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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 99 KB, 449x687, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11249801 No.11249801 [Reply] [Original]

>puts down a yukio mishima novel
>cracks open the latest Nick Land tweet
>downloads a cum town podcast
>goes to Catholic mass to see if he feels anything
>waits three months for a text from his friends from high school, checking in again to see if he's still alive
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to ignore all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how bad the new rap album is
>stays at home and grinds his own coffee beans
>downloads a pirated pdf and hard copy of the latest houellebecq novel but listens to it on audiobook during his commute
>thinks about how he should probably start lifting four times a week
>talks about how awful life as a STEMfag with literary interests is
>doesn't buy a groupon and wisely saves his money
>fantasizes about moving to Montana and living off the land like Kaczynski

>> No.11249815

this has potential but it needs improvement

>> No.11249827

offer tips

>> No.11250488

>le metamodern man

>> No.11250511

Mixing up too many different kinds of people to be effective at actually describing one of them.

>> No.11250515

Mishima is good. Fuck you.

>> No.11250518

pls redpill me on downloading hard copies

>> No.11250521

someone post the toni morrison original

not bad op

>> No.11250526

>downloads a cum town podcast
>thinks about how he should probably start lifting four times a week
>talks about how awful life as a STEMfag with literary interests is
>fantasizes about moving to Montana and living off the land like Kaczynski

>> No.11250527

Stop bullying me

>> No.11250529
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>> No.11250541

It's just like downloading a car.

>> No.11250706

I know OP is bait, but /lit/ is middlebrow: The website

>> No.11250852

>>cannot believe how bad the new rap album is

lies. the frogtwitter type either ironically or unironically enjoys new rap, especially at its most slurred and degenerate. muh 90's dadrap is for gen x faggos.

>> No.11251104

>listening to Negermusik

>> No.11251134

I looked up Nick Land and apparently he’s a part of something called “The Dark Enlightenment” which is probably the gayest fucking thing I ever heard.

>> No.11251161
File: 199 KB, 1164x412, Millenials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 year old boomer insulting his 40 year old Gen X betters.

>> No.11251183

Listening to music is gay.

>> No.11251192

Does anybody else unironically miss the heyday of Christposting? At least it was more interesting than the Peterson spam. Remember Milbank? That was fun.

>> No.11251209

you're gay

>> No.11251218

So what would be highbrow: the website?

>> No.11251220

no u

>> No.11251390

boomer cope in full effect

>> No.11251415

>orders the second least-expensive malbec
You stole this you fucking cynic.
When will this ironic shitposting end? You're not clever for understanding certain things that certain people do you smug piece of shit.

>> No.11251430

Wew, spot the guy who this described perfectly.

>> No.11251455
File: 37 KB, 497x499, 1526841780658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 29yo post-millennial that still browses 4chan on a daily basis

>> No.11251463
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>> No.11251489
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>remember joining around 2010
>thought I'd be long gone and successful by now

>> No.11251491
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>receive (you)

>> No.11251512

This, Takeshi = gud, Kendrick = ghey

>> No.11251519

that’s not even half of what’s wrong with this insipid flaccid attempt at aping people infinitely more interesting than OP

>> No.11251533
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>tfw mena is kill
feel cold bros

>> No.11251535

This person doesn't exist.
It's a strawman. All posts of this nature are strawmen.

>> No.11251849

are you accusing me of being a fucking foodie?

>> No.11251898

Been trying to find the words to describe my own emptiness, found at least some parts of it.

>> No.11251901


>> No.11251903


>> No.11251910
File: 119 KB, 200x690, ALAMOS_MALBEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second least expensive malbec is usually alamos which is actually a fantastic wine considering the fact that it can be found in nearly every store that sells wine. Fight me over this shit.

>> No.11251912

i agree to the extent that the people that make fun of frogtwitter arent as interesting or cool as them. both r ultimately gay though, and only i am good

>> No.11251935

Young people move around and change employers because in high-skill white collar jobs now that’s how you maximize your pay. A huge part of the wage gap is caused by women being less willing to do this.

