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11253038 No.11253038 [Reply] [Original]

Land and Moldbug general?

did they win now that even the left is using Moldbug-ian terminology to make sense of the present political landscape after almost 10 years of his description?

>> No.11253055
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>> No.11253056

The political right is losing everywhere across the globe.

It might look otherwise, but the demographics in large Western cities speak a clear language.

In one generation, no ethno-centric party will get close to a majority.

>> No.11253059

neither Land nor Moldbug are ethnocentric though

>> No.11253067

>thinking parties matter

The West is going to burn in a mass civil war between nationalists and multiculturalists. The victor of that conflict will become the new elite.

>not gonna happen

Nope. Once Whites realise that they'll never be able to win an election ever again, then the seeds of conflict will be sown.

>> No.11253068

>Nope. Once Whites realise that they'll never be able to win an election ever again, then the seeds of conflict will be sown.
what about self-segregation and the benedict option?

>> No.11253073

>mfw I like vill land better

>> No.11253076

This sounds kind of like the Marxist promise that a class war will come. Once the proletarians realise and so on and so on.
But here's the thing: It is not at all clear to many whites that they are a group who wins or loses elections as a group over other groups. Indeed the Marxist would argue that "whites" aren't a relevant group at all, that it's about economic class. And as soon as the workers realise this, which is his role, i.e. building class consciousness, revolution will come about.
We can see how the Marxist's project of class consciousness is working out: What makes you think that your project of race consciousness will?

>> No.11253084

who's behind this god awful land memes?
holy fuck

>> No.11253092

Nick makes them when he gets re re REALLY blitzed on the sauce ((( )) 0011101000110100111010 AGCGTACAGACGT

>> No.11253098

What is the US waiting for then ?

>> No.11253101

leftists who haven't realized that memes are inherently a reactionary medium

>> No.11253139

>The political right is losing everywhere across the globe.
Absolutely, since "right" usually just means white.
Even conservative blacks voted for Obama.
But you are ignoring that while the demographic shift pushes more people to "the left"(meaning the party which promises the most money) the right is shifting further right.

>In one generation, no ethno-centric party will get close to a majority.
Yes and in two generations they will, just it won't be white ethno centrists but Mexican or Arab ethno centrists.
The other option is whites becoming ethno centrists at a very fast rate, before the demographic Doom.

>what about self-segregation and the benedict option?
Illegal and there is no benefit for the people in charge to change it.

>> No.11253157

>Illegal and there is no benefit for the people in charge to change it.
can it be gamed though in the long term if people put their efforts into it? things like a parallel education systems that shames the current one would be an obvious start and wouldn't be inconceivable with the internet and a group of motivated enough people working into it instead of shitposting on twitter

>> No.11253159

Not him but.
>This sounds kind of like the Marxist promise that a class war will come.
I think that is exactly it.

But there are some major difference, most importantly that the status quo can't be preserved and that the enemy is already practicing the tactics you want.

>What makes you think that your project of race consciousness will?
I think the reasons to be optimistic are that the opponent is basically doing the racialisation of politics by himself. Blacks vote for Obama, whatever they think about gay marriage or how otherwise "conservative" they are.
Which means that non-racial-identity politics is practically doomed, so if whites want to have anything done they have to either Ally with non whites or practice white identity politics.

The other option is doing the "conservative" thing and just keep loosing honorably, making sure that nothing you do is racist (although your opponent is very racist).

>> No.11253165
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grug abandon socialist hope and class
grug capitalist too
why do worker and lonely man no vote grug anymore
grug frustrate by unexplainable mystery of democracy
grug make new party to target worker and lonely man
grug brilliantly solve 50 year political crisis for good:
1) grug count number very well
2) grug do activism to win minority not majority
3) grug call potential voter redneck and virgin (in grug dictionary 'target' imply attack)
why do worker and lonely man no vote grug anymore
grug frustrate by unexplainable mystery of democracy
grug want revolution back like good old day
grug marry revolution and capital
grug make new party to accelerate misery of worker and lonely man

>> No.11253168

there's already similar things in highly-polarized countries too, like Lebanon having 1 christian party and 1 muslim party, not sure in the US but some european countries may end up like that in the middle-term if there's a big ethnicity shift

though most young people will be of the new ethnicity, not of the old one, so not sure how that will work

they don't call Paris the Beirut of western Europe for nothing

>> No.11253173

Maybe something like that could work, although even on the internet Google and such love to censor, especially when it comes to such racial issues.
And while starting out on the internet is a pretty good idea if you want to make a real impact you have to transition into the real world and at the moment (and the foreseeable future) any attempt at that will get shut down.

