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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, Incel gets cucked.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11254277 No.11254277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's supposed to be the lesson from this?

>> No.11254294

women are rosty haha

>> No.11254326

Incels are disgusting and should just an hero

>> No.11254377

Women are really, really superficial and shallow creatures, especially when it comes to extreme cases. If you are someone who is genuinely physically ugly, or physically attractive then you will be judged solely on that only. Nothing else matters really.

>> No.11254407

if you're monster-tier ugly you will suffer

>> No.11254454

Even in non extreme cases you will suffer really, especially in the post sexual revolution times.

>> No.11254689
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It depends on your view and your values. It depicts how things work in this life. It was not his role to be putting his stick inside a mud hole but he weeped as he did not grasp his nature. He is to be pitied not because he is unpleasant looking but because of his failure to understand what is important in life.

It means romantic love is a fleeting thing based on your bone structure and skin and such arranged in a way that our nature finds pleasing so that we procreate. It means you should not care about this because not only it is useless as you cant really do much about it especially if you are ugly but it is completely one sided and degrading. You live in illusion of something more, transcendental, magical and mystical when in love. The ugly will delude himself on hope because of our nature and the pretty believes in the same metaphysical thing that doesnt exist. And both of them are blind. It really is better to just avoid it altogether and proclaim to never do such things as it is what most animals do and strive for. If you are pretty or ugly you will be living a lie if you put value to it. We have the means of breaking free and yet most still value it as some divine virtue. If you seek the henodistic lifestyle then pursue it but there is no wisdom to be gained from putting a stick into a hole.

>> No.11254750
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Is Hunchback good uggo-core lit? I've also seen people mention "Skylark" on here. What are some other ones? I want to read about some subhumans I can relate to.

>> No.11254762

The exact opposite is true.

>> No.11254771

cuck detected

>> No.11254772

He was an incel

>> No.11254786

Read philosophy.

>> No.11254791

For saying that women don't give a fuck about looks?

They don't.

>> No.11254801
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>> No.11254806


I think I've found the source of your problems, anon.

>> No.11254808
File: 564 KB, 1280x734, frollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gypsies are not to be trusted.

Frollo did nothing wrong.

>> No.11254812
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>> No.11254820
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>> No.11254823

Frollo is unironically the good guy in the book. He really tried to Quas,

>> No.11254832

>still animeposting
You don't understand



>> No.11254835
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>For saying that women don't give a fuck about looks?
>They don't.

>> No.11254836

I do, haven't gotten into Kant yet though.

I want some novels

>> No.11254844
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Would you lick my boipucci anon? I am at that time of month when I am ovulating.

>> No.11254849

He really tried to help Quas*

I should proofread before i post.

>> No.11254853

All philosophers are ugly. It makes you a better philosopher.

>> No.11254856

Not surprised at all.

Are there only literal morons responding to my posts?

>> No.11254865

I'm not him but I thought I'd pop on in to say that I happily would

>> No.11254866
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>> No.11254867
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>> No.11254880
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anime is the perfection we strive for

>> No.11254902

Its true. It molds your character and enhances your perception of life. You develop deep thinking because life is shit and you try to figure out why. Pretty philosophers were mostly failures and end up writing self help quotes.

>> No.11254918

>What counts is whats in the inside!
>Except it doesn't
>The end

>> No.11254924

But life isn't shit? That's part of my philosophy you fucking loser, suck it.

>> No.11254934

Women are thots and race mixers.

>> No.11254953

Are you talking shit about my boy Kierkegaard?

>> No.11254985
File: 241 KB, 550x343, neckisweak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What childish nonsense did you just write anon? Have you no shame or character? You spout moral judgements with no meaning or understanding of their meaning and you call that philosophy? Is this how you speak to your fellow human who possess the part of a divine? How come your spirit is so feeble and shallow? And you call life shit? Are you really so weak that you do not see what is up to us and what is asked of us, what is the part of our nature? How come you, who presents a moral judgement of no value calls someone who lives according to nature a loser? Or is it your nature be act like this? Is your capacity the capacity of a child? Should I pat your head?

>> No.11254991

Kierkegaard was weak, anxious beta who couldn't live without muh god loves me. So yes. He is a perfect example.