Pretty sure people go to law school and vacation in Costa Rica so they can work as lawyers and because Costa Rica is beautiful. Crazy, I know.

Seriously how much of a bitter frogman do you have to be to write this?

>> No.11251951

good post

>> No.11251968

It is very true though. I recognize myself in it.

>> No.11252231

bruh i'm doing my best here okay? i hope you're not mocking me
also i really like that pic, mind if i save it?

>> No.11252299

pretty funny how enough time has passed that the people who don't take the contemporary mind-virus as a suppository are already a stereotypical meme image

yeah you really got us bud you're so above the people who think they're so above it all, you've really distinguished yourself from the pack lmao

stupid cunts

>> No.11252359

>closes 4chan.org/lit/catalog
>opens new tab
>checks upvotes
>closes reddit.com
>cracks open latest NYRB publication
>reads 5 pages at 150 wpm
>doesn't take it in
>opens 4chan.org/lit
>closes 4chan.org/lit
>opens wikipedia
>skims article on The Last Man
>opens YouTube
>watches video a girl whispering while reading comments
>drives a 1999 Honda Civic
>believes he could do better in school if he applied himself
>cannot enjoy anything

>> No.11252368
File: 25 KB, 637x358, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads Mishima
>listens to a communist podcast

>> No.11252371

Me without Reddit or not taking it

>> No.11252375
File: 7 KB, 219x231, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download (1).jpg

>> No.11252376

fuck, dis me

>> No.11252378

i agree (w/both clauses) but there can only bee one so leave

>> No.11252394

>Costa Rica is Beautiful
>being trapped in a resort or the tourist part of town because going outside of these areas could result in you being kidnapped or maimed by some sort of wild animal
>being in a place that is generally uninhabitable for white people due to sauna like temperatures + humidity as well as the presence of tropical diseases
I'm hoping for your sake you confused Costa Rica with Labrador or Alaska, otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to have to call you a nigger

>> No.11252428

ooh, almost forgot the best part of Costa Rica. Getting harassed by literally every single service worker you come across for tips and handouts which you can either accept in exchange for fake pleasantries or deny and feel like a dick because they make perhaps one twentieth of your salary and have six children in need of medical care.

Mind boggling how anyone can enjoy visiting a third world country.

>> No.11252468

Too good. This describes my parents and everyone I know 100%.

>> No.11252560

Does someone have that Eva pic?

>> No.11252568

>puts down ancient Egyptian texts
>cracks open the latest meme compilation
>doesn’t use social media
>meditates most days
>waits three hours for a txt from a tinder match
>orders the almond milk
>doesn’t know when the oscars are
>cannot believe how good the YT refommendation is
>stays at home and grinds his own coffee beans
>compulsively buy books and finish a fifth of them. Leaves a copy of Blood Meridian at the office hoping that someone borrows it
>is trying to bmx for exercise
>works programming job without an ounce of belief in the product
>790 credit score
>fantasizes about moving to Vietnam and living off remote work

>> No.11252583

oh and
>owns two strains of weed at any given time

>> No.11252588

Thank god someone posted this.Thought my favorite meme of all time was dead.

>tfw work groupon tickets to hamilton into irl conversation with upper middle class acquaintances

>> No.11252609

sometimes I forget that most people on lit are from wealthier families. Honestly wonder how it feels going against that culture from the inside vs my path of growing up in a working class family and coming to hate it out of exclusion. Do you ever get nostalgia for upper mid culture just b/c it was your childhood? I do for lower mid stuff so I'd imagine it's similar.

>> No.11252648

6 of these apply to me
6 of these also apply to me

Does anyone else feel like a cardboard cut out of a person sometimes? There are probably hundreds of people who are personality-doppelgangers of me. I doubt I have many original thoughts.

