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File: 18 KB, 220x275, 220px-Murray_Bookchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11250012 No.11250012 [Reply] [Original]

Murray Bookchin's various positions, Anarchism, Communalism or Democratic Confederalism - Can they work?

>> No.11250014


>> No.11250040

Really boring writer but he was generally right. We would be freer and happier if we were to follow his prescriptions, but they will never be put into practice - at least not in our lifetimes.

>> No.11250067

Can you elaborate on how his writing bores you?

>> No.11250366
File: 960 KB, 1024x508, rojava2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*stares in Democratic Confederalism*

>> No.11250777

isn't he an anprim?

>> No.11251457

Looks pretty comfy t b q h desu.

>> No.11251546

total shit. Anarchists have so few credible intellectuals it's disturbing.

>> No.11251557

Who would you say are the few?

>> No.11251563

Isn't there a chart out here on Bookchin? I know there are a few which include his works and related ideologies. Those would be nice to see as well.

>> No.11251566

get the fuck off /lit/ you stupid fucking faggots this isn’t a battleground for you and /pol/ go away

>> No.11251578

After liberals anarchists have the most credible intellectuals.

>> No.11251584
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I think there's another too

>> No.11251600
File: 63 KB, 1002x750, stirner8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lifestylism is the metastasized cancer that will be the torturous death of modern anarchism. He transmutes empty social posturing into an anarchist necessity, exactly the sort of thing that lead to its commodification in the first place. Fuck this fat fuck

>> No.11251603

This is the one I remember seeing specifically. I would love an enlarged image of just the Bookchin Pepe though for reaction purposes. If you come across the other chart then I would love to see what that has as well.

>> No.11251686
File: 148 KB, 480x480, read em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there is a possibility of it being put into practice (at least if we follow his ideas of starting off with bookclubs and actively engaging with your local community/politics) though it is a very slow and laborious process and I couldn't say with any sort of hope that this sort of thing would ever reach a large scale, in my mind it would most likely happen within several towns/communities around the country (hopefully located near eachother so they can work together) at least when it comes to talking in our lifetime.
If that sort of community building were to occur in our lifetime then I could see the possibility of it spreading more outwardly past our lifetime and everything. But who knows, maybe if conditions get worse (which there is a great chance of happening)that more people will be more receptive to these sorts of ideas and practices more quickly than they otherwise would be.
Here ya go anon!

>> No.11251883

Bookchin was one of the hardest critics of lifestylism, though? Wasn't that his whole thing?

In contrast to the stirner-influenced 'post-left' non-binary situationist octopussies.

>> No.11251941

Anarchist approaches are more successful than people give them credit for, people just don't notice because they overlook institutions that operate outside of the officially recognized state. I'd argue that the Zapatistas have been the most successful far left movement thus far, and they share a lot of similarities with anarchists/libertarian socialists.

You might want to check out Carne Ross, an anarchist writer/activist. He used to be the middle east expert for the British UN delegation during 9/11, and was privy to security council discussions during that time. So when the US and its allies used WMD as justification for invading Iraq, he knew they were lying. This caused him to lose faith in the current government and eventually become an anarchist.

But stop thinking of politics as aiming for a set final state. See how could anarchism inform your approach to solving concrete problems, and focus on building up alternatives to existing institutions.

>> No.11252891

Thanks for the Carne Ross tip. I'll watch his documentary.

>> No.11253617

Can we talk about Rojava? Is it working?

>> No.11253664

As pretty much everything lefists, as long as it is working, every aspect of it that is not orthodox will be overlooked but as soon as it stops working, nobody will be able to claim it as evidence for the failures of leftism because it wasn't leftist in the first place.

>> No.11253716

Thanks for your opinion.

>> No.11253721

>Can they work?

lol of course not

>> No.11253724


>> No.11253740

Their complete lack of explanations aside from stuff that's basically "blank slate theory 2.0" as to how and why exactly people will be motivated to do all the stuff that a society requires in order to function without financial incentives, violence, or hierarchies. also, the lack of explanation at how exactly they're going to be able to either organize the revolution to happen at the same time throughout the entire world or, if it's not going to happen that way, how they're going to defend their interests from other countries.

>> No.11253832

nothing you said was an argument.

>> No.11253872

I didn't make an argument, I made a statement regarding the lack of explanations anarchist have as to how an anarchist society is supposed to function and other related issues.

>> No.11253874

We are already seeing them being applied in northeast syria, so the answer is no.

>> No.11253883

What going wrong in Syria?

>> No.11253895

Poverty, one party dictatorship, forced conscription, corruption, unpopular agricultural policies, heavy dependence on the regime they hate for basic services.
>inb4 isis
>inb4 turkey

>> No.11253908

Anywhere i can read more? I know nothing about Rojava but i'm interested.

>> No.11253929

Just follow almonitor. The conscription is the worst thing about them and it's by far their most unpopular policy.

>> No.11253932

Have you read Bookchin?

>> No.11253941

read this if you want pro assad propaganda.

>> No.11253983
File: 21 KB, 485x340, slavin giving the finger to anti regime protesters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they do have a clear bias in favor of iran since their director is the infamous barbara slavin (they have a couple of putin shills too), but they're still still the best source for middle east analysis imo. They're just a typical liberal outlet. You can easily separate the wheat from the chaff.

>> No.11254148

Glad to see some good discussion going on here

>> No.11254193
File: 24 KB, 298x388, CyXbKcgXUAEIyf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rojava is still the most free community in Syria, but Turkey's capture of Afrin was brutal.

Right now they are negotiating with Assad, hoping to continue their autonomy under an Assad-united state.

>> No.11254425

Democratic Confederalism seems like small communes within a liberal framework - yeah. There is are several examples of communes working within western liberal democracies.

>> No.11254909

Interesting. Can you tell us more Pepe News?

>> No.11255300
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But just how many books could he fit on his chin?

>> No.11255824

>lol it’s just human nature bro

>> No.11257080

I think 8

>> No.11257519

Based Bookchin!

>> No.11258620


>> No.11259791


>> No.11259903
File: 272 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_8871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookchin was a faggot

>tfw I'm from the town where he moved to and died, which was and is a yuppie hippie caricature of a place

>> No.11260929
File: 260 KB, 736x916, DudeWheresYourArguement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument.

>> No.11260946

He's a faggot. Ergo I'm right and he's wrong. Nerd.

>> No.11262841

Haha this changes everything ;) ok dude you just btfo'd him totally

>> No.11263886

Should should I just start reading his works? Anything supplemental that I should read before, alongside, or after his works? Trying to just figure out a reading plan before I begin the task this summer.