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/lit/ - Literature

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11266209 No.11266209 [Reply] [Original]

I am a 27-year-old boomer seeking to re-educate myself in the liberal arts. My goal is to teach myself right and clear thinking, like Socrates would want. I have already started with the Greeks. What other sources would you recommend for teaching myself how to think?

>> No.11266214

it's OVER buddy boyo

>> No.11266227

Aristotle partied until he turned 30 then turned to a life of contemplation. 30 is the cut off.

>> No.11266229


>> No.11266239

If you really want to do this and do it comprehensibly pursue the Trivium and then the Quadrivium.

>> No.11266253

Where does one start with the Trivium?

>> No.11266265

Read whatever takes your fancy, you will find your own path really. You seek autodidactism but you ask others to teach you how? Makes no sense, they can only teach you how they themselves did it, not how you can. You gotta fish to catch. Also 9/10 people here are far too young to know what they are talking about, if you seek wisdom look for grey hair - if someone is old enough to be grey, they have survived everything life has thrown at them up to that point, they know about decision making and the thinking behind it almost certainly.

>> No.11266268

dumb question: why are the humanities referred to as liberal arts

>> No.11266269


avoid the attics

>> No.11266283
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>> No.11266290

you're not aristotle

the brain starts rotting after 25, it's over

>> No.11266307

>you're not aristotle
it doesn´t matter if he is aritotle or not.
If it has been done before it can be done now.

>> No.11266322

What’s a neuroscientist doing on /lit/?

>> No.11266338

The real answer is that Plato was right again everyone, just like when he said tragedies corrupts the soul.

You should respect those of middling age the most, take the mean with age, those who are far too old are wise, but too feeble. And those who are too young are neither feeble nor wise

>> No.11266340

>the brain starts rotting after 25, it's over
the brain stops growing in size, it is however still largely empty in the important bits, those that grow last: logic, reason, and empathy. All of which take many years more practice to attain working adult levels that are actually useful.

>> No.11266353
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>> No.11266367

still old enough to die young,bucko

>> No.11266370

OP here. There has been 1 helpful answer >>11266239
The rest of you are goddamn imbeciles and should give up.

>> No.11266394

resume with the romans or pick something you care about rather than finding another hurdle to have to jump over

>> No.11266396

he is correct fluid intelligence and working memory peak in early 20’s both are essential for learning non-nigger skills like geometry and advanced lexical/syntactical manipulation
unbelievably pseud, fake and gay, the only thing that strengthens with age in healthy people who aren’t addicted to the internet, have good genes and graduated college is crystalline memory which isn’t useful for learning skills, its useful for remembering details about fields of study. he’ll make an excellent reference for people learning skills if he devotes himself to his studies now. he will never regain processing speed, neuroplasticity or working memory necessary to learn the skills themselves.

this is why you absolutely have to care now, when you ate in your late teens and early 20’s, if you let yourself rot during college, do only the bare minimum intellectually, then you will become a senescent husk by 30

>> No.11266417

Unbelievably depressing post.

Please note: this poster most likely watches anime and is a virgin

>> No.11266433
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>> No.11266455

>27-year-old boomer


>> No.11266519

This post turned me into a senescent husk.

>> No.11266538

Get with the times ol man

>> No.11266623

that's just your cope

take the black pill

>> No.11266671

Essential black pill literature?

>> No.11266713

Too old. Give up and lead the normalfag life if you can. If you not you will end up as lonely miserable wageslave.

>> No.11266731

Too old to learn?

>> No.11266942


>> No.11267016

I don’t think there should be such a distinction between normalfagging and wageslaving. They’re essentially identical.

>> No.11267040


>> No.11267232

> t. unfamiliar with Sherwood Anderson

>> No.11267237


not depressing, twenty five years is a long time, you could be a spectacular fuckup for half a decade, more, and still recover somewhat

>> No.11267240

I don't believe bullshit like too old. The only too old I believe in is that for most people, life after 25+ is pure pain. Only those who are gifted at some field in demand right now or who has money can enjoy life of study. The neet will not reach older age if he is not rich. For most the wageslave life will destroy your free time.

>> No.11267251
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I have this chart for you.

>> No.11267264

This chart sucks dick, some time this year I'll make an actually decent chart for the greeks so you all can stop masturbating to this mediocre superficial approach to greek literature.

