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11265423 No.11265423 [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/?

>> No.11265427

no because incels can't read
I think we end the thread now, mods please

>> No.11265430


>> No.11265433


>> No.11265436

It probably has more to do with growing up in a porn saturated environment and the ability to easily and privately communicate with people in the same predicament. That seems like the type of thing to turn one's inability to get laid into an ideology.

>> No.11265451

fucking stupid clickbait bullshit. no.

>> No.11265500

Don't you mean Gruaniad?

>> No.11265523

Western Canon BTFO

>> No.11265540

I disagree, but anything that triggers incels is a-OK with me, so good luck to the Graun.

>> No.11265554

Simeone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex

>> No.11265562

I disagree, but anything that triggers the Guardian is a-OK with me, so good luck to the incels.

>> No.11265582

>the guardian

Fun fact, I once wrote an elaborate fake Star Wars episode 8 synopsis where Luke tells Rey she is his father and posted it on /tv/, then some crossposting troglodyte took it and put it up on reddit, and then the Guardian ran a clickbait article claiming that the plot of Star Wars 8 leaked sourcing the reddit post, and then several Star Wars theory youtubers used the Guardian article as a source for million-view-gathering youtube trash videos. I didn't know it migrated to reddit and all of this until one of my friends told me they read the plot of Episode 8 on the internet, and then proceeded to give a synopsis of my shitpost.

My point is that the Guardian is an absolute rag masquerading as a proper source. The writers and editors there jump on trends and post just the most outrageous - and sometimes outright irresponsible - things.

>> No.11265605
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>"I'd personally be cool with letting Hemingway drift into obscurity."

Bitch what? These people are so out of touch with art they see nothing wrong with throwing out Hemingway.

>Maybe Donald Trump wouldn’t have won the presidency in a country that didn’t worry so much about what white men think all the time.

Welp, there it is. Jesus Christ modern journalism is a fucking joke.

>> No.11265608

Oh heavens, this wasn't even posted in the Opinion section. Oh well, there's no point in arguing it, there's to much nonsense there anyway. But surely she excepts that books are shaped by the world considerably more then the other way around. And that the values confined in them are those deemed important or predominant at the time they were written.
Is that not evidence that anger, jealousy or sexual frustration have always been an inseparable part of male sexuality. or i'd say any sexuality at all.
Surely you cant say something has been over emphasized if it appears to be a major preoccupation of thousands of independent, or at least mostly unrelated, accounts.

>> No.11265617

so basically she's saying that male wanting for women exist in real life because of books rather than the contrary

>> No.11265618

This. Plus with the added adolescent idea that one was special and worthy of love and power

>> No.11265624

Articles like this make me want to swear fealty to Bloom and defend the canon, if only to spare myself from living in a world that values the spew of mid-wit ankle biters.

>> No.11265626

>These people are so out of touch with art they see nothing wrong with throwing out Hemingway.
Only amerimutts think highly of Hemingway, and that's because he suits the capabilities of a person with a 10 y old's vocabulary.

>> No.11265649

I really do think ideas like hypergam became popular because of guys that had watched too much porn for their own good. Porn sends very specific and unpleasant messages, and because sex is so central to the lives of teenage boys, it likely has a greater effect on them. It's also difficult to advocate for solutions. Because it isn't really possible to reduce the demand for pornography, one must go after the supply, but that can't be done without coming off as an authoritarian because pornographers have convinced the general public that their creation is some sort of personal or artistic expression rather than the producr that it is.

>> No.11265668

wow not a single incel ITT addresses the author's main point that it is exclusively white bois who turn mass shooter when women reject them

meanwhile, white birth rates are half of black and brown lel white women don't want incel white cuck bois

>> No.11265681 [SPOILER] 
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>I agree with The Guardian
Pic related.
Pic also related.

>> No.11265715

I dont understand. Why is mainstream "journalism" like this? Why can't I just read in peace? I feel like Im in a Twilight Zone episode

>> No.11265785

>women with hysteria were either not getting fucked enough, had been fucked by the wrong people, had wanted to fuck the wrong people, or had just plain wanted to fuck too much.
Is it seriously ok to use expletives in professional writing now? This wouldn't get printed would it?

>> No.11265851

These people have some weird conception about Hemmmmmmingway that only “dudebros” read him. Almost every repeated or intensive Hemmmmmmmmmingway reader I know is a woman. I don’t get the obsession.

>> No.11266038

reckon you should be proud of this lad

>> No.11266096

This article is such trash and a great example of the ideological insanity of the modern West. It’s racist and sexist to white males, stereotyping and belittling them, making fun of and/or downplaying their issues, and so on. The writer is the same type of person who will later go “white males are so mad today because they’re losing the privilege they had!” No, maybe a portion of white males are getting more disillusioned, angry, and cynical because it’s becoming increasingly acceptable in mainstream culture, and has been so for a while, to be racist and sexist towards them, and pointing this out means one is one the “alt-right” or an angry white male and is scoffed at and is scoffed at and denied. Certainly there is a history of white male dominance and systemic injustice, but fighting fire with fire — being racist and sexist right back to make them understand how one feels — is not the way to go about remedying it. I’m not a fascist or revolutionary, I’m pretty meek and pacifistic when it comes to politics, but it’s a culture like this which makes me genuinely afraid of some sort of rightist uprising, an upsurging of fascism, because they feel their viewpoints and existence is being ridiculed.

>> No.11266116

Volcels read classics not incels.

>> No.11266120
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>Things that are misogynistic,racist,offensive,oppressive etc
Video games,reading,lifting,not wanting to date a used up single mom with 3 niglets,being against mass 3rd world illegal undocumented "refugees"
>Things that aren't
Islam,rap and pop industry,marxism,death of white people
Yes yes,I see now......

>> No.11266126

the guardian makes me want to try vehement antinatalism, but it's not really a classic so much as a populist rag from manchester

>> No.11266139

>half of black and brown
Because what else would they do if not reproduce like cockroaches???Actually invent something??Get a job?Be a productive member of society??
Reproduce and let the state take care with gibs
>incel cuck white bois
Really unleashed the buzzword beatdown there

>> No.11266182

I love how leftists can’t meme/troll. First poster was obviously trying to be as inflammatory as possible but still got beat down.

>> No.11266192

Chicken vs egg. You can tell by going here that incels (and neo reactionaries in general) search for classical validation, they don't find these books and get coerced.

>> No.11266206

This person who writes this post probably also thought the Old Man and The Sea was the story of an Old Man catching a big fish.

