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11242635 No.11242635 [Reply] [Original]

I rejected a girl who wanted to have sex.
Any volcel literature?

>> No.11242641
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Can I ask why you thought she wanted to have sex? If it wasn't clear then she never did.

>> No.11242651

Augustine's Confessions and basically anything that Robert Walser wrote.

>> No.11242653


Yukio Mishima, Confessions of a Mask.
Maybe you are gay anon.

>> No.11242656

>she began to touch my dick
>she asked me whether I like shaved or unshaved pussies
>she told me to stop hating sex and stop being antinatalist
>she's moaning when we're making out
>she's horny af
>she has had a wide previous experience and she knows I'm a virgin

>> No.11242658

Sex belongs in marriage. Fornication, adultery, divorce, contraception, and abortion are going to leave our generation a lonely, alcoholic, childless, suicidal mess.

>> No.11242660

the sense in which you mean abortion is covered by contraception.

>> No.11242662

>she told me to stop being antinatalist

lol wtf

>> No.11242663

only christians, jews and muslims care about society, because they are a failure of a religion

>> No.11242674

Strongest RESISTING-THE-THOT scene in literature:

Last five pages of Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon.

There's a very nice scene near the end of No Country For Old Men (they skipped it entirely in the film, for some cockamamie reason) where Moss picks up a young girl hitch-hiker and helps her out. She basically offers him sex and he says no.

>He squinted at her. You ever notice how women have trouble takin no for a answer? I think it starts about age three.
>What about men?
>They get used to it. They better.

But of course Moss is married so it isn't really the true volcel spirit. Still, his wife is a long way off and he isn't ever going to see her again and he probably realizes it... so perhaps it is.

>> No.11242692

>>she told me to stop hating sex and stop being antinatalist
That doesn't sound very sexy

>> No.11242697
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You ask me for good literature on the sex question. Permit me to introduce to you some of the most informing:
>Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence

This shows the consequences of what would have happened had you followed through. Sexual losses, whether through the solitary vice or through copulation or other vicarious means, are debilitating and exert negative effects on the organism in question.
Rest full well in knowing that the choice you made was the best one in regards to peak physical and mental health and that the only reason to engage in such a loose relation, is on the impetus of pleasure. This is the same motive a heroin addict has for the injection of his drug. Man prevailed over instinct. A victory of reason over the senses. I commend you on your victory over self.

>> No.11242709

>she has had a wide previous experience

>Anon rejects something worse than a whore
>Regrets it

>> No.11242721

>tfw no cute dominant gf to stroke my hair and tell me to stop subscribing to Kierkegaardian ideas of aesthetic living

>> No.11242754


oh god it's nofap anon again... Stop spamming psychological literature from the 30s as if it was actual, relatable or somehow in line with present research!

>> No.11242757
File: 429 KB, 2033x1602, Von Gruber on sexual excess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You reject her, yet do not practice mental continence.
You need to alter the very vocabulary used. These are the sort of words one finds on a pornography video title, and as such, it activates the sexual centers in the mind and brings you down a peg.
Refer to it as your sex organ or penis. The other terms you've implicated are likewise vulgar and read more like erotic smut. In fact, if this is your recollection of events, I would contend that were the scenario repeated in the future, you would be inclined to failure. Your mind is everything. Do not let it be consumed by an instinct that aforetime was corrupted by hypersexual enviroment and behaviors. You can still reverse course.

>> No.11242781

Fuck off with this wierd Russian nofap bullshit

>> No.11242818

>psychological literature
While published in a psychological journal, this ultimately was physiological literature.
>or somehow in line with present research!
All present research is not even rooted in medicine, let alone psychology but the shame field of sexology, which has the a priori assumption that sexual activity is harmless. This is assumed a given on the basis of naturalistic fallacy. The premise that a biological act has no toll, is absurd, and laughable to anyone with even the slightest understanding of medicine.
People who assert that sex and everything relating to it is "harmless" rely on all of the following when confronting evidence to the contrary:
1. Naturalistic Fallacy (it's natural dude!)
2. Freudian reasoning (dude, repression dude!)
3. Appeal to ignorance (well dude, no studies exist so looks like I'm right!)
4. Straw man arguments (le current year)

Looking back, we see that the old research, while crude in it's understanding and attribution of exact mechanistic cause, it nonetheless, appeals to medicine and physiology. The counter research of it's day and carrying over to "present research", is far divorced from this, and rather than doctors and men of science studying the field, it is conducted by sham experts with degrees in the social sciences. The fact is, your emperors promulgating this "present research" have no clothes.
Case in point, Dr. Ruth. She is not a physician as her name implies but holds a terminal degree in teaching. Yet, she plays the role of an expert on all matters regarding sex and holds the notion that it is harmless.