>> No.11267290

Why so mad?

>> No.11267294

That Trojan War book by Strauss was a turd

>> No.11267302

It was a weird read, but I kind of liked all the historic details in between the stale fan fiction.

>> No.11267321

If you want to be well rounded you should just read the mythology iliad odyssey and then if you are interested the frist philosophers or just skip it and go into plato who is readable and then aristotle, desu I would argue you can start with plato and forget everything else if you dont care that much and just google what you did not understand or find interesting but I would recommend reading the iliad and odyssey just for pleasure, so you get the feel of ancient world a bit or the mythology to understand the background a bit

>> No.11267372

Someone who has never played tennis before, will be a better player after 1 year of practice/exercise at 35 vs untrained/sedentary at 25. It would be better if he started earlier, but that can't happen now.

By telling him that his brain is old and useless, you coud be misinterpretted as denying that he will get any value out of learning it. You are playing into celebrity myths and trying to preemptively stomp out his interests/dreams, why?

>> No.11267458

It's too late and you will be forever a brainlet trying to catch up.

>> No.11267485

because they know they’ll accomplish nothing by 30

>> No.11267491

>It’s too late
>Because it’s too late

This is the definition of brainletism

>> No.11267494

this board got so much worse in the last year, unbelievable we don’t bully brainlets into blocking this site anymore

>> No.11267496

What is there to accomplish? You just wait a bit and then die no matter what you did or how many greeks you read.

>> No.11267499

>i like being depressing
You're a teenager inside.

>> No.11267505

this post is nonsensical please use your words better

>> No.11267524

>i like being depressing
i never said that, all i did was state what should be abundantly obvious to somatically aware people: your brain has a hard limit on neuroplasticity, a trait associated with learning ability, this peaks in your late teens and early twenties, your fluid intelligence and working memory, both absolutely essential for learning complex technical skills, hence non-nigger skills, cease their growth and eventually begin to wither and degenerate in your early 20’s and by your 30’s you will shave iq points off and by your 40’s your workint memory begins to disintegrate. The only faculty that gets better with age is the most useless for learning, crystalline memory, which is why we make fun of STEM insects because most of them got through grad school doing th is bare minimum and skating off of their long term memory. I never said anything depressing, im not OP and im happy that nature has the limits that it does. What effects you hardly effects me in aggregate with all of the other phenomena negating whatever effect it has on me. Your suffering is nothing to me, the void, Nature, being-in-the-world. Just more ambient hum.

>> No.11267543

>using the word nigger
You're a teenager inside.

>> No.11267550 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11267554

this site has lost much of its potency since the election, because a large number of lower iq, highly domesticated, low creativity, ill conceived and poorly reared bugs flocked onto /pol/ and /lit/ because of /pol/ and /leftypol/ and reddit thinking they were welcome. There was a standard which kept most newfags either lurking or unwilling to participate, which was vicious, relentless, highly effective bullying from oldfags. /lit/ especially was notorious for mocking, dissecting and traumatizing brainlet posters, like all of you, and i would imagine many people either mentally blocked out the memory of the site and avoided it for fear of beint made sport by the oldfags, or literally blocked the site so they wouldn’t engage in a masochistic act of futility in attempting to slide back into a subculture which disdains and rebukes them. That was my point anon, i hope i made myself more clear for your better understanding of the discourse i am participating in and inviting you all to partake in with me.

>> No.11267565

>calls people dumb
>has not solved the affects/effects problem

>> No.11267566

no one cares here
pedophile die

>> No.11267572

I’ve been here for a decade and you’re obviously part of the problem too

>> No.11267576
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>> No.11267586

i could engineer an explanation where the usage therein is still valid, it would require a bit of philosophizing but it could still he coherent:

what effects you, what is effectuated in your becoming, is not what effectuates me, we’re not part of the same causal chain or the same destiny, you’re affected by forces which cannot affect me and you are effected by a power that has nothing in common with me or my ontological status. i hope that’s more satisfactory for you and i hope you didn’t post the pedophile anime picture which i reported, the only thing on this site i report people for

>> No.11267592


>> No.11267597

no i am one of the best posters on this site, and have contributed far more to the culture of /lit/, /pol/ and /tv/ than most of the oldfags have
pedophile die

>> No.11267603

this is just sad

>> No.11267605

Look at this narcissit faggot. Why don't you leave. You are the problem.

