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11253609 No.11253609 [Reply] [Original]

post your favorite lgbt writers for pride month

>> No.11253615

Why should one be proud of his sexual orientation?

>> No.11253618


>> No.11253623

Why should one be ashamed of their sexual orientation?

>> No.11253632

Keep this literature related, or fuck off to /pol/

>> No.11253647

Because it's an expression of a deep psychological disturbance manifesting itself through mental illness as a unnatural sexual perversion in the form of a highly disordered and personally and socially destructive paraphilia frequently comorbid with other mental disorders, and the politicization of the above has had horrific effects on millions of lives and society as a whole.

>> No.11253655

all wrong

>> No.11253662


>> No.11253665


>> No.11253705

being ambivalent to ones sexual orientation doesn't imply shame

>> No.11253719

James Baldwin and Yukio Mishima

>> No.11254059

Imogen Binnie

>> No.11254071

My diary desu

>> No.11254098


is Nevada worth reading? I've had mixed reviews

>> No.11254118

I liked it a lot, but I also agree with everything she has to say about gender. It has a very distinct tone that you might not like. You'll probably either love it or not care for it

>> No.11254123
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>> No.11254146


How long is it?

>> No.11254171
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getting dicked feels pretty desu. straights have more mental illness. you dont ever see a gay shooting up a school or running over people because they cant get any

>> No.11254173

like 250 pages. it's a quick read

>> No.11254187
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>> No.11254188
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>> No.11254191
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>> No.11254200

That's why

>> No.11254203

I meant your dick

>> No.11254208

oh. idk, like regular length

>> No.11254211
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Homos just rape kiddies a lot. Purely from health and crime perspective it would be good to identify gays in screenings and execute them. I bet once the next Spenglerian Imperium manifests itself they take a look at these stats and act accordingly.

>> No.11254229

Literally the only correct answer.

>> No.11254230

Ugly gay dudes fuck ugly gay dudes all the time. Being an ugly as fuck straight dudes tougher

>> No.11254236

The opposite of pride is humility, not shame, you brainlet.

>> No.11254247

Why should one be humiliated because of their sexual orientation?

>> No.11254282


>> No.11254285

you can be ugly as fuck and still get girls. they're really easy, you just have to be not crazy and not an alt-right mgtow cucklord. imagine that

>> No.11254336

Such tragic irony for them. Atheists, the real sort, not the humanist posers, now propagate the most targeted and most vicious criticisms of homosexuals which they cannot defend against with their blasé "religious bigot!". The live and let metastasize notions are finally seen for what they are and that what an individual engages has reverberations that profoundly affect society. People realize homosexuality is a deeply flawed trait to possess, and is rightfully a disease.
Moral acceptance of homosexuality increased from 20% to over 70% in the past 20 years, due to media promotion.
Mark these words. It will be back to 20% within 10 years. The reaction to peak LGBT is only just beginning. The argument is going to be against "gay marriage" this time. It's going to be against homosexuality.

>> No.11254369

Humility is not humiliation you retard.

>> No.11254372

Good thing there is pride month I almost forgot the LGBT community existed

>> No.11254378

Ew, liberals are so retarded. “homosexuality” is here a completely wrong, ideologically motivated mistranslation for homosexual pederasty (pedophilia).

>> No.11254394

It's a reaction against crazy people who created a society where people felt guilty about theirs. The sooner discrimination stops, the sooner the whole pride bullshit will go away.

Look around you (or at the next reflective surface), the world is full of ugly people of all sexes having fuckloads of unprotected sex.

>> No.11254448

T. Ideologically motivated translation. The word used is not referring to homosexual love.
In Laws and later works, Plato wrote that homosexuality was an unnatural and disgusting act.

>> No.11254676

thanks, i'll stop ideologically sucking dicks then

>> No.11254694

no they don’t at all, statistically ugly people have the least sex of any group besides elderly people

>> No.11254701

No he really didn’t at Plato was a homosexual you lying faggot

>> No.11254705
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>> No.11254760

>Plato was a homosexual!
And you call me the liar? Look in the fucking mirror.
You've obviously never read the Greeks. He clearly delineates that homosexuality is against nature and undesirable in Laws.

>> No.11254765

Eldery people have quite a lot sex though. Last time I checked it was around 35% for the 70+ ones, so only slightly below teen level.

>> No.11254830

good bait.

>> No.11254921

He celebrates homosexuality in Symposium.

>> No.11254935

sexual orientation is a spook

>> No.11254943

It's the result of classical conditioning.

>> No.11254944

Plato was a homosexual read the dialogues man its blatantly obvious he’s gay and so were a large number of greeks
no its not at all and no they do not at all.

>> No.11254950
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>> No.11254963
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>> No.11254977

Didn't he literally say that sucking dick gave him inspiration?

Learn to read. That article says that many gays have been molested by people of the same gender, NOT that many gays molest children. That study doesn't include the numbers for heterosexual molestation (which is much more prevalent amongst heterosexual victims).

>> No.11255016
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Why were so many of the Greeks gay? Did the fact that their culture encouraged homosexuality actually make more people gay? Or did some of the scholars just pretend to be gay because society expected well-educated men to be gay at the time?

