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11257389 No.11257389[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>doesn't have a 99th percentile IQ
>expects to write the next great novel or make any philosophical breakthroughs

Why won't you humble yourself, anon?

>> No.11257438

Dumb frog poster

>> No.11257467

IQ and creativity only correlate up to 120 points

>> No.11257501

>tfw 96th percentile
>tfw will literally never understand any book of substenace
Why the fuck was I born retarded?

>> No.11257510

prove it

>> No.11257518

top of the bell curve here, i dont need to analyze anything because God gave me full understanding of everything presented to me in exchange for a favor i did for him

>> No.11257522
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>> No.11257527


Because I had a 99th percentile IQ at one point and lost it due to brain damage induced by other people. My entire life is LARPing as the intelligent person I once was and could have been.

>> No.11257543


>> No.11257573

>tfw 130 IQ brainlet

>> No.11257592
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>mfw 140

>> No.11257613

Nah, the baseline intelligence required for things like literary greatness is not as high as to be expected from top tier scientists, mathematicians and so on. You could become a great author with a meager 130 IQ

>> No.11257632

>top of the bell curve here
Do you even know what that means? seems like """God""" ripped you off

>> No.11257640

>96th percentile is 'retarded'

Is this how detrimental 4chan is to the psyche? That unless you are in the top 100 of IQs nationwide, you are retarded?

Also, where is all this IQ worship coming from? The metric is biased and unreasonable, everyone knows that.


>> No.11257642

>i dont need to analyze anything
guess you're up here with me bud

>> No.11257655

Are you jealous of his perfect 100 IQ?

>> No.11257673
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>he knows his IQ

>> No.11257690

Think about it. What constitutes a break through?
Hegel wasn't a break through. Marx was.
Leibniz wasn't. Newton was.
Plato wasn't. Christianity was.
Fuck the appellant.

>> No.11257697

130 IQ is ideal. IQ and success is positively correlated until a certain point which would be 130 IQ. Having a a high IQ can be debilitating. People with extremely high IQs are either subservient worker drone or mentally ill while people with 120-140 IQ attend bilderberg meetings and plan for interplanetary conquest.

>> No.11257705
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>> No.11257712

This. Someone with 100IQ can look at everyone in the room and say, "I'm literally smarter than half these people". Anything higher and you're just doubting yourself for bonus points

>> No.11257713

>130 IQ is ideal. IQ and success is positively correlated until a certain point which would be 130 IQ
you're too smart for dumb people and too dumb for truly smart people but smart enough to see clearly the gap and you can only get along with fellow midwits in an endless orgy of midwitterism
t. 138

>> No.11257734

Where do you weenies get your numbers from

>> No.11257738


>> No.11257743

>being greedy and envious for the sake of having control over others is now a virtue

Is this the power of 120 IQ

>> No.11257748

Have no idea what my IQ is and dont really care desu.

>> No.11257751

Having high iq doesn't mean you will be successful,You can have a low or average iq and still be successful. And seeing how they outnumber high iq people it wouldn't matter if you had a high iq if the goal is "success" look at people who make shitty movies that people still watch or music artists now days. I could give hundreds of examples and for all those average or low iq successful people there is that one high iq person who is also successful. It's better to be a narcissistic good-looking person with average iq, that will better increase your odds of success

>> No.11257754

Only sub 100 iq brainlets care about ((((virtue)))).

>> No.11257755
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>easily 99th percentile iq
>but too caught up in the pursuit of career "succ-sess" to give any time to /phil/ or /lit/ endeavours, i.e. things that actually interest me
w-when i retire i'll have time for that stuff, right?

>> No.11257757

As a 140 IQ everyone seems retarded to me, except for autistic STEM shutins who don’t read philosophy. I’ve never met another genuinely smart liberal arts student, and often talk more with professors than other students. It’s unironically been a common experience for me since high school for other students to joke about “if I’m studying nuclear physics” or “making something in my lab after class”. The jokes should make me feel good for other people thinking my comments are insightful but it just makes me feel like a misfit being quietly mocked for being misunderstood.