>> No.11266221

>he hasn't been on /lit/ long enough to develop a trap/foot/armpit/tentacle/nymph fetish
>denying the grand tradition of the western and eastern canons
you're a battery hen in this analogy of ornithology

>> No.11266223


>> No.11266234

It's the fucking Guardian what do you expect?

>> No.11266243

>>>>>>Implying these articles don't backfire and merely educate more incels on where to find more like-minded books as cannon fodder.

>> No.11266248


>> No.11266254

Things that are sexist or racist
>anything made by white men
Things that are good
>everything else

It all boils down to that, and they can't just ruin one medium like comic books or movies. They have to get them all.

>> No.11266264

Don't take the bait desu. This person is racist, sexist, and ignorant, and doesn't deserve anyone's attention.

>> No.11266280

based af

>> No.11266303
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Shitty thread so
Unrelated but does sb know the name of the book about some middle aged depressed guy who decided he's gonna kill himself when he's 30/40 or sth like that and the book is about shit leading up to that.

Have a BRAPper for your trouble

>> No.11266310

something similar happened on tv when mew was dating ewan mcgregor and someone photoshopped riley´s instagram about killing that scottish cocksucker!

>> No.11266323
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>> No.11266393

>idea that one was special and worthy of love and power
I definitely agree with you on this anon. The idea that everyone is special and deserving is an ideology that has been developing from both the parents and media that children grow up with. In terms of media I want to bring up Harry Potter and Naruto 2 distinguishable stories that developed from different mediums but overall share a similar kind of protagonist. This creators of both stories made them special; powerful without the need of having to train super hard, and practically everything is handed down to them. Naruto had the 9 tails fox and Harry Potter was the chosen one. Most children stories are like this; like super heroes (only characters i can think of not handed powers are iron man, batman, and somewhat Dr. Strange - all being rich though) and anime.
Stories about protagonist whom work hard and earn what they sow are the kind of stories that children should be inspired by.

>> No.11266399

Literally this. N was right about ressentiment, and this article shows Schopenhauer was right about journalists.

>> No.11266411

I hated this article from start to finish. This person simply can't think properly. Notice the source of the problem is localized in an unspecified "we." This is typical of the way ideologues speak. They consistently locate the source of the problem in some vague entity like "culture" or "patriarchy." Second they consider the mere exposure to ideas dangerous. So "we" are forced to consider the "damage" done to teenage girls who are required to read the Catcher in the Rye, etc. Third, they do not respect individual agency. If YOU don't like something, fine. YOU do something about it (like read the book you want to, and form your own ideas, values etc). No, instead they think they can morally blackmail people into changing their values, interests, or habits. This is partly why they are so fond of the ambiguous "we."

Ultimately what's so hateful is that ideologues like this lady (who seem completely incapable of appreciating a works technical or aesthetic merits) are now seeking to manipulate our tastes in the one medium that values above all else an individuals capacity to make what they will of their experiences and their life. All that matters for people like her is the book's "ideology." Men write about sexual frustration because it is a central concern of their life. This woman is basically using her platform to inflict narcissistic abuse onto others.

>> No.11266414

chistfags have been saying this for decades.

>> No.11266427

Hemingway is garbage
>he’s so weak that being around pedos and impotent degenerates effects his sexual proclivities

>> No.11266453

I mean they are correct . Having a perspective of human history that extends further than your nose will help you decondition yourself to the bullshit ideology of the day

>> No.11266463

Why is it that feminist rhetoric always comes down to giving people the finger and telling them that if they don't like they're shit? Why can't they ACTUALLY try to persuade us?

>> No.11266470
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>> No.11266472

>>he’s so weak that being around pedos and impotent degenerates effects his sexual proclivities
if it were a proclivity then canon couldn't effect it. canon's proclivity certainly is to the demimonde and definition of the norm from the superlative. i'd wager your concerns with not being the hubrisitic partner of the conversation reflect your proclivity to get punked.

>> No.11266476

Nietzsche disliked journalists as well. He had a text about educational institutions in which he criticizes newspapers at length.

>> No.11266489
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I'd wager that it is also that ease that porn provides. Relationships, sex and love is hard, and takes time to cultivate to make something of lasting and worth. Porn is simply lust and excess. All porn seems to frame women as sex-hungry and willing to do anything and everything, and the more hyper the porn, the more violent and disturbed the individual watching the porn is. They cannot see the dark side. The addiction, the rough cuts and edits where the actress goes off the stage to throw up etc. Porn doesn't have the same ethics as say advertisers have, porn is simply appealing to the audience and let them have it.

The incel/Peterson/redpill people who decry that if they want to improve their lives, then they have to stop masturbating is bullshit. What they have to do is stop watching porn so much, and stop consuming easy to go ideas/media

>> No.11266514

This is why I only masturbate to hardcore guro doujins

>> No.11266560

I barely watch porn and never have all that much.

Why am I an incel?

>> No.11266564

their definition of misogyny is 'basic awareness of how women are' and all great authors have been aware of this so yeah.

>> No.11266583
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I don't even know what that is but I ain't gonna google it to find out, but I assume its horrific.

Then again, I know youre probably being facetious, but there are those who masturbate to the most perverse shit they can find, and the weird thing is, a lot would consider them the outliers of society, the fringe people, but the most evil of predators live next to you. Hell, I saw a few months ago, someone in my old white-fenced suburban neighbourhood, clean cut family man with a respectable job and social life was part of a dark-web forum that featured child porn and violence towards their subjects. They had thousands of users. The world is chaos

>> No.11266588

Because you have garbage beliefs and hate women

>> No.11266590

>The incel/Peterson/redpill people who decry that if they want to improve their lives, then they have to stop masturbating is bullshit. What they have to do is stop watching porn so much, and stop consuming easy to go ideas/media

Agreed, if they stopped just getting mad at things like OP and started creating their own ideas instead, they actually might have more influence

>> No.11266603



>> No.11266607

>stop consuming easy to go ideas/media
Boring books arent worth the time and effort. Life's too short for anything but instant gratification.

>> No.11266612

I don't hate women and I'm not sure what garbage beliefs you are referring to.

Why am I an incel?

>> No.11266616
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Are you love shy? Do you have unrealistic expectations of the women that you think should sleep/like with you?

There are plenty of women out there who are just as scared and unsure as you are but don't know how to voice their fears, possibly the same fears you share. If you want my advice for trying to find someone worth caring for, be completely honest. Find someone who you can speak to with ease, don't hide, don't lie or pretend to be someone youre not. Because if you do that, you'll find someone who is just as reprehensible as you are, and you'll be right back where you started from.