In fact, if we look at the present research from neurology and endocrinology journals, we see that the sex act triggers a profound response in the body, beyond what anyone could have imagined (rises of "prolactin", hypofrontality, habituation, etc).
The 300+ years of research showing the negative effects of the sex act cannot be neglected or swept under the rug with such simpleton assertions. It's time we drop the charade of the sexual revolution and reexamine the hypotheses put forth by physicians and scientists of old.

>> No.11242822

This isn't Russian but is hosted on some Russian website. I link it because it is an HTML file which can be downloaded and converted and read on an e-reader.
Other websites host it, with better formatting but it is fragmented.

>> No.11242827


>> No.11242832


>> No.11242836


It's full of contemporary research saying that masturbation and sex are absolutely harmless

>> No.11242851

Yeah it's certainly that and not mindrotting pressure of capitalism! Retard.

>> No.11242854

You ignored the post totally.
Read it again.

>> No.11242866

But all of those are manifestations of mindrotting pressure capitalism

>> No.11242870

Zapffes last messiah. It's somewhere on the web, just 10 pages.

>> No.11242871

Quality post

>> No.11242894

What really happened:

>anon enters mcdonalds
>gril cashier looks at him and says hi
>anon san says "begone thot, I know u just want my pants tendie but this tendie is for traps only"
>gril calls her manager
>manager tells anon that he has to leave and can never return
>anon reees
>manager calls the cops
>cops make anon go home to his bitch mummie
>anon eats tendies while making this thread to brag about how he rejected that stacy whore in mcdonalds

>> No.11242904

imagining kierkegaard doing this now

>> No.11242908
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I don't even disagree with you. The ancients understood that sexual excess is a dangerous thing. It's just that your link looks sketching as fuck and the organisation that hosts it is called the Antisexual Stronghold.

Yes modern license about sex is half-liberal bullshit/half capitalsit ploy to turn us in the over-sexed cattle who can easily be manipulated by orgy porgy

>> No.11242935

Could you explain the social system of Bonobos (the primate) and why it's so dangerous then?

>> No.11242939


>> No.11242940

You guys are pathetic. Get laid

>> No.11242962

If this is a lie, I wish you dead.

If this is true, l wish you dead and me dead with you.

>> No.11242966

I fucking would if anyone who gives me an erection would have me.

>> No.11242976

Imagine being such an agoraphobic, socially anxious invalid that selling your labor is considered "pressure"

>> No.11243051
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Damn it's creepy you can tell who's numale from the replies

>> No.11243155
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>> No.11243172

>selling your labor is considered "pressure"

Where did I say this?

>> No.11243176

Surprised nobody mentioned Father Sergius by Tolstoy, it's short and can be read in one sitting.

>> No.11243179


>> No.11243393


>> No.11243394

The negatives listed by the other poster are all results of capitalism.

>> No.11243434

Where did you find her?

>> No.11243439
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>"volcels" are still attention whores

>> No.11243497

We have some mutual friends, I met her at a bar.
I want her to be my gf but she has other plans with me like sex.
We are 22 so I guess it's a bit late for relationships - that was the high school mood, but I was alone back then.

>> No.11243553

lololol people who say this are always uggos who fuck fatties.

>> No.11243608

Humans aren’t bonobos, it’s a specious equivalent. Why don’t we take on the social hierarchies of beehives?

>> No.11243636

Old science aside, I’m convinced from personal experience and reading mystical literature that sexual continence is one of the great secrets of many mystical/occult/religious paths throughout history — Hermeticism, Taoism, Freemasonry, Kabbalim, Hinduism, etc. Many independently have come to the conclusion that prolonged enough abstinence = greater enough feelings of well-being to be called mystical or spiritual somehow. For men at least, of course.

>> No.11243783

proust? byron? casanova? even shakesgoat had kiddies

>> No.11243791

Unironically based. Don't give in anon, nothing gives me more of a rush than rejecting women. It's real power.

>> No.11243824


>> No.11243969

humans were made in gods image and therefore have purpose

>> No.11244019
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>A victory of reason over the senses. I commend you on your victory over self.

>> No.11244099

Hinduists literally place rebrith and rejoining with The Brahma on following the Caste System. Shintoism and Sikhism also care about society. Pretty much the only major religion that arguably doesn't care about society is buddhism

>> No.11244106

>for some cockamamie reason
Obviously not if there was a reason

>> No.11244115

>let alone psychology but the shame field of sexology, which has the a priori assumption that sexual activity is harmless
this is what nofappers actually believe

>> No.11244138

The correct answer was lobsters

>> No.11244152

Wow same shit is happening to me right now. Talking to this hypersexual goth girl, she doesn't know I'm a virgin and that I'm absolutely disgusted by her stories of hooking up with random dudes.. I have a date with her tonight. Last date we went on I couldn't bring myself to kiss her, maybe that'll change or maybe I'll reveal that I just find most sexual contact repulsive

>> No.11244593

>I rejected a girl who wanted to have sex.
I wish I could stop doing this.
I just want a gf in whom I could trust.