But if you want to change the narrative education is definitely the way to go.

>> No.11253177

>/pol/ thinks everyone shares their racial autism
Nobody cares about the 'white race' stormfags. Racial solidarity and racial consciousness are memes for teenagers

>> No.11253181

see >>11253059
>neither Land nor Moldbug are ethnocentric though

>> No.11253198

So why is the thread full of autists talking about race?
>inb4 where do you think you are

>> No.11253206

>>/pol/ thinks everyone shares their racial autism
>Nobody cares about the 'white race' stormfags.
Obviously very few people care.
But what I am saying is that blacks care about the black race, black conservatives voted for Obama.

>Racial solidarity and racial consciousness are memes for teenagers
Or blacks, evidently.
Why else would black conservatives vote for a liberal black person, if not because of racial solidarity?

From a 2008 article:
"Even those who identify themselves as black conservatives overwhelmingly favored Obama, 87 to 11 percent."

>> No.11253210

Because of >>11253056.
Yes, it is unrelated to the topic of this thread.

>> No.11253215

>But what I am saying is that blacks care about the black race, black conservatives voted for Obama.
obviously, turks vote left wing in Germany, they also vote Erdogan in Turkey

>> No.11253217

>Yes, it is unrelated to the topic of this thread.
it is unrelated in the sense that the topic of this thread is just the ideological re-configuration of the west

It is not unrelated in the sense that this re-configuration may happen along ethnic lines, hopefully it won't, but it's the path of least resistance

>> No.11253231

>turks vote left wing in Germany
Yes the German left already starts to represent Turkish interests.
That is why the greens had an ethnic Turk running in the last election.
Obviously Turks don't give a fuck about the environment, so the party tone shifted towards helping Muslims refugees and welfare.

>they also vote Erdogan in Turkey
They are even more nationalistic and religious or ethno centric then the Turks living in Turkey.

>> No.11253232
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any decent answers to this Piketty article from the left?

>> No.11253239

>Why else would black conservatives vote for a liberal black person, if not because of racial solidarity?
Are you literally unaware of the entire political history of the United States? Can you not think of a single reason why black people might have voted for Obama, regardless of his policies.

>> No.11253240

i mean there's absolutely nothing wrong or weird about this, it's just an ethnic group voting along their own interests in a rational way. Conservative where they want to conserve something, left where they want to dismantle and redisribute

>> No.11253241

i wonder how much money the "professional activist" industry moves in the US

>> No.11253246

>Can you not think of a single reason why black people might have voted for Obama, regardless of his policies.
Of course, if it isn't what is in his brain then it is has to be the human around that brain, which I think heavily points to the color of his skin.
Which I stated in my post.

>> No.11253247

>memes are inherently a reactionary medium
How so?

>> No.11253253

memes are all about gut feeling and the lower instincts, you can't build air castles on top of memes, just raw, immediate experience

>> No.11253265

>i mean there's absolutely nothing wrong or weird about this, it's just an ethnic group voting along their own interests in a rational way.
You are absolutely right.
I just wanted to highlight that if you have a subgroup of people who are ethno centrists for their own groups they will start to form their own voting blocks.

If I wanted the best Germany for the Turkish (or even Muslim) people I would do exactly what the Turks are doing now.

So whether whites in the US care about ethno centrism or not doesn't really matter if hispanics or black do care.

>> No.11253287
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what's the most promising country in the world to start patchworking? is it even possible anywhere or would the US bomb any attempt?

>> No.11253297
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what's his endgame?