>> No.11255018

Care to post some numbers, mate?

>> No.11255033

Without the discouragement it seems given that more people would try the homo way from time to time, since human sexuality is kinda of a spectrum. Though if there was an expectation for well-educated men to suck on a penis, it probably helped too.

>> No.11255035
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Looks like either adult gays "spot" these already gay kids and do some raping or raping kids turns them gay. Doesn't look too good in either case. Pic unrelated.

>> No.11255077

Don't DARE bitch about it. You're the one who came with this retarded thread, you cunt.

>> No.11255086

>adult gays "spot" these already gay kids and do some raping

How is this any different or worse than that adult straighties "spot" already straight kids and do some raping?

>> No.11255094

>you cunt

And people wonder why /litpat/ is now a thing...

>> No.11255116

Why should one take the stance of humility toward their sexual orientation?

>> No.11255127

Mishima wasn't gay. He came from the Japanese "male colours" tradition

>> No.11255135
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Why are creative types so gay

>> No.11255145

no you said something asinine w/out evidence which would get you laughed out of a bio dept you fuckin bug
>elderly people have the same rate of sexual activith as teens
retarded animal

>> No.11255161

i want to fuck all of them

>> No.11255220

>society shits on your self-expression
>focus your efforts on a field that celebrates self-expression

Ah well, let's learn something today, shall we?

For one, you shouldn't misquote people.
>only slightly below teen level
isn't the same as
>elderly people have the same rate of sexual activith as teens

As for the numbers:

>54% of men and 31% of women over age 70 reported they were still sexually active, with a third saying they have sex at least twice a month.

>46 percent of all high school age students, and 62 percent of high school seniors, have had sexual intercourse
(Result of a meta study but since you're so interested in the topic, you can do the rest of the reading without help)

So yeah, it's statistically pretty likely that your grandpa still gets his dick wet while you fantasize about sexual redistribution with your incel friends.

>> No.11255239

>society shits on your self-expression
>focus your efforts on a field that celebrates self-expression

In that case since its no longer really a taboo are there less gay creative people?

>> No.11255259

While not a taboo, they are still treated way worse or at best ignored, so it'll take a generation or two. The faggots who are creative now started when it was even harder to be gay.

>> No.11255280

Oh and I take gender roles might play a part too. Being vulnerable is important for most art and gays probably have an easier time to escape the stereotype of masculinity. Just a guess.

>> No.11255283

I have no issue with you sucking dicks. I just generally have a distaste for annoying liberals and ideologically motivated revisions of history and philosophy.

>> No.11255313

He celebrates pederasty, not homosexuality. This was a relationship between an older man and young boy which could involve a heavy moral, philosophical, and emotional aspect (the elder instructing the younger) and was not necessarily even primarily sexual. And yes, Plato condemned homosexual intercourse elsewhere in his works. I see nothing intrinsically wrong in homosexuality but this ideologically motivated revision lowers the standards of culture.

>> No.11255314

>ya m8 take my word, so blatantly obvious, I'll mention a vast collection of works thought to he attributed to him recounting speaks with others and fail to even highlight where I read it.
>wtf, laws? A known book written late in his life and clearly addressing homosexuality as unnatural? Wtf? Wtf?

>> No.11255330

So he was all for banging little boys after talking to them about philosophy but found banging adult boys distasteful?

>> No.11255346

why do you let /pol/ do the thinking for you, brainlet? pathetic

>> No.11255352


>this ''Mishima wasn't gay'' shit again

>> No.11255371

Not necessarily, he favored chaste pederasty, in keeping with his general glorification of the supremacy of the intellect and controlling the passions so we’re not addicted to base pleasures and give up our reason. For him, if there was to be a sexual aspect, it was acceptable if it was balanced out by these other factors — more emotional and intellectual — and did not overwhelm them. Plato’s justification of pederasty is thus a bit more nuanced than “homosexuality is my FAAAAAAAAAV thing evar!!!”.

>> No.11255380

Where is the evidence of /pol/ doing the thinking for me? Because I dislike what seems like an ideologue altering the words of a foundational philosopher of the West to support modern glorification of homosexuality?

>> No.11255421

No, sure, but it's still funny at least. I guess the modern perception of homosexuality is just different, since they generally want the same relationships heteros do, while back in the day the sexy times was the more defining aspect.

>> No.11255426

your whole post is evidence, you are like an inanimate object, a /pol/ bot

>> No.11255445

God fucking damn it you have your own board, crawl back there pls

>> No.11255460


>> No.11255922
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Since you obviously didn't look past the title, I highlighted some choice portions for you.

>> No.11255934


Julia Serano

>> No.11255982

>well I feel like you are from /pol/

Great argument

>> No.11255988

Why would I argue with an inanimate object? There is no debate, you're delusional

>> No.11256002

>People who disagree with me are inanimate objects
you sound great

>> No.11256015


>> No.11256029

>discussion section
>may not
Sophistry to avoid being labeled as a bigot. It may also suggest the reverse. However, had he stated that, it would have never been published.

>> No.11256046
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>> No.11256062

Where's the pride in mental illness?