>> No.11244623

Summa Theologiae

>> No.11244655

how would he know of the sexual practices of men hundreds of years beforehand. I call bullshit. beyond knowing thed authors likely didnt have sticky pages what would he be able to surmise

>> No.11244658


>> No.11244688
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For all the saddest words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these /pol/ was right again.

>> No.11244735

>I rejected a girl who wanted to have sex

Because you're probably in or around your mid-20s and you know most girls your age aren't virgins anymore. But you still are. That feeling of condescension and patheticness that you've attached to sex scares you away from it and the promise of sensual pleasure isn't enough to pull you out of the psuedo-shell your mind has created for itself.

Such a sad life, but one that deserves respect in it's modesty.

>> No.11244754

I bet he looks 10 years younger than he is

>> No.11244760

God imagine being as much of an insufferable faggot as you are

>> No.11244776

Did I strike a nerve? Tell me about your situation Anon.

>> No.11244788

>>she asked me whether I like shaved or unshaved pussies
This is the worst question. A girl once asked me this and I said hairy and she thought I was weird (why even ask then?) and said out loud: ''Haha! Anon likes hairy muffs! How weird!''

I haven't been able to comfortably answer this question ever since. I just say something like whatever my partner is comfortable with or whatever.

>> No.11244799
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>> No.11244839

There isn't a single meaningful word in this post. Amazing.

>> No.11244844

There isn't a single meaningful word in this post. Amazing.

>> No.11244846


>> No.11244860

>be me
>erectile dysfunction
>beta mindset
>feeling unworthy of sex and intimacy
How to fix this?

>> No.11244861

You answered correctly the first time, don't let yourself be bullied by the shaved pussy mob.

>> No.11244865

>OP does something alpha and morally upstanding
>turns out he's just an autist antinatalist
I fucking hate this lite-nihilist faggotry. Literally the worst group around.

>> No.11244866

I don't see the problem? All these things are bretty good, unless you are some sort of a normie and not a virgin like us

>> No.11244872

I wish your parents were anti-natalist

>> No.11244876

>I don't see the problem?
How the fuck do you not see the problem?

>> No.11244880

you are operating in a false mindset which equates sex with good

>> No.11244887

Sex is good.

>> No.11244893

that's like saying sweet is good, just wait till your teeth will start falling out

take my advice and stay away from society if you can

>> No.11244897

What an inane comparison.

>> No.11244918

Sex is not a need.
Abstinence from sex displays a powerful will and self-control.
It a pursuit much like the Buddhist ascetics, on a smaller scale and fit for the modern age.

>> No.11244924

you should try abstinence from the internet please

>> No.11244935

Lmao celibates are fucking pathetic. There are very few pleasures in this life, being a volcel doesn't make you a >tfw 2 smart 105+ IQ saint

>> No.11244956


Based hairy pussy poster.

>> No.11244960

Was she ugly or hot though?

>> No.11245013
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>implying 105 IQ is high
gif related

>> No.11245020

why the hell did you say no if you're just gonna be a fucking pussy about it?

>> No.11245027
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>gif related

>> No.11245165
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>gabituhlism is pressure

>> No.11245205

when sexuality is the only part of a woman and they embrace it its super unattractive

>> No.11245294

you are super unintelligible

>> No.11245316
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>mfw I have rejected sex numerous time because I would much rather prefer to cuddle with a qt girl and talk about life than to fuck like wild animals

>> No.11245345

>sexual continence is one of the great secrets of many mystical/occult/religious paths throughout history
Is that why 90% of the paths you mentioned are dead? Name me a living Hermetic Kabbalist with a public presence that isn't some pseudoscientific new age scammer.

>> No.11245346

Symposion by plato

>> No.11245357

go away normalfag

boo hoo he was too sentimental for sex and decided to cuddle instead, poor baby

>> No.11245393

maybe im 3rd worlder but im sure it aint hard to 1+1 here

>> No.11245670

There's nothing to decode from that message, you seem like to the imbecile here.

>> No.11245971

She was hot for me at least.
OP here btw, I just got back home I was making out with her and she asked me how big my dick is. She also said she wants to swallow cum. And she asked me what I want and I said I like to go to Japan and have a gf and I asked her what she wants and she said she wants to live on a farm and have sex with guys that turn her on (and she said I turn her on because I'm tender).

>> No.11245986


I don't read

>> No.11245995

That's partially true but there are virgins in 20' who don't refuse sex.

>> No.11246021

>That feeling of condescension and patheticness that you've attached to sex scares you away from it and the promise of sensual pleasure isn't enough to pull you out of the psuedo-shell your mind has created for itself.
Good. I won't even let woman hold my hand outside of shaking theirs

>> No.11246480
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Man so as far beta mindset goes, I recently got back from one month in Japan as a decent looking 20 year old white virgin
I got back