>> No.11253314

>hte left

>> No.11253329

Okay I'll spell it out. There is a thing called society. In this society are people who interact with each other. These people have thoughts and feelings just like you!
Some of these people may have thought something like 'will it be a Good Thing if America has a black president, regardless of his policies (unless he's a complete chump)? Will that help create a better more inclusive society for everyone?'
It's like you're pretending black people haven't been treated badly, and would have no other reasons for wanting a black president other than racial solidarity. I assume this is because you are so racist those are the only terms you can think of

>> No.11253336
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yes yes, the left that can be named is not the real left, your taoist riddles are getting old, say something new from time to time

>> No.11253337

>Will that help create a better more inclusive society for everyone?'
that means literally nothing, each week it may mean a different thing depending what's more tactically convenient

>> No.11253353

>There is a thing called society. In this society are people who interact with each other. These people have thoughts and feelings just like you!
>Some of these people may have thought something like 'will it be a Good Thing if America has a black president, regardless of his policies (unless he's a complete chump)? Will that help create a better more inclusive society for everyone?'
Exactly, that is what I am saying.
Blacks want a person that is black to become president, not because of his ideas, but because they think having a guy who is black will benefit blacks.
You might call "benefit blacks" "create a more inclusive society", but that is just word games, in the end it is really just the same.

>It's like you're pretending black people haven't been treated badly, and would have no other reasons for wanting a black president other than racial solidarity.
What you write is so obviously true I didn't feel the need to state it, of course blacks feel mistreated (that is what BLM is all about) and of course getting a black president is the most effective thing you can do if you want to stop this perceived mistreatment.

You are just saying "racial solidarity" in a thousands flowery words, I agree with you, you say the exact same thing I do.

>> No.11253431

>You might call "benefit blacks" "create a more inclusive society", but that is just word games, in the end it is really just the same.
Well no, that's the opposite to what I said (and I didn't even mention blacks in that respect)
Your position is like saying everyone who doesn't want an absolute monarchy is a communist. I think there is more nuance, you can support a black candidate without necessarily believing /pol/ tier nonsense about 'the black race'. Likewise I might think it's a good thing not to be governed by a hereditary aristocracy, but at the same time not be a Marxist believing in class consciousness.
I know it's complex, but please try to understand.

>> No.11253455

>Well no, that's the opposite to what I said (and I didn't even mention blacks in that respect)
I don't know what you mean by "opposite", I just restarted what you said in other words.
I intentionally didn't mention race here, because it holds for all races, if you believe that Obama will create a more inclusive society you don't believe that whites are currently underprivileged among the black oppressors.

>Your position is like saying everyone who doesn't want an absolute monarchy is a communist.
No, absolutely not.
I am saying that whether you are a communist or someone who wants a republic is irrelevant, you will work together with the communists and the Republicans and all other anti-monarchists to bring down the monarchy.
It is the exact opposite of the "all X are Y" generalization, it is "all X want Y, so all X, no matter how different in opinion, fight for Y".

>you can support a black candidate without necessarily believing /pol/ tier nonsense about 'the black race'.
Well, if you don't care about the black race, why would you be a conservative and vote for Obama.
Obviously if the "black race" doesn't exist his race is irrelevant and just ideology matters, in which case you would vote based on ideology.

>Likewise I might think it's a good thing not to be governed by a hereditary aristocracy
And if people were about to establish an aristocracy, you would protest against them and if your fellow protester is a communist I don't think you would mind (given that his presence is furthering your goal), that is an issue for later.
You see, in that moment ideology is practically irrelevant, there is just a "us against them", because there is no other way to win.
If just your group opposes then, you loose and if just the communists oppose you loose too.

>but please try to understand.
I understand you perfectly fine, I see exactly what you are saying.
I am just telling you that in so many words it is the same thing I say.