>> No.11255038
File: 73 KB, 700x1244, 1527517064862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic you say that because why would I want to date a modern women let alone marry one or have kids with her when she can't even

>Stay off social media
>Not look like a fat dyied dyke
>Have any self respect aka backbone
>Not suck nigger dicks
>Not backstab and cheat on me with Jamal muzziechad the immigrant
>Can't even raise the kids because she has to work and keep a active social life by getting dicked with no reprecussions
>Has social views that make me want to nuke Western society by forcing open boarders mass immigration domestic homelessness and poverty all in the name of progressive thinking.
>Always takes the kids
>Turned modern man into a pussified low testosterone numale faggot pedo bumsniffers
>Can't stop taking drugs birth control
>A massive slut
>Actively contributing to mass global overpopulation because durrrrrr muh humanity
>Forcing men out of stable work education and housing just because we are white males and they'd rather sell their country out to a bunch of dumb mudshit niggers from shitholes
>Cry rape and sexual misconduct ruin people's lives
>Ruined Western media videogames TV news comedy Motorsports social media the internet and Western soceity
>More stable job security
>Encouraging sexism and workplace bullying against anyone who isn't a white or black female
>Make men so destitute and broken after the inevitable devource he kills himself
>Takes the kids and all your money in court

Women's rights were a huge mistake.

Should have seen it all coming and history repeating itself from Rome but nope

>> No.11255048

>enhances your perception of life
lol at this ugly faggot trying to find some sort of superiority in his ugliness.
>If only this was different, then life wouldn't feel shit, and I wouldn't feel empty
read Madame Bovary fuckin pleb

>> No.11255070

Why should I listen to someone using social media words and arguments who believes can read my mind and know the truth suggesting me some obscure author nearly noone ever heard of? Is your argument based on aggressive words and meme speak?

>> No.11255090

I'm sorry anon but /lit/ is a gentlemans secret club and we do not approve of your misogyny. Please go back to /pol/ or /r9k/. Thank you for your understanding and know that I in no way wanted to make you feel bad. If you do feel insulted I will gladly let you penetrate my boipucci.

>> No.11255108

>obscure author nearly no one ever heard of
Okay not falling for it kek. If you were but a bit more subtle

>> No.11255113
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>Faggot trying to virtue signal

>> No.11255118

>some obscure author nearly noone ever heard of?

>> No.11255136

yeah but are you going to penetrate his boipucci or what

>> No.11255200

>women authors

>> No.11255215
File: 145 KB, 1185x720, 1492719105839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a coward and a scoundrel so no. He does not deserve my sweet juices of my divine boipucci.

>> No.11255258


You're incredibly pathetic

>> No.11255286


>> No.11255321
File: 17 KB, 522x263, fGGCrOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be confident bro

>> No.11255365
File: 130 KB, 258x544, 1517725344126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man this takes me back.

>Live next to some blonde thot
>Decide to ask her out
>She accepts
>Cunt comes next day with some douche and start making out in front of me
>Tells me i'm ugly and the only reason she accepted my invite was to hurt me
>Two years later
>Her bf dumbs her for some other thot
>One day she starts screaming in her house next to my own
>Hear barking and screaming
>Realize she is literally got mauled by her Pitbull pet
>Just stay at my house and laugh at the sound of her agony
>5 minutes after screaming some thing breaks and then sudden silence

>> No.11255381

Things that did not happen but should happened.

>> No.11255383

Chad always wins, incels were historically slaves and cannon fodder, your wife/gf thinks about cucking you constantly, if you don’t cheat you’ll be her emotional pet, ugly men are less than human, ugly men don’t have the right to love, ugly men are basically deserving of suffering, social darwinism is merciful

>> No.11255394

Keep telling yourself that anon

>> No.11255416

I always do.

>> No.11255424

If this is true then good on you. Too many white knights these days serve women without the reward of sex.

>> No.11255443

too optimistic, chad only wins on occasion and is often cannon fodder or cucked himself

look at the state of nature, if youre some chad lion you often get thrown out of the pride and the new chad kills your offspring

>> No.11255522

The rich wins every time. Chad is just a short fling.

>> No.11255523

Women prefer literal knights in shining armor to malformed shut-in retards. Not much of a shock.

>> No.11255567

>shut-in retards.
As if that fucking matters. All they care about is looks, nothing more. Don't try to twist into being something else, you deceitful cunt. An attractive shut-in retard will still be preferable to an ugly knight in shining armor.