>> No.11256094
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>you dont ever see a gay shooting up a school

>> No.11256097

>hurr durr I tried to take shit out of context and misinterpret it to support my antediluvian agenda
>oh no-sies someone called me out on my bullshit, let me just pull some more shit out of my ass to try to save my ass

>> No.11256115

Seriously, this is one of a billion reasons as to why straight people shouldn't be allowed to marry or raise children, let alone be near them. We should make straight conversion therapy camps in order to heal those mentally ill people.

>> No.11256134
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>> No.11256147
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If homossexual people are really normal, how come they are several orders of magnitude more prone to mental illness, drug addiction and pedophilia than straights? How come such statements still hold true even in the least homophobic nations on earth?

>> No.11256150

He's not arguing that?
You look confused

>> No.11256167

go back to /pol/

>> No.11256181

>I should have the right to display my sexual deviance whenever i please

Yeah nah.

The concept of "Rights" is some old relic which was created to justify the concept of privilege during the french revolution. Your little group of freak's manifestation is literally no different than a man with leprosy trying to justify that people must accept him for what he is.

>> No.11256197

The harm that would come from stifling that right to indecent expression outweighs the harm from that expression one-hundred fold.

>> No.11256199

A) There's no link between pedophilia and homosexuality, retard.

B) Even in places like the US, being gay isn't necessarily nice. Discrimination is common, not knowing (more than a few) other gay people can lead to people feeling different/lonely, many gay/trans teens get kicked out of their home, etc. These things obviously contribute to gay people developing mental illness and drug addictions.

And even if these reasons didn't exist, then what the fuck is your point? That because some people are more likely to be depressed, they shouldn't be allowed to marry the love of their life? Gtf back to /pol/, brainlet.

>> No.11256204

Pointing out speculation on part of the paper's authors in the discussion section isn't "pulling shit out out of one's ass".
You're attempting to play the role of an intelligent person by somehow suggesting the two posts you've quoted were taken out of context because they didn't read the whole study-- however, it's obvious that you went to scihub, retrieved the paper, and took a superficial glance and found one small speculatory statement as some sort of absolution, and felt compelled to post to show how ignorant these posters were. It's hilarious to someone who actually has published because the "discussion" section is nothing more than inferences drawn from the results. You're such a poser that you use words like "antediluvian" to make you look intelligent.

>> No.11256225

>posts frog
>argument presumes normal to be a good thing

shoo shoo, imposter

>> No.11256226

>A) There's no link between pedophilia and homosexuality, retard.
There is though

>B) Even in places like the US, being gay isn't necessarily nice. Discrimination is common, not knowing (more than a few) other gay people can lead to people feeling different/lonely, many gay/trans teens get kicked out of their home, etc. These things obviously contribute to gay people developing mental illness and drug addictions.
>implying I'm talking about the fucking US

My point is homossexuals are not normal, faggot

>> No.11256235
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Nice try Jeremy

Nozick called, he wants his critique back.

>> No.11256236

Quintessential leftist thought, responding to a lack of praise with self-righteous indignation.

>> No.11256238

>being a mentally ill pedophile drug addict is good

Based relativist faggot

>> No.11256241

>uses the word sophistry but calls others posers for using the word antediluvian

Also, I'm not the one who linked that excerpt.

Y'all are pulling shit out of your asses because that study doesn't say ANYTHING which could be interpreted to mean that gays are more likely to be nonces, yet you claim that it does.

>> No.11256244


How about they stop indulging into their own mental problems and go see someone who might pull them out and accept them?

>> No.11256246

Are they treated like normal though? Abuse does help developing mental illness and in turn an addiction to cope with it.

As for the pedo thing, do provide a source.

>> No.11256254

Not an argument.

> There is though

Hmm, really made me think.

>> No.11256257

>I'll just openly display my own vices, incapabilities to rationalize and control my sexual urges, so people are forced to accept my behavior as a given

>These things obviously contribute to gay people developing mental illness and drug addictions.

Yeah no shit. Nobody likes freaks.

>> No.11256261

>There is though

*citation needed* retard

>implying I'm talking about the fucking US

You were talking about "the least homophobic nations on earth", I just used the US as an example. You could replace it with e.g. the Netherlands or Norway, retard cuck.

>> No.11256262

The point is homossexuals need treatment. Normalizing mental illness won't fix their predicament

>> No.11256264

ITT: White peoples problems. Polite hide & sage

>> No.11256277

Homosexuality isn't a mental illness, brainlet.

>> No.11256278

>being normal is good

what are you doing on 4chan? arent there marvel movies you should be blogging about on facebook?

>> No.11256284


The fact that you hedonistically reduce everything in life to mechanistic things like the quantity of dopamine your brain gets and it's weight under the things that make people suffer from any point of view, besides the obvious fact of the obvious shortcomings of such epistemological model of viewing human relationship really does makes it a non-argument.

Go to college kid. Or if you've already graduated, go back to it again.

>> No.11256290

Ethics is a branch of aesthetics. What we find bad is usually what we find "yucky"

>> No.11256292

>incapabilities to rationalize and control my sexual urges

Are straight people incapable of controlling their sexual urges by being openly straight and marrying some of the opposite gender? If not, then why doesn't the same thing apply to gay people?