>> No.11253476

>what's the most promising country in the world to start patchworking?
think south sudan seceding democratically with 98.83% votes, or barack hussein obama breaking libya in two the hard way
it really is a 'meanwhile in africa' sort of thing because there aren't too many states willing to give one square inch of land away
you're thinking of a (failed?) state lacking in the army, air force, navy, nuke departments, because if you declare independence from a state with enough of them, and you forgot to bring some of those of your own, you'll be lucky to live long enough for the show trial
it's not that it is metaphysically impossible for polities to divide, but you have imagine that somewhere, somehow, there will be some opposition commenting your brilliant strategy by asking: 'you and what army?'
if you think your forces are too small get yourself powerful allies like putin for russian separatists in crimea, then you can think about playing some irl risiko
ethnic, linguistic and religious barriers seem to be some of the most reliable lines to cut along, if history is of any indication

>> No.11253536

beyond immediate military problems the other issues are economic and diplomatic
is the newborn country going to continue to be part of international orgs like nato, un, eu as if nothing happened? those might threaten secessionists to not let them back in, siding with the unionists like the eu did for catalunya
the same goes for investors, banks, multinationals, whoever else is headquartered in your would-be independent land
being left out of economic cooperation zones and military alliances threatens the people before, during and after secession
of course in africa everything is more mobile because they're all a bunch of post-colonies with no centuries-old national identity to speak of anyway
the actual historical identities are the tribal and linguistic ones hence the whole genociding left and right
man from tribe 1 seizes power by force or vote and genocides tribe 2, then tribe 2 gains power and genocides tribe 1
the west wastes no time to arm both sides and lifts no finger to end the cycle, laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.11253541

>is the newborn country going to continue to be part of international orgs like nato, un, eu as if nothing happened?
why would you plug yourself right into the cathedral you just tried to escape?

>> No.11253558
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you see italy is in nato and has nuclear sharing
it doesn't have nuclear weapons itself but is allowed to borrow them
if italy or a part of it leaves nato anybody can attack it and it can't respond with unleashing the fury of nato members or nukes
of course you can send vitriolic tweets @teh_cathedral as much as you like, but don't forget it will make sure you will feel the consequences, including using you as an example for other woud-be secessionists

>> No.11253626

the point is that if you plug yourself to the UN or similar institutions you are not a "independent" in any meaningful sense, you are just another country that has to follow whatever rules the US decides are legitimate for a country to be allowed to exist

>> No.11253634

>everyone who doesn't want an absolute monarchy is a communist
essentially true actually

>> No.11253643

The point is that other countries don't want you to be allowed to exist in the first place, hence them coming up with all these things, keeping professional armies within reach even during times of "peace", and more. And as long as there is warring and trading that can happen you are not a "independent" in any meaningful sense. Legit peace as per dictionary definition, and legit symmetrical alliances were never an option, go ask Japan how did the Sakoku go with the black ships.

>> No.11253644

what is dying is democracy and as the numbers of white people drop, so will any democratic sentiment which will only aid autocratic extremist movements in their quest for power

every revolution has been undertaken by a determined vanguard

>> No.11253654

the mental gymnastics you're going through to avoid realizing that blacks have racial solidarity is amusing. All multiracial democracies run along tribal lines.

You think people are playing one game but they're playing another, and you're just getting conned

>> No.11253686
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and yet absolute monarchy is the place of dreams and hopes, at least in movies

>> No.11254417

Picketty wants a 90% global tax on capital gains

>> No.11254474

Obama was Center-Right. Like Reagan.
If black people actually cared about their race they'd move out of the cities and do something about their situation, despite what society may or not be doing to fuck them.

>> No.11254493

>The political right is losing everywhere across the globe.
??? ufuckingwotm8.

How did you come to this conclusion.

>> No.11254505

>Obama was Center-Right
Why do Americans keep insisting on pushing this meme? it isn't going to move the needle leftward.

>> No.11254508

the center is movable depending on what your definitions of mainstream left and right are, which vary from country to country and decade to decade. When people have this sort of argument i feel like stabbing myself in the eye

>> No.11254516

>Obama was Center-Right.
I am telling you it doesn't fucking matter.
Blacks voted for Obama, no matter their ideology.

>they'd move out of the cities
I think that it is very hard for a group without a leader to determine what *exactly* is in their interest, intuitively it is clear that having a black president is good for blacks, but other things are much less obvious.

Maybe it could be a huge benefit for the blacks to move out of the cities, but unless they have people advocating for that, I doubt it will happen and by this I don't want to be racist at all, I would say that whites even have more of a problem to figure our these things.

>> No.11254535

He is actually right.