>> No.11255579
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I fucking love this literature thread

>> No.11255601

> An attractive shut-in retard will still be preferable to an ugly knight in shining armor.
Sure, but OP asked about that scene in particular and the Disney adaptation doesn't care about any of those possiblities. Quasimodo is neither an attractive shut-in retard nor a brilliant uggo. In this adaptation he's an ugly shut-in retard, and Phoebus is an attractive, streetwise captain of the guard.

>> No.11255614
File: 237 KB, 500x281, TfvnWiT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-would you like to sit in my lap anon? Do you like boipucci?

>> No.11255678

>streetwise captain of the guard.
That doesn't matter. Esmeralda didn't chose Phoebus becasue he was a ''streetwise captain'', or some other bullshit. She chose him because he was attractive. Phoebus could've been a complete unsociable imbecile and she would've still chosen him over Quasimodo even if Quasimodo was genius, or ''streetwise captain''. The point is looks are the only thing that mattered. Stating otherwise is disingenuous.

>> No.11255688

>an attractive, streetwise captain of the guard.
why am i laughing at this

>> No.11255732

shut the fuck up with this gay shit anon

(please notice me)

>> No.11255737
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It shows that ugly people have no value, are poor because society dont have a role for them and dont deserve love. They exist for as long as society allows them but never gives them any role or purpose but makes their life hard. They cant achieve happiness if they are not saints and then its questionable if they dont delude themselves. It is pitiful that flesh can do this to you. The moral of the story is that women are whores and you should despise flesh. And to not be a crying cuck who doesnt understand reality. Instead you become the beta revolution.

>> No.11255785
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>> No.11255813

>That doesn't matter. Esmeralda didn't chose Phoebus becasue he was a ''streetwise captain'', or some other bullshit. She chose him because he was attractive.

What evidence do you have of this?

>> No.11255819

I knew this really sweet girl and she dated this guy who was legit deformed. Like, when I first met him, I thought he was wearing a halloween mask. I couldn't look him in the face. It was... grotesque. And she still dated him for a year or two.

You're just an asshole.

>> No.11255836
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1526376844524s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hits too close to home.

>Tfw i used to think people who said women are disloyal whores were just bitter virgins

Serves me right for being a delusional idiot.

>> No.11255840

>really sweet girl

Interesting that you didn't mention anything about her attractiveness

>> No.11255851

let's have hot passionate sex anon no homo

>> No.11255868

she was average, probably a 6. maybe 20 pounds overweight and a goth, but a perfectly serviceable, not ugly girl with a great personality.

more than that, you can't bitch about women "only liking hot guys" and then harp about what girls look like. that's not how this works.

>> No.11255870

>And she still dated him for a year or two.
And then left him. Gotta give her credit for tolerating him for a year, or two though.

>> No.11255883


>> No.11255897

>And she still dated him for a year or two.
Pity fucking doesn't count.

>> No.11255905

two years isn't pityfucking

>> No.11255956

Around cripples, watch yourselves

>> No.11255969
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>using anecdotes

>> No.11255974

jesus that's sad.

>> No.11255975

The lesson is that he'll be shooting up a school in 2 years

>> No.11255986

>discrediting my anecdotes because you want your anecdotes to be true

>> No.11255993

What is this melodramatic fool doing standing around?
There's nothing noble in that imp's actions. There. That's the lesson.

There are so many women, none of them are that special. Same with men. We're all just people born into one sex or the other, no one decides. Maybe if incels internalized this they would understand why they sperg out around girls.

>> No.11256020
File: 30 KB, 720x478, 1523104018952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are so many women, none of them are that special. Same with men. We're all just people born into one sex or the other, no one decides.

>> No.11256033

I don't think you know what the word "noble" means.

>> No.11256039

The best way to stop being cucked is to leave. Not make romantic gestures. Romantic gestures only have weight if you look like a romantic character (and I mean romantic in the modern sense, not the historical movement sense, because Quas actually kind of fits the label of "romantic hero")

>> No.11256040

I didn't use any anecdotes, faggot. Spare us your feel good bullshit drivel, just taking a look at statistics, or having a look at social media will prove that the majority of women are insufferable, superficial, vermin.

