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/lit/ - Literature

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11261365 No.11261365 [Reply] [Original]

>go to uni
>teach asks us to write an essay on Brecht
>fine, I'll write something from a psychoanalyst perspective since I have some experience in the field
>explain that what I'll be writing will intentionally go outside of the author's intent
>receive grade back today
>failed the class literally just because the teacher disagreed with what I said
>"I didn't like the way you portrayed capitalism as an ambivalent system; it's all bad"
>"It's well-written and well-structured but none of this is what the author intended with his work"

Go for STEM. The humanities literally intellectually castrates you.

>> No.11261374

>The humanities literally intellectually castrates you.
how could you not know this before going in?

>> No.11261382

You should have invoked Death of the author and pissed all over him

>> No.11261404

so neither you nor your teacher read brecht?

>> No.11261421

Similar experience when I argued against Hamlet being sexist in my Shakespeare freshman class. C+. Like you, she said it was well-written but she thought the cited text didn't back up my claims. I know it was a tough claim but it really frustrated me at the time.

It was one of two incidents that made me switch from math, english minor to math, history minor.

>> No.11261427

>undergrad in humanities
-taking some bullshit grade inflated class
>autistically write some paper like "i have experience in the field of psychoanalysis" (then why are you in undergrad?)
>teacher literally just wanted you to read the book without any lens
>receive a poor mark
>skipped classes and other essays because too busy shitposting Freud memes and smoking weed and masturbating to milf porn
>"omg humanities sux gaiz plz validate me"

>> No.11261450

>you should conform and reiterate everything everyone has ever said about this author rather than trying to provide a new perspective of his work
>wait, no, you CAN do the latter, but only after you've spent 60k to get your degree(s) and showcased to the world that you're a good boy who knows how to follow your teacher's orders before they allow you to be independent and qualified enough to do your own work

>> No.11261467


>> No.11261477

>the teacher downgraded you for textual infidelity
>you think this is a bad thing

>> No.11261498

No one is expecting anything better than a detailed summary from an undergrad. You are proving you understand the material at hand, not that you have some creative or revolutionary theory. I remember an English teacher that taught a class on poetry; you weren't even allowed to rhyme your poems till you got to the section of the course on rhyming. If you think this is stupid or a bad way to do things, wait till you grad and go read some of the course work you did. You will understand.

>> No.11261508

the humanities are a joke as are all of the social sciences and all undergrad stem courses
it is

>> No.11261514

this is cancerous and the reason why writing and culture have died

>> No.11261564

Proving my point. Parrot what others think until they think you're """qualified""" enough to do your own work.

>> No.11261577

bro.... this is undergrad
it's not a big deal

>> No.11261597

No, you just THINK that you're being so unique and special by doing stuff that you don't know shit about. By waiting until you've learned it all, you'll actually produce something unique rather than some shitty rehash of something that some obscure academic did at least 100 years ago.

>> No.11261608

You don't learn shit in 3 or 4 years of college and you're delusional if you think you do. You're no more qualified after getting a degree, that's my point.

>> No.11261613

tfw to smart to listen to the adults

>> No.11261621

Hamlet is a bit sexist, and I say this as a sexist. But if you wrote the essay well and backed up your claim with as much effort as possible, you still should have gotten a good grade, even if I or other people don’t agree with the claim.

>> No.11261645

>tfw too smart to get degree that makes life easier and opens up better careers

>> No.11261652
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>can´t even succeed in the field of humanities

>> No.11261655

does an economics major suffer from this sort of bullshit too, anyone know?

>> No.11261666

yeah if you're just as stupid you're going to fuck yourself over like OP

>> No.11261680

I got good grades on the other essays when I stuck to a mostly mainstream opinion and ended up with a B+ in the class.

Might just be a bad apple, but at my school I think the history department was a lot more willing to listen to fringe claims.

>> No.11261686

Sounds like its a shit uni

>> No.11261695

you know how like some 12 and 13 year old girls have notebooks that they pass around and write all these rules and games about rainbows and puppies and unicorns and crushes and make believe... thats what the humanities is: those girls were given power

>> No.11261707

Plato and Aristotle were the original loli maha shoujo :)

>> No.11261708
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>hue manaties

>> No.11261742

this is not a good grade for an English course. This fact is obvious, what with you bottoming out in 101 or 102, but you weren't going to make it. Sounds like you were arrogant and combative, trained by /lit/ to think you were book-smart at the age of 18 when you should have recognized you don't know shit, pardner.

