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1126324 No.1126324 [Reply] [Original]


so i just realized i'm a huge fantasy nerd after reading asoiaf, lotr and earthsea in that order, all in two months, and popping huge boners all the way through them. (esp GRRM)

i'm craving for the next series of books but don't know where to start. i've read good things about WoT (wheel of time) and tad williams. Should i start with them or are there any others you'd recommend?

btw it's not solely the fantasy element i jizz over, it needs to be a good story, and i'd prefer a sea-adventure or a brutal story over the clichéd elves, dragons and happy ending even if the writing's only 1% better.

>> No.1126327

Gene Wolfe

There is no other answer.

>> No.1126329

>lotr, earthsea
>huge boners

>> No.1126336
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> Implying Tehanu wasn't a good book

>> No.1126340

Wheel of Time, as long as you can switch off your brain and just cross over all the orgasms Jordan had with females tugging at their braids, smoothing their skirts, calling men fools and being generally annoying: "oh, look at me! I know magicks now, I go alone, like I need your help, you goat brained man! Bwah!"

And then being angry that that very same man was not there to rescue them, and even if he was - he wont be thanked.

But I generally enjoyed the series, some of the writing was quite awesome and the plot itself is pretty decent too. By that I mean post-first book, meaning that when Jordan stopped copying LotR.

>> No.1126343

Anyone who reads past The Farthest Shore has left the path of wisdom.

>> No.1126345


I'm only 18 and but an infant to the world of fantasy literature.

>> No.1126350

Go for the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson

>> No.1126355

Those are not bad choices at all if you're on a fantasy boner fest currently. Assuming you mean MST with Williams that is, just go for it.

>> No.1126430




>> No.1126446
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>so i just realized i'm a huge fantasy nerd after reading asoiaf, lotr and earthsea in that order, all in two months, and popping huge boners all the way through them

>> No.1126455


>> No.1126462
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Seven Essential Fantasy Reads: Going to Second Base

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/books/2009/08/seven-essential-fantasy-reads-going-to-second-ba

>> No.1126478


China Miéville's The Scar. (PRO-TIP: Read Perdido Street Station first.)

>brutal story

The Sword of Truth can be pretty brutal.

>> No.1126484

When you can skip more than half the series and still pick up the plot, it's time to realize the author was a hack. Thank god he's dead and his legacy is left in the hands of fanfic authors where it belonged in the first place.

Glen Cook: Chronicles of the Black Company.
Weis, Hickman: Death Gate cycle.
Janny Wurts: Light and Shadow series.
Roger Zelaszny: Great book of Amber.

There you go. Four series recommendations.

tl;dr: skip reading the wheel of time books. Read something else instead.

>> No.1126491

Those are all terrible you stupid asshole.

>> No.1126495

Man, I thought those were pretty cool until I red asoif, then I just felt like I'd wasted my time.

Really though, you're a worthless cunt.

>> No.1126497
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Yeah, check out this list if you want to hear this ugly, pretentious slut drone on about how she's too good to read fantasy and then recommending some middling shit while continuing to offer reasons why, despite the fact that she's far too good for this stuff, it might be considered tolerable to peasants.


>> No.1126511

the only way you would know is if you read them all. review please?
let me know WHY you think they are terrible.

>> No.1126537

No. Eat shit, fantasyfag.

>> No.1126541

Amber series is pretty good, at least the 4 or 5 books I've read of it.

Seconding Gene Wolfe, of course.

Although it gets derided a lot, I like the Thomas Covenant series. The first trilogy is quite good. If you're popping boners, though...well, this is 4chan.

>> No.1126595


Alright Mr. I'm-so-high-up-on-my-horse, what kinds of books get you popping boners?

I admit LotR and EarthSea didn't do much for me and the phrase was only used to show my affection for the genre, but asoiaf had me fondling myself.

The only books I've read so far that have given me truly raging boners though are The Count of Monte Cristo, Crime and Punishment and The Picture of Dorian Gray.

>> No.1126620

Joe Abercrombie's "The First Law" trilogy.