>> No.11256048

men are insufferable vermin to you bottom feeder gutter trash

>> No.11256053

yeah, and men are such paragons of virtue, you trashfire

>> No.11256054

cuck or feminist detected

>> No.11256058

>removes fedora
>throws fedora

>> No.11256059
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>t. butthurt roastie or beta white knight

>> No.11256063

Paris needs to ban Hugo from its utilities and communications. He's gathering information on them that even terrorists don't want.

>> No.11256066

top fucking lel. This is definitely fake though

>> No.11256071

lads be honest, do you think the average man is really so commendable? have you considered going gay?

>> No.11256072

stop samefagging so fucking hard.
are you implying that men aren't dipshit assholes almost all the time?

>> No.11256085
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>> No.11256090

Oh wow, so there's three of you. what's that, a fourth of a brain?

>> No.11256101

>Gets BTFO
>immediately changes the subject

>> No.11256113

I think you've misunderstood the concept of BTFO

>> No.11256140

>pushing the goalpost

>> No.11256151


>> No.11256162


>> No.11256176


>> No.11256193

He put the pussy on the pedestal

>> No.11256201

mm yes why don't you come sit on my lap, I can whisper in your ear about how great men are

>> No.11256211
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He chased wrong women.

>> No.11256258
File: 40 KB, 480x480, 29090025_182254489082884_7850410561580826624_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd probably die if we tried that.

>> No.11256453

Its definitely true that as long as you're not hideously ugly, a good personality will always make you attractive.
The personality stuff that matters are things like confidence, skill, caring about people, social aptitude, humor, charisma, etc
People with these traits tend to appear more handsome, becoming an 8 or 9 when on looks alone they might be a 6 at best. (imagine that shy girl with the dorky jokes and cute laugh vs the bitchy stacy with the pornstar body. while one might have a better physical appearance, the other probably seems more attractive)
besides that, people that have poor social skills and shit confidence also tend to take poor care of themselves, and carry themselves poorly, which makes them less attractive as well.
i'd say that if you grade your looks from 1 to 10, personality can easily add or subtract 3 to 4 points.

>> No.11256466

>m-m-muh chads
A man that hath a tongue, I say is no man,
If with his tongue he cannot win a woman

>> No.11256487

The fact you actually believe the bullshit you spout is seriously sad.

>> No.11256515

i don’t know how to tel you this nicely: rich men may buy pussy, chad owns pussy, chad can leave pussy whenever he wants, chad has automatic respect, people are physically awed by him. money will never buy this.
there is no optimism in my post in not reveling in it or decrying it. there is no value judgement. of course the beautiful die and are replaced by other beautiful specimens. there is nothing to say for the incels, they’re just defective and undesirable. its tragic but necessary that they suffer profoundly. it has nothing to do with being “manchildren” which goes-with the physical features associated with ugliness, neoteny, and is only concerning one thing: you are either dominant and preferred sexually or sub-dominant and dispreferred, if early on you don’t get medicated into a stupor, metriculate into a beta cuck friend group and resign yourself to an ugly gf who will still cheat on you and withhold sex because you’re ugly, you will become incel. there is nothing else to say.

>> No.11256530
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>all these incels accusing women of shallowness for caring about looks when they wouldn't marry this

>> No.11256569
File: 429 KB, 500x517, thetruth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right tho.
you never heard: "if you can get a woman to laugh, you can get her to do anything"?
a hot body is like, 1/4th of it. 3/4ths is plenty, if you don't have looks. you just have a shitty everything else

>> No.11256571
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>Single mother
>Personality: ''Free thinker''
I'm not interested in being a cuck beta provider

>> No.11256579

are incels the result of christian morality?

>> No.11256583


>> No.11256586

have you ever heard of this fantastic thing called money ?

>> No.11256587
File: 20 KB, 283x390, 1527540578988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's an actual retard. Been a long time since i seen one of those.

>> No.11256588

how can a racemixed be a racemixer?
or is he a racemixer by definition?

>> No.11256594

They're the result of communication technology.

>> No.11256603

no they have always existed, they’re just more plentiful now than during the boomer 20th century epoch when the gov gave money to men and women so they would have kids and there was a penalty for being a whore openly (ostracism and loss of resources). you need both to stymie inceldom but in turn you get really high divorce rates (because women will go on pussy strike/withhold love if they are forced to be faithful)

>> No.11256611

i've never seen someone prove my point this fast before

>> No.11256616

Yeah because if she was a religious virgin you would marry her no problem

>> No.11256623

Unironically yes.