>How did you come to this conclusion.
Demographics, the now minority vote basically as a block in their own interests.
"Right" basically just means white people, although 95% of the right is in denial about that.

>> No.11254563

Wow lmao. Politicized children need to be castrated ASAP.

>> No.11254570

Trump would be considered centre-left in most of East Asia whose political trajectory is only going further rightward with maybe the exception of South Korea. Europe has several parties with literal neo-Nazis in power with a couple of more on the way.

>> No.11254573

Find yourself a good psychoanalyst because your obsession with politics is highly pathological. Thread has nothing to do with politics.

>> No.11254580

>HTE LEFT mentioned in the OP
>thread has nothing to do with politics

>> No.11254583

>Europe has several parties with literal neo-Nazis in power
Yeah, but which ones are getting more then 0.1%?

>most of East Asia
I implicitly assumed the Anon was talking about the west, where increasingly a fragmentation happens.
The right isn't really getting more popular, people on the right are just shifting further right, while the left increasingly attracts minorities with high birthrates.

>> No.11254613

>but which ones are getting more then 0.1%?
Anon, please stop getting your news from CNN.

>> No.11254620

>Anon, please stop getting your news from CNN.
I haven't watched TV in years.
Answer my question.

>> No.11254632

depends what you mean by Neo-nazis. Poland and Hungary have gone full nationalist. Greece has the Golden Dawn. France has FN, Sweden has SD. Italy are basically turning fascist.

If the Muslim immigration into Europe continues there will be civil war in at least some countries. I imagine places like the UK will literally just allow themselves to be raped into oblivion, but not all nations are going to go that way.

>> No.11254633

>be constantly proved wrong by science and events
>b...but you're losing really
Errytime. By their own retarded standards /pol/ should consider themselves racially inferior

>> No.11254643

>By their own retarded standards
Every IQ test, crime statistic, and gdp of white and black countries ever recorded, every single one ever. Those are their standards.

Im not sure what science you're referring to that would disprove the statement about democracies becoming tribal when there are mutltiple ethnicities.

>> No.11254646

MAGA is going to steam roll the DNC in 2020, white teens from center and right backgrounds love Trump, white men love Trump, white mothers love Trump. He will win and he will give a lift to all populist parties in the West. The Italian populists and German AfD are ascendant, the AFD has the third most seats in the bundestag right now. We will see a western european rw populist government. The Left has nothing, they’re dead, its over all they can do is lie to brown people about their worth and try to brute force elections, but as stated above, whites have high iq’s and pattern recognition skills, they will notice this and there will be political consequences for traitors, jews and browns trying to push whites out of power. you people have no idea what you did by going against jeremy corbin and bernie sanders. the public will never forget that HRC rigged the 2016 primaries against bernie with debbie wasserman-schultz help and that they tried to crucify trump before he could gain power

>> No.11254650

Don't forget about PPS in Switzerland, FPO in Austria, DF in Denmark, Finns Party, etc.

Americans are completely ignorant of how far-right a lot of Europeans are.

>> No.11254671

>. Poland and Hungary have gone full nationalist.
Yes, which is at least something.

>Greece has the Golden Dawn.
Are these the most successful actual fascists at the moment?

>France has FN, Sweden has SD.
Yes, but they are pretty moderate, compared to actual fascists.

>If the Muslim immigration into Europe continues
It already has basically stopped.
What is happening now is birthrate, Erdogan has commanded the Turks to have "5 babies instead of 3".
So if these people aren't removed they will inevitably take over politics, that is what the Anon meant.
The right is under an ethnic threat.

>> No.11254707

>democracies becoming tribal when there are mutltiple ethnicities.
America literally every conceivable ethnicity and only two parties. Same for UK, multi ethnic, only two main parties. Germany France only have a few main parties and they don't split on ethnic lines.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.11254711

>The right is under an ethnic threat.
Don't you have this backwards, to me it seems like the right can't lose in the long term, Muslims are way more reactionary than your average conservative and under Sharia law free market capitalism is very important and religiously protected, google Maxime Rodinson.

>> No.11254719

An enormous disappointment.