Robin Hobb - Farseer trilogy followed by Tawny Man trilogy. If you really, really like it, read the trilogy in between those two with different characters ("Liveship Traders" trilogy), but it wasn't as good by any stretch.

>> No.1126692

This is a pretty horrible list. It has some good stuff, but it is balanced out by terrible, shit-tier books. Try this list instead: http://www.bestfantasybooks.com/top25-fantasy-books.php - it has better thought out descriptions. It also has a bunch of reader feedback on both sides for most series.

>> No.1126691
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Hey, friend, I'll flog the bishop to Cersei with the best of them. I was referring to the fact that, in the Thomas Convenant series, you'd be fapping to raep.

BTW, OP, if you haven't seen the rec list, here's part 1.

>> No.1126694
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and here's part 2.

>> No.1126851


anymore of these?

>> No.1126868

Stay away from Robert Jordon. Tad Williams is alright, if a little dry and long-winded.

China Meiville is a fantastic gritty-fantasy writer - Perdido Street Station is horrifying.

And then, of course, there's Gene Wolfe. He puts almost everyone else to shame.

>> No.1126875


The ones I posted may be older, haven't checked.

>> No.1126880

Martin gives me such a brainer.

>> No.1126916
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If you're a guy then Robert E. Howard's original Conan stories are the next thing you should check out. If you're a woman, of course, you should probably give it a miss; this is pure manly fantasy. If these stories don't make you yearn for blood and thunder then nothing else will.

I'd recommend skipping everything that wasn't written by Howard though; none of it is anywhere near as good.

>> No.1127704


What's so good about this Wolfe guy? Is he comparable to Tolkien?

>> No.1127739

Why not Robert Jordan?
Also: I second China Meiville.

I'm a femanon, and my father was of the mind "comics are for kids" and brought me loads of Conan comics without bothering to look inside the pages. It was one of the best bits of my childhood. Sure, it's all bare chest and bare ass, but it's basically pulp morningstar-in-the-brain fiction, and it can't get any better than that.

>> No.1127748

He's a lot better at the English language than Tolkien. His writing is a lot more abstract, too. Takes a lot of thinking to read one of his books, especially since he is fond on unreliable narrators.

>> No.1127767

Robert Jordans WoT is good, like the coming of a messiah. Only no fantastic creatures or races, unless ogier/trollocks count, and not really. Maybe some lo key such as dragonlance, or forgotten realms. I'm looking for good stuff to.

>> No.1127782

David Gemmell's Drenai saga and Rigante series. Good low fantasy. No semblance of elves or dwarfs or dragons, just a little bit of magic and the Source. Really unappreciated author for some reason.

>> No.1127794

A Song of Fire and Ice series by RR Martin.

Also look up Guy Gavriel Kay, particularly his Tigana and The Lions of Al-Rassan,

Anyone recommending Jordan or Goodkind is trolling you.

>> No.1127795

R. Scott Bakker

>> No.1128870
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>> No.1128907

The thing about WoT is that it isn't good. It's thousands of pages of no plot advancement and hydra-like plot lines. The characters are shallow and any development attributed to them is more akin to leveling up than anything. The action and dialogue are in keeping with screenplays written for children's shows on Christian television networks. The overall plot is, excepting Eragon, the most vanilla, standard-template fantasy scheme I've ever seen, and the characters have so much plot armor that any attempt at creating suspense or genuine conflict is instantly nullified by the constant assurance that they will, in fact, be okay no matter what.

I used to like WoT. Then I grew a brain, a dick, and a heart and started reading asoif

>> No.1128927

Seconding any Robin Hobb suggestion. If you are tired of the cliched elves and happy endings then this can be a great change of pace for you.

The Farseer and Tawny Man trilogies are both fantastic

>> No.1129003

Are there any good fantasy stories that focus on dwarves?

>> No.1129021

You should definitely try Magician by Raymond E. Feist if you haven't already, it is easily one of my all time favourites in fantasy and otherwise

>> No.1129306

Thomas Covenant was good. It creeped me the hell out with the constant references to Leprosy, though.

Jiriel of Joiry should be added to the vintage-tier list.


Like Salvatore, Feist enters a death spiral later on. Admittedly; much, much later on.