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/lit/ - Literature

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1126845 No.1126845 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to start out by saying that /lit/ is my favorite board on 4chan. It is the only board where I go through every page until I start seeing all repeats. But...
You two cunt up every thread you post in. You both consistently ruin my enjoyment. Please consider that your opinions may be poorly thought out and here is why:
1) You are both children. How much do you value discussing /lit/ with 3rd graders talking about Cirque du Freak? Well, that's about how much I value both of your unformed opinions. I'm sure most adults on this board feel the same way.
2) We have already read the classic books you find of value. In a lot of cases, we value them as well. That is not all we value, though. We'd like to learn everything, not just the past. So we read contemporary literature to learn about the world as it is today. We read Science Fiction to learn about the world as it will be tomorrow. Doubt my scifi assertion? Look at Verne and Wells, almost everything they made up came to be (sans time machine). History always repeats itself, so wise up.
3)Almost all the books you love are trivialized views of humanity. Black people almost always write about other black people, Russians write about other Russians, etc. This constitutes almost everything you two find of value. If you read Fantasy, you would find many authors skilled in going beyond race and their native society who comment instead on humanity as a whole.
4) In five years I foresee you both as crystal meth addicts. You are too stupid to read, enjoy and understand contemporary literature so you will have no idea how to deal with the world. You will crack. You will do all those things you currently profess to be immoral. You will look like the picture attached.

>> No.1126847

5) You are both tripfags. Do you even understand the purpose of 4chan? Do you comprehend why it is important and draws so many users? You must not, or you wouldn't trip and be so proud of it.
In summary, your ignorance is boundless. Please stop ruining a good thing for everyone else. Thank you.

Please, anon, I know there is more. Feel free to add your thoughts and opinions. I also want to than anon for all the pleasure you have given me by contributing to this image board. You're all awesome!

>> No.1126849
File: 190 KB, 1000x1000, tripfags block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit being a crybaby and block them like I do

>> No.1126892

Agreed TyBrax is a cancerous wanker.

>> No.1126891
File: 37 KB, 500x406, TyBrax22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, thank you for your feedback. Secondly, I don't think Quentin is present but I will not attempt to defend him in his place.

1) I am not a child. I am considered of an adult age in my country.

2) You don't aim to learn from fiction mostly, you aim to enjoy it. There are far too many Classics lightyears ahead of Contemporary for one person to read in one lifetime. As for learning from sci-fi, technology experts would provide a more accurate prediction of the future, you should try some non-fiction sometime.
>History always repeats itself, so wise up
You do the same, learn history!

>If you read Fantasy, you would find many authors skilled in going beyond race and their native society who comment instead on humanity as a whole
But there are Classic writers that did it better!

>In five years I foresee you both as crystal meth addicts
Now as far as I'm aware we are both people of faith. I don't even drink alcohol you buffoon.
>You are too stupid to read, enjoy and understand contemporary literature so you will have no idea how to deal with the world
Actually it takes more intelligence to do so for Classic literature.

I will never resort to drug taking. God, life & love is my drug.

>> No.1126907

>implying they have read the classics
>implying they read anything at all


P.S. just block them.

>> No.1126911
File: 7 KB, 211x211, TyBrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are both tripfags. Do you even understand the purpose of 4chan? Do you comprehend why it is important and draws so many users? You must not, or you wouldn't trip and be so proud of it.
This has been refuted so many times on so many boards that I'll have to ignore this question. But I'm not "proud" of tripping, as you call it.

>Please, anon, I know there is more. Feel free to add your thoughts and opinions
Ah so you call out to the people that don't have a face for you to blame. I'm being responsible for my actions, they aren't.

>> No.1126922
File: 25 KB, 400x400, psychotic fundamendalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1126945
File: 16 KB, 335x363, artist_epicteashirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because providing undivided attention to trips NEVER made them bask in the limelight as trolls

See: Stagolee

>> No.1126953

Tybrax, you don't drink alcohol? Aren't you aware of the countless studies that show moderate consumption of alcohol improves health and increases longevity?

Also, why do you have so many pictures of yourself?

>> No.1126957

>Aren't you aware of the countless studies that show moderate consumption of alcohol improves health and increases longevity?
I thought that was wine? I think I'm too young to drink wine though.