>> No.11257761

But Plato was... Without him there is no Christianity.

>> No.11257763

Sounds like something a midwit would say

Sacrifice may not be a virtue but greed and sensation are certainly not.

>> No.11257766

My IQ is 164. Is that good enough?

>> No.11257769

Easy there, Holden. If you're as smart as you say, and polite and clear in your remarks it's obv they just think you're gonna be making bank one day. Go smang some English major girl that has a bf
You still wound up here, so, no, it isn't good enough .

>> No.11257770

as a 138 IQ everybody seem like a retard to me except maybe my mom and the farmers who live near me and know how to enjoy life and a good meal with their extended family

>> No.11257775
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>tfw retarded
should i just drop out and give up?
would you like fries with this post?

>> No.11257784

I had a conservative writer gf for a while but was too introverted and aggressive to make it work. I’m about a 7/10 looks wise and have no problem attracting women but the concept of sex without purpose physically nauseates me.

>tfw born intelligent and attractive and still suffer constantly
There is no escape, fellow anons.
unironically this

>> No.11257796
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How jealous are you?

>> No.11257802

The Judeo-Christian values that are passed as morals in the western civilization are mere tools to keep low functioning retards (90% of the population) in check. Any wise man (120+ iq) knows that the creative and destructive potential can only be unlocked by realizing this. Thats why the great conquerors and revolutionaries have been able to change the course of history (e.g. Napoleon, Cesar, Freud, Trump, Baudrillard etc...)

>> No.11257803
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computers made me retartet

>> No.11257806

>Hegel wasn't a break through. Marx was.
You can't be serious

>> No.11257809

>>tfw born intelligent and attractive and still suffer constantly
Oh fuck off.

>> No.11257810

Everyone who responded to this by listing their IQ is a fucking retard that will never amount to anything, ironically not because of their IQ

>> No.11257812

>unironically this
i wasn't being ironic
i also think conservatives, the american variation, are fucking dumb as a brick

>> No.11257816

I wish I could

>> No.11257818

chances are you have low emotional/social intelligence and are actually stupid in many respects. you probably have low social standing and an unlikable personality that is the result of your own inability to see flaws in yourself and hence never make any real moves to develop your personality/social skills. this has undoubtedly led to you fitting the stereotype of the "intellectual misfit" that has prevented you from having meaningful relationships with others (something you've chalked up to your intellectual superiority rather than your social inferiority) -- yet you undoubtedly secretly love the lonely romance of your tragic position

t. high iq and eq master race

>> No.11257827

>95th percentile brainlet detected

>> No.11257829


>> No.11257830

That's not you and being apart of Mensa is an embarrassment. Does anyone have that image? You know the one

>> No.11257831

>chances are you have low emotional/social intelligence and are actually stupid in many respects. you probably have low social standing and an unlikable personality that is the result of your own inability to see flaws in yourself and hence never make any real moves to develop your personality/social skills. this has undoubtedly led to you fitting the stereotype of the "intellectual misfit" that has prevented you from having meaningful relationships with others (something you've chalked up to your intellectual superiority rather than your social inferiority) -- yet you undoubtedly secretly love the lonely romance of your tragic position

>> No.11257834

>too smart for dumb people and too dumb for truly smart people but smart enough to see clearly the gap
I understand how you feel. I am a (tested) 129 IQ midwit and have become familiar with these feelings of obsession and isolation.

"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise"

>> No.11257836
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>claiming to be anything but low IQ and ugly
>while posting on 4chan
lmao my IQ is like 85 at best and even I can see through this shit

>> No.11257837

Not jealous at all; it's invalid.