>> No.11261743

So are you a practicing clinical psychoanalyst? What is your experience in the field, OP?

PS: If you think following directions in college sucks, wait till you get a job.

>> No.11261747

>experience in the field
laughed at this too

>> No.11261753

Essays are not for self-expression. I never put forward a personal viewpoint in an essay or exam. 80% of your essay should be like everyone else's.
The way I viewed it was that one paragraph of every essay was for me to diverge into an area I was interested in, the rest was for the markers. This got me from a second to a first and kept it interesting for me.

>mfw i remember some cunt that would quote bob dylan and terry pratchet in essays on foucault and got upset that he failed.

You need to demonstrate that you have developed rigorous, academic skills

>> No.11261780

i never went to uni but I wrote an essay for my ex once and she got an A on it so im pretty sure i would have done well

i dont think my racist sexist fascism would be looked upon kindly though

>> No.11261799

op is trolling you

>> No.11261950

>Essays are not for self-expression. I never put forward a personal viewpoint in an essay or exam. 80% of your essay should be like everyone else's.
a university of higher learning should be a brainwashing factory farm for midwit clones of cattle

>> No.11262112
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>be me
>attend below average commuter school after community college, study CS
>read and write during every free waking moment, which is pretty often because the school's not too rigorous and it's just undergrad
>after school find a comfy job desk job relatively quickly
>over time publish a couple short stories at small internet zines and journals, many of which I worked on at my job
>finally, miraculously get one in at a fairly prestigious literary magazine
>one day check up on my friend from high school who seemed to have it all together
>he studied English at Georgetown, had read all the cool difficult big dick doorstoppers and always had something smart to say about them
>he's working two humiliating part time jobs just to stay alive
>hasn't published anything beyond one poem in some undergrad journal during his student days
>hoping to get his teaching certification so he can have the privilege of spending 8 hours a day with teenagers
>no way he has health insurance
>still hasn't paid off his insane student loans
>probably never will
>meanwhile I get paid to shitpost on /lit/ and listen to Elmore Leonard audiobooks
Fuck you, Matt

>> No.11262143

I don't think you are implying this, but studying English isn't supposed to be a path to becoming a published author. You can do both, as I am sure you know. What this greentext does demonstrate is that you really make of these degrees what you will, and you're not going to be given anything. The same can be said of pretty much all degrees, esp CS by this point.

>> No.11262154
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How old is too old to go back to school and get a real degree? Asking for a friend...

>> No.11262167

hell yeah that's whats up

>> No.11262168

I dunno, better ask 4chan

>> No.11262177
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How old would weird you out and lead to intense social exclusion? Asking for a friend...

>> No.11262182

What country do you live in?
You could easily just report him to his superiors.

>> No.11262185
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>I have some experience in the field

>> No.11262197

As long as you aren't fucking stupid, and even if you are, as long as you don't interrupt class, no one will care. Even young people don't have friends. There's a 60 year old in my classes and I respect his contribution and attitude quite a bit.

>> No.11262203

why do you concede to op as little as possible, in terms of his behavior otherwise? i completely doubt that you wouldnt grant more to a left-wing poster on here.

>> No.11262204
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>authorial intention

>> No.11262214

back off, racist.

>> No.11262216

youre more clueless than op dipshit.

>> No.11262220

there is a 60+ year old autist old man who is in my class, he’s really nice and no one remarks about him at all. the worst statements are spoken in private and come from people with social status too high to publicly challenge. just bee urself anon :^)

>> No.11262225


>> No.11262238
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Yes, but a really old man is just someone spending his twilight years pursuing his interests. Someone like mid-20s-30 is a stunted LOSER that fell off like me... I mean my friend...

>> No.11262254

I know this guy who is super friendly, has a kid, is 36 and just published something honestly pretty cool in my school's bi-annual publication. I like him, he makes smart observations and misses some things, but I respect him and appreciate his presence.

Besides, there always really dumb military people going through undergrad who are like 30.

>> No.11262284

Yes but what if the guy was a loser that never does anything and has only had one gf ever?

>> No.11262302

no one in any situation would like someone who sees themselves like that