>> No.11266619

Women and their feelings crimes.

>> No.11266625

i am an actual mysoginist, as in i think women are barely human, and i have no problem getting sex because Im attractive and have muscle

there is no relation between sexual attractiveness and misogyny, i get that it's a nice bit of rhetoric, but just think about it for a second. if some incel decides to become a male feminist he's not going to get laid because of it, the Left is full of guys like that

>> No.11266631

Respect anon.

>> No.11266646

Non makes drastically overrate the incel threat. Men they actually consent to have sex with are much more likely to batter or murder them than the typical supreme gentleman.

>> No.11266681

Have you ever had a relationship that was much more than just lust? Because if you meet the right woman, and I mean woman, not girl, not whore, woman. You will meet an equal

>> No.11266682


>> No.11266685

incels in large cohesive groups are a genuine threat. I dont think they actually organize like that though, they just shitpost on the internet

but like im sure muslim incels flocked to ISIS, you give them an outlet like that, they will take it

>> No.11266687

Which one of you faggots who finally got a job with your worthless writing degree did this?

>> No.11266709

I've found a bunch of people who I like and who I can speak to easily and naturally, who I cared for deeply. None of them were interested in me, in that way.

I don't really expect anything from women. I would like to be wanted and loved by someone who I wanted and loved in return but it's never happened, not through want of trying, not for a lack of self improvement. They just don't want me anon.

>> No.11266716


>> No.11266717

Because the mainstream media supports them so heavily it’s the default position, they don’t have to justify themselves. It’s basically “like ... omg r u seriously not a feminist like us?? like omg srsly can u not... like can u grow up and be serious please it’s the 21st century like can u not??” written over and over again in varying degrees of literacy.

>> No.11266721

The stats say otherwise.
Chads more likely to kill you than Elliott

>> No.11266727


>> No.11266753

Keep trying anon, one day someone will notice. Hell you might not notice it at the time, but someone could've wanted you to make a move on them, but just got tired of waiting. Its hard to read people, especially people where lust/love is a probability. A sort of option paralysis if you will.

The key is to keep going, keep cultivating, keep being interested and hopefully, someone will notice.

>> No.11266778

yeah i have had three relationships I would say were based on love, at least love from my part, when women say they love you im not sure what they actually mean. The one girl who loved me the most told me I was like crack to her, those were her exact words 'like crack'. This sort of vulgar expression of love is not at all what I felt towards them, which was a deep and calm and kind of poetic feeling. I didnt manically need to be with them all the time, which seems to be their basic state of affection.

My opinion about women is very unlikely to change, even if I were to meet some outlier woman who thought like a man, she wouldn't make all other women somehow the same as her.

>> No.11266794

Liberal journalists relish a constant state of moral panic because it gives them a platform to go around scolding people. Suddenly there is an Incel crisis we( they love that royal we) all must deal with, even the most obnoxious click bait is justified because it will 'trigger' an hypothetical Incel somewhere. The right has the Radical Islamic terrorist scapegoat so liberal journalists feel compelled to create this white male incel scapegoat as a means to 'own' the right somehow. 21st century life seems to be getting bleaker, more paranoid, and atomized. Even good old liberal hedonistic values need an atmosphere of constant fear guilt and demonization to sustain themselves.

>> No.11266810
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What is it with the left's recent hate towards the unfortunate individuals in our society? I though they were supposed to defend the disabled and the weak.
Nonetheless I completely approve of this new hatred for this useless human waste of air. I say we euthanize all retards and abort every potential incel. Finally the western society might be taking a step towards improving our noble race.

>> No.11266832

Thank you anon. This has been a rare compassionate and lovely exchange. Far too lovely for this shithole so ,in the interest of balance, I'm going have to call you a faggot.

>> No.11266846

jelly AF

>> No.11266847

The defining characteristic of leftists is that they are anti-Christian. Don't love your enemy, hate your oppressor, etc. Jesus hates divorce? Let's do everything we can to destroy families with casual sex, pornography, welfare, homosexuality, and transgenderism. The "caring for the weak" thing was never true.

>> No.11266864

Modern cultural writing just makes me feel depressed, it's just drenched in self righteousness and obnoxious bureaucratic groupthink. You have this sadomasochistic glee that comes with smashing sacred cows but they have nothing to replace them with. The most they can aspire to is writing social guidebooks for repressed self hating normies who want to worship celebrities and pop culture while feeling morally superior for it.

>> No.11266865

Welcome to the world of leftism. It's all the fault of environment; men don't harbor these naughty feelings, it's just these handful of writers (whom none of the incels mentioned in the article read) who influence them to do so. Men are naturally good and they don't go mad lusting after women.

>> No.11266871

there is no precise expression of Christian values. Very different societies have claimed they were following the teachings of Christ

>> No.11266885

I think you should reflect positively on this achievement on your deathbed

>> No.11266887

pedophiles are unfortunate, but only righttards defend them
incels are on the same level as pedophiles, so naturally libertarians and conservatives will be their stalwart defenders

>> No.11266889
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What? The defining charasteristic of Christianity is weakness. Worshipping the weak and the poor is what christcuckoldry is all about. The left dislikes Christianity because they've mistaken it for European tradition. The left is not the main enemy of the European spirit. It is the corporate forces pushing these agenda you mentioned.

>> No.11266892
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They aren't anti-Christian, yes some really vocal and narcissistic portions are, but the Left as a whole or left-leaning individual aren't like that. A lot just want to live and let live. What they hate is demagogues using Jesus, and religious dogma and restructure them to benefit their own beliefs. I mean, people argued that Jesus said it was okay to have slaves, despite that NEVER being said in any of his teachings.

>> No.11266902

Remember anon, no matter how afraid you are of sentimentality and want to cover it up with jokes or bitterness, I still love you.

>> No.11266909

>What they hate is demagogues using Jesus, and religious dogma and restructure them to benefit their own beliefs.
I bet you know what he really meant right? DUDE JESUS WAS THE FIRST SOCIALIST

>> No.11266913

I don't think we live in the same reality

>> No.11266916

the defining characteristic of Leftism is more a hatred and feeling of inferiority towards nobility.

Leftists still ape the customs of the nobles they murdered 2 centuries ago, larping as aristocrats when they get dressed up to go the opera

>> No.11266918

Jesus never professed any sort of political leaning. Only morals.

>> No.11266924

i think Jesus implied a kind of passivity towards whatever power structure existed at the time. anti-activism maybe.

>> No.11266930

The 1000 people that go to the opera every year do not represent the left as a whole, anon

>> No.11266943

It's almost mind-numbing.