Hmmm, who do I trust more... The medical community, which clearly says that homosexuality isn't an illness... or a /pol/tard with zero arguments?

>> No.11256294

Take the least homophobic countries on earth like Iceland or the Netherlands, the average gay person who lives there still is a mentally ill drug addict pedophile.

Gays are not normal: they need treatment

>> No.11256304
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>> No.11256308

>the average gay person who lives there still is a mentally ill drug addict pedophile

*citation needed*

Unironically kys before you impregnate someone with those inferior genes of yours.

>> No.11256311

It's aberrant behavior that's of negative value for the individual afflicted with it, society, and the human race. It's rightfully a disease with a distinct pathogenesis and presentation. Just because the DSM V doesn't mean it isn't a mental illness. That's like saying Pluto doesn't exist because it's no longer considered planet.

>> No.11256314

Things that cause suffering are bad, anon.

>> No.11256319


Marrying someone isn't a sexual urge, what the fuck is wrong with you? Or do you honestly want to tell us that you engage in sexual intercourse only when you sign a written document with a mutual part?

I reiterate my previous post. Christ, what a bunch of freaks.

>> No.11256326

>lol only fags are homophobic
Yeah, let's shame homophobia by using homophobia

>> No.11256327

>Ethics is a branch of aesthetics
most retarded thing I've read the whole fucking year

>> No.11256329

>That's like saying Pluto doesn't exist because it's no longer considered planet.

How retarded are you? It would be like saying that Pluto still exists but it isn't a planet because it isn't classified as a planet anymore.

>> No.11256332

see >>11256238

>heavilly lobbied WHO stopped claiming homos are freaks around the same time there was immense pressure from civil rights, lgbt movements all over the world, therefore they are not mentally ill

Based faggot
The signs are still there, just because a medical handbook says you're not ill doesn't mean so

>> No.11256337

psychology is wrong because it hurts my feelings: the post

>> No.11256343
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Surprised no one posted this fag yet

>> No.11256347

>psychology is wrong because it hurts my feelings: electric boogaloo

>> No.11256350
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Au contraire, I was literally using marriage to point out the flaws in your logic. When a gay person says "I want the right to marry" they aren't pushing their "sexual urges" in your face, because it isn't sexual. If a woman says "I have a wife" it is just as non-sexual as when a woman says "I have a husband".

>> No.11256352

Looks like you haven't finished philosophy yet. You'll make it someday

>> No.11256355
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>Being right

>Being considered as a science

>> No.11256356

>see >>11256238

i already saw that post. i replied to it. do you believe being normal is good?

>> No.11256364

Except that marriage isn't a right.

>> No.11256366

>psychology isn't real but mental illness is
ok anon

>> No.11256368

>t. brainlet

>> No.11256369

>psychology isn't a science
>follows bordan beterson

>> No.11256372

Then what is the problem with gay people marrying?

>> No.11256374


>> No.11256378

>muh medical community

Conversion therapy is still prevalent outside of WHO's sphere of influence

Claiming homosexualism is a disease gets you blacklisted; publishing research that asserts there's something iffy about taking it up the ass gets you blacklisted. Of course anyone involved in the mainstream medical research field is not going to risk his career

>> No.11256380

I came to post Mishima just to draw them out but it seems they're sleeping.

>> No.11256382

Did you completely lose track of the conversation?

>> No.11256392


>Labels and words put into my mouth


>> No.11256397

If marriage is not a right, what's the problem with gay people constantly evoking and demanding it?

>> No.11256401
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It's obvious you're trying to change the topic because you have no way to refute what you just responded to.

>> No.11256404

looks like you're fucking retarded
you won't make it someday

>> No.11256409
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why am I reading this infernal thread

>> No.11256414

There's something you mean to be reading right now, I think.

>> No.11256415


Conversion therapy doesn't work. It just takes advantage of the fact that some people's sexuality changes/some people aren't actually gay to create the illusion to the contrary.

>> No.11256417

yes I know that there's a like between the two obviously yet to argue that aestethics = ethics is fucking retarded and borders on relativism
real world example: gulags, lagers

>> No.11256419

Because people want to marry the love of their life. Can't you see that you are denying people something that they've dreamt of their entire life even though them marrying has no negative influence on you?

>> No.11256426

Yet it still meets the criteria of being a planet by many definitions.
Likewise, homosexuality still meets the standard of being a disease. Just because a diagnostic book has caved to political pressure in its removal of homosexuality, doesn't preclude it from being a mental illness.
I think you've got it backwards. Medicine and psychology prove that homosexuality is an disadvantageous trait.

>> No.11256427


Regardless, there is no such thing as a "gay" person, and by extension no such thing as "gay identity", because it's little more than a political umbrella term meant for some awfully self-destructive degenerated people to lobby and campaign that their sexual preferences be accepted as a cultural fact. And who accepts political groups who's stated goal is to rub something in everyone faces for the sake of some obscure and collective perverted reason?