>> No.11257838

not sure about EQ but interpersonality is surely a skill
or at least that's what I read in psychology books

>> No.11257840

>emotional intelligence

Not an actual thing, kiddo. Get your basement theories outta here

>> No.11257842

>deny the existence of social skills because you lack them yourself
>this is how you justify your superiority over other people

>> No.11257847

call it whatever you want, man. maybe 'eq' wasn't the correct term but
see >>11257842

>> No.11257849

Based Anon of anti-posturing

>> No.11257850
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>> No.11257851

you blew him the fuck out but I don't think EQ is as easily measured as IQ
this might give weight to his dismissal

>> No.11257854

Ah, yes, the classic “you’re just an autist” post. The concept of “social inferiority” or “emotional intelligence” is a moronic sociologist’s meme. I understand social dynamics just fine, and if you think that there’s an actual “social ladder” that you move liberally up or down on due to collective position in your relative circle you are probably the stupidest person in this thread. I’ve had meaningful and deep relationships before - the problem I have socially is that I have no interest in interacting with the overwhelming majority of people.

Charisma is extremely easy to have or feign and if you think being interested and enthusiastic - the heart of charisma - to get people t like you is difficult or impressive you’re the biggest social brainlet here.

>> No.11257855

see I don't really buy the whole "ignorance is bliss" meme, it's more of a thing that stems from the fact that an intelligent person might feel alienated from his peers in a young age and therefore bring his feeling with him for all is life much like someone who gets dicked by his uncle
what I'm talking about is having the sharp and precise perception of how much you miss to be really a genius, I had this feeling when I took my first physics class in uni and there was this guy who I was lagging behind a good 30 seconds and I understood no matter how much I applied I could never be on that level
obviously you could just not care, but I'm not like that

>> No.11257863

not at all interpersonal skills are a well documented thing in psychology and pedagogy

>> No.11257866

>the problem I have socially is that I have no interest in interacting with the overwhelming majority of people
It's okay to be autistic, anon
but you shouldn't insult people based on things they have no control over (e.g. IQ)
we're not trying to hurt your feelings

>> No.11257869

High-IQ people are prone to divergent thinking, iconoclasty: they don't accept commonsense values as easily as others. There's also a significant correlation between IQ and autism spectrum disorders. That is, it's not really a matter of social skills or merit, these people are literally too smart to socialize

>> No.11257875

Charisma is not “emotional intelligence”. The first is a serious(and very easy to train and obtain) concept relating to how much force of personality you have. The second is meaningless word salad if sociologists.
mmm grayons

>> No.11257878

"people love me, i just have no interest in them"

embarrassing. I know fifty people just like you -- social brainlets who consider themselves "lone wolfs" because they've convinced themselves that there's no value in other people. this stems from an apriori assumption that they're above others due to their "intellectual superiority" (such a pungent phrase)

>> No.11257882

I don’t consider myself a lone wolf, as I’ve already said. I have a small number of extremely close friends, and the majority of people I have no interest in further relationships with. Just accept that you don’t understand social dynamics as well as you think you do.

>> No.11257883

>he's never taken any kind of standardized test ever

>> No.11257884

Define Eq

>> No.11257886

again I'm telling you it's a real thing in psychology and pedagogy
it's also kind of hegelian, you relate your relation of yourself and the relation of yourself and your feelings to the other and his relation to his feelings

>> No.11257887

your jump from divergent thinking to inability to socialise is wrong
if you had ever been exposed to broader social circles you'd know that there are plenty of extremely high iq people with very good social skills. i take it you have very little experience in the high-corporate world

>> No.11257892

That's all fine but you seem to be making a case for your own solipsism, it's clear you're not going to be intellectually satisfied by most people, but the melancholy from the fact seems self-inflicted. Being misunderstood is largely a meme of immaturity and being unable to found common ground to communicate with others and share experience - especially if it's as general as you're suggesting, - who the fuck cares shrug it off and learn to look at people beyond 'scales of intelligence'.

>> No.11257900
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>tfw high EQ and low IQ
Excuse me while I lead a happy and fulfilling life, plebs

>> No.11257903
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>these people are literally too smart to socialize

>> No.11257905

lmao @ this self-described "misfit" who was mocked in highschool for being a nerd try to explain his perfect social skills and mastery of charisma

how's your supermodel girlfriend and 8-figure salary treating you buddy?

>> No.11257906

I disagree with the concept that social/emotional capability can be in any reasonable way lumped into one ‘intelligence’.