Also meat is bad for you.

>> No.1126964


You know, if you don't like the idea of blocking everyone tripcode, you can simply just block those two. Oh wait, I'm a tripfag; this is now a strange form of self-preservation. Who the fuck is that in your picture?

>> No.1126969
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, 1275472412498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know alcohol is good for you
>thinks meat is bad
>ignores question about why he has so many pictures of himself

how can you be a literature snob if you don't drink?

>> No.1126972

i'm ok, right?


>> No.1126974



>> No.1126981


it's an ego boost

>> No.1126983

I'm not proving that meat is an unnatural part of the human diet again.

Btw, does anyone have the link to Courage Wolf's book club thread?

>> No.1126989
File: 18 KB, 309x399, h1 (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't even drink alcohol

>> No.1126990

raw meat, yeah

How is meat an unnatural part of the human diet if humans have been eating it for thousands upon thousands of years. Also, why do you have so many pictures of yourself?

>> No.1126992
File: 21 KB, 359x322, artist_Idunno4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I don't like blocking trips because I'll never know if they're saging my threads or the occasional drama snippet. Dean from the iron giant

>> No.1126999

Is that red wine? Should I start drinking it in moderation for health? I want to be classy when I'm older.

>> No.1127002


See? This is what I was talking about. Asinine claims and general bullshit is what constitutes his posting.
Also that's not really him, those are all pics of the guy from Battles. Yeah btw, you have terrible music taste, is the safest, lamest, most predictable music taste I've seen, and I'm not surprised at all of it, considering the stuff you've posted during all these months.

Oh, don't worry to try and call me out, I've seen your last.fm already and I've pointed out its flaws in the past. Just stay the fuck away from /lit/ and /mu/, or at least post less threads so we don't have to see that guy's face and your ridiculous opinions so often.

>yeah, but everyone has the same rights to post here
Ohh sure, sure. But when all you do is post 24/7 the same bullshit, while staying on the same safe zone of your 3 books of preference, retarded assumptions and ridiculous boring music taste, there's really nothing that'd make me reconsider take a second look at any of your posts. Kindly end yourself.

>Ah so you call out to the people that don't have a face for you to blame. I'm being responsible for my actions, they aren't.
You don't have a face either. All you have is a name. I have a tripcode which I respectfully remove when I come to /lit/, you should do the same, because if you want to be accountable for your own opinions, you don't need to use a handle and an avatar as an argument clutch. If you're memorable enough, we'll remember you.

>> No.1127003

The main reason I don't like TyBrax is because they are Scottish, filthy fucks should have been bred out by now.

Get off my Island!

>> No.1127005

> talking about Cirque du Freak?
i liked that series.

>> No.1127007

I thought Ty was female and that was why you limp wrists put up with them all the time?

>> No.1127008

>limp wrists

>> No.1127011

I really wish lit's awful fucking tripfags didn't annoy me so much. Surely any reasonable person should be able to ignore them. But I'm not. They're just so annoying and so stupid and so trollish. It's really something. Sometimes one can't even pin it down - there's just a thick slime of irritation surrounding them. I never imagined anything could be so obnoxious.

>> No.1127012

These meta anti-tripfags have been getting numerous lately. Overly so, in fact. You're only giving them the attention that they so crave (it's the reason they trip, after all) and it's not like your amazing arguments are going to convince them to stop being the massive faggot attention whores that they are. Just block them (all trips, that is) and forget that they exist.

>> No.1127017

Stagolee seems like a sad wimpy nerd and TyBrax seems like they may be literally insane. The bullshit between the both of them makes this place really unpleasant.

>> No.1127019
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never wanted this.....

>> No.1127022

Wow I have never seen so many jellies before. Why don't you guys grow up and stop taking the internet so seriously?

>> No.1127026

protip: ignore the fucking tripfags, ignore anything you think is "retarded" on 4chan and assume they are trolls, because they are, this is 4chan

but it seems that no one on 4chan is capable of doing this so almost every board other than /b/ becomes a festering pit of vain tripfags who think that they have some authority or fame on 4chan. a sad fate, really.

>> No.1127028

TyBrax is the crusty shit that clings to your ass hairs in spite of all efforts to wipe it off

>> No.1127030

Sorry if I gave you a bad name.