The whole flimsy argument hinges on the unsupported assumption that literature even has a formative influence on popular attitudes in this day and age. The vast majority of teenagers assigned to read the books she mentions read them begrudgingly (or not at all) and then promptly forget about them without being changed in the slightest. There is no evidence that Elliot Rodger or that Canadian guy were particularly avid readers. Literature doesn't shape the average person's attitudes nowadays. That role has been decisively replaced by audiovisual media.

It's just another mindless attack on the very idea of white men.

>> No.11266946


i don't believe this at all (not even little enough to go through the trouble of googling, so spoonfeed me proof)

>> No.11266952

the point remains though. the favorite Leftist trope is subverting high art by decorating a vulgar commoner with the prestige of a rembrandt, rendering the natural hierarchy of humanity obsolete, removing the possiblity of their having to contend with their inferiority

the entire thing is encapsulated by Basquiat exhibit

>> No.11266954

that was my point. Fuck the rightwingers and leftwingers who abuse him for political ends.

>> No.11266958

What about when Jesus threw out the money lenders? I'd say that was an activist moment. Jesus taught to treat each other justly and not to expect recourse and simple answers. The lepers, the sinners who cast the first stone, to look inward and find the common connection with all men.

But now we live in a fractured world where meaning and distance is evident in everything. We can either sit back and watch or we can participate and try to find some sort of common ground. It doesn't start with blaming and hating others.

>> No.11266959

That's really not true on a widespread cultural level. The only "Christian" groups that ever really went counter to "traditional" Christian morality were various local cults, utopian projects, and early heretical cells. It's not as if mainline Catholics or Protestants disagreed on what an average Christian life should look like ethically.
>reads Nietzsche once
The defining characteristic of Christianity is an inversion of values, "he who humbleth himself shall be exalted," God becoming man, etc. I agree that it is corporate forces pushing those agenda items but don't forget what Kaczynski said about leftists' connection to these forces.
>a lot just want to live and let live
>bake the cake, bigot!
Libertarianism isn't left-wing, not in the sense of the modern left. The modern left is absolutely anti-Christian, which is why the term "Christian Right" exists. See my point below.
It's hatred towards moral authority (related to postmodern disdain for grand narratives). It started with nobility but moved on to the church, traditional values, and so on.

>> No.11266961

that's the temple though. He wanted politics gone from religion. Trying to alter politics from the perspective of religion brings the former back into the latter.

'my kingdom is not of this world'. To me at least the meaning of this is very explicit

>> No.11266965

>tfw incels are defeating feminism

>> No.11266968

She has some kind of point but she lives in a world where everyone reads books. And a world where incels are actually a threat

>> No.11266972

Agreed magapede. Soros will pay

>> No.11266975

we need to write reverse lysistrata while this meme is hot

>> No.11266976

Soros is more like nobility than Trump is, though neither of them are of course anything like the old aristocracies

>> No.11266979

The "Progressive" politics of the journalistic class seem like a cover for narcissism and a short attention span. If you don't have time to read old books, why not imply old books are somehow associated to the bogeyman of the week? They operate under the same "are you triggered?" logic of right wing shock jocks. The goal is to maintain a constant state of siege in which the Incel chuds have to be performatively owned constantly lest you become one of them. It's hard to figure out what are the positive beliefs of the liberal leftbecause everything they say exists only in reference to a reactionary 'other'. Even the poptimist salvific role of mass culture hardly seems credible anymore. Petersonites at least have a core of Anglo Saxon middle class banality, managerial liberals don't have anything.

>> No.11266989

Look, I agree with you that the cake thing is fucking nonsense. Just go to another story, fucking space-heads. But there is such a thing as the Christian Left, look at Canada, a wave of people who sponsored people leaving war-zones and conflict so they could emigrate freely and integrate easily was heavily co-oped with the notion of "love thy neighbour"

The American Christian Right isn't so much about instilling Jesus and religious institution unto schooling and government, but more an apocalyptic mindset of accelerating the onset of the Last Judgement and bringing forth the Rapture. Now, whose the true nihilist?

>> No.11266990

It's about a complete rejection of the temporal and material in favor of the greater spiritual reality. There's a reason Jesus said the kingdom of God is within oneself. The political is just as much part of the temporal, Jesus would have thrown socialists (socialism and progressivism arguably being a "god building project") out of the temple along with the moneychangers. While Jesus/Buddha comparisons are cliche I think this is where their spiritual outlooks share the most similarities, a complete rejection of material attachment for a higher truth to be found within ourselves.

>> No.11267024

Soros, together with Rupert Murdoch and Dodi al Fayed (of harrods and lady di fame) was amongst the non aristocratic outsiders associated with Ms Thatcher's rise in the Conservative party. The social democratic establishment of old was ironically much more aristocratic than the new 'meritocratic' elites of the neoliberal era.

>> No.11267028

>He thinks big emotions come from big words.

>> No.11267047

How easily the Kochs and Mercers got the attention off them and onto someone else.

>> No.11267066

Love you too.

>> No.11267073

>incel "ideology"
>incel "movement"
god l wish nothing more than nuclear holocaust for normies. letting them into the internet has been a tragedy

>> No.11267106

It's not like Holden Caulfield and all these are treated as respectable, moral or insightful characters in the novels or anywhere, either, her problem is not that male loneliness and sexual frustration is treated in a certain way, it's that it's treated at all. And she just has to try to feed the response to a damn terror attack with dozens dead into demonizing things that go against her own personal biases in literature taste.
At this rate state-sponsored girlfriends are probably going to be a reality soon.

>> No.11267131

That's the funniest thing about the whole thing. Imprinting a political dimension on a bunch of sad angry virgins grouping together to have a moan and troll people is absolutely retarded. The idea that constitutes their "movement" is literally just "women get laid easier than men and as a result have a pick of the litter and as a result usually go for better looking men." It's hardly a earth shattering ideology is it?

>> No.11267136

What’s with leftists constantly telling people not to read shit?

>> No.11267139

it actually is explicitly crimethink to notice that particular aspect of intersexual dynamics. The reason it's crimethink is that the logical conclusion of that situation is women trying to cuck men, and men being aware of this is literally lethally dangeorus to women

>> No.11267166

Congratulations! You have once again succeeded in posting a thinly-veiled 'literature' thread with the intention to gossip like a schoolgirl!!

>> No.11267190

No one has issues with men pointing out intersexual dynamics you idiots. It is about white men losing their minds and going on killing sprees because they can't cope with having to live in the real world and interact with real women.

