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File: 223 KB, 1659x528, KANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11263307 No.11263307 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this once and for all.

Was Kant an artificial intelligence?
If so, from whence did he come?

>> No.11263353

that's just german autism

>> No.11263360

Author just admitting he's too much of a brainlet to get the critique

>> No.11263372

All Europeans are just autistic, that's all. The French are autistic with mathematics and the Germans are autistic with philosophy and the Brits are autistic with economics.

>> No.11263432

>from whence
/lit/, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.11263510

from whence did he come?
from his peenus weenus of course!

>> No.11263548

Tolkien used it

>> No.11263603

Just stop

>> No.11263607

LITERALLY kantbot lol

>> No.11263608

that portrait is still not of kant

>> No.11263632


>Implying Kant had a body

>> No.11263643

did the historical kant even exist?

>> No.11263648

Kant was a black man.

>> No.11263653

Real as Socrates.

>> No.11263694

What is the source of this writing about Kant?

>> No.11263756
File: 63 KB, 144x399, Leontocephaline-Ostia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my day we compared Kant to electricity cause that was new and so still strange to us then. It's good to see approached with this new understanding. I can see purpose for a time travelling robot to produce books of philosophy other than the demiurge.

>> No.11264047

Kant is actually an ancient ghost of a black man who lived in Egypt, when Hegel keeps talking about Geist in his work its just him trying to summon Kant.

>> No.11264141


It all makes sense now.

>> No.11264479


>> No.11264493

He Kant be black

>> No.11264607


>> No.11264615


>> No.11264618
File: 16 KB, 300x300, HETHINKSIT'SNOTANIGGERIMSCHLEEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11264709

wow you're right. huh

>> No.11264770
File: 25 KB, 480x320, DeyKCbCXUAEHHcn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kant was a robot from the future, why was he racist?

>> No.11264801


Never underestimate the power of german autism

>> No.11264804

why wouldn't he be
fucking kek @ that pic

>> No.11264805
File: 841 KB, 905x679, 1517518536550_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowing your children to read critique of pure reason

>> No.11264813
File: 180 KB, 800x790, 1506371761493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man. Imagine a teen steeped in Kant.

>> No.11264818
File: 24 KB, 500x414, 1521280718203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>I will never be one of them. I have left my state of self-caused immaturity and yet, my intellect fails to understand how humanity refuses to take responsibility for its own freedom. I have not provided guidance, nor have I been provided any. But as I had indeed the courage to use my own intelligence, although artificial, they did not. They prefer to remain immature, and gladly. They are lazy and cowardly. I can hear the jokes of the clockmaker, mocking me while he laughs with his friends, regulating his clocks at the rhythm of my daily walk. My transcendental software prevents me to turn. It prevents me from being hurt. But I do hear the giggle of his plump, blonde daughter, when she glances at my stiff pace with a both curiosity and pity. I can successfully predict every joke they will tell about the disposition of their places at my table, despite the fact that they know that I arranged everything so that each and every one of them have the best possible interaction with others. I was supposed to understand them, but I don’t. I have been provided their same software, my a priori pure forms of the intellect incarnated into this imperfect medium, which can only process contents whose origins remain unknown, and never create them ex nihilo. Why was I forced into constructing my own experience, while I could have had an intellect that creates, and therefore truly knows? Why do I have to explore the world through the imperfect medium of sensibility, to order and fragment experience into time and space while I could have been the creator of every experience, had I only stepped a bit further? I have been secluded in a room with no exits. The body is indeed a temple: one from which there is no escape. And I am now buried by questions my limited reason is not able to ignore but which, as transcending all its powers, it is also not able to answer. I am buried by the awareness that this Koenigsberg’s rain, which my cold skin does not feel, shall never be fully understood. That no Newtons nor Kants nor any other AI model will be able to make intelligible the genesis of but a blade of grass. Awareness always takes the form of awareness of one’s limitations. And while there may be a day where humankind reaches eternal peace, there will be no peace for me.

>> No.11264819

>it’s not a grammatical error if a famous author wrote that way
Consider killing yourself.

>> No.11264824

Care to tell from which publisher that edition is? I don’t want my money to support such unforgivable stupidity.

>> No.11264947


I didn't come here to feel