>> No.11267607

no what i said is correct you’re just illiterate or incapable of abstraction

>> No.11267616

no what i said is correct you’re just illiterate or incapable of abstraction and don’t understand that the word effect can be a verb in third-person present tense

>> No.11267628
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>> No.11267640

nothing is sad, that’s a vague internal state of displeasure that a single type of organism announces to itself as having some basic reality beyond CNS conditions, nothing is any type of emotional affect or state. nature is without affects it creates them but the base reality has none its just a void
narcissism is an image we can never attain to which we demand the ego and world submit to eternally, its a cognitive dissonance not a form of overestimation of power, narcissists are in love with an image which impoverishes and mocks them, i am stating my value as countervailing aggression against your insipid accusation of my being a “problem” for a dying site which i’ve only ever enlivened with my presence, which is completely self-justifying and in every way superior to most of the oldfags who let this valuable kybernetic asset fall into disarray. the fact that you people tolerate pedophiles and nazis is telling

>> No.11267649

How does someone who believes this explain the fact that almost all great works of literature are produced by people when they are older than 25? Do you mean to say that someone should make their introduction to literature/composition before then and then build on those rudiments as they age, or are you literally saying that you can only produce worthwhile art before 25?

>> No.11267651
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would you?

>> No.11267671

>Low IQ
Stopped reading there trash post kys

>> No.11267680

its a cartoon character, and its modeled off of a child. why do you debase your being like this? you can never undo the acts you’re perpetrating anon, you have to live with this sick fascination for the rest of your existence.
iq is a strong measure of general intelligence and overall competence (and indeed even goodness, utility, humanness). redditors have a lower avg iq than 4chan users do.

>> No.11267736

How the fuck would that even be determined though? Self-reporting? Those online IQ tests that tell everyone they’re the second coming of Da Vinci?

>> No.11267740

fuck all these niggas. just read descart discourse on the method.

>> No.11267744

>iq is a strong measure of general intelligence and overall competence (and indeed even goodness,

>> No.11267745
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I'm surprised no one in this topic except >>11266455 was upset that you claim to be a boomer when you were actually born way after the 70's energy crisis and basically all of the never-ending states of economic crisis that came after. You're not only fucked but also was born straight into a fucked world. Were you really a 50's/60's kid you'd be happily enjoying your blissful ignorance by now, using our tax money to boast.

Also don't ask yourself right now what else you should be reading to learn to think, because most things will assume you know how to think by then. Just find out what stimulates you the most from reading these Greek authors first then look up whatever issues that interest you for more works.

The irony in claiming you are perhaps too old for it is also delicious since there is nowhere for you to "reach" as far as philosophy goes, and it's pretty innocent to think that issues such as the ones raised by Kant are concrete problems you can give an " ___ = ____" answer rather than lifelong projects that you might never really settle inside your head. In short, if you're thinking about what you read and want to read more, you're already doing what you were supposed to do, just don't let the edgy utilitarianism get to you.

>> No.11267773

how do you explain that IQ predicts for success in society if it doesn't measure anything real or important

>> No.11267786

It is a good measure of how we typically think of intelligence (ability and speed to which a person can comprehend and manipulate abstractions), but no well adjusted person thinks of it as a measure of a persons goodness. There are plenty of evil people that are highly intelligent.

>> No.11267883

That sounds like one sad anon. If you truly think in such absolutes than there is no hope. But I understand that the eternal /pol/ virgin lacks critical thinking skills and how to interpret charts and graphs. Too often these fat, ugly bastards confuse correlation and causation. But even if they look it up a reflex in their mind prevents them to adapt and change.

>> No.11267903

>Believes in IQ jew
What is wrong with these fucking American subhumans and their belief in shilled tests with multiplechoice brainlet bullshit?

>> No.11267904

"success" in (((society))) =! general intelligence
"success" in (((society))) = adhering to bugman materialist protocol

>> No.11267910

el goblino of mixed race

>> No.11267923

thank you

>> No.11267924

Americans have no culture. That's why they have this addictive need for affirmation and belonging.

>> No.11267931

as if that's only americans. you see like the Swedes saying the exact same thing, that there is no swedish culture, and they fetishize foreigners' cultures