>> No.11252680

you missed the mark on about half of these. Too specific. It only works when you say ambiguous shit and sprinkle in memes from the board you're posting on.
>puts down a yukio mishima novel
>cracks open the latest Nick Land tweet
>goes to Catholic mass to see if he feels anything
>waits three months for a text from his friends from high school, checking in again to see if he's still alive
>stays at home and grinds his own coffee beans (or makes loose leaf tea*)
>downloads a pirated pdf of the latest houellebecq novel
>thinks about how he should probably start lifting four times a week
edited for you :)

>> No.11252701

>being this much of a housebound sheltered pansy

Yeah it’s all those normies and brown people who are wrong, not the enlightened man afraid to leave his room.

>> No.11252705

>audiobook of the latest houellebecq novel
would be great if this existed, tbqh

>> No.11252714

I don't think I've missed the mark on anything :)

>> No.11252719

menangahela, thanosgroyper
This is the last time I'm posting something this gay

>> No.11252727

I guess I'd have to be a 19 year old boomer to relate

>> No.11252732

You'd also have to stop taking it up the ass.

>> No.11252742

>missing the point this much
boreal, or at least temperate forest style danger >>> warm, shitty, bug nigger and brainlet pleasure tourist infested danger

>> No.11252779

It's pretty hilarious how the OP didn't even mention frogtwitter, but everyone knew it was describing them anyway.

>> No.11252840

Somehow I doubt that

>> No.11252841

>puts down a William Gass novel
>cracks open the latest Jacobin
>torrents an Ingmar Bergman film
>gets a $7 haircut at Great Clips
>wears shirts he believes cover his painfully obvious spare tire
>waits his entire life to have sex
>drinks cheap bourbon from the bottle
>tries not to watch as life passes him by
>preorders a copy of Women and Men but won't ever read it
>cannot believe how good Krautrock is
>lives with his parents

>> No.11252853

is this one targetting /lit/ discord?
You're the kind of midwit who would love Tom Wolfe in the 70s.

>> No.11252859

never been on the discord, but I'm not surprised by the question

>> No.11252880

Literally the only "interesting" guy from frogtwitter is mena.

>> No.11252884

you'll need a photocopier and an erection.

>> No.11252896

>going to Costa Rica is adventurous

I don’t agree with the guy you’re replying to, but the general atttitude of upper class “”travelers”” who jump from tourist trap to tourist trap acting as though backpacking hostels and smoking weed with the same type of rich twenty something “”alternative”” European/North american tourists somehow constitutes an interesting life style is embarrassing.

>> No.11252907

I mean if you travel with a healthy contempt of tourists and everything they represent, it quickly becomes clear that everything worthwhile in a country comes from people who live there’s who dedicate their lives to the place and to its sense of being, of the gradual unveiling of the many tones of meaning hidden beyond the veil of superficial appearance, of the sustained cultural dialogue which is constantly referential to itself and so on. This work, which even many anthropologist fail to accomplish, is what is truly fascinating. And traveling is simply being an impotent outsider to the whole spectacle.
Traveling is gliding along the surface of the the ocean, and most travelers never even begin to grasp how much water is underneath them.

>> No.11252944

Still seems like an enormous refusal of experience to write off most of the planet as ugly and uninhabitable.

Guess I don’t let those people live in my head so much. Central America in general is fascinating and it’s pathetic to let the existence of tourism and insects overshadow that.

>> No.11252950

triggered groyper detected

>> No.11253040


>> No.11253070

>contemporary mind-virus as a suppository
imgaine spewing this gamersriseup tier rhetoric and still wondering why you are becoming the butt of the joke

>> No.11253104


>> No.11253124
File: 257 KB, 428x458, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>listens to a communist podcast
>its a nick abuses the jew episode

>> No.11253257

I'm a social reject so I hate liberal culture out of exclusion to a degree.

>Do you ever get nostalgia for upper mid culture just b/c it was your childhood?
Yes, of course, but I don't feel any particular attraction to it. For instance, my parents had NPR on every day growing up, and sometimes I want to hear it again just for the trip, but it's really so unbearable I can't listen for long.