>white teens from center and right backgrounds love Trump, white men love Trump, white mothers love Trump. He will win and he will give a lift to all populist parties in the West.
Literally irrelevant if the demographics continue.
If your country has become 40% Hispanics you lost your chance.

>German AfD are ascendant, the AFD has the third most seats in the bundestag
Yes, but they are 250 seats away from actually doing anything.

If the demographics continue, there won't be a German majority in 3 generations, "the right" won't exist.

>The Left has nothing
Except that the communists and greens each can nearly tibial the AFD and the socialists are part of the government.

>all they can do is lie to brown people about their worth
The winning strategy in the next decades.

>they will notice this and there will be political consequences for traitors, jews and browns trying to push whites out of power.
You don't actually know how much I want to believe that.

>> No.11254726

>there will be civil war in at least some countries
No there won't. Most people aren't brain dead racists like you. Most people recognise immigration is the best thing that has happened to Europe in the last few decades.

>> No.11254735
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>this whole post

>> No.11254737

>Don't you have this backwards, to me it seems like the right can't lose in the long term
Yes, you are actually right there.
In 3-4 generations we will have an actually religious fundamentalist reactionary Europe, it just won't be whites.

What I mean is that the *current* right, who is concerned with Europeans, will loose.

>> No.11254744

imagine being this scared of muslisms

>> No.11254747

Whites vote Republican every time in the US and Hispanics and Blacks vote Democrat every time. As whites become a minority they will start voting more and more homogenously.

What we have right now is the holdover of the old division of whites(from when the country was just white except for slaves), the semi-tribal, semi-ideological division of right and left, where Leftist whites have made themselves the rulers of the non-white party. This leftist population has been dwindling and will continue to do so.

>> No.11254751

>immigration is the best thing that has happened to Europe in the last few decades.
Unless you care about economics of crime or anything of that matter of course.
35% of criminal suspects in Germany are foreigners, I am not so sure if that is the best thing that happened to Europe...

>> No.11254752

Have you heard of a place called Lebanon?

Your opinions are laughably are retarded

>> No.11254755
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>In 3-4 generations we will have an actually religious fundamentalist reactionary Europe, it just won't be whites
Yes anon, we need to break the conditioning

>> No.11254758

I mean in the end I could convert to Islam and practice the reactionary politics I want.

But honestly some parts of liberalism aren't all bad.

>> No.11254764

So you think there will be a Hispanic party, an Asian party etc?

>> No.11254769

>I mean in the end I could convert to Islam and practice the reactionary politics I want.
It's like the ultimate back up plan for the alt-right.

>> No.11254775

No it won't be blatant like that. Even in Africa they don't literally name the parties after the different tribes, it just so happens that everyone from tribe A votes for Party A.

And if the US keeps its present system it will always be a two party conflict, so races will form coalitions with each other just as they do now.

>> No.11254777

Well they could choose the Japan option and just stagnate and decline, instead countries with high immigration keep going from strength to strength, and countries with low immigration continue to be shit.

>> No.11254787

The alt-right just want Daddy. Eventually I think a lot of them will turn to Islam, as it will let them live out their fantasies of persecution and male dominance a little longer, fantasies which aren't really tenable as white Christians.

>> No.11254789

in what way is France better off than Japan right now? And France doesn't even have that many non-French living in it. What's going to happen when it's 40% French?

>> No.11254797

whereas the Left want to rebel against daddy. They rebelled so hard they became daddy but still pretend they're the kid rebelling against a fictional daddy

there is always someone in power. you can't just get rid of that

>> No.11254798

>the existence of Lebanon proves whatever dumb point you were trying to make
Immigration is good. Every economist and business leader and politician knows this. The only people opposed are a few mouth breathing dumbos on the internet

>> No.11254802

MAGA wasn’t a disappiontment at all, the entire right leaning white youth supports trump, ive met dozens of people at lib unis who want to get rid of the prog lib social policies and remove social egalitarian classes from the educational system, these aren’t dumb hicks, these are upper middleclass whites. you have no idea how fucked you people are. and Germany is well over 85% white and will remain that way for at least 2-3 more decades, immigrants won’t wedge them apart at all. I have no idea why you want whites to get upset and mobilize themselves they’re much wealthier, higher iq and more sympathetic to the military and policy than niggers and mudslimes are
HRC committed election fraud in the 2016 primary, she deserves to go to prison for life.

