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/lit/ - Literature

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11248228 No.11248228 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /lit/ go to get its reviews and latest book release news?

>> No.11248230


>> No.11248231
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>> No.11248235

>reading newly published books

>> No.11248239
File: 48 KB, 326x242, A953AFF8-5923-43BF-ABB1-E9808B43274C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> reading contemporary literature
I need to read all the classics and masterpieces before I read the new shit

>> No.11248273

people here don't read contemporary /lit/ because they're still in the phase "I have yet to read 1/10 of the canon and I have several (read: 3) quasi-canonical novels under my belt but Imma give my uniformed opinion on everything: teh characters are flat/unbelievable/unrelated and hte prose is good/pretentious/purple" and they literally know nothing about XXth literature they don't even know who the fuck Blondell or Elias Canetti or Gadda or Grossman or Celan are let alone contemporary literature which they experience only through what gets fed to them by the mainstream (they don't even have the b0lls and the erudition to go full midstream like /mu/ and read the literary equivalent of Deafheaven and Tame Impala) politically correct angloburger superorganism also there's an unhealthy overblownism of weeb lit such as the painfully overrated Yukio "I'm a faggot but I'm also not because faggotry is a western concept and also a manlet" Mishima and combining this with the incredible inability to form even slightly advanced opinions about anything (I still remember fondly that thread about Bolano's prose in which one anon asked the masses of unthinking plebs for a definition of "poetic" and they spent 200+ replies tripping over themselves unable to provide a definitions of "poetic" until I came along and answered that anon by repeating literal highschool tier definitions and there was also a very erudite tranny who boipucced all over the fucking place) this leads me to the question: what the fuck do you actually get from here in terms of discussion of contemporary /lit/erat/ure/?

>> No.11248283


>> No.11248305
File: 126 KB, 533x800, 1500010248121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> what the fuck do you actually get from here in terms of discussion of contemporary /lit/erat/ure/?

pleb opinions & pleb tier ignorance like my own, so i feel comfortable and not intimidated while frolicking and flailing around in this, the communal bosom of fellow anons.

>> No.11248332

TLS, LRB,LARB, NYRB, Claremont, First Things, the list goes on...

I come here because I never went to college and so have no one with which to discuss these topics. Really spot on post. I recently finished a book commonly read by /lit/ users and, in the hopes of reading a little discussion and criticism, searched the /lit/ archive for the work and, to little surprise, strictly found posts like "I liked part X, part Y, part Z...," "[list of rankings with no explanation or analysis]," and jokes and superficial musings on translations and editions.

But hey, the semiannual quality discussion I get makes it all worth it... maybe.

>> No.11248344

Does /lit/ browse any other lit related forums other than here?

>> No.11248350

Uhm, what's this? An apparition from the past?
I see, I see. Appreciate the honesty.
Yeah it's a real shame because if you read the threads made during the first period there was a much higher level of discourse not to mention the funposting which reached levels of comedy yet to be paralled by anyone on the whole fucking internet (brother, may you spare me some oaths?). It was a real blood and soil movement without neither blood nor soil, a grassroots collective of highly erudite autists with a penchant for pomo literature which managed to come together only through sheer power of intuitional brotherhood of souls. I am romanticizing and overexaggerrating, but the difference in quality is very sharp. I still don't know what caused this much decline, one would say that it was because of the election but blaming the eternal /pol/lo seems to be a bit of a lazy strategy.

>> No.11248352

another homophobic and pretentious piece of shit from pol

>> No.11248354

no anon I am actually a bit of a faggot myself

>> No.11248357

um no sweetie it was bad from the beginning

>> No.11248383
File: 655 KB, 1280x800, lit prose discussion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You, sir, are right about absolutely everything, please keep coming here and make this place better.
Also, pic related is the thread you are referring about.

>> No.11248884


>> No.11249367

First post, best post.