>> No.11253445
File: 308 KB, 400x400, mena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save it, it's all yours my friend :)

>> No.11253473

Yeah, how many STEMfags have read Mishima? Most aren't to widely read (may be projecting here) and Mishima isn't exactly surface level for newcomers

>> No.11253503

mishima is definitely entry-level for a certain type of "angery young amerimutt incels toiling for the zog" people, along with junger, evola, spengler and (maybe) d'annunzio

>> No.11253638

I’ve been to every continent and this sounds gay.

>> No.11253751

>downloads a cum town podcast
>fantasizes about moving to Montana and living off the land like Kaczynski

>> No.11253823

I only listen to classical.

>> No.11253825

Almost as though the picture makes it obvious.

>> No.11253985


>> No.11253999

everything is me except new rap is good #XCCELERATE

>> No.11254011

Yiikes all of these are me except the virgin part (I fuck)

>> No.11254025

Nick Mullen is a member of the DSA, a group including thousands of Marxists

One of his best friends and former roommate is Amber Frost, literally a professional Marxist Feminist

Also at least three of his closest friends are Jewish (Adam, Felix, Anna Khachiyan)

Frogmen like him just because he makes racist jokes a couple times an episode

>> No.11254110

>check out this BASED communist
>check out this BASED marxist
>check out this BASED jew
these "people" never learn, shits hilarious lmfao

>> No.11254130

Only 1 and 2 are true. Try harder

>> No.11254157

I'm a physicsfag that liked the only Mishima I've read, which was Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea. I'm not a reactionary faggot, though, I just thought it was good.

>> No.11254180

>not a reactionary
I see this a lot with upper tier STEM people (ie other PhD students I know). There's a tendency to go against radicalism in order to maintain a sense of normalcy or connection with the larger community, as if they know they are different but want to pretend that it's not so. You get people with ground breaking ideas on chemistry or geophysics saying they're into shit like playing pick up baseball on the weekends.

I'm not into that bullshit to say the least. Normalcy is cowardice in that situation. I am not normal and don't want to be in any way, politics included.

>> No.11254183

Literary """""person"""" honestly the common normalfag is more of an interesting and genuine person than you lot tbqh.

>> No.11254185

Better than san francisco

>sees Google bus and writes an angry tweet about it
>buys a $5 latte with a little leaf-like design on the foam
>sees an anti-discrimination ad at bus stop and nods head
>writes tweet about Trump's senility and racism and the importance of reparations
>gets off bus commute one stop early because a black and/or poor person gets on
>goes to gay club, but isn't personally gay
>get paid to tweet for a company
>feels uncomfortable making eye contact with the hispanic people who live around workplace in the mission district
>gets a shitty burrito (but calls it great because all California burritos have to be great) with shitty friend visiting from LA
>walks by graffiti demanding white women take off their hoop earrings and thinks it's really powerful
>walks by corporate sponsored mural of Jimmi Hendrix breaking some chains and also thinks it's really powerful
>takes an Uber home to avoid the homeless people on the bus
>watches Samantha Bee and eats some kind of vegan dish that has quinoa in it
>reads a page of the Rupi Kaur book they just bought and makes up an excuse to stop
>tweets about depression
>falls asleep at 2 am

>> No.11254329

dude, normalfags are not authentic, so they can't be genuine. *opens wikipedia page for "Authenticity (philosophy)"* to be authentic means to *copy pastes*

>> No.11254349

san francisco is much worse than that anon

>> No.11254357
File: 140 KB, 800x500, 1526160161903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this post right now

>> No.11254368


>> No.11254374

Mishima is precisely the sort of thing a stemfag would read. They teach him in a lot of highschool programs as well

>> No.11254418
File: 38 KB, 480x360, 2bhlvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254423

>they're into shit like playing pick up baseball on the weekends.
how dare they engage in normal male behavior

>> No.11254430

this except i listen to the daily shoah instead of cumtown, and i know that my school friends are never going to text me

>> No.11254468

honest question, what's your measured IQ? because if it's below 2 SD above the average, you're not special in any way, shape, or form