>> No.11267206

try bringing that point up to women and see how they respond, they really dont like men thinking about that.

Also your attack on white men is just sad, do you similarly attack black men for their ridiculously high rape rates? Is that black men being incapable of living in the real world and interacting with real women?

these guys are a tiny minority, it would be like attacking all Muslims for terrorism

>> No.11267239

white dudes attack all muslims for terrorism and all black people for the crimes of a few. This is just marginalised folks turning the oppressors own logic against them, white men and incels are getting away scot free and we can't let that happen, incels and mass shooters are the foremost terror threat in this day and age, and they are moved by this sense of sick entitlement that requires inmediate cultural intervention. You might even think yourself one of the good guys, you might think you are not racist or misogyinst, that you are a smart guy who reads books, but you were raised in a culture of toxicity and entitlement, you are due for painful self questioning. it's not going to be pleasant, my dude, but remember, this is not even 1/1000 of what marginalised folks go through every fucking day.

>> No.11267256

i am literally racist and misogynist m8 and dont pretend to be otherwise.

My point was that if you start looking at which groups behave badly per capita, it is certainly not white men who come out looking bad.

these incel guys are not a credible threat, all mass shootings in general are not a credible threat, they are extreme outlier situations

>> No.11267288

"The fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists"
- Churchill

>> No.11267300

>This is just marginalised folks turning the oppressors own logic against them
So the answer to stopping the collective responsibility is more collective responsibility? Deep.

>> No.11267310

>intersectional psychoanalysis can be used to handwave away whatever issues people have with the status quo

>> No.11267314

What is wrong with these people. "My enemy is saying retarded things so I guess I will say retarded things back."

>> No.11267340

Never read Nietzsche. What you are saying is that being a pretentious cunt while also being weak is the defining charasteristic of Christianity. What a great religion

>> No.11267348

It's what happens when you have to maintain a dominant position rather fight against one. That's likely been the major major difference between today's let and that of the past.
>Radical Islamic terrorist scapegoat so liberal journalists feel compelled to create this white male incel scapegoat as a means to 'own' the right somehow. 21st century life seems to be getting bleaker, more paranoid, and atomized.
They've been trying forever. I knew people that would invoke Mcveigh every time a Muslim sneezed on someone else.

>> No.11267355

Most big spree killers aren't really motivated by being 'incel'. It's usually a problem of social anomie in general - being an isolated autist with a feeling of impotence and vengeance towards the external. This thing about incels causing rampages is absolute ideologue bullshitting and almost on tier with blaming video games and violent movies.

>> No.11267360

Your whole view of life has been formed by twitter politics, this i sjust so sad:(

>> No.11267379

This is a prime example of narcissism. This person (obviously a white women, probably a lesbian) thinks that other people need to self-reflect. And I don't even want to know what a "cultural intervention" is. Furthermore, look at the detachment from reality. The foremost threat is not nuclear war, or environmental collapse because these are not problems particular to HER and Her "group." And all that matters are HER problems. So the greatest threat is, laughably, "incels." Also, this women apparently knows how much suffering you endure, but, of course, you can't even begin to imagine the suffering of "minorities."

>> No.11267381

Incels don't fucking read. They might actually be well adjusted if they did.

>> No.11267389

But Minassian was from the Middle-east and Elliot Rodgers was mixed race.
The real problem in all of society is weak-minded and generally mentally invalid individuals like yourself owning all media.

>> No.11267392

Rather, it's "being strong in being weak". It's not that being weak is required, but that you don't get one bit less strong about being weak. Not that being cucked is required, but that being cucked does not hurt you because you are strong even if cucked. I cannot explain it well, being a brainlet, but it really is a great religion.

>> No.11267412

the incel movement and white male entitlement are very real threat. You have JBP demanding enforced monogamy, you have Trump in the white house and an endless parade of mass shooters and sexual harrassers. If a brown person shoots somebody, they are a terrorist, if a black person does it, he is a thug, if a white dude does it, they are misunderstood loners.

>> No.11267420


>> No.11267422

Minassian was geographically caucasian

>> No.11267426

>You have JBP demanding enforced monogamy
It's not like enforced monogamy is another Holocaust. It was there for most of the recorded history up to some 50 years ago.

>> No.11267433


>It’s time to be done with this particular story, which treats white male rage as a ceaseless source of interest.

Oh my fucking god. The stupidity of the writers on that clickbait excuse of a newspaper has reached a new low. There are so many things wrong with this articles I don't even feel like articulating my position, I just want to be angry and call these guys niggers.
Don't even tell me to go back to /pol/ because this is exactly what I'm going to do, opening a thread there just to hate on these fucking pieces of trash

>> No.11267439

Hating incels is such a boggus, it's easier than ever to hire a prostitute. People they call "incels" actually seek love and kindness, not just sex.

>> No.11267440

How are they a real threat? You are not going to die from a mass shooting. You are more likely to be raped, robbed, or murdered by a non white male than a white male(excepting east asians)

White male entitlement is a meme, white males are the entire tax base of the country, the whole society would collapse without them

>> No.11267447

>white male entitlement

This woman literally wants to police how men feel.

>> No.11267451

Armenia is pretty middle-eastern bruh

>> No.11267454

>incels and mass shooters are the foremost threat in this day and age
No they are not. Objectively there are far more serious threats (nuclear conflict, gross income inequality, etc)
>white men and incels are getting away scot free
Again no they are not. Why can't you be rational and simply say the truth? Why are you so hysterical? Why do exaggerate?
>due for a pain self questioning
Oh believe me, there is nothing at all wrong with you....
>not even 1/1000 of what marginalized folks go through every fucking day
This is nonsensical. You cannot measure suffering. And if you could, any reasonable person would know the idea that just being a minority entails suffering a 1000 times more than white males do everyday is RIDICULOUS.

Thanks for playing the game. Next time try reason and facts.

>> No.11267480

>Thanks for playing the game. Next time try reason and facts.
He posts the same thing in nearly every politically oriented thread. If he posts again, it will include something about microagreesions and implicit bias.

>> No.11267492

Heck the Irish are geographically Caucasian but nobody in their right mind considers them white.

>> No.11267498

i was browsing a black supremacist forum a while back, and even they dont consider the Irish white lmao. they called them the 'most outlandish white people' and said to be careful around them

>> No.11267500
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>modern journalism is a fucking joke.
Oh don't be so dramatic. This is one shitty op-ed. I agree that mass media is a tool for the slavery of ideology, but this sort of thing is trivial.