>> No.11256634

23 years old
is that possible ?

>> No.11256638

So you reject for not believing in something that doesn't exist and being a woman in love? You're the shallow one, anon.

>> No.11256639
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>le it's just you're personality dude
>Women would totally jump on your uggo dick if you were a ''nice'' cuck and not just fuck Chad dude

>> No.11256656
File: 660 KB, 1825x4361, 1526435703330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i don't want to marry an immoral, godless, whore who a had zillion dicks in her before me and won't hesitate to divorce rape me if she changes her mind.

>> No.11256655

try not being a cunt on occasion
you can compare

>> No.11256665

>women who are more promiscous are more likely to be promiscous

>> No.11256669

>zillion dicks
That's you assumption
>divorce rape
She isn't even willing to speak badly of the man who dumped her with a kid. You're just being deliberately malicious.

>> No.11256686
File: 261 KB, 856x745, roastie gets DARWIN'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's you assumption
Oh, sorry. A trillion dicks then.
>She isn't even willing to speak badly of the man who dumped her with a kid. You're just being deliberately malicious.
Doesn't mean shit. She still divorced him, took his kids, his house and now wants to get married to some other man while still demanding child support and alimony. Fuck her and fuck you.

>> No.11256701

you do realize that "I'm lonely" and "I want this acne riddled stranger to shower me with ineffectual compliments until he can use me like a cocksleeve because he saw me imply that I'm not married on fb" are not equitable, right?

>> No.11256709

*not equatable

>> No.11256719

>black guy
>child support
>house property
>caring for kids
Now you're just being ridiculous

>> No.11256720

tfw there are actually disgusting virgin incels on /lit/

read some nietszche and kill yourselves you ressentiment ridden retards

>> No.11256722

>She still divorced him, took his kids, his house
you're assuming everything. maybe he divorced her, dumped the kids and she moved out. you're just a bitter fuck. eat a fucking bullet. what is honestly wrong with you?

>> No.11256751

If ugly women dated ugly men, and there was a complete dating symmetry between men and women with regards to looks, then incels wouldn't have a problem. Their problem is that in a casual sex environment, exceptionally hot guys fuck more than their fair share, which gives women a higher conception of themselves. OK Cupid did a study and found that women rate a much smaller procreant of men as attractive than men do.

>> No.11256758
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You literally proved my point.
>Attention whore tries to orbit lonely virgins to feel good
>They try to date her
>Tells them to go fuck themselves because their ugly
All women are whores.

>> No.11256763

>then incels wouldn't have a problem.
yes they would, because incels are fucking broken and they hate women

>> No.11256771

yeah, okay. keep telling yourself that.
enjoy life, I guess.

>> No.11256774

chicken and egg situation m8

>> No.11256776
File: 50 KB, 1332x610, divorce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck a cactus, retard. If she got dumped, she would've mentioned it to get some attention from gullible white knights.

>> No.11256779

>If ugly women dated ugly men, and there was a complete dating symmetry between men and women with regards to looks, then incels wouldn't have a problem

Yes incels would still have a problem because they would complain why are they stuck with the uggos when Chad gets all the qts. They overestimate the "symmetry" between themselves and women a lot, the women they chase are much more beautiful than them and deserve better than them.

>> No.11256783

why is the turbocatholic spain so high in divorce rates?

>> No.11256787

god, would you fuck off already? you're an embarrassment

>> No.11256791
File: 952 KB, 1262x2094, The death of the West.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Spain is about as Catholic as Israel.

>> No.11256792

philip ll, prolly.

>> No.11256800

Nobody is reading this shit.

>> No.11256802

That's what an incel becomes once he's been posting on those forums for a while and allows his hatred to fester. If guys could easily date a 5/10 before they got to those forums and became incels, the movement would be much smaller.

>> No.11256804

isnt half the population under 5 though? or is it not a bell curve

>> No.11256814

>If guys could easily date a 5/10
A 5/10 is way above your tier, 1/10 at best if she's desperate for company

>> No.11256870

A smaller percentage of men than women have access to casual sex. This sort of mating inequality exists any non-monogamous system, and is the case for most mammals. The problem with incels is that women are getting married later now, so ugly guys who'd fuck at 25 when marrying soon after college now have to wait until their 30s and 40s.

Also, reminder that 17 women reproduced for every 1 man at the start of the agricultural revolution.