>> No.11254476

huh, TDS still exists? what do they even talk about nowadays

>> No.11254515

his podcast isn't about politics

>> No.11254533

midcult: the medium

>> No.11254540

not him but I checked a week or so ago and its just mike getting angry at this point

>> No.11254552

same shit they've always talked about, i'm listening to it more out of habit than anything, the quality has gone downhill since trump got elected

>> No.11254581

cope harder, white boy

>> No.11254640

I'm not afraid to be political, I just fucking hate politics in general because of what it does to people today. Everyone I know that's "interested" in politics is rigidly locked into a bubble of opinions, news, and facts that agree with their worldview and, in the real crux of the matter, denies this phenomenon for everyone but themselves. Anyone who could possibly hold different opinions, then, can only possibly do so because they are drooling retards or evil. My family and friends are on opposite sides of the political spectrum but still all act like this, so I just don't talk about it anymore.
Everyone reading this is agreeing with me but 95% of you are picturing whatever ideology is diametrically opposed to yours and saying "Yeah, those cunts sure do act like that."
If I had to actually spell out all of my political opinions they'd be considered fairly radical by most Americans because I have a lot of communist leanings but have no patience for liberal idpol shit, so both general camps would call me a monster.

>> No.11254647

>i listen to the daily shoah

>> No.11254648


>> No.11254658
File: 133 KB, 288x285, Screen Shot 2018-06-02 at 1.52.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go fren

>> No.11254663

>but listens to it on audiobook during his commute
commute to where though?
>tfw nowhere to go
otherwise quite well done op

>> No.11254687
File: 377 KB, 1076x779, 1527573091848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it,. cuck, praise kek LMAO xD

>> No.11254714

It is sometimes

His views on the economy, US gov, labor, Israel make it clear Nick is very far left. Just edgy sometimes

I think because he used to be internet friends with Sam Hyde and Weev alt right guys think he's just pretending to be a leftist or something

>> No.11254729
File: 16 KB, 259x224, 1519788226573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What percentage of people on 4chan would you say are actually genuine, and not just ironic?

>> No.11254733
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1460346765572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254766

I've lived there for fifteen years mate

>> No.11254788

FACT: everyone who got involved with frogtwitter in 2015/2016 is now extremely depressed & constantly on the verge of suicide

>> No.11254818

Mishima was one of the first authors I read multiple works of
t. Mathfag

>> No.11254819

back to voat

>> No.11254834

>closes binance tab
>crack open horriblesubs.info for new darlifra episode
>checks gmail
>closes gmail
>opens /fa/
>finds a pair of track pants for a newfag by spending 2 minutes on zara
>closes zara tab
>checks phone
>opens /biz/
>gets erection from aqua thumbnail
>looks up aqua on nhentai
>opens ohentai tab
>switch back to nhentai tab as ohentai video buffers
>video is bad, closes ohentai tab
>orgasms to aqua doujin
>shitposts on ark thread
>closes /biz/
>opens /ck/
>asks how he gets out of there without breaking all the eggs on webm thread
>checks archive for tip thread that was deleted
>closes warosu and /ck/
>clicks back on /lit/ tab to refresh catalogue
>opens browser history to post as a reference to create shitpost satirizing own lifestyle

>> No.11254871


>> No.11254962

>opens /lit/
>ctrl+f "Pynchon" "Marx" "Joyce"
>closes /lit/
>reads a chapter of Blood Meridian then masturbates to women of color on instagram
>drives to the beach, listening to an episode of Cum Town and then an episode of Red Scare
>buy a new pair of cheap aviator sunglasses
>watch the sunset, crack open a Corona, texts his ex then flips through a copy of a French Ultraleft publication he pointed last week at the public library
>go home
>watch half a Robert Altman movie then an entire Ernst Lubitsch movie
>masturbate again
>Go to bed at 4 am

>> No.11255003

>tfw 25 year old boomer and unable to work instagram to masturbate to thots

>> No.11255032

>>finds a pair of track pants for a newfag by spending 2 minutes on zara
that's nice of you anon