It's interesting to see how your ilk will survive the next 50 years. Identity politics won't be around for ever you know, and trivializing cultural and societal customs won't help you for long.

>> No.11256431

This. Academic freedom is a fucking meme

World-renowed specialists like Fred Singer turn into overnight pariahs for holding the wrong beliefs.

>> No.11256436

The current customs were created by identity politics of the past. No one will give a shit about fags in two generations.

>> No.11256437

Perhaps more importantly, it takes advantage of the fact that many teens are sexually confused. If someone who isn't sure whether they're gay or straight gets sent to a conversion camp, and they end up being straight, they become examples of "succesfully converted" people.

>> No.11256438

lotsa big words for a tiny brain

>> No.11256440


He's bisexual, not gay.
>herp derp those are the same thing still a fag
no, they're not.

>> No.11256443

> there is no such thing as a "gay" person

There's no such thing as a billiards player. It's little more than a political umbrella term meant for some awfully self-destructive degenerated time-wasters to lobby and campaign that their sport of preference should be accepted in our bars and taverns.

What the hell are you on about, anon. Or are you trying to argue that sexuality isn't innate?

>> No.11256444

>Marriage = Love

You can't deny something that doesn't exist in the first place.

>> No.11256447

he's not straight

>> No.11256461

They are the same thing.
Homosexuals often extinguish their preference toward women because of growing up with female siblings or single mother.

>> No.11256462

More like they were created by some random establishment in Paris during the 18th century who also called itself "Liberal".

I think no one will give a shit about gays insofar as they won't give a shit about liberal laws in the first place anymore.

>> No.11256469

>scientists disagree with me therefore it must be a conspiracy
every fucking time with you brainlets, it was removed because they realized shock therapy didn't fucking work
>disadvantageous trait
this doesn't justify anything

>> No.11256470

t. someone who literally can't respond to arguments presented to them

I'll repeat my statement:

>Au contraire, I was literally using marriage to point out the flaws in your logic. When a gay person says "I want the right to marry" they aren't pushing their "sexual urges" in your face, because it isn't sexual. If a woman says "I have a wife" it is just as non-sexual as when a woman says "I have a husband".

Please enlighten us as to how someone saying "I have a wife" is any more sexual or perverted than someone saying "I have a husband".

Fuck off back to your "Christian moms against dabbing" Facebook group.

>> No.11256471


People are not born with an innate sexuality.

Try harder.

>> No.11256472

How does this happen? Are you saying that growing up with female siblings adds to the probability that you'll be gay? Do you have any evidence of that?

>> No.11256479

>unironically falling for Freud's view on gay people

>> No.11256481

Weren't you born straight?

Anon, if you feel as though you have a conscious choice about which gender you feel attracted to, I have some news for you: you're bisexual.

>> No.11256482


I like how you used the word "Scientist" instead of the word "Scientific method".

Really shows how low the understanding of the word "rational" got to.

>> No.11256483

There were social norms before them, say the cancerous identity politics of the church.

>> No.11256485

It's a descriptive statement, not a prescriptive one. I'm not saying that ethical systems should or need be aesthetic, only that they tend to be in effect. We know this intuitively. Two violent acts that lead to similar outcomes can elicit two entirely different reactions depending on how the acts are carried out. Systematic murder in a place like Auschwitz just seems worse than a bombing that results in intentional civilian casualties.

>> No.11256490

There's absolutely nothing remotely sexual about marrying. Christ...do you even know the whole historic concept behind marriage? It wasn't meant for your childish romanticist notion of love, but property between two consenting adults.

>> No.11256493

Professionals who study this aren't even 100% certain of the roles either genes or environment play in determining your sexuality. If you know better, publish your findings.

>> No.11256504


I have some news for you too, you're really fucking stupid, and should honestly kill yourself for having such a retarded (innate) state of understanding human identity.

>> No.11256512

Sounds like I touched a nerve.

>> No.11256513
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That could mostly be attributed to the patriarch of Rome.

>> No.11256523

Sounds like i didn't manage to reach to your brain. Most probably since there's nothing to reach to at all.

>> No.11256532

How retarded are you? You're the one saying the gay rights' campaigns' goal is to "rub something in everyone faces for the sake of some obscure and collective PERVERTED reason". You're the one calling (gay) marriage sexual and I'm the one telling you you're wrong, snowflake.

>It wasn't meant for your childish romanticist notion of love, but property between two consenting adults.

Times are changing, sweaty. Marriage has been about love for a long time now. And part of the reason gay people want marriage rights is exactly about property: Marriage matters for things like inheritance and insurance. I remember watching a documentary from before gay marriage was a thing in the US, and in it a man wasn't allowed to visit his dying SO in the hospital because they technically weren't family... this type of shit matters too.

>> No.11256535

Specially when it came to sexuality, the church differs a lot though.

>> No.11256537

>It's a descriptive statement, not a prescriptive one
No, you said "ethics is a part of aestethics", you were refferring to the philosophycal disciplines, which would imply that there is an inextricable link between the two that simply isn't present in the vast majority of ethics literature. Common mores isn't "ethics", the philosophical discipline. What plebs find disgusting or not isn't "aesthetics", the philosophical discipline.