What would I gain from spending time with someone who’s unable to hold a serious intellectual conversation? It doesn’t sate me intellectually, which is what I generally want out of social interactions. I don’t need or want to spend time with people for the sake of being around others.

>> No.11257911

Somebody sounds jealous.

>> No.11257929

You can be intelligent but not every conversation you have has to be intelligent. Talk about basic shit with normal people and only bring up "intellectual" subjects with others you consider intelligent. You aren't very smart if you think all conversation has to be an intellectual one

>> No.11257941

When I sit in with people talking about trite shit the only thing I feel is an immediate need to get away from the “conversation”. Wasting breath talking about pop culture or gossip is unfulfilling in every level and I hate doing it.

>> No.11257943

somebody sounds delusional
but at least you can find pleasure in your own bullshit construction of the world that allows you to sit on top

>> No.11257952

the dumbest people write great novels anon...
it doesn't take a genius.

>> No.11257956

Have you made an attempt to understand why people do it?
What's wrong with pop culture?

>> No.11257960

literally evidence of your lacking social skills
socially capable human beings can turn conversations into interesting ones regardless of the subject matter. this is why people are drawn to them; their personalities are actually attractive.

you do not understand people

>> No.11257962

Well if you think of it from that perspective you won't get anywhere, if you learn about someone else's interests and why they act a certain way you can predict how they react to different things and know what to say to them to get a certain reaction. Taking an interest in people and seeing language games they play with themselves makes it much more interesting.

>> No.11257968

What would I gain out of this? I seriously doubt that learning to enjoy pop culture and gossip will make me genuinely happy.

>> No.11257973

>an intelligent person might feel alienated from his peers in a young age
I went to a poor public school in the inner city. It was under-performing and didn't have its own 'gifted' program. The part-time instructors came from much nicer (whiter) schools to help us along and increase standardized test scores (fucking NCLB). Adults noticed my scores and I ended up skipping a grade and but I was still stuck in a shitty school.
>how much you miss to be really a genius
I get completely get that. Being told you're 'gifted' is intellectual poison . When I finally went to college, I realized just how little it means to be above-average compared to the truly remarkable. It's like living among manlets your whole life as 6'1" only to discover someone like Yao Ming.
Normal people don't know how dumb they are and they are better off for it.

>> No.11257983

Giving a shit about IQ is a complete waste of time. Whether its high or low, you still end up six feet under.

>> No.11257987

>What would I gain
There's your problem
I also never said gossip, I hate gossip, but pop culture is very wide, and a fast track way for people to relate and find common ground, it doesn't have to be 'superficial' and I'm not suggesting you plunge yourself into the the latest craze to keep up, but do think having a general awareness keeps you healthy when around others you consider below calibre. Which seem to be 95% of people for you.

>> No.11257990

I didn't say you had to learn about it the things they talk about. Most people will explain things they have interest in even if you don't know much about it. As long as you show interest in wanting to hear what they have to say.

>> No.11257992

>socially capable human beings can turn conversations into interesting ones regardless of the subject matter. this is why people are drawn to them; their personalities are actually attractive
Fuark m8
You've absolutely hit the nail on the head.
But how do we muster the willpower to access this charismatic drive? I often seem to wilt when having to summon the effort to make conversation lively. Dumb people have to be lead like children.

>> No.11258001

Yes. That’s literally what charisma is - remember when I said that all charisma takes is enthusiasm and interest? Show an interest and make someone feel liked and they will like you. But why would I do that?
This doesn’t answer my question.
Don’t give brainlets attention.

>> No.11258002

>top of the bell curve

>> No.11258019

>remember when I said that all charisma takes is enthusiasm and interest? Show an interest and make someone feel liked and they will like you
you really sound like you know a lot about this stuff. must be nice being so socially adept

>> No.11258025

Unironically toxic self-regard, the fact that you're looking at socialising so mechanically shows how stunted you are if you can't see the why you would entertain, comfort, or relate with other human beings.

>> No.11258026

>top of the bell curve here
Sublime post.