>> No.11255043

right click, 'view page info,' navigate to pic or vid you want to fap to, copy link to browser and open that glorious unscaled content

>> No.11255056

>watch Haneke film
>read the Iliad for several hours
>cook a pizza, read Iliad during the process
>listen to Mogra while shitposting on /lit/

>> No.11255068

thank you

>> No.11255100

apparently i would lose a full sd off my iq in the 70’s from all the blaq puss
hakan and bap and some of the others are cool pepo

>> No.11255134

sorry, i'm on a bad fucking amphetamine come down right now so I'm sure what I wrote was obnoxious as fuck. never tested my IQ but I do know my GRE score was 170V 164Q

>> No.11255143

>flies to New York in spring and instagrams selfie in front of the Met
>flies to LA in summer and instagrams pic up against some """"street art"""" angel wings
>attends a protest
>goes to The French Laundry but doesn't tell anybody about it because it doesn't feel right to pay that much for a meal
>wears street shoes that cost $250 but wears a $40 watch because they think it makes them "down to earth"
>tries their hardest not to be racist
>will never publicly call themselves bicoastal but fantasize about doing so

>> No.11255171

Wtf even is frogtwitter?

>> No.11255197

lay off the amp lad, your posts aside i know from personal experience and watching others get hooked it does nobody any favors

>> No.11255225

a bunch of high iq narcissistic nihilists from old /pol/ and old wyrd right twitter

here is there twitter accounts:


i don’t like or remember the rest of the handles but there are more of them, they will probably make u upset in the first ten minutes you read their accts

>> No.11255241

All of them except mena originate from Salo.

>> No.11255292

half an hour into these accounts and have yet to see anything that makes me upset. they are far too rational, i was expecting some genuine unhinged frogdom like such as those guys who went on a killing spree

>> No.11255334

It’s pretty bad, it’s just Opie and Anthony saying nigger and being mad about jews at this point. The skits are ok, (Atticwaffen, Merchant Minute) but the main content is just the same stuff over and over.

>> No.11255360

Accurate but I think you should've included some degenerate sexual acts. San Fran is full of particularly gross hedonists.

>> No.11255368

Insecure and paranoid

>> No.11255382

>nervously agree to let gf peg you because she saw it on Broad City and wants to talk about it with her girl-friends
>hate every second of it and try to surpress gag reflex as it happens
>agree again next time she asks
That's the most accurate you're going to get

>> No.11255411

loki = larping retard who doesn't respond when you rebute his braindead theories
bronzeagemantis = wop with roid tits and an ugly face. he's also gay lol, read his old phora posts
hakonrotmwrt = no longer posts

mena is the only good one

>> No.11255420

yeah they're p harmless i dont know why people get so butthurt about them

>> No.11255495

this is hateful

>> No.11255498
File: 61 KB, 652x218, CUgYJe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is something about this one, though

>> No.11255503


>> No.11255508

>high iq
this is what frogtwitter actually believes

>> No.11255512

>high iq = right
>people i disagree with = low iq
this is what this poster actually believes

>> No.11255521

you niggas always seem to throw this around, and yet none of the frog"people" exhibit qualities we would expect from somebody with a high-iq - in neither their way of speaking, nor in what they like
i would honestly say that the *smartest* one among them is 135 IQ - the SMARTEST. The vast majority of them barely scratch the 120 IQ mark.

>> No.11255530


>> No.11255542

please note: if you have ever worked as a fucking amazon fulfilment center worker, you are not high iq

>> No.11255549

That's the first or second question on most respected IQ tests, actually

>> No.11255555

who are you quoting?

>> No.11255556

Are we not allowed to have fun bro... BAP MAKES GOOD CONTENT, YOU SIT ON 4CHAN

>> No.11255561

who am I quoting? who are YOU quoting?

>> No.11255574

wow, man
pictures of people who would most likely hate his guts if they knew who he was + A LOT OF EXCLAMATION MARKS WOOO

such incredible content
these are the people that are going to lead the "right", lmfao

>> No.11255596


>> No.11255598

I go to holy places and do spiritual retreats to try to feel things.