I, for one, think that this rather contemporary phenomenon of referring psychological papers (which is a discipline, this should be noted, that changes its definitions and conclusions very often) in order to draw half baked conclusions is quite disgusting, yet I don't think it's immoral.

>> No.11256549

>scientists thought science could explain everything but in the xx century there was a crisis of european sciences therefore this is a conspiracy of the church
this is how you sound

>> No.11256553
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I really like Isherwood

>> No.11256565

I did not say anywhere that marriage is sexual, but that sexual display is sexual. Learn how to read.

>Times are changing, sweaty.
What an awful song to an equally awful age.

> Marriage has been about love for a long time now.

60 years are hardly a long time.

>And part of the reason gay people want marriage rights is exactly about property

I doubt it's strictly about that, and you know very well that it's already much more than that. But unfortunately for you, that's all that you'll ever get.

>> No.11256589

The axioms at the heart of any ethical system are going to be fairly arbitrary, and the inherent preferences that lead to the adopting of those axioms over others aren't really psychologically or ontologically distinct from the inherent preferences that lead to an appreciation of symmetry in architecture. Even in a purely utilitarian ethical paradigm, the preference for adopting that ethical paradigm over, say, a more tribal one, is ultimately aesthetic. This is why literature and morality are inexorably linked: people's conception of the world is driven most often by narrative, which relates to aesthetics.

>> No.11256595

Source on the catholic church saying those things?

>> No.11256597

When did you write that you were specifically talking about sexual display? So you support gay marriage but are simply opposed to what a minority of people do at Pride campaigns?

>I doubt it's strictly about that

Is straight marriage strictly about property?

>> No.11256608

yes but playing meta-game and appealing to relativism in order to avoid playing the game is fucking retarded and you should suck my cock

>> No.11256610

ok daddy

>> No.11256632

I am not a /pol/not you nitwit, I detest the inane fascism of /pol/tards. I don’t even have anything against homosexuality in particular. It’s just funny that what seems like a liberal ideologue altered the words of Plato to make it seem he was glorifying homosexuality when he really was not.

>> No.11256666

I'm not avoiding anything. I tacitly accept the game by participating in it, and I participate in it because i'd be in jail or ostracized if I didn't. So my relativism doesn't keep me from functioning non-autistically. My only point was that ethical questions often follow patterns of aesthetic preference, which the author of this dumb fucking comic>>11256134 doesn't understand.

>> No.11256675

I think tripfags should be banned because they're fucking disgusting

>> No.11256676

In the part where i specifically mentioned that lobbying for a cultural shift in favor of cultural acceptance of sexual display is masked behind intentions of legalizing sexual display.

>So you support gay marriage but are simply opposed to what a minority of people do at Pride campaigns?

You keep bouncing between

>Is straight marriage strictly about property?

Any definition of "marriage" is about property. That's the entire reason for it's historical and continual perpetual existence for fuck's sake. Open up a book you god awful degenerate pervert. Normal people who don' want to base their entire relationship on material things just officiate a religious communion as a sign of their togetherness and the case is easily resolved. And there are numerous protestant churches that people with various sexual preferences could go to and solve their issues. But they don't, because it's not about the property and it's not about the church, is it ?

If a status of recognition is what you're looking after, then you'll find it much harder for you to cheat the game when it asks you to conform to a certain set of rules and boundaries.

I don't even care of the fact that such people exist in the first place. But knowing they do, would either put me into the camp of trying to help them revise the way they're looking at themselves and the reality they live in, or straight up murder. Not for the fact of what they do or who they claim to be, but on the account that they refuse to acknowledge how truly degenerate and lost their thinking ways really are.

And this isn't just about those who like strictly dicks or cunts. It's about any type of human with deranged mental faculties which are put into motion by sexual impulse rather than rational thought.

>> No.11256678

>calling someone with quads a tripfag

>> No.11256687

I apologize

>> No.11256690

you're getting your ass beat by a tripfag, and a pretty bad one at that
how does it feel, smallbrain?

>> No.11256699

I'm not him

>> No.11256741

>I'm not avoiding anything
Yes, you are. You're just going "well uhhhh since feelings of disgust and whatnot are related to what we consider right of wrong >>11256134 is wrong in criticizing people who think gut feelings are a so
ubstitute for actual thinking"
Because that's what the comic is criticizing. Furthermore, I think that you're implying that there is a causal relation between feelings (which is isn't "aesthetics") and morality of the type "People think X is wrong because they find X disgusting", but it could be just as well the opposite (and is a rather weak appeal to relativity)

>> No.11256743

I get the whole "against all odds I'm still standing" thing, but this is a fairly educated place where most people don't judge your orientation. Why come here with that stuff when we all know that your sexuality is just your own business?

>> No.11256753

>there is no such thing as a "gay" person [...], because it's little more than a political umbrella term meant for some awfully self-destructive degenerated people to lobby and campaign that their sexual preferences be accepted as a cultural fact

You were literally referring to the word "gay", not "sexual display", retard.

>You keep bouncing between

Well, you literally said that you are strictly opposed to "sexual display". Since gay marriage and gay people adopting aren't signs of "sexual display", you either support gay marriage or are contradicting yourself.

