, all for enlightenment bro
>lives in the most disgusting undeveloped shithole that has always remained the most disgusting undeveloped shithole in the world for thousands of years
You just wish you had the esoteric wisdom I have

>> No.11272575
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>Christfags had the fpbp

Except they weren't by far the first post. Christianity just arose as a heterodox branch of Judaism, which itself was almost entirely plagiarized from the Zoroastrian Persians after the Persians freed the Jews from slavery in Babylon in the 6th century BC.

Before then Jews were just another typical Semitic tribal/city cult and after that suddenly a bunch of Zoroastrian doctrines like heaven/hell, good vs. evil, angels/demons, a final resurrection and judgement appear in Judaism. The Persians probably remade Judaism in the image of Zoroastrianism as they were known to do with other subject peoples.

Zoroastrianism itself split off from the same primordial proto-Indo-European traditions that eventually came to form Hinduism. So Hinduism is by far the FPBP, it greatly precedes Christianity, which itself is just another iteration in a long chain of degenerated offshoots going from Indo-European traditions > Zoroastrianism > Judaism > Christianity/Islam.

>>Indian philosophy doesn't even consider epistemology as a field of study

Indian thought covers it extensively but (rightfully) doesn't consider it of being a much value compared to the higher domains of thought


>> No.11272578

trips of might confirm this wise man's holy powers. bow and scrape before him children. we are not worthy.

>> No.11272584

I meant in the thread, dummy OP. In the thread. This post: >>11272424

You. Are. Bait. Brush your teeth with real toothpaste that ayurvedic stuff isn't doing anything for your stank white boy breath.

>> No.11272618

Is this all you have? Three sentences in and youre just (trying, badly) to insult. I'm really sold on your philosophical view, you have so much to say.

>> No.11272622

>has no response other than to insinuate that I have bad breath

whoa... so this is the power of Christianity

>> No.11272659

>Implying 21st century post-colonial Indian culture is the same as the ancient Indo-European civilization.

>> No.11272664
File: 72 KB, 1438x861, baitvsbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know fpbp means first post best post
>has a grade-school understanding of comparative religion
>"older = better!!!"

Summer is officially here.

>> No.11272670

Yeah I’m sure they didn’t start eating cow shit until the wh*te man showed up

>> No.11272680

What did Nietzsche mean when he said that the Buddhist phrase "Don't flatter your benefactors" would clear the air of anything Christian in a church?

>> No.11272705

don't fellate the man that feeds you, cuck son of a bitch

>> No.11272740
File: 74 KB, 392x599, 392px-Menaka_Vishwamitra_by_RRV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not following the thread that closely and thought you were implying Christianity itself was the FPBP and not in this thread itself, I'd seen other people before use it as a expression in that sense. Not like that matters or changes anything though, everything else in my post remains true. I never stated that Hinduism was better specifically because it's older, although if someone places value in such a thing than Hinduism undoubtedly wins over the Abrahamic faiths.

Hinduism is much better because it has a much more extensive and serious body of texts and teachings dealing with the fundamental nature of existence, the universe and living beings as well as the various implications and applications of these truth. The bible is like basic bitch 101 morality+theology condensed into small-brain wojack parables, the product of when a primitive people like the Jewish tribes have Persians explain Zoroastrianism to them but then they run away with it and make it even sillier.

>> No.11272745

The entire meaningful rebuttal is contained in the first sentence. You make a bad comparison, have willfully ignored equally profound messages in the bible (and chosen an ugly translation), and should not expect any sensible debate on these grounds. The profundity of the Upanishads is that they're unfamiliar to the west and highly self-referential. The levity with which you take the Abrahamic faith would not be present if we didn't live in a society which is inundated with weak reinterpretations of biblical messages. For one thing, the mosaic law is as divine as yoga. The mosaic law is the law of perfect society as much as yoga is the law of perfect individuality.

>> No.11272758

>England is last (worst)
b a s e d

>> No.11272762

they're both trash

>> No.11272766

>Read Isaiah.
Fucking lol.

>I love God
>and uh...
>He'll build some roads
>Also, fuck all the foreign nations, God hates them

>> No.11272802

>For one thing, the mosaic law is as divine as yoga. The mosaic law is the law of perfect society as much as yoga is the law of perfect individuality.

How is mosaic law profound or perfect in any way? Are you talking about the 613 commandments that are just basic laws regulating the community? It's just basic stuff about respecting the religion, dietary restrictions, moral behavior etc. Almost like the early Vedic society but without the metaphysical teachings.

>> No.11272809

Westerners have not studied even a single fraction of Indian philosophy OP, so they ignore it and are dismissive of it. Meanwhile you have in philosophy meme tier subjects like virtue ethics or philosophy of language that doesn't even scratch the surface of a philosophy like the Advaita.

>> No.11273064

>Love me and do what I say or I’ll send your ass to hell!
Just summarized the entire Bible for you.
You’re welcome, sweetie :-*

>> No.11273103


i like the emblem-letter in op image, any more of these? not exactly 'advanced' philosophy. google image turned up one site (amongst grainy photos of slimy indians) but the tiny images there are less interesting.

>> No.11273800

>not in Indian shrine rooms,
>nor in synagogues,
>nor in cathedrals:
>not in masses,
>nor kirtans,
>not in legs winding around your own neck,
>nor in eating nothing but vegetables.
>When you really look for me,
>you will see me instantly —
>you will find me in the tiniest house of time.
>Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God?
>He is the breath inside the breath.

How does it feel when you realize your argument is a bleak copy of millennia old Indian philosophy?

>> No.11274025


>> No.11274051

>not knowing that chewing the cud is symbolic of contemplation and that a split hoof is a reminder of the division between good and evil.

>> No.11274156

Are you intentionally ignoring the Talmud?