I get all my ebooks and pdfs for free and legally from gutenberg project, nlx.com, and archive.org. Pretty much every classic can be found in these.

>> No.11255600

>I go to holy places and do spiritual retreats to try to feel things.
You are my least favorite kind of person

>> No.11255679

1. "Have you ever posted on twitter?"
2. "Have you ever had a frog as a twitter avatar?"
3. "Have you ever worked as an amazon fulfilment center worker?"

>> No.11256026


>> No.11256042

it honestly feels so fucking good not being one of you retards holy shit

>> No.11256061

t. faggot that dont interact with normies

>> No.11256082

I only meet three, maybe there's still hope.

>> No.11256107


Please go back to >>/r/eddit, it's shockingly obvious how out of place you are here.

>> No.11256126

>ooh, almost forgot the best part of Costa Rica. Getting harassed by literally every single service worker you come across for tips and handouts

>> No.11256129


>> No.11256221

Actually brain damaged. Read the allegory of the cave you dumb nigger.

>> No.11256232

>the allegory of the cave is a metaphor for people realizing that I'm right
Retards like you shouldn't be allowed near any means of digital communication

>> No.11256249

Are you upset that I'm not atheistic or upset that I'm not religious?

>> No.11256259

Why does every thread on lit turn into bickering between right wingers and left wingers

>> No.11256281

Those are the redditors.

>> No.11256288

Every Ideology But Mine is Reddit: A Child's Guide to Internet Arguments

>> No.11256301

I have probably read ten times the number of books that you've read you weak pathetic rat

>> No.11256306

Your post indicated to me that you are a spiritual cocktail party guest. The kind of person who will post a picture of himself in a Hindu temple or Buddhist monastery on Instagram and talk about how much spiritual energy and healing you could feel there despite having no connection to or in-depth knowledge of that faith's specific beliefs or practices. You know all the pretty words you need to trick yourself into believing that you've experienced something truly moving and have felt your own spirit, but it is a song and dance.
Wooden beads, yoga classes, bare feet in inappropriate settings, scented candles, $15 statues of Budai (who you still think is Buddha), guided meditation apps on your iOS device. That's what came to mind when I read your post.

>> No.11256339

I suppose you want me to write you a fucking essay as a response, but I'm not a ledditor so I'll just tell you to slit your wrists faggot.

>> No.11256384

this is such a gay ressentiment filled thing to say man
again, why are you like this? is there a reason you hav to be a vicious louse?
because this board helped give birth to two different subcultures in tandem with /pol/ frand

>> No.11256432

No, I want you to send me a greeting card and say you're sorry, you nigger

>> No.11256959
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>> No.11256966

Thanks lori

>> No.11256988
File: 75 KB, 828x465, our patience has its limits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not always appreciating every phenomena sincerely, ironically, and post ironically simultaneously

>> No.11257066
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>> No.11257088

>puts down a Albert Camus novel
>doesn't read or watch the news, has little idea about what's going on in the world
>listens to podcasts, but doesn't actually enjoy them
>goes for aimless walks just to think
>waits three months to change the rice on his Arch Linux installation
>plans to torrent a movie every once in a while but never does
>listens to only one song from the new rap album
>downloads a pirated pdf of a Heidegger book but "listens" to it on audiobook while working
>plans to lift the next day but never does
>talks about how comfy life as a remote software engineer is
>rarely ever goes to live events
>fantasizes about living in LatAm

>> No.11257727

Most of these apply to me. I am a semi-rich stemfag that votes for the most radical candidate possible and daydreams about teddy k lifestyle. I didn't realize there was a term for this

>> No.11257767

how's latam related to all the other elements?

>> No.11257776

>and have six children in need of medical care.
Costa Rica has universal health care for its citizen,anon. Still, any place that depends on tourism is going to be a massive "scam the tourists" operation, whether it's in Vegas, NYC, or some exotic 3rd world country that labels itself "Paradise".