>> No.11267504

This is wonderful! Sometimes an article is so fucking bad that you don't even know where to begin

>> No.11267506

Entitlement turns to resentment and aggression. Thus addressing the entitlement some white males feel would prevent violence. It's not about policing emotions, but giving white males the tools they need to educate themselves on how they can stop being entitled to other people.

>> No.11267509

but white males literally dont commit as much violence against women as non-white males. why are you so incapable of addressing this point

>> No.11267520

>Entitlement turns to resentment and aggression
The irony of this is simply beyond words

>> No.11267529




>> No.11267556

If they feel "entitled to other people", why don't their crimes include rape?

>> No.11267562

But now you are using words that don't mean anything.
"Entitled" does not mean anything, you can write out any dissatisfaction, frustration or grievance anyone has ever had as being as a result of entitlement. But doing this is not contributing to the discussion, it's just flat out STATING the point, and the aim of the discussion, any discussion is to PROVE or at least ARGUE the point.

>> No.11267574

the status quo was designed to benefit you, your 'issues' with it stem from the fact people are begining to expect you play fair

>> No.11267575

>(though I’d personally be cool with letting Hemingway, Ellis and Wallace drift into obscurity).
You mean the fag who wrote about how rich white guys are sociopaths?

>> No.11267583

>giving white males the tools they need to educate themselves on how they can stop being entitled toward other people

By "giving them the tools" I assume you mean women are going to police their manners. And if that doesn't work you are going to morally blackmail them into compliance. You know the wonderful thing about person freedom, people don't have to do a damn thing you want them to. That's why we have rhetoric. So that we can actually, genuinely persuade people. But an entitled person like you doesn't want to do that. You'd rather scream, exaggerate, denounce, manipulate and coerce. Sry it doesn't work that way

>> No.11267584

All this post is doing is distracting away from white crime. Do white men murder and harass? Yes. Should it be stopped? Yes. Diverting attention away from that is ridiculous. "What about black people" is just ignoring the issue.

Same when adressing misogyny, the latent misogynists just reply "What about this" as if it's relevant at all.

>> No.11267601

Enforced monogamy is an anthropological term referring to socially incentivised monogamy - it has no connection whatsoever to the way the media interpreted it (ie: government mandated girlfriends).

The endless parade of mass shooters is an American problem and mass crime in general is a mental health issue and/or cultural problem. In the UK for instance, mass crime can be attributed to indulgent policing (in the aftermath of a man of Caribbean descent being chased by the police and driving his moped into a wall to his death, the outraged Carribean community put social pressures on the police to ban moped pursuits, which effectively made crime legal as long as it is conducted on mopeds) , fear of racism (see grooming scandals), precarious mental health care.

Despite the attention that sexual harassment is getting now, it has consistently gone down as a crime category.

Trump in the white house - I'm not happy with this either, bu he's not the first dubious president, nor will he be the last.

Islam - people find both its tenets, its theology (the fact that it is the only abrahamic religion to take its scriptures as not only the word of God, but the exact speech of God, making its reading more literal and less open to being modulated by secular culture) and the way its followers interact with it a problem. And it is. You have 20% of British Muslims sympathising with 7/7 bombers (31% of young Muslims say they were justified, while 14% of those over 45 are of the same opinion), only one in three British Muslims would contact the police if they were sure someone close to them had become involved with jihadists, 23% of Brit Muslims believe Sharia law should replace British law, while 52% think that homosexuality should be illegal. Now look at their attitudes in the actual Muslim world regarding these things and many others to get of picture of how they interact with their religion and how it informs their behaviour, then tell me it's not an issue.

>> No.11267610

Why should I reply to your strawmen? I hope this (you) makes you feel better at least.

>> No.11267612


Yeah well, ever heard of the fucking square of Aristotle you dumb bitch? It takes one counter-example to refute a general claim, so maybe when you hear "what about this" try get the shit out of your ears and listen, it may be relevant.

>> No.11267629

Why dont you stop black men from committing crimes instead, it's a much bigger problem than white male crime. You are taking away attention from black crime and then hilariously accusing us of doing the same thing but in reverse.

The LEft dont give a shit about black crime, so this business about caring that white men commit much less crime is a fucking joke

God it's going to be nice when this devolves into actual mass violence

>> No.11267636

You are privileged to a pretty bizarre degree to even entertain the idea that people have ever or could ever "play it fair" in the economical game of life.

>> No.11267650

What would make me feel better is if you would actually explain what you mean. I don't suspect you are going to give these men a pickaxe and a shovel.

>> No.11267666

This "playing fair" requires a more restrictive lifestyle and interference from foreign groups the interference from foreign groups in their personal lives. Seems to me like the anger is justified.

And I know you're going to say that marginalized peoples experience this every day, but they seem angry about it, so you shouldn't be surprised if that others would angrily reject such changes. To that you'll say "to the privilege, equality feels like oppression." Now, oppression isn't really anything other than a feeling, so your slogan is ultimately meaningless, but I'll engage with it a little more. What incentive do these so-called privileged people have to support egalitarian reforms if the paths to achieving it are so invasive? Why should they really care? To some extent whatever entitlement they feel is more than justified.

>> No.11267695

It's not a claim, it's an issue of some white men feeling entitled to women. That doesn't mean other people don't do it. Whataboutism doesn't solve anything.

>> No.11267709

why are you framing it specifically as white men, when white men are not even the most common aggressors against women?

go fuck yourself

>> No.11267711

But the incel killers aren't white men, Elliot Rodger wrote specifically about half-asian identity in his manifesto.

>> No.11267734

Yeah that's what I thought. You are not responding because "giving white males the tools" is just meaningless verbiage. You have no actual concrete steps you want us (yeah and we are the "entitled" ones...) to take. Nothing. You just want to use your holier than thou position as a white woman to inflict narcissistic injury on others without consequence. You don't actually want to solve this problem. If you and the other feminists that write for the Guardian and Slate etc... wanted to solve the problem you could do it without generating blowback. But really you're angry and you want to scream, insult, and abuse others because you're the victim here. Typical

>> No.11267737

well probably blacks and sandniggers usually have other motives to shoot somebody, has that ever occured to you? Check the crime rate among these groups. It's culture, it's economy, it's how they are raised and how they live. And usually, whites don't commit crimes with same motivation as other undesirables

>> No.11267789

I'm really feeling this new pasta

>> No.11267827

How can this trash be considered journalism. It just goes deeper and deeper into delusion. You can just feel the resentment flowing through her writing this.

>> No.11267830

When u trole a libtarded feminazi epic style

>> No.11267835

>people taking the bait

>> No.11267841

when u stick it to the evul white male because you are a brave revolutionary

>> No.11267848

It's too infuriating not to take desu.