>> No.11254817

>stagnate and decline
I am sure there are other options then unskilled mass migration of foreigners from religious extremist countries.

>countries with high immigration keep going from strength to strength
Technically yes, but always to the detriment of the people already in these nation's.
Yes, the Romans populating Galicia made it a better place, but I doubt the people already there getting slaughtered and enslaved cared that much.

>Continue to be shit
I know that Japan has Probkems, but it has a decent HDI, Standard of living and low crime.
I know a lot, more shitty, countries.

>> No.11254816

Muslims ruined Lebanon is my point. It was called the Paris of the middle east before they started their typical behavior

When economists say immigration is good they mean a certain sort of immigrant. No economist has ever published a paper saying Somali immigrants help your economy. You can search as far and wide as you want and you will not produce this paper.

What they did was take the average of very high-performing immigrants- say German immigrants to England, and then apply this indiscriminately to all immigration.

Furthermore an increase in absolute gdp can be accompanied by a decrease in per capita gdp as well as general standards of lviing.

>> No.11254824

>in what way is France better off than Japan right now
A much more dynamic vibrant culture, due to immigration from Africa.
There will never be a point where only 40% of France is French. That would require an immigrant population of 40 million or so.

>> No.11254828

(Beirut I meant)

>> No.11254842

>A much more dynamic vibrant culture,
are you fucking with me or are you literally repeating multicult boilerplate at me?

What about crime? Is crime just not something to think about? How do we weigh the benefits of 'vibrancy' against the homicide rate exactly

>> No.11254845

>MAGA wasn’t a disappiontment
Yes, it was.
Trump literally didn't do anything, which still puts him above Hilary.

>Germany is well over 85% white and will remain that way for at least 2-3 more decades
Ethnic Germans are nearly in the minority where I live.

> I have no idea why you want whites to get upset and mobilize themselves they’re much wealthier, higher iq and more sympathetic to the military and policy than niggers and mudslimes are
I have no idea what whites should do to be honest.

>> No.11254861

was that image was made by one of the u/acc adjacent left wing guys, b/c its really gay, real tumblr le random meme shithumor

>> No.11254862

Homocide rates are declining though. Immigration hasn't led to a rise.

>> No.11254872

the accelerationists themselves love epic memes

>> No.11254883

because they're dumb

>> No.11254903

irony left twitter joeks are in no instances funnier than reactionary memes

>> No.11254905

>Immigration is good. Every economist and business leader and politician knows this. The only people opposed are a few mouth breathing dumbos on the internet
Immigration is an economic benefit if the people coming can contribute to the economy, spoiler, if you are an African with basically zero education you might not even have a chance at becoming a cashier or flipping burgers in Germany.

If an economists Immigration, he doesn't mean millions of unskilled people, from an agricultural society, which have no relevant contributions to the industrial society in place.
Especially not when Italy and Spain have staggering unemployment.

>> No.11254948

In Germany "Straftaten gegen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung", crimes against sexual self determination, rose significantly from 2016 to 2017 when looking at foreign suspects.

There is indication that immigration has caused such an increase in crime, especially when you recognize that 35% of crime is committed by the 10% of foreigners in Germany.

>> No.11254974
File: 37 KB, 624x423, 1503445355407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't discuss issues in your own country because Germany is the only country that matters in the EU to Americans

>> No.11254999

I won't stop you, but the German statistics are the only ones I really looked at.

But how about banning all sharp kitchen equipment, that ought to stop it.

>> No.11255000
File: 131 KB, 838x685, Time+to+clean+this+mess+up+poll+crusade_8d9b95_6130955[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this /pol/ rage

>> No.11255432

this Picketty article is not about that though

>> No.11255454

I just find it funny the poster wanted a response from the left, when Piketty is like a folk hero among left-wing economists

>> No.11255476

>political right is losing everywhere across the globe
Ever since Trump and Brexit, the Right has literally dominated politics everywhere in the West. This is a moronic take unless you're totally bought into media messaging