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/lit/ - Literature

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11245820 No.11245820 [Reply] [Original]

Am beginning my journey into philosophy. Please give me recommendations for a beginner based on metaphysics, economics, existentialism, etc

should i start with the greeks? if so where?

so far I have in my list

Nausea by Sarte
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche
Stranger by Camus


>> No.11245844

I would
1. start with whatever interests you AND isn't way above your head
2. Start reading Plato's dialogues and then the Republic
3. Purchase this anthology and peruse it

>> No.11245854

thats my particular concern right now, over complicated text that is over my head. metaphysics is especially fascinating to me but im not sure if itll be over my head once i begin to explore it.

thank you for the link, i will also add plato to my list. ive been meaning to

>> No.11246461

Not OP, I've already read The Apology, Crito, Euthyphro, Phaedo, Cratylus, and Parmenides. I'm currently reading Symposium, and I'm gonna start The Republic tomorrow.
Anything else I should read before going over to Aristotle? And what are Aristotle's most important works?

>> No.11246491


>> No.11246952

op, putting those on my list. i cant tell you any other reccomendations, only recently getting into literature


>> No.11247115
File: 21 KB, 240x362, Theory of Socialism and Capitalism_2nd Edition_Hoppe_20130612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism - Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Free eBook https://mises.org/library/theory-socialism-and-capitalism-0

>> No.11247161

Read Plotinus' Enneads. Some Zen. Some Kabbalah. Some Crowley. Corpus Hermeticum.

>> No.11247188

Republic, Phaedrus, Phaedo, Timaeus, Theaetetus

On the Soul, Physics, Organon, Metaphysics

>> No.11247249

Gorgias and the Phaedrus should be read before the Republic. Protagoras, Parmenides, Timaeus, and the Theaetetus should be read after, and then read the Laws. The Metaphysics and the Nichomachean Ethics are porably Aristotle's most important works. The Organon is also important for setting the foundation of logic, but it has been outclassed.

>> No.11247558

Lol just read philosophy textbooks. They're much more to the point and will save you time to read other things.

>> No.11247641

Putting this here, does anyone know when the last time the google philosophy general has been updated was? Any plans for that to start delving into more contemporary things?

>> No.11249357

Don't just do this.

>> No.11249399

Nothing besides Kant matters

>> No.11249720

don't do this, its retarded nad very bad

>> No.11249728

Read Bertrand Russell's history of western philosophy, it's a great oversight that gives you a broad enough knowledge to know who you want to study next and a bit of the context that the philosophers of the past worked in.

>> No.11249743

>it's a great oversight
that's for sure

>> No.11249813
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>> No.11249858


>> No.11249884

Do you have an answer to >>11247641 by chance?

>> No.11249982

Does anyone rate Tao Te Ching?
Picked it up a while ago and haven't had time to read it ;_;

>> No.11249999

Swann's Way by Marcel Proust
Dubliner by James Joyce
Within a Budding Grove by Marcel Proust
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust
Ulysses by James Joyce

>> No.11250020

The more contemporary things can be found in the analytic and continental links at the bottom.

>> No.11250037

Start with the Greeks, ascend to the Romans, and finish with the Scholastics. Avoid Descartes and everyone after him because all they did was make a mess of things for no good reason. The moderns abandoned purpose or teleology but they didn't like the results and they've been trying to find meaning ever since.

>> No.11250046

>mfw people need tutorials to use tutorials