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11268322 No.11268322 [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve the problem of evil?

>> No.11268330

More evil

>> No.11268332

silly owl, you're meant to sleep in trees

>> No.11268341

For every evil person out there in the world, find a good person willing to kill them. Boom, less evil.

>> No.11268369

By acting truly rationally.

>> No.11268398

Reinstate soft eugenics for anti/pro social behaviour

>> No.11268402
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evil does not exist.

>> No.11268522
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>> No.11268523

>Implying evil is a problem.

>> No.11268531

mhm sure. Read this and come back to me: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/watchingrobertpickton88015/transcript-of-shirley-lynette-ledford-audio-record-t3312.html

>> No.11268533

This is the answer. Evil isn't a problem except for the "good."

>> No.11268670


>> No.11268735

These are the same people that praise The Brother's Karamazov and Blood Meridian, but then say evil doesn't exist. lmao.

>> No.11268780

what makes you think it is the same people?

>> No.11268785

There's no god, therefore there is no need to address the problem of evil.

>> No.11268832

you got the audio?

>> No.11268834

No and I wouldn't post it even if I did

>> No.11268835

>implying this isnt the reason that incels are so mad

>> No.11268845

In case you don't know it:
is the Augustinian definition of evil.
Evil is privatio boni, the absence of good. It doesn't exist on its own.

>> No.11268848
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>implying there is a problem of evil

>> No.11268864

Incoherent. Like saying cold doesn't "really" exist. Cold might not exist in-itself but an absence of heat definitely does.

>> No.11268870

fukken tease

>> No.11268872

By blaming the Demiurge for being a misshapen product of Sophia's masturbation fantasies

>> No.11268874

you will never eliminate evil, i have a solution but it requires lots of humans being turned into fertilizer
no giv tldr, if its by a woman, just restate it as a man would conceive of it
i hate dostoyevsky aside from Notes because i indentify w/MC; i would never seriously champion McCarthy either you’re wrong
what are you even implying? Plato was a moralist and so was Socrates and so was Aristotle

>> No.11268877

This is exactly what an evil person would say

>> No.11268878

Evil wouldn’t exist without life, specifically conscious life, therefore evil is subjective and is simply whatever is undesirable for living things.

>> No.11268893
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Evil will always be present because its not something that festers in the dark corners of our society and waits for the perfect time to make itself apparent. Sometimes evil is just banal people doing something they think is justified.

>> No.11268915

>no giv tldr, if its by a woman, just restate it as a man would conceive of it

torture and murder of a teenage girl

intrinsically kill yourself

>> No.11268920

>what are you even implying?
I am implying that evil exists, but it is not a problem. God does not load you up with any suffering you are not prepared to bear. There is no such thing as innocence, but when children or the unbaptized infants pass it is presumed God's infinite mercy welcomes them back into Him.

>> No.11268925


>> No.11268927


>> No.11268931

oh, yeah. i know about this. okay. and what are you trying to prove exactly? that God is evil? because these were men who committed these acts.

>> No.11268941

The problem is why does God allow perfect lives for some and suffering for others. Pro tip, there is no personal God in the first place.

>> No.11268944

oh, who cares?
christfags are subhuman
go back you fucking faggot or learn to speak like a human

>> No.11268945
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>Pro tip, there is no personal God in the first place.
>t. pic related

Yeah I understand the "problem." I'm saying it doesn't actually exist outside of mortal misunderstanding.

>> No.11268947

Charity man forced into heinous acts?

>> No.11268953

Yeah, I was trying to be efficient in my post. I’ll fix it.
>the problem solves itself when you consider that a personal God doesn’t exist. Instead of asking why God allows this, we should first be certain that God actually exists. A Christian and an Atheist, then can’t argue about the problem of evil on the same terms, because they’re going about the problem with a completely different perspective.

>> No.11268961

Just have to make everybody aware of what is evil, then persecute it until it goes away.

>o woops just made everyone evil lol

>> No.11268965

is it really different though, fella? neither christfag nor atheistfag have evidence. christfag has theology. atheist has jack and shit and jack left town.

>> No.11268968

fpbp we meet again

>> No.11268972

>implying you can

>> No.11268974


Listen. God singing.

>> No.11268976
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All right, I'll bite. WTF do you mean by "evil," in what ways is it a "problem" (and for whom), and why should anything be done about it?

>> No.11268983

I would argue that an omniscient, all-loving, etc. God can not exist based on reasoning, a type of evidence. It goes like this, feel free to break it open.
>God is most x (loving, good, knowledge able, etc.) and preceded everything else
>and his most x does not require the existence of anything else, since his nature is unchanging, and he is God
>but if God is most x without creation, then creation couldn’t contribute to the quality of God. God is most x with humans and most x without humans, therefore all creation is unneeded

In other words, creation contradicts God’s perfection, because it shows that He needed to develop, or become more x when He was always most x

>> No.11268984 [DELETED] 

When one person is asserting a massive grandiose theory that has no foundation but clumsy sophistry, and the other person is simply denying it from lack of decent evidence, they're not equivalent, and pretending their positions are equally valid is idiotic. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Rejecting those claims requires nothing--unless that proof has been supplied, it's the logical response.

>> No.11269017

Nobody is really arguing that God's creation of humanity/the universe/whatever was "necessary" (whatever that is supposed to mean. Any theist would tell you that we can't really grasp God's will or motivations that easily. But a quick answer to the WHY of creation is "limitation, mortality, separate entities--possibility." The Tzimtzum and Lurianic Kabbalah's creation mythos is an interesting approach to the problem.

>> No.11269022

Evil exists because this is not paradise. It's a testing ground.

>> No.11269032


good answer. Evil is the pre-condition of freedom. Or the other way around. This is what Schelling says

>> No.11269041

My point was that we can give God some qualities, but being personal, all-loving, omniscient, are not apparent through reasoning. If one can imagine that the world is possible without this type of God, then this God is refuted. A desireless Void makes more sense as a prime mover than any other thing.

>> No.11269067

Fair enough. I've always thought the endless attempt to retcon Yahew into some omniscient, eternal, omnipotent being were hopeless. The Bible contradicts those assertions every time God does anything.

>> No.11269071

This is not an argument, it’s an appeal to emotion and social convention. Emotionally something in me snaps as I read this, something which goes, “My God, these people are complete evil and I wish I could beat the living shit out of them and put them through the same pain they put this girl so they could have remorse.” Rationally, though, this won’t change a person’s idea that, say, evil doesn’t exist because people don’t have free will, or evil is only the absence of good, or some other view which may say there is no such thing as evil.

>> No.11269074
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Purge off the low IQ population

>> No.11269093

Yes, if only these qualities weren’t given to Yahweh. If Yahweh were said not to be the creator of everything, not all the typical Omni-x qualities, it would be much more believable. I would then understand why God gets angry at his own creations and so on. The Greeks had it “right” when they said Chaos have birth to the Gods, and that we’re not perfect beings, but simply more powerful than humans in ways we can’t fully comprehend.

>> No.11269096

*WERE not we’re

>> No.11269108

Word games. Apply yourself.