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/lit/ - Literature

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11254094 No.11254094 [Reply] [Original]

post your profile and

>last book you read
>currently reading
>what you're reading next

>> No.11254184

Might as well since I haven't posted in one of these for a little bit.

>last book you read
Log of the S.S. The Mrs Unguentine
I was surprised how powerfully vivid such a small novel can be. But then again the Lish editing credit should have made it clear what I was in for. I recommend it for people into scifi-not-scifi or if you're looking for a very short and meditative read.

>currently reading
Mirrors on which dust has fallen
Verbatim was good, and this builds on the world from that book. The first chapter is clearly JR worship. So far so good.

>what you're reading next
Either VAC to continue my brit pomo binge, or the Gil Orlovitz collection that's coming out if it arrives at the right time.

Does anyone have any recommendations for underappreciated or obscure experimental stuff?

>> No.11254255
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>Last book
Vilfredo Pareto - Manual of Political Economy
>Currently reading
When it arrives (today or Monday), Pappus - Collection Book VII
John Maynard Keynes - The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
Ptolemy - The Almagest
Hamilton, Madison, and Jay - The Federalist Papers
Proclus - Commentary on the First Book of Euclid
>what you're reading next
Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī - The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing
Friederich von Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
Ibn Al-Haytham - On the Configuration of the World
Edmund Burke - Reflections on the Revolution in France
Proclus - Elements of Theology

I always try to mix a fair amount of science/mathematics in with my literary habits. It helps, especially when you are trying to remember certain things or understand certain metaphysical arguments. Mathematics, as I understand it, is tied irretrievably with philosophy overall.

>> No.11254259


The Peloponnesian war

Inherent Vice

Either Vineland or Tacitus- the histories

>> No.11254302


>1Q84 book one
It was OK

>The Buried Giant
I'm like two thirds of the way in and it's pretty good so far

>No idea - I'm working my way through Murakami and Ishiguro atm so probably one of their books.

>> No.11254312



Last: Nag Hammadi Scriptures
Current: The Bible
Next: I have no idea

>> No.11254360
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>Last Book
Radzinsky's biography of Stalin.
For My Legionaries (it sucked, probably b/c/ of the shitty translation)
>Currently Reading
The Three Musketeers
Black Metal: Evolution of a Cult
Book of Disquiet
Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution

Be aware that I like to post stupid, semi-relevant musings whenever I update my reading progress.

>> No.11254365

>some chink shit
>tacitus but atm art wise I'm just listening to 'it must be love' by madness on repeat so tacy'll wait for abit
>you don't care you fat nonce



>> No.11254385

If you have a subject you enjoy that isn't just literary fiction, is there a book in that subject you'd recommend to anybody unconditionally?

Bonus points if it's not just baby's first X and is something you have a personal connection to

>> No.11254400
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>last book you read
The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas
>currently reading
Byzantium: The Early Centuries by Dr. John Julius Norwich (RIP)
>what you're reading next
The Landmark Thucydides

>> No.11254408

>75 books
>78 books
>147 books
>49 books
>64 books
>87 books
no wonder this board is so awful considering everyone is so painfully underread

>> No.11254424


I've actually read about 200 but I deleted my original goodreads during a psychotic episode and now I don't remember what the other ~130 books were.

>> No.11254426
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Literally forgot to post my profile.


>> No.11254431

I used to have a lot more, but I guess comics, YA shit I read as a kid, and cookbooks don't count, so I deleted them.

>> No.11254432

>he feels he needs to save face on an anonymous board over some pseud's "i've read more than you lol" call out

>> No.11254439

>he also feels he needs to save face on an anonymous board over some pseud's "i've read more than you lol" call out

>> No.11254442


Hard to "save face" when you're anonymous.

>> No.11254453

yet here we are

>> No.11254462

>last read
One-Dimensonal Man by Herbert Marcuse, South and West by Joan Didion
>currently reading
American Psycho, Freud’s Lectures on Psychoanalysis
>what you’re reading next
Probably some Hume and All the Pretty Horses

>> No.11254507
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>last book you read
Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg by Kate Evans
>currently reading
How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics by Michael Pollan
>what you're reading next
The Religion of the Future by Roberto Mangabeira Unger

>> No.11254522

>thinking you need to read a lot of books, rather than judging the quality of the books themselves

The absolute state

>> No.11254549


>> No.11254554

forgot my profile

>> No.11254564


>last book you read
Samuel Johnson's Rasselas, which was nothing special

>currently reading
Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, to prepare for Kant. It's great, that 18th century style gives his philosophy a bit of flair.

>what you're reading next
I'm not sure - going to read the Critique of Pure Reason over the summer, alongside Montaigne's Essays. I'll probably read some fiction next. Maybe Dickens or Austen.

>> No.11254568

joaco pls

>> No.11254657

bugman numale limp wrist twink

>> No.11254693

politeness is a virtue

>> No.11254715

sean has read far more than you by the looks of it and i'd say he definitely has the best taste itt

perhaps if you'd dealt with your alterity-of-being you'd be less bugged

>> No.11254734

yeah sean is definitely the most authentic handsome poster here, it's a he right? if he looks anything like his profile picture then i'm sure he's as gorgeous as i imagine

>> No.11254759

Are you the sean? Omg I've heard so much about you. Are you the famous rate your music guy as well? omg omg omg

>> No.11254800

He is, the prototypical /rym/job turned literature afficionado.

>> No.11254833

>has read far more
by skimming 40 page brochures of continental brainletism, which is arguably even worse than boosting your book count by comics

>> No.11254876

>Sean has read 141 books [so far this year]

>> No.11255107
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>last book you read
Lolita by Nabokov
>currently reading
Kitchen by Yoshimoto
>what you're reading next

>> No.11255129

>he actually fell for it

>> No.11256186

>tfw your name is also Sean

>> No.11256560

Is your last name Cody?

>> No.11256575

No, but in high school a girl said I look like a Cody

>> No.11256609

Better than looking like a "Sheldon".

>> No.11258161


>last book you read
History of Rome by Michael Grant.
Mildly out of date due to advances in archeology and population genetics, but still quite valuable for the economic analysis on a nutshell.
>currently reading
Norton Critical edition of The Canterbury Tales.
Kind of so-so. Well annotated, with a lot of source texts and critical analysis attached, but only has the general prologue and 9 of the 24 tales.
Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa
I read a few pages of it every night before going to sleep.
>what you're reading next
Either an old 60s translation of the poetry of Francois Villon or The Green Child by Herbert Read.