>> No.1127039

just go to other chans (420chan) where they dont put up with the bullshit

make their lit boards more active

>> No.1127045

It's not your fault people are jelly over our dominance over this board I'm a quality poster and people these days don't appreciate quality

>> No.1127051
File: 40 KB, 376x560, genghiskhan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys this is all good and well but what does any of this have to do with Harold Bloom, the Hermeneutic Circle, what Literature is, whether poetry can learn a thing or two from action movies (don't be retarded, it can't), what sort of interpretation we should foist on Frankenstein, and other quality threads (except for the poetry & actionmovies one) I have posted in?

>> No.1127053

I appreciate you D&E. But you never recognise that.

>> No.1127079


420chan is slow but has some great content. the automated user names is good way to stay anonymous and prevent tripfaggotry trolling

>> No.1127083


I used to frequent their /lit/. It was absolutely shit. At least here there's the occasional knowledgable person in the sea of piss. Over there you didn't even have that; only annoying constantly high 14 year old anarcho-communists who thought that reading Lacan's, Zizek's, and Chomsky's wikipedia pages transformed them into fucking philosophical geniuses. No thank you.

>> No.1127090


>1) I am not a child. I am considered of an adult age in my country.

So that would make you about seventeen or eighteen years old.

And you are still young enough to no longer consider yourself a child.

You fucking child. Wait another decade and see if you still consider teenagers 'adults'

>> No.1127103

/lit/ may never have been good, but it was far more enjoyable before the likes of Stagolee (aka Quentin), Mogwai and TyBrax came along.

You three are destroying the little decency that remains on this board and I know you don't give a fuck.

>> No.1127107

not sure calling out tripfags is a good way to discourage said tripfags

that aside, nice tripfag blocker

>> No.1127108


she's recognised as an adult.
that means she's an adult, not a child.
a 30 year old man isn't a child to a 70 year old man.
he's a man.

>> No.1127112


Dude, you should really get better at wiping your ass.

Because I don't know of anyone else that has that problem.

>> No.1127121

So... I'm ok then??

>> No.1127127



>> No.1127134


>> No.1127148



>> No.1127143


i dunno why people are being so hateful

>> No.1127179

DeepandEdgy is the unlikely messiah to bring /lit/ out of the terrible dark ages of tripfaggery and mold /lit/ into a new Athens of literary discussion discuss

>> No.1127184


i totally agree, and i'm going to contribute to the board now as a show of love.

>> No.1127191

Anyway OP I don't get what I'm doing wrong. At least I make threads about books and stuff whereas you just make threads about me

>> No.1127187

Everyones jealous of you Tie.

>> No.1127194

that is a lovely contribution on par with every other one you've made so far Brownbear keep up the good work

>> No.1127210

I always bump your threads & sage bad threads.

>> No.1127229


People are being hateful because they hate you. Your entire identity here is a very thinly veiled attempt to make yourself seem like the authority on what is valuable literature by bashing everything you weren't introduced to by your comp 1 professor.

Whereas I hate to see that you're being given so much attention, I certainly agree with the OP's sentiments and hope that you grow up someday very soon.

>> No.1127240


thank you, i'm planning to get some healthy discussion about books and shit going.

>> No.1127246

So they hate me as a person/my personality rather than me doing intentionally bad things then?

>> No.1127247


u so jelly.

>> No.1127251

>i'm planning to get some healthy discussion about books and shit going
Great man that's good can't wait to hear from you after you've started/finished clown college and can initiate and engage in such discussion

>> No.1127257


>says i'm not in college
>finish clown college

u just jelly.

>> No.1127272

Yo anon.. i'm not gonna let you finish.. and Tie's one of the best things about /lit/.. one of the few reasons i stick around.

>> No.1127285

mogwai come to clit, i want a listenalong

>> No.1127308

Brownbear.. I'm leaving /lit/ so FU..

Got ma /mu/ trip responsabilities to think of now.

After tonight.. No more Al Green.

>> No.1127313


edward, that brings a tear to my eye, but i understand. go on, maybe i'll visit some time.

>> No.1127331


>> No.1127347

I'll probably be back when its /lit/s turn to be raided by my camping bros and hoes.

Ty <3

Captha: Antler like.
CP: Kettering