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/lit/ - Literature

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1126740 No.1126740 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, I've come to a rather interesting problem:
It's almost impossible to induce adrenaline in a reader while viewing poetry. The kind of action-film hijinx that a attaches a viewer through thrill (EG: Rambo or something of the like) seems out of place and unsuitable in the steady, generally less action-based realm of poetry. For instance: The infamous lobby fight scene from the matrix may be convulting or boring, and possibly even miss the core action intended if it were written out in 7-word sentences for a 8 line poem. But at the same time I feel that there IS a way to write this kind of poetry and be successful. I wonder if anon may be able to assist in finding an answer

I'm not here to ask for value judgements regarding genres, I'm just interested if an "action-packed" poem of this style is even possible. Any thoughts, /lit/?

pic related, the kind of scene I'm thinking of

>> No.1126747
File: 25 KB, 550x272, The-Matrix-lobby-gunfight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example

>> No.1126750

>viewing poetry
>viewing poetry

What about saying it out loud with Hans Zimmer conducting a score to it?

>> No.1126755

If you accomplish this, I will personally suck your dick.

>> No.1126758

While it's not my kind of thing, isn't this what rap is all about?

I would give it a try, but I generally know nothing about poetry. I do try to write my prose as if I was describing a scene like that, though.

>> No.1126759

Guys how do you make reading a play not a boring old time?

>> No.1126760
File: 24 KB, 450x301, killbill1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attacking technicalities
>rather than simply considering the idea
Ah, the trip who embodies the best and worst of /lit/. Intense intolerance and insolence, but at the same time a generally rational point of view

It's not practical to have a soundtrack, for obvious reasons. But I'll admit that the feeling of "instant tension" you get from action film soundtracks is really what made me interested in the first place.

>> No.1126764

And then guns,
Firing bullets.
And dicks,
Dicks everywhere.
Boners and guns
Shooting and whipping
In slow motion.
Chuck Norris is there.

>> No.1126766

!UyhAEqbnp it's not a big ol' mystery. Reading a play often does not inspire the quite the same feeling as watching it, reading the script of a movie doesn't bring out the adrenaline in the way that watching it does, sitting like a lemon mouthing the verses of a poem in monotone doesn't bring out emotion quite like a skilled orator on a podium (think one of those fag beat poets)..

>> No.1126790
File: 54 KB, 515x388, shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a point there. But you can't deny that popular fiction has managed to create dramatic tension and fear effectively enough in a viewer even without the audio component. The major problem being significant difference of length and wording in a poem as opposed to novel. Probably an issue which could be solved by moving focus to immerisve portraits of the environment and all objects, and treating the character as a disctinct object among many rather than as a spectator. Also, increased use of onomatopoeia and sensory effects as well as personal state should be important. Hmm, using thriller novels as a template should be reasonable for getting a rough idea of what is needed/what isn't

>> No.1126796

>you can't deny that popular fiction has managed to create dramatic tension and fear effectively enough in a viewer even without the audio component

I have never denied that some media of communication evoke stimulus easier or more freely than others

>Probably an issue which could be solved by moving focus to immerisve portraits of the environment and all objects, and treating the character as a disctinct object among many rather than as a spectator. Also, increased use of onomatopoeia and sensory effects as well as personal state should be important.

That's a very lovely way of saying that if you want to frighten someone it's more conducive to scream in their face than write them a letter, you should be proud of your talent for obfuscation

>> No.1126808
File: 258 KB, 964x418, memento05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting mad at a response over the internet
And here I was talking about writing poetry

>> No.1126826

>And here I was talking about writing poetry
poetry is at best a medium of communication, in spite of all of the efforts of various writers in this and the last century to strip even that from it.

This typifies discussion of literature at its worst, and its best; problems that through the simplest analysis have been reduced to mere trivialities (i.e. language-games) which the majority of theorists in the field have simply ignored, or are too stupid to have recognised the implications, in order to ply their trade

>> No.1126842
File: 7 KB, 263x191, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poetry and application to action-film
Cool digression bro

>> No.1126857

>application to action-film
!UyhAEqbnp why would you want to do that that's silly. I'm going to stop shitting up your thread now because it at least has the pretension of discussing something vaguely more meaningful than "book x is better than book y/all fantasy writing is shit lol im tybrax/al green" threads, and because I've already solved whatever issues/questions (if you disregard the fact there were none to begin with) you raised here.

>> No.1126873
File: 29 KB, 479x383, rambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still mad

>> No.1126873,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1128131

percussive syllables, unpredictable offbeat rhymes and rhythms to disorient the reader, detail in all the right places to paint a violent picture in the reader / listener's head

etc etc etc

>> No.1128142

Stormed at with shot and shell etc.

>> No.1128175

Arnold "Rambo" Willis was moving his lawn one day,
when BAM!
A giant exploding explodicycle exploded down the street.
And who do you think was exploding the explodicycle?
None other than Count Evelyn von Badguy, Rambo's old arch nemesis.
So Rambo, or as he liked to be called, James Bond, pointed out that Evelyn was a girl's name.
Then he pushed a button on his lawnmower and it turned into a giant gun.
Then Count von Badguy used the explodicycle to explode a bunch of stuff and take Hottie McTittington, James Bond's super hot and intelligent girlfriend/live-in maid, hostage.
James Bond gets all pissed and stuff and builds an even better explodicycle than Count von Badguy has.
He uses his explodicycle to explode the count then James bond has lots of sex with a bunch of hot chicks.