>That's the entire reason for it's historical and continual perpetual existence for fuck's sake.

And it is also why gay people want part in it. Gay people want economic stability too.

>And there are numerous protestant churches that people with various sexual preferences could go to and solve their issues

They would, if everything was about professing your love for your SO. Clearly property plays a role too.

>they refuse to acknowledge how truly degenerate and lost their thinking ways really are.

You're the one shitposting on an Afghan underwater basket weaving forum and you dare call others degenerates?

>> No.11256759

(comment 1)
I'm pretty sure it's natural to hate your fellow man if he does not want to sustain the human race

>> No.11256762
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>this is a fairly educated place where most people don't judge your orientation

Are we even in the same fucking thread?

>> No.11256780

Why though? Less competition for you, no?

>> No.11256784

This, the Romans had it right

>> No.11256786

To be honest, I posted here when this thread just started. Didn't read any of the posts afterwards. Is it really bad?

>> No.11256809

Honestly I was thinking this just reading this thread kek. Only fucking white people could care about fags this much. No wonder this """"race""" is heading for the dumpster.

>> No.11256815

What i'm criticizing about the comic is that it critiques disgust as a legitimate basis for forming an ethical judgment, but only with regards to gay acceptance. The author doesn't understand the instances where that's also the case but the judgments formed happened to agree with his own aesthetic conception of right and wrong, so he doesn't notice it.

> I think that you're implying that there is a causal relation between feelings (which is isn't "aesthetics") and morality of the type
The disgust can't be arbitrary. The aversion some guys have to gay porn probably isn't entirely socially-imparted; there are clearly some inherent (i.e. evolved) psychological mechanisms involved in this stuff.

>> No.11256833

>2 sentences of speculatory discussion (unsubstantiated with their own studies) negates the study's results
Wow, you sure showed them anon lmao

>> No.11256848

>What i'm criticizing about the comic is that it critiques disgust as a legitimate basis for forming an ethical judgment, but only with regards to gay acceptance.
The comic makes absolutely no reference whatsover to gay acceptance you absolute gaylord. You could apply to anything, from policians to guns. Are we even looking at the same image? Are you blind? Am I?
>The disgust can't be arbitrary

>> No.11256852


Kek, the construction of that entire word was meant to portray the exact meaning behind the second word.

>Well, you literally said that you are strictly opposed to "sexual display"
I'm opposed to personal and societal sexual deviancy of any kind and whatever ideological shit it spawns in consequence.

>Since gay marriage and gay people adopting aren't signs of "sexual display"

That would be the case if the concept of "gay" would exist by itself as an intrinsic quality someone is born with. But it's not, and neither is your made up term for the concept of "straight".

>And it is also why gay people want part in it

They can, and it's quite simple really. Since marriage is a legal binding document meant for the settling of eventual financial problems in the future between a man and a woman, the people involved in this legal process are represented by a man and a woman, for obvious reasons.

>Gay people want economic stability too.

You could accelerate that process by stop believing you're "gay" and achieve personal, spiritual, emotional and economic stability.
>inb4 muh privileges and entitlements
Yeah nah. I can make up a gazillion things which i think to myself that i deserve, but it's in no-ones legal powers or matter of concern for those things to be given to me on a silver plate. Get used to the natural idea of order.

>Clearly property plays a role too.
If it's about property you're no longer talking about love. Just as it's no longer about love if you're talking about property. They are two mutually antagonistic concepts that you fail to grasp into your pee-brain.

>You're the one shitposting on an Afghan underwater basket weaving forum and you dare call others degenerates?
At least i'm doing this in my own spare time and in my own personal space without the need for people to know what i'm doing and my persistent ideological need for people to collectively accept what i'm doing.

>> No.11256855

Why do gay guys act that girlish, with the lisp and the effeminate behavior? If you want a man and you want to attract a man who also likes men, why don't act like a man?

>> No.11256860

Yeah, it played out how /pol/bait threads usually play out
For a serious answer, I'd say Walt Whitman

>> No.11256863

you could apply it*

>> No.11256867

Wtf does this mean you antediluvian bigot. Here's what I think! You pulled this out of your ass. Now shoo along now, you homophobe.

>> No.11256890

Hypersexual behaviors cause elevation of estradiol which cause feminization. Homosexuals average 5 ejaculations daily according to some studies. Even straight men are acting like them now because of porn addiction.

>> No.11256891

"Someone did something yucky so let's take away their rights" is usually how homophobia and transphobia is framed by progressives. I don't think that mine was an unreasonable assumption to make. It was certainly used that way by the anon who posted it.

>> No.11256896

No. It's like you hate your own condition and don't want it to exist.

>> No.11256900

Source for that first claim?

>> No.11256907

How can one post be this Reddit

>> No.11256910

>"Someone did something yucky so let's take away their rights"
I wouldn't be surprised if the comic was originally meant to make fun of antigun laws advocates. Especially if you consider that it says "take away", rather than "not give".
> I don't think that mine was an unreasonable assumption to make
It was, ur dumb
>It was certainly used that way by the anon who posted it.
no shit, but there's no reference to gay acceptance in it

>> No.11256922

Epic question, my good sir xD1!!!

