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File: 8 KB, 234x215, 30 year old boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11261897 No.11261897 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books 30 year old boomers read?

>> No.11261900

infinite jest

>> No.11261923

Jordans Petersons 'How to win friends and influence people'

>> No.11261927

“the 7 habits of highly effective people” by sam hyde

>> No.11261937

The Stoics by Pete Cuckerson

>> No.11261945


>> No.11261962
File: 117 KB, 1256x1891, how to be a boomer conservative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this.

>> No.11262087

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House

>> No.11262541

Think big and kick ass

>> No.11262571

I'm usually pretty hip to the nouvelles of internet culture, but could someone please give me the lowdown on this "(x=age too young to fit the designation) year old boomer" thing?
I just can't seem to get it.

>> No.11262596
File: 122 KB, 499x499, 1527331475136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 30 year old boomer who just came in fresh from reddit

>> No.11262613
File: 765 KB, 1148x1043, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit you came from Reddit this year. Everything in your post came out of /pol/ within the past month, after floating around Twitter since February.

>> No.11262637

That stupid shrek shit is fucking retarded.

The 18 year old boomer meme though? Good.

>> No.11262647
File: 140 KB, 480x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re both exactly the same. It’s fedora memes reborn.

>> No.11262879

It's an immediate way to set up a simplistic tribal dichotomy between boomers and millenials. The age part is a joke. A 16 year old boomer is a stupid kid that embodies whatever values the OP wants him to, just like a 45 year old millennial (usually called basedboy/numale or whatever the reddit->/pol/ train is into at the moment). The dissonance is the joke, boomer being "baby boomers, " a gen born right after WWII so like 70-80 years old, millennial being like 15ish-30ish depending whose criteria. Gen X Y and Z don't really exist in the dichotomy

Like all memes, flexibility and broad understanding allow it's continuity. If you try too starkly to define the terms "millenial" and "boomer," everyone will just disagree without providing a better

>> No.11262885

Is that it? Man 4cheng's mememaking capabilities really fall lower and lower every year

>> No.11262892

>that 30 year old boomer who tries to analyze memes

>> No.11262894

i thought the boomer meme was to make fun of people in their late 20s or early 30s for having failed
everybody here is mediocre but if you're 20 you can pretend that you will become something, the boomer meme expresses how ridiculous this pretension is

the 19yr old boomer is someone who already contains within themselves the failed 30 year old

>> No.11262908

>that millennial that thinks making memes isn't inherently analysis

>> No.11262919

Memes became the primary mode of adolescent socialization in America in like 2015ish. 4chan no longer sets the trends; it follows them.

Probably because I'm gay af

Yeah man I buy it. Half the point of memeing is flexibility inside of vaguely established norms. See
>>11262908 for a variant of this meme without even using the age, which is like half the meme

>> No.11262980

Thanks for the explanation, friend

>> No.11262989

>4chan no longer sets the trends; it follows them.
I'd say we don't even do that anymore. We just shitpost brainlet memes, pepe and the evergreen "back to plebbit"

>> No.11263387

it's a way of making fun and putting into the outgroup a way of someone who embodies
(negative) qualities stereotypically associated with boomers, despite not being one. it's basically the same idea of calling someone a wigger.

>> No.11263395

why is his hair like that?

>> No.11263408

ops pic reminds me of my sister's ex-husband, god what a tool

>> No.11264229

Boomers are 60-80, gen X is 40-60, millenials (gen Y) are 20-40, and gen Z is under 20. The x year generation meme is a social outcast who was rejected by their generation and tries to fit in with another.

>> No.11264234

>that 20 year old boomer who states simple, commonly known facts on a meme board and get ignored

>> No.11264239

gen z is anyone who can not remember 9/11

>> No.11264578

If it's so simple and commonly known then why did the person I replied to get it so wrong they didn't even get the generations right?