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11271190 No.11271190 [Reply] [Original]

I skipped work today. I’m reading Plato and drinking coffee. I’m going to lose my job soon – in fact lll be fired today. But I can’t bring myself to care. I will live a contemplative life. But also i’m 30, single, and have no savings.
Books for this predicament.

>> No.11271206
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>> No.11271209
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Don't ever let them tell you how you should live, anon

You do what's right for your soul, whether or not it's hard, whether or not it's popular

>> No.11271332

This unironically

>> No.11271398

Industrial Society and Its Future
you know what to do

>> No.11271405

Ive gotten fired for reading on the clock before. Ended up getting a better job the next week that included over hour-long breaks scattered throughout the week. 0 regrets

>> No.11271470

In my experience it feels so ecstatically good to show dismissiveness torward the subordination through unquestionable obligations and set upon fullfillments where the simple thought of breaking them puts horror in most people's mind.
Not giving a shit job the power over you that it likes to have, but lifting that weight off your shoulders feels incredible
The fire rises

>> No.11271473

>Books for this predicament
I don't think there's any book that focuses on the woes of having a 110 IQ

>> No.11271479

As long as I don't have to fund your lifestyle, OK.

>> No.11271482
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>that 30 year old boomer who's just now starting with the Greeks

>> No.11271484

What are some books for the predicament where you have B.A. and make $12 an hour and all your friends have computer science degrees and make 100k+ a year and they're all about to buy houses and start families and you're living in your mom's house and can't see things ever getting any better?

>> No.11271509

It seems like you're not a future-oriented person. You don't have enough control over yourself to tough it out for a day in order to make sure you have some kind of financial security. You probably have issues finishing what you start, live a lot of fantasies in your head.

I don't mean to be harsh, but you need to learn some discipline. Skipping your only means of financial security to read Plato is not as romantic as you're trying to frame it. Especially at age 30. Most of the writers and philosophers you like had their affairs in order, many were polymaths. You are just wasting away, barely human.

Hopefully something changes. Maybe turn to crime? Good luck.

>> No.11271532

Start a milk distribution business

>> No.11271537

>being a "future oriented person"
>being that spooked by Authority and Safety
>he hasn't even read Seneca
Kill thyself

>> No.11271540

nice blog

>> No.11271554

Wrong. I wasted my youth being future oriented. Now I’m an attorney with a lot of money and a lot of regret, having pissed away that which makes life worth living for a secure financial future. Not to mention civil litigation is predominately unethical, draining hard-earned money from clients and society and acting not in the interest of justice but in the interest of wealth. So I am sitting here, unwilling and/or unable to move, reading Plato and meditating on ways to utilize my skills and passion in a more productive and beneficial way. Faggot.

>> No.11271560

To >>11271509

>> No.11271565

How do you even get out of bed in the morning?

>> No.11271570

Wrong. I’m re-reading them, you projecting little brainlet faggot.

>> No.11271576

I don’t know. I was blinded by idealism in my youth, and I thought, at least for three years, that i could be of some use. Alleviate some suffering. What the fuck was I thinking anon?
The choice to attend law school was the single worse choice I’ve ever made in my life. I’m having a breakdown right now.

>> No.11271581

The best thing you can do is look ahead and try to figure out what kind of person and what kind of life you want to lead instead of what you have right now.
t. two-time university drop-out still living with parents

>> No.11271583

>You are just wasting away, barely human.
This nigga derives humanity from a pile of money.

>> No.11271588


>> No.11271591
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Do community service, or volunteer charity work. Even if you don't believe in the cause, you'll meet people who have the desire to make the world better.

Might be a nice change from the mindset of law-related colleagues.

More specifically, seek experiences. Not in the job sense, the life sense.

>> No.11271595

go on a road trip and becomes the next keruac

>> No.11271596

all of them

>> No.11271605

>has no savings

Retard detected. Sounds like you just made poor choices my friend.

>> No.11271606

What had he been doing for the past 30 years?

