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/lit/ - Literature

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11250248 No.11250248 [Reply] [Original]

>Currently reading
>Are you happy now, at the twilight of your life?
Share anything else about literature or being old, too.

>> No.11250261
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>New York, NY
>Works and Days, Hesiod
>No. I wasted my youth being insecure and unhappy. And despite what boomers tend to say, having a family is not really that meaningful. To say otherwise is a classic Boomer cope, I say.

>> No.11250268

19 but discovered I'm going to die at 40 do to a rare condition, which makes me a boomer Chronos logically. I don't actually read either I just find the people on lit to be intellectually equal to me. Other boards are full of cretinous chimps that you cannot speak to it is like speaking to a dog

>> No.11250270

What ails you anon, and do you follow Christ?

>> No.11250273

>new hampshire
>the linguistic turn
>never been happier

>> No.11250277

Why are you so happy?

>> No.11250284

i have no anxieties, no obligations, am deeply in love with girl im going to marry and i do what i want all day every day.

>> No.11250290

No way. Came into money? Bitcoin?
Happy for you anon. I type this from my office, sad and miserable and dreading the rest of this life of obligation

>> No.11250296

Actually I'm not going to die at 40 I just like the boomer joke as for the Christ question I think that I am on the path to finding him years ago I rejected the idea entirely latching on to religions such as Paganism and Buddhism but after listening to some very bright Catholics the idea of God is not so anti-intellectual as some people like Richard Dawkins like to believe. In fact a lot of things start to make sense like the idea of Lucifer governing Earth at this point of time while God's influence is minimal

>> No.11250328
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>Volmann - The Dying Grass
>if you're lurking/posting on 4chin after the age of 17, something has gone profoundly wrong in your life.

/lit/ used to have moments when it was pretty decent but that was years ago. The mods and immigrants from /r/T_d and /pol/ have shitted everything up......and im a ethno-nationalist

>> No.11250333

i went to a good school and got a high-paying job out of the gate. family has enough money to put any kids i have through school and all, so i didnt need to save much.
i normally wake up around 6 now, go play 9 holes by myself listening to poetry/an audiobook/rarely music, then read outside normally til the sun goes down (it's raining right now), sometimes exercise, make dinner, watch a movie, etc. living alone in my parent's summer home at the moment. girlfriend and i plan to live in europe for a year reading and traveling, then come back to the states to live in a cabin in the woods for another year or so and then pop out a kid and maybe open a bar or something somewhere in new england.

>> No.11250339

>The mods and immigrants from /r/T_d and /pol/ have shitted everything up......and im a ethno-nationalist

I know exactly what you mean r*dditoids will still be r*dditoids no matter what ideology they believe in.

>> No.11250359

>aurelia and other writings
It is alright, I'm trying to decide whether to start a business or travel the world or have kids w/ my wife.

>> No.11250372
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>somewhere outside Raleigh, NC
>I'm /starting with the greeks/, but specifically am reading Simone Weil's essay on the Iliad
>No, not really. Things are better than they were: I'm done with school and have an interesting and decent (albeit unrelated to my degree and probably dead-end) job, and I'm modestly better at conversation and taking care of myself and generally moving through the world. But I'm still sad and lonely and anxious and struggling to create meaning in my life. At least I'm optimistic that I will.

>> No.11250437

Prince Caspian (I wanted something light, don't judge)
I'm ok I guess

>I just find the people on lit to be intellectually equal to me
oh dear

>> No.11250671

I thought the cuttoff for oldfags was 26, but
>Child of God
>I'll never be happy while I'm at odds with my faith and my life. At least I have my dogs

>> No.11250690

>that picture
Back to r/mde

>> No.11250704
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>Vermont (ugh)
>reading a Lyotard anthology and some Chekhov stories

I've been fluctuating between extreme depression and some kind of satisfaction the past few months, just made definitive plans to visit China, Vietnam and Kazakhstan this coming fall so I'm pretty pumped about that. Caught in post-grad limbo, didn't really have a plan and I'm paying for that. I don't know what I'll find abroad but at least I'll get to practice my Russian (studied in uni) in Kazakhstan and see some wild shit in east Asia.

good for you dude, nice Charls

>> No.11250737

>Still haven't finished Antifragile which I stated late January
>Unhappy, got some health issues so feeling deep sense of loss for past times. Bored, schizoid personality. Narcissistic tendencies a la The Last Psychiatrist, very inward looking, daydreamer and ruminatory. Clever enough to take some pride in professional accomplishments yet burning need for validation and constant sense of inferiority and knowledge of lack of knowledge. Detached from humanity, unable to participate, cynical, it will be quiet desperation until the end of a likely unexamined and accomplished life

>> No.11250760

yee yee

>> No.11250807
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>Countdown - Alan Weisman
>Honesty, no. I'm too isolated from society, too cynical about the future for mankind and other animal species, alone, no friends, dissapointed, ... I'm a daydreamer and a dissapointed idealist. I do have however the job of my dreams, but that's it. Life is suffering.

>> No.11250870

>I do have however the job of my dreams, but that's it
Hey, that's no small thing. See if you can build up around it some of the other important areas of your life.

>> No.11251305

What are you in college for?

>> No.11251452

The idiot and little logic

If I knew then what I know now....

I’m a neet musician so I’m just daily grinding until I’m virtuosic.

It’s rather a joke, this deification of youth. Fuck being young. And gentlemen, I know we have a bit of a generational breakdown given the 20th c and all, but don’t let the women convince you you’re like them. Men get better with age. We peak in our 50s. Women bloom early and wilt soon after. Boys don’t become anything resembling men until their middle twenties, and not really until middle thirties.

I pull teenagers and will continue to have the ability to do so for another decade at least. Single men in their 40s routinely marry women in their 20s.

20s are the twilight for women. They’re the darkest night before the dawn for men.

>> No.11251471
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>This is what salty ugly incels tell themselves
>B-b-but I can get roasties who fell off the cock carousel