>> No.11267873
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Ssshhhh. It's too late.
Only accelerationism now.

>> No.11267912

i just wrote it in caps so you all see it

>I’m not naive enough to think that we will ever read or write misogyny out of existence, but I hope that more of us (especially men) will start reading more widely, start balancing books like American Psycho with books like Chris Kraus’s equally nimble satire of American life, I Love Dick.

you probably knew that already

>> No.11267928

How did we become so weak as a group that it's become a daring act to even openly pinpoint this many-fronts attack against white maleness or whatever term to call it?
I mean, the consciousness is rising fast if anything. But how did it get so low in the first place?

>> No.11267933

>look mom I posted it again

>> No.11267939


This anon is very much correct.

>> No.11267975


>Think of the literature you read in high school. One source of Hamlet’s insanity, those around him find it natural to assume, is his sexual frustration with Ophelia.

Oh my god. Imagine conflating sexual frustration and unrequited love so casually.

>> No.11268036

>"Entitled" does not mean anything, you can write out any dissatisfaction, frustration or grievance anyone has ever had as being as a result of entitlement.
Welcome to the wonderland of telepathy and general psychobabble.

>> No.11268059

We won't hear the end of this for a while. Incels are the perfect enemy. It's like being able to call a man a rapist and a virgin at the same time.

>> No.11268131


>> No.11268157

>The incel/Peterson/redpill people who decry that if they want to improve their lives, then they have to stop masturbating is bullshit. What they have to do is stop watching porn so much, and stop consuming easy to go ideas/media
In the modern age masturbation and watching porn are nearly synonymous, since the latter is always just a few clicks away. So if one wants to master his porn addiction he should stop masturbating all together, at least for awhile.

>> No.11268160

Will there ever be a way to get 4chan to stop replying to sensationalist bait, or will it be like this until the end of time?

>> No.11268179
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>[...] the ability to easily and privately communicate with people in the same predicament.

It allows literally anything to become an ideology and even creates a market of exchangeable experiences out of it, complete with social labels impending on the buzz caused over one's own experiences and descriptions. From involuntary celibates to pregnant women to furries to people who cheat in relationships, etc. all the way to the more conventional geopolitical-ideological labels. People who want to criticize capital usually give it too much credit but most other people do not give it the credit it deserves either. It does nestle every fucking where.

>> No.11268185
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>> No.11268190

Not sure. I quit porn entirely over six months ago but haven't stopped masturbating.
Granted I do it less often than with porn, but far from zero. It's not perfect but I can still feel the improvement over my previous situation.
I have a rather vivid imagination though.

>> No.11268195

Thank you, Jimmy. And now, Clyde has the weather. How's it faring out there Clyde?

>> No.11268213

they are. look at headlines back in 1993 and then in 2003. they're the john major->new labour voters of manchester.

>> No.11268229

I love being a Palestinian because whenever I mention shit like this I always win the oppression olympics that inevitably come up. It's like a free pass to say whatever I want in the bay area

>> No.11268233

They're book elves. Them and Iceland. They're not really people, they're just leprechauns here to steal plot lines and ladders.

>> No.11268287
File: 82 KB, 300x257, quattro-bajeena-aeug-0087-e1508466380692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incel forums have significant minorities of asians and indians
>talk about how their race makes it harder for them to get laid
>guys literally chanting "you can't be incel if you're white"
>incel killers were a hapa and an arm*nian
>journos blame western canon and "straight white males mad because they're not on top"

>> No.11268340

Why not just not read the thred?
Instead of asking other people to not be interested in things they obviously are interested in.

>> No.11268357

Its neither sexual frustration or unrequited love in that case. Hamlet's sperg out is (in my view) a mixture of subterfuge (as he knows Claudius is watching) and genuine misogyny born out of his hatred of his mother who he believes has helped kill his father (and now his girlfriend seems to be in on it as well).

This is a highly situational scene (as most are). Taking it out of context and trying to attach it to some half baked theory about inceldom in literature is fucking retarded.

>> No.11268436

>incels reading the Western canon
lmfao. All they do is watch porn and play videogames. Read their forums. They have the vocabulary of someone raised on youtube. No way those guys are reading Proust.

>> No.11268455

Using the term "entitlement” to describe any articulation of romantic loneliness or sexual alienation is a way of shaming the men who complain about the sexual standards women apply to them. The sexual standards that men apply to women, on the other hand, are perfectly okay to deconstruct (see the fat acceptance movement). All this talk of autonomy is about women wanting to retain maximum selection power first and foremost. Even the recent anti-monogamy stuff you see leftist publications is a primitivist revolt by women for being expected to date men with suboptimal genes.

>> No.11268463

I find it kind of interesting, but this thread has occurred thousands of times with the same talking points and bait posts. It's always a Twitter screenshot or shitty article, and people just respond to it. It's tiring to me, but I see how it could be interesting to some.

>> No.11268493

Disenfranchised men turn to creative outlets. Just like how disenfranchised blacks created so many musical styles. People who have a lot of stored up rage or sadness or whatever tend to had it explode as a creative force so it makes sense that literature might favor guys who cant get their needs met sexually. Dudes who are balls deep in gash dont often feel the creative surge. It's called a muse for a reason.

>> No.11268572

I'm glad someone else has noticed this. Incel communities have a lot of minorities, because they still share with whites the same entitlement to sex brought about by the proliferation of pornographic material and in the modern age

>> No.11268584

I really hate this misogynists are incels thing. Women hating has been around forever.

>> No.11268598

asians, indians and jews are like white people but even more so.

>> No.11268601

Sexual frustration is exacerbated by pornography, but the real cause is people putting off marriage until later in life. There's a gender symmetry to marriage that keeps the majority of people from being completely alone, but until people get married they tend to couple based less on an expectation of faithful monogamy than on sexual attraction. So you have some guys with hundreds of past sexual partners, and some guys with none.

>> No.11268609

and in the modern age what?

I think people blow up the porn angle way too much, though it is part of the problem. Sex is valuable and yet it is also cheap. It is the greatest thing one can do and yet as casual as tying one's shoe laces. Until we reconcile this dichotomy, sexual frustration and depravity will continue to grow.

>> No.11268630

men have always wanted sex and romantic companionship with women

>> No.11268978

> white
> white
> white

Now I think we should all just stop, because that's enough.

Enough reading another—and I'm not afraid to call a spade a spade—IMPERIALIST CUNT!