>> No.11256924

I'll be going to sleep now, if you have something to reply I won't respond

>> No.11256936

Then replace my references to the comic with references to how anon invoked the comic. This isn't a very conversationally relevant distinction.

>> No.11256947
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This thread.

>> No.11256952

>Then replace my references to the comic with references to how anon invoked the comic
whataboutism, "no u" or "yer doing it tooooo" type thinking
I'm going to sleep for real now

>> No.11256958
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>> No.11256963
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>> No.11256969

Gas chambers are tho

>> No.11256973
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sure it is, you're one or two clicks away from /trash/ and /d/ btw

>> No.11256975

What the fuck are you talking about dude. The conversation was about whether or not aesthetics and ethics are related, and how they're related if they are. The comic is relevant only in so far as what the anon I replied to meant by it.

>> No.11257111

>Disdain for sodomitical decadence originates from an emotional basis
The will to power forbids it, with or without your emotional consensus.

>> No.11257127

this, also; the people who dislike ingesting feces are scat fetishists in denial

>> No.11257157

lol sure thing, pal.

>> No.11257168

Mishima is my favorite faggie writer..

>> No.11257186

the only one who will ever redeem himself this much

>> No.11257208

>Why should pedophiles, necrophiles and all other degenerates be ashamed of their disturbance?

>> No.11257269

It's not really about 'pride'. Pride is rather a tool. LGBT+ pride parades and such are a statement and a celebration of diversity. It is dumb to feel proud about something you were born with, something you never chose, but still, as people continues to discriminate and hate, this sort of movements are necessary. Take a look at this board and you'll know why a Black History Month, Feminism and LGBT pride (or whatever) are still needed.

>> No.11257276

I love him so much

>> No.11257289

>log on to 4chan dot com
>advocate for homosexuals to be gassed as they are a blight on society
>posts from the very website known to harbor pedophiles, terrorists, and mentally ill folk
truly, /lit/ is intelligent.

>> No.11257825

Yawn. The same tired shit. If any of you had a speck of contextual awareness, you'd realize that the reason for this is obvious. Priests rape a lot of kids at disproportionate rates too, any of you wanna advocate for their extermination? The reasons are the same, they exist in states of repressed sexuality for much if not all of their lives. Gay pedos aren't the kind you'll see posting "out and proudd!!!11!1!" on social media. They're the ones either miserable alone or in sexless marriages with wives they absolutely fucking hate that they only married out of a bleak prospect at feeling normal. If you want more kids to get raped, the best thing you can do is demonize homosexuality.

>> No.11259074

>Priests rape a lot of kids at disproportionate rates too
they really don't, though

>> No.11259087
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because it reduces your human dignity and health and will-power.

>> No.11259088

If you think those words are big you might have a poorly endowed brain yourself

>> No.11259090

i think you will find it is you who has the tiny, small, retarded brain & smells very badly

>> No.11259093

>Priests rape a lot of kids at disproportionate rates too
no, people just freak out when it happens because priests are held to a higher standard of ethics, also the Catholic coverup made it worse, but the rates are the same as the average population

>> No.11259094

>faggot apologists at only post 3
/lit/'s ruined

>> No.11259107

Normalizing homosexuality is like normalizing incest or beastiality.

Watch this and stop
promoting degeneracy that hurts mankind.

>> No.11259108

this but unironically

>> No.11259111

this times a thousand

>> No.11259113
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daily reminder there is an easy solution to gay authors and their horrible writing

>> No.11259117

You shouldn't have to spot a straight child since it's the default, assuming the child is even old enough to have specific urges concerning sex

>> No.11259131

you are now aware that kadyrov is a dyel who fakes all of the impressive vids you've seen of him
he can't bench 2pl8s
source: i've got a friend in the bulgarian government - it's apparently a sort of inside joke among everyone who deals with chechnya

>> No.11259133

>pride month
its an entire month now?

>> No.11259203


>implying most of the people who browse 4chan shouldn't be gassed as well for being mentally degenerated

>> No.11259361

Ew, you are literally defending nonces.


7% of priests are pedos.

>> No.11259366

Not really. People just call it that because almost all Pride events are in June.

>> No.11259377

For a lesbian she sure loved hanging out with hot dudes.

>> No.11259407

I don't think geriatrics saying they still have sex and surveys suggesting only that a proportion of teen have had sex at least once is grouds for saying retirees fuck more. also
>tries to make a point about misquoting people being wrong before signing off by mocking their own unproven suspicion about an anon
>haughty dudebro way of typing since just stating a point isn't gratifying enough

ooh I think I know what you used to be

>> No.11259415

Why 2017?
Shouldnt it be somewhere areound 1922?

>> No.11259432


>Nonce may refer to:
>Cryptographic nonce, a number or bit string used only once, in security engineering
>Nonce word, a word used to meet a need that is not expected to recur
>The Nonce, American rap duo
N>once orders, an architectural term


>> No.11259518

One should take a stance of humility towards every fiber of their being in the first place

>> No.11259549


You couldn't figure it out from context?