>> No.11257821

>They teach him in a lot of highschool programs as well

>> No.11258814

120-135 is a really good iq

>> No.11258903
File: 46 KB, 600x396, gentlemen i give you man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry he doesn't yearn for le deus vult divine right catholic monarchy or whatever ideal government style you want

>> No.11258920

you are not a based cracker my man

>> No.11258927

I am literally none of these and I browse here so much that Jordan Peterson appears in my dreams regularly

>> No.11258959

niggas be like
"sorry he doesn't yearn for le deus vult divine right catholic monarchy or whatever ideal government style you want"

>> No.11259189

128-up is good
120 is less than the average education major IQ
that's really bad, you know

>> No.11259217

got an invite for this discord?

>> No.11259231

You are very presumptious. I don't do any of that. I go away to pray in private when I feel desperate (in churches or the woods) and open up over my relatives' graves, despite not being sure that I'm being heard. I don't pull anyone in with me, so I make no apologies for that.

>> No.11259291

Only >150 is human level IQ

>> No.11259374

Me too, (I've only ever known the touch of prostitutes)

>> No.11259391

How many people seriously devote to their writings though, most just associate to the initial edginess

>> No.11259397

check warosu
beware though, it's cancer, the channels beside the general one are mostly dead and the general is 90% a deranged britbong who has been banned more than twenty times yet comes back again and again

>> No.11259399

Heh, I don't even understand Heidegger's position but I agree with it

>> No.11259440
File: 28 KB, 450x377, 1503787281817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puts down his anti-depressants
>cracks open the daily stoic
>downloads latest episode of wake up with sam harris
>goes to a quirky hipster board game bar hoping to meet people but spends whole time on his phone, occasionally glancing at women and feeling like a disgusting bug every time he does
>counts down the days until his next shift so that he has people to talk to but then his only work friend isn't on that day
>listens to the same album he always does and fantasises about performing in front of his high school classmates
>hasnt finished a book in months

>> No.11259581

i was here while the christposters reigned. yep, better than memerson.

i'm a stemfag and my english student friends seem to think i've read more than them. i dunno if that's true but the pleb stemfag thing is more of a myth than you'd like to think

>> No.11259585

the intersection of Cum Town listeners, Kaczynski fans, and Mishima readers must be destroyed in nuclear hellfire

>> No.11259629
File: 50 KB, 636x781, 1508598104681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me. Fuck. except I don't travel, and I make up for that by literally having a new career I tell my mum I'm going to persue every week. My parents love me so much but I know I suffer from exactly what this post describes. Everything really is just so boring to me. I can't imagine doing something for 10 plus years let alone a career for 40 that you gotta commit too in order to progress through. I don't hold it against people that they think all of the shit described in the post is worth doing to avoid boredom. But I am suprised no one talks about this. It really is a problem and all the angry replies are kinda proof. I understand people can call this bitter old people bile posting but I really am the type of person described. FUCK.

The only thing that I'm committed too is blowing away time on vidya it's the only crutch I haven't kicked. Feeling sorry for yourself and this conundrum absolutely perpetuates it though. So it really is like you gotta have a born again christian level of positivity and blind faith in the idea that if you just don't look to be constantly gratified you'll be happier. The mind virus part is that I just don't believe that.

>> No.11259644

have you considered joining some foreign legion in some foreign country? when the liberal internationalists destabilize some far-off region in 2021, you can join one of the sides as a volunteer

>> No.11259709
File: 87 KB, 447x555, 1497055882594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no. I have thought about joining my own nations special forces I am just deathly afraid of heights. So I wouldn't ever make it. I'd be an infantry shit kicker for the rest of my days.

>> No.11260339

Then you should have no problem enjoying material material consumed by a radical leftist

Instead alt right cum fans say "Umm actually Nick is nrx like me because he makes jokes about Asians sometimes"

>> No.11260827

You can get over it, incremental exposure. I'm able to handle a couple hundred feet now and I used to be afraid of jumping. Baby steps, baby.