I'm sorry, dear, but if you don't get that outside the US border there are countries that don't have any “white” population (in American sense), and there are countries that have exclusively “white” population (in American sense), and all of these share lots of common problems, you go straight into the TRASH!

Dear Americans, stop dragging us under your petty close-minded stereotypical theories. Signed, the rest of the fucking world.

>> No.11268992

Why are you obsessing about America because of a British newspaper?

>> No.11269207


>> No.11269454

I guess you could call it misogynistic but it's pretty obvious Hamlet uses Ophelia for his own ends and it drives her to suicide. It's like the opposite of frustration for Hamlet because he gets exactly what he wants from her. Based on that I'm guessing the author's interpretation of The Things They Carried is also wrong but I've never read it.

>> No.11269542

>waaaaaah the librul is pointing out the fact that it is almost exclusively white hetero males who commit mass shootings in america

the incel butt hurt knows no bounds. the author is 100% right

>> No.11269595

Percentage of mass shootings by race is actually pretty similar to the ethnic makeup of the country. It only seems like white guys do it more because it's one of the few crimes that isn't disproportionately committed by black people.

>> No.11269713
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>posting anime

>> No.11269725

Wow! A completely realistic appraisal of the situation. Why the fuck is it so hard for these hack journalists to think? Did anybody at the Guardian even bother to consider this?! It's not hard. It's just simple commonsense. This just destroys the entire premise of that stupid article with almost laughable ease. That is the sorry state of the liberal press. They don't even try anymore

>> No.11269922
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>Luke tells Rey she is his father

>> No.11269958

And then the Internet clapped

>> No.11270023

You've made no effort to establish the motivations or problems of incels at all. I literally see no correlation between common incel beliefs and women's behaviour in porn.
Please stop pretending to understand the perspective of people you don't have any real conception of.

>> No.11270029

Oh please, blaming it on Guardian ignores the systemic needs for page views. Read Trust me I am lying to you

>> No.11270100

If you're really that oblivious to the messages porn often sends about women's sexuality, you might was well give up reading. You won't get anything out of it. Whether it be the physical requirements for their sexual satisfaction, their propensity to have affairs, or the aggressive racial messages they're willing to send, porn makes women and their sexuality look downright evil.

>> No.11270145

Incels don't focus on any of those things.
Having affairs sure, but they build that worldview from other sources.

>> No.11270150

British are culturally american

>> No.11270151

you just answered your own question, nigga. it takes more energy to keep up the lie that porn is free speech. We could overturn the idea that porn is somehow protected by the 1st amendment (really a repulsive, sickening perversion of the truth) in a fortnight, if that. Google is already verging in that direction not even showing porn pics in their search results.

Back it with some feminist angle. Fuck man. Nerds will do anything if they think it's a feminist thing.

>> No.11270159

truly a pleb

>> No.11270203

this post >>11266182 aged really badly in the light of this one >>11267239

wh*toIds are SEETHING

>> No.11270205

These messages reach the viewer whether they focus on them or not. It's probably hard not to pick up on them when porn is the closest these people come to a meaningful interaction with women.
Pornographers have become the unacknowledged legislators of our world, and it's kind of horrifying.

>> No.11270235

A true master doesn't need all the colors of the palette to paint a masterpiece.

Imagine some idiot standing the a gallery: "Oh, but he only used five colors."

It is not the color of the paint that matters, but its application.

I used to think like you, and I still love elaborate words, but many times they are unnecessary to convey a feeling to the reader.

>> No.11270242

How many people are killed by mass shootings in America every year, 30?

How many people are killed by nignogs in just Chicago every year, 200?

>> No.11270246

>durr porn is to blame for the fact some retard can't differ between fiction and reality
since when did this board get populated by anita sarkeesians

>> No.11270265

>There is no evidence that Elliot Rodger or that Canadian guy were particularly avid readers.

I've always thought it was particularly ironic that one of his listed books of interest was 48 Laws of Power (not necessarily a bad book). He obviously didn't learn anything from it, even if he did read it.

As someone who was heavily involved in the Eliot Rodger events, it has been interesting to see how different people I know have reacted to it. Bianca (the girl who was with Veronica and Katie when they died) has come out fairly anti-gun (but I wouldn't say she's a staunch activist; not much more so than the average girl). Others, like myself, have taken a much more pro-gun mindset in the days since then, since I've realized the violence isn't going to go away, and so I'd rather be armed myself.

There is no nexus between mass gun violence and "white" male literature, obviously. It's just being used by the writer as a means of tearing down something she dislikes.

>> No.11270288

What other books did he list?

>> No.11270289

It's rather difficult to differentiate them in the state of arousal.

>> No.11270415
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Best OC run we've had on /tv/ for a while

>> No.11270455

wu tang clan aint nuthin ta fuck wit
–marilyn monroe

>> No.11270467


>> No.11270547

>Are literary classics behind the misogyny of the incel movement?

There's an old journalistic maxim, I forget what it is, but basically it's that if you have to pose the headline as a question rather than a statement, the answer is "no." (And probably because you didn't do enough research to have it be a statement.)

>> No.11270633

its literally the nazis
they're going to gain power and burn all the books written by straight white men or that don't explicitly condemn them
fuck man

>> No.11270640

the left is just political entropy, they are going to gain nothing in the middle-long term

>> No.11270662

This is just a symptom of pageview journalism. There are many shitty articles like this, designed to make controversial headlines to gather views, the same vein of 4channers like to get (You)s. OP just screencaps headlines he doesn't like to reframe as if only the people he doesn't like say such stupid things

>> No.11270675


Sure, but you're considering the real reason for Hamlet's sperg out - it's a fine interpretation though I think I'll disagree on the misogyny part, or at least I think it needs some qualifications.

However, what I was quoting, concerns the perceived reason for his madness - "those around him find natural to assume" - and Claudius, Gertrude and Polonius think it is unrequited love for Ophelia. The fact that the writer of the drivel that OP is referring doesn't care to distinguish between unrequited love and sexual frustration tells quite a bit about her own misandric views. There's no room for men who love (sometimes unsuccessfully) in her interpretation of Hamlet, it's all sexual frustration. That's a view that reduces men to the level of dumb beasts and plays directly into a hypermasculine narrative about men only wanting to spread their seed as far and wide as possible, who consider feelings to be gay.

I'm actually fairly sure this isn't what she intended, it's just that her laughably shitty reasoning and "subtle" links isn't thought through at all, and when you do that, the article gets even shittier. I dislike these debates on internet feminism. I always feel dirty after participating, and I do not believe there are any winners.

>> No.11271229


>Burn down the entire Western canon so whores don't have to feel ashamed.