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11258875 No.11258875 [Reply] [Original]

So The Winds of Winter is never actually going to come out, is it?

>> No.11258897

I liked the first three books but honestly I don't understand why people are so attached to this series. There are so many other good books to read.

>> No.11258914
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Winds of Winter will come out eventually. A Dream of Spring is what you ought to worry about.
Please recommend books with similarly large cast and/or scope or just better ones

>> No.11258932


but who even gives a fuck at this point

>> No.11258942

If he dies, someone else will finish it. There are too many merchandising opportunities at stake here.

>> No.11258945

I don't look for books because of scope/cast size, I'm not trying to read the same type of book over and over, but the Amber books by Roger Zelazny are great. Zelazny was obviously an influence on Martin. There's plenty of scheming, some sword fighting, but only a couple of big battles.

People seem to like Malazan but I'm not into grimderp. otoh, Memory, Sorrow & Thorn looks interesting, pretty epic but also comfy, and was also an influence on Martin.

I really enjoyed the Vurt books. They're modern, post-cyberpunk style, but definitely fantasy.

>> No.11259005

>or just better ones
Literally any of the standards recommended on /lit/ starter kits

>> No.11259254

>or just better ones
the Lyonesse Trilogy

>> No.11259257

So, he is never actually going to come out, is he?

>> No.11259285


>> No.11259290

He doesn't give a fuck anymore. He's riding that sweet HBO cash into the sunset.

>> No.11259295

He was always in it for the money, it doesn't surprise me. When a writer goes into forums to see what people think is going to happen in his future books only to do the opposite you can discern that he only cares about his popularity and shekels.

>> No.11259297

It's fucking awful. Childish garbage written for money.

>> No.11259306

I think he's definitely salty that his big reveal, that Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, got revealed on the show before he could reveal it himself. I'd put money on a big part of the delay being because he wants to rewrite that entire plotline into something different so he can say "Hah! See you were all wrong!"

>> No.11259308

I mean the series was already different from the books. Barristan is still alive in them.

>> No.11259311
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I feel like he's a hipster and he's completely stopped giving a shit now that he's gone mainstream.

Maybe he's angry that he only became "appreciated" when he was already old aged. He definitely has resentment towards his modern fanbase.

>> No.11259321

Barristan is a minor character

>> No.11259360

There is still people who wait ? I sold his 5 books 5 month ago.

>> No.11259484

dragonlance legends desu

>> No.11259554

You could try some Norse sagas.

>> No.11259611

>Maybe he's angry that he only became "appreciated" when he was already old aged.
Getting rich and famous in your 60s probably sucks ass.

>> No.11259626

He would have gotten famous in his young sci-fi period, only if his sci-fi stories were a bit more complex than humanoid aliens and future humans shooting lasers at eachother.

>> No.11259649

How does Tales of the Dying earth or the Demon Prince series compare to it?

>> No.11259786

How about I slap your ass until you retract that subhuman statement?

>> No.11259793

T h e r e a r e p e o p l e w h o r e a d g e n r e f i c t i o n , i n m y / l i t / ?

>> No.11259804


>> No.11260501
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, IRON MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Why yes of course I am big fan of George RR Martin!"

>> No.11260512

Big's the word

>> No.11260516

God willing, never.

>> No.11260625

I am a huge George RR Martin

>> No.11260656

literally everyone and their dog thought R+L=J, if GRRM really wanted to surprise people, he would make John the child of Ashara Dane and Brandon Stark. He is going to wait till the show ends to release Winds, and Dream will have to be completed out of his posthumous notes.

>> No.11260786

>Arya struggled to contain her awesomeness

>> No.11260798
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>> No.11261006


>jon becomes the nights king to take the white walkers back north, and sleep for all eternity
>danny sails to old valeria to rebuild

I'm happy with my head canon.

>> No.11261057
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x1759, preston and gurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preston should finish the series

>> No.11261061

Sanderson doesn't like Game of Thrones though, it offends his Mormon sensibilities.

>> No.11261084
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, tired of your shard, Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11261209

For one, muh lost cost fallacy. The fat fuck made me read couple thousands of pages already, I want to see how this shit ends. Also the first book blows either way.

Other than that, as an anon mentioned, the cast and scope are pretty impressive. Besides, I need to find out what happens with Val, and whether he can come up with a decent ending.

>> No.11261310

That picture is 100% accurate

>> No.11262402

holy shit, fuck off, classical myths suck BALLS. I read beowulf in english class and nearly puked my eyes out.

>> No.11262433
File: 44 KB, 800x450, jorge-luis-borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he should lose some fucking weight so he can live longer. Borges became famous in his 60s, but he lived to be nearly 90 so he got to enjoy it for a quarter-century. GRRM should take better care of himself.

>> No.11262446

I threw away the entire series, don't care about the next books. DWD was the worst book I've read in years.

>> No.11262493

hes gonna burn out when the final season of GoT airs

>> No.11262671

I like this but who takes the Iron Throne?

>> No.11262677

Stannis, who has not died in the books.

>> No.11263111

okay but what about my n i L L a littlefinger

>> No.11263119

Littlefinger gets captured and gang-raped by the Brotherhood Without Banners.

>> No.11263126

fucking based opinion; anyone going to read his book when it comes out?

>> No.11263141

He likes it but he doesn't agree with it, is basically what he said

>> No.11263167

I am a diabetic George RR Martin fan.

>> No.11263206


GRRM lost his baby long ago. It was jettisoned into the hands of HBO. He wanted the pay checks but no one believed it would take off like it did. The culture of Game of Thrones is so massive and out of step with GRRM's vision that it deserves to be an incomplete story now. He is going to continue collecting paychecks from this philistine swarm and make things that they won't concern themselves with (ie. all of his projects not related to a song of ice and fire). The soul of the thing is dead and it should be left behind as a sacrifice and symbol of his individual artistic expression.

>> No.11263251
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>mfw basedboys still believe this

>> No.11263286

D&D's idea is better and I'm mad you forced me to say that

>> No.11263421

It's probably already done but he's not going to release it until the TV series is done with. This will help people maintain interest for the planned spinoff shows. The book that's supposed to come after Winds will never be released because he has no idea how to finish the books in a satisfactory way. This is evidenced by how generic the storytelling becomes as the series progresses and his over-reliance on the same old cliches.

He knows it's going to be bad and it wouldn't make any financial sense for a man in his circumstances to destroy the series by releasing a shoddy book. He'll die and his estate will pass his notes to some hack writer to finish it.There will inevitably be some fan backlash to the awfulness but the cashcow will live on because they wouldn't have been alienated by Martin himself. They can always wonder what would have happened if their hero didn't pass away before finishing the book.

>> No.11263422

Why can't the TV show be the canon?

He had a story to tell,and chose print to start it with,but now the focus is on the show. It's the Story that's important, not the media it is told in,after all.

>> No.11263687

A Preston book would be unbearable

>> No.11263755

Why would it be? It's a different story started later and going into a different direction. If you never touched the books, sure, you could consider the series canon, otherwise it makes no sense.

>> No.11263769

Because the shows shit and D&D are hacks

>> No.11263789

stay in your containment thread you fat cunts

>> No.11263807