>> No.11271616

Kill yourself. Do you not understand how debt works?

>> No.11271729

Yah. I graduated with 25k student debt 2 years ago and its already paid off.

Just don't buy a bunch of useless shit.

>> No.11271735
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>Books for this predicament.
pic related.

>> No.11271781

Great, $25k is absolutely nothing. I did a tier 1 law school and tier 1 llm program and have $400k in debt.

>> No.11271839

Hey OP, plenty of people have awesome lives that begin with walking out of their corporate job on their 30th birthday. You know way more about life than a decade ago. Write something.

>> No.11271847

Why are self help books so aids?
Wow such wisdom
What a neat trick
Really gets the noggin joggin
What's worse is people actually drink this snake oil and pretend it's changed them
Something about bullshiting with such confindence that some people just love to slurp up
Ill never understand it

>> No.11271851

This is the exact opposite of what someone like OP wants. He's clearly ascended such trivial pursuits.

>> No.11271904

I have no idea what to walk towards though, as all my skills and experience are in litigation. It is frightening to say the least. I’d like some purpose before I walk out.

>> No.11272009

Monke. . Lay off the applesauce.

>> No.11272010

just came here to tell you that im pretty much in the same boat and i appreciate ya <3

>> No.11272024

the rat race is one giant baiting machine to get you to replace your goals.
Find your goals and you will find "your life".

>> No.11272058

>no savings

not advisable.

>> No.11272066

dude, lawyers are needed everywhere and always, find a good cause and join it, youll get paid and feel better
non-profits like amnesty int. is what i mean

>> No.11272306

Fuck non profit organizations. The world would be better off without them.

>> No.11272320


>> No.11272327

It seems to me that people are way more aggressive towards those who try and live outside the system today, or who aren't competing to be top dog. As late as the 1980s there were authors, musicians etc I've read about who were on the dole for a period (Steinbeck, Knausgaard, Elliott Smith, many more) or who avoided work like the plague. But today with house prices being what they are, the economy being what it is etc, I just find people to be very brutal towards others who don't make the grade. Even on /lit/ there is a joke of sorts that we are all virginal NEET losers, but when someone is actually serious about being that kind of person there tends to be at least 50% of respondents telling him he's garbage. It's not nice.

>> No.11272379

>little brainlet faggot

who is projecting again?

>> No.11272449

>future oriented
>plans for a paltry 100 years max

>> No.11272477
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I can't even tell if people are trolling or actually believe these things anymore. I need to leave.

>> No.11272497

I've noticed this as well.

>> No.11272516


The system needs winners and losers, and the winners need to let the losers know they're losers so they can justify themselves as winners.

>> No.11272522

nah, senpai, its always been like this.

>> No.11272527

I just decided to start working again. I'm also reading Plato and drinking coffee. It's either this, or exit. I choose to live.

>> No.11272543

It's the wagies being pissed off someone isn't deluding themselves into 'enjoying' slaving away at a job they hate.

>> No.11272548

I think you're misunderstanding people like >>11271509
I don't think they're hostile to the idea of "living outside the system" so much as they're hostile towards justifying being non-productive. They wouldn't criticize Steinbeck because he actually produced something. Sitting at home and reading Greek philosophy doesn't constitute a productive life.
In the end, I imagine it's stemming from frustration of witnessing squandered potential.

>> No.11272572

Not everything has to be viewed through the lens of production.

>> No.11272619

The term "production" isn't the crux of the argument. It isn't explicitly creating products, but doing something worthwhile with your time.

Think of the ennui kids experience during summer break or some adults after retirement. If you have no structure, goal, or intent in any part of your day and validate it by saying that it's simply "outside the system", you're close to validating constant masturbation.

>> No.11272676

Authors and other creative types inevitably spend a lot of time at home doing nothing.

>> No.11272682

Your job is a spook and money is a false construct

>> No.11272691

To be considered an author or creative type, you have to actually put something out there though. You can't validate sitting home and accomplishing nothing by saying "I'm living outside the system".

>> No.11272694

>the ennui kids experience during summer break
The best times of my life were during summer break as a kid. You need to quit your job and learn how to do nothing for a while. By nothing I don't mean literally nothing or watching TV all day. It's about reconnecting with nature. Maybe doing a little bit of gardening (highly productive), nature walks, reading, thinking, talking with people, exploring.

>> No.11272700

Why not?

>> No.11272737

The whole premise is that OP has decided to do something for his own sake rather than be "productive" AKA a labouring raggamuffin. Just because his activity provides no value to you nor to your society doesn't mean it doesn't provide value to him. Philosophy is an end activity in itself, not a means to an end.

>> No.11272739

>it's stemming from frustration of witnessing squandered potential.
>implying these people care about anons on the internet squandering their potential

It's just bullying anon.

>> No.11272747

The Death of Ivan Ilyich
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

>> No.11272764

Stay strong my man, we live in an extremely savage world, and we have need of spirit warriors like you in the spiritual wars to come.

>> No.11272769

Some of my most fond memories are from childhood summers too, but there is a listlessness that came to be associated with extended lack of obligation, structure, or meaningful goals. I'm guessing it was an error in phrasing, but I hope you don't mean to indicate that everything after your childhood summers has failed to live up to those experiences. If that's true, I'm hoping you come across something more fulfilling soon.

I make trips to go rock climbing a lot and have some friends who are dirtbags (a term of endearment for climbers who live out of their vans to climb year round and usually don't have any regular job). I totally support that. They're still accomplishing goals, have plans, and are some of the most stoked people I know. The point is to balance relaxation and achieving something.

The dichotomy between doing something for your own sake or being a labouring raggamuffin is obviously not a real one. I'm not saying that philosophy needs to provide some end. I am saying that you can't validate your existence by filing it under "outside the system" without actually accomplishing anything.

I can't say if they care about the person individually, but I think they care about what the person represents.

>> No.11272788

wow thanks man you should write a self help blog and then kill yourself

>> No.11272837


>> No.11272952

Non profit organizations first and foremost are concerned with payment to their employees, the largest organizations are compensated quite well.
The end result is a fraction of every dollar donated going for the cause.
It's a great way for wealthy people to feel good about "doing something" mean while, they treat those around them like shit. It's a modern day indulgence, thinking giving a few coin is going to save their soul.
If you want to feel good about giving l, give what you will away to those you know and interact with. Giving in such a manner begets more giving. Giving to charities extinguish the very desire to do good often. Moreover non profits are also fronts for money laundering or tax avoidance purposes. Extranational ones in third countriea often take advantage of non residents, and put local farmers out of business leading to endless cycles of poverty.

>> No.11273250
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>> No.11273427

>The end result is a fraction of every dollar donated going for the cause.
>If you want to feel good about giving l, give what you will away to those you know and interact with
This is why your concept of giving is flawed. You give because you want to feel good, not because you want the most good in the world.
Who cares if 95 cents of the dollar you donate goes to advertising and employee payment for a non-profit if they're bringing in more than 20 times the amount of money than just throwing a ten dollar bill at somebody you interact with.

You're also wrong about compensation for employees. Somebody filling a role that requires an education or skill set would make much more money in the for-profit sector than the non-profit.

The very thing you complain about, religious underpinnings to our cultural reaction to non-profits is exactly what you perpetuate with your thinking that charities and non-profits shouldn't be run as for-profit enterprises.

I would also be curious to see what evidence you have of an established non-profit somehow creating an endless cycle of poverty. Feel free to post some.

>> No.11273450

Henry Miller

Friend of mine got fired because he wrecked a delivery truck because he was reading while driving. Pretty impressive imo

because he can't sleep well obviously

>> No.11273461

If you have a lot of money and are having a breakdown over the life you’ve led, couldn’t you live frugally off of what you’ve earned and seek out a more ethical way of living? Are you held back from doing so by the expectations of a family/wife?

>> No.11273463

are you saying he should become a professor of computer science?

>> No.11273494


revisit dickens, you absolute insufferable faggot.

>> No.11273527

Instead of basing your concept of charity on Dickens, why don't you look at the real world and the available data?

>> No.11273537

Validation seeking or trade.

>> No.11273560

Twilight of the Idols by Nietzsche

>> No.11273587


i ordered you to revisit dickens. nowhere did i state, or imply, that i 'based my concept of charity on dickens'. that is something you, a actual, living faggot, fabricated.

again, this is for (you):

revist dickens.

>> No.11273592

>Living outside the system is only okay if its something impressive that you could put on a resume, or would otherwise win you social credit

>> No.11273595

I love this feeling.

>> No.11273597

This board is so fucking boring lmao. Bunch of whiney faggots that dont even read. I am gonna to solve few derivatives and then make some excercises from >>11273250 buh bye

>> No.11273599

I think there's a certain hostility towards people who are lazy and don't actually want to accomplish anything which is somewhat warranted. A lot of people today realize that working a dead end job fucking sucks but they have no idea what to do. So they're basically stuck in limbo and aren't accomplishing a whole lot of anything.
To get beyond this criticism, you need to develop skills. I really don't think you can be a useful member of society without having some sort of skill.
However, the hostility that I'm seeing in this thread seems to be coming from people who are insecure with their own position in life. Why else would someone get so angry over someone else's choice to not go into work for one fucking day?

>> No.11273615

brutal btfo

>> No.11273623

All of those things you listed are great for improving yourself/deepening your perspective but they aren't an end all. You still need to work hard in order to survive. You can't live off of wisdom.

>> No.11273634

bad sentence, really basic vocab and syntax to be trying that hard or that incapable of stringing together a cogent thought

>> No.11274063


Get one of those giant library dictionaries. Might be enough to kill you if dropped from a high enough shelf.

>> No.11274065

> A lot of people today realize that working a dead end job fucking sucks but they have no idea what to do

ehh, the story of my life. Been wagecuking for a decade, decided to stop doing that, quit, went back home, can't bring myself together to study programming. Datascience not for my brain, web-developmet - "pffff, websites? who needs them anyways..." I don't have an attitude to be an adult.

>> No.11274071

Your post isn't great either t b h.

>> No.11274078

>throwing your life away to read into philsoophy
just wait until you are actually well read and jaded and just wish you had a good job to atleast distract yourself from the pain of life

>> No.11274144

this book is actually more styled like a absurd documentary

>> No.11274353

>show dismissiveness torward the subordination through unquestionable obligations and
You can just say "malicious compliance".

>> No.11274380

It is poor man's Tom Wolfe, not self-help.

>> No.11274473

>You can't live off of wisdom
that's what fishing and gardening is for

>> No.11274539

People seem to forget that most of the important philosophers, I mean really important, were just layabouts who merely subsisted in the bare minimum.

People today seem to also forget that Hegel’s main concept or idea, or grounding for his logic ‘sense certainty’ was first practised and pioneered by Rousseau in his Discourse on the Origin of Inequality.

Rousseau was a layabout. His father was an exceedingly average watchmaker who got in trouble with law and left. Rousseau was apprenticed to an uncle, he simply left. He barely completely anything in his life he started until he moved toward the tail end of his 30’s. The only reason we know about this man is because he won a fucking open to the public Essay competition.

Rousseau’s thought is the turning point for the direction of philosophy since Socrates, who was also a fucking unproductive, unindustrious man.

>> No.11276066

Why are they firing you Norm?

>> No.11276306
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"Anti-Tech Revolution"


"Technological Slavery"

both by Kaczynski

>> No.11276314

You're reading Plato and not Aristotle because you can't handle that being a NEET objectively makes you incapable of achieving Eudaimonia.

>> No.11276317


>> No.11276330
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>> No.11276333

pretty sure that Aristotle said that Eudaimonia could one be achieved by the well-off who could afford to live a contemplative live supported by slaves.

>> No.11276363

Aristotle predicted the Eudaimonaiaic NEET kings and the underclass of wagie slaves

>> No.11276381

>You can't live off of wisdom.
t. tried living off of wisdom and failed because of not enough wisdom

>> No.11276384

Aristotle's conception of contemplation is not whatever you think it is and his prescriptive ethics for achieving Eudaimonia are based on performing virtuous behaviors central to humans as rational beings which include proper social interaction. The man who experiences contemplative Eudaimonia his entire life is an impossible paragon and all men must be content with achieving Eudaimonia through virtuous behavior (i.e. being a proper human) for at least most of their life.

>> No.11277186

I wish I were reading Plato at home right now

>> No.11277266

Based, fuck them niggas

>> No.11277518

lol programming is awful anyway, it's pushed by basedboy nerds as the greatest job ever but unless you're the founder of a successful startup or at least working on something you're passionate about it's SHITE

>you are wasting away if you're not CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY and MAKING MONEY

uhhh lol?

yes it's a constant never ending rat race to the top isn't it? seeing who can come out with the most money to buy the most material possessions

i have a nice little part time job which i only do for socialisation and to get out of the house (thankfully i still live with my parents and don't have to pay much rent) yet even though i'm happy with this job and pursuing creative endeavours on the side i still feel pressured by society into studying something soul sucking for money, as if it should be my aim to amass the most wealth i can before i die

i think i would be pretty depressed if i turned 30 and looked at what i'd done and it only amounted to "making money"

>> No.11277540

>I am going to DO some exercises.

You might want to take some time to brush up your English skills too, Ivan.

>> No.11277695

The Foundation for Exploration is anti-current society and provides some great guidance and hope for those who wish to reject this society.

>> No.11277706

My billable hours have been low in 2018, due to family deaths, a long vacation, and alcoholism, for none of which they have the slightest bit of sympathy.

>> No.11278655

I read this one after I read the manifesto but to be honest everything I find interesting is summed up in the manifesto.
The book goes about great length on why do technology enslave us and how to potentially free from it, but to me the quintessence of the thought is in the manifesto, especially the parts at the beginning, like THE POWER PROCESS.
I wish I had more time to read books about freedom and society but I'm too busy working an uninteresting internship for my future slave job that I hope will be interesting at least, before I potentially set up my own company to be only the slave of regulation and clients.
I'll probably end up killing myself on a motorbike anyway ayyyy

>> No.11278663

OP why don’t you join a monastic order?

>> No.11278691

good for you. ive been working 60+ hrs for years shift work, maybe one day ill stop giving a shit and do what you're doing.

>> No.11278710
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This is actually a great idea for people. Monastic orders and priesthood are rewarding choices of "career" where you do not need to worry about bills and the like. Solitude, peace, meaning.
There are several posters on /lit/ who suggest the priesthood.
I consider it a plan B in life but I find it appealing.

>> No.11279964

Do part time manual labor. I am a part that me landscaper. I work 20ish hours a week. Live frugally. Get plenty of sun (I live in Florida) and I read for hours everyday. Don't be a wagecuck. It's a trap.

>> No.11279972

Read Norm’s book, it’s fucking great.

>> No.11279973

I feel like there's hardly anytime for reading though. I watched a day in the life of a priest and from 5am till 8pm he was busy as fuck. Not comfy desu.

>> No.11279977

You could have said that in a much simpler and much less obtuse way. Work on your writing, you don’t sound smart.

>> No.11279986

This is nice and all but most part time jobs aren't going to pay you enough in a lot of cases even if you live frugally.

I work part time at the moment, but that's only because i still live at home. I wouldn't be able to do it if i lived alone.

>> No.11280022

True. I live in a shit hole and I am living pay check to pay check. Worth it to me.

>> No.11280028

It's a piece of comic trash.

>> No.11280033

same here. 4 hours 5 days a week.

>> No.11280051

That one book written by that one guy that one time about a guy who has to take care of his brother while being homeless but it all turned out to be BS. There are some good lessons there, especially in the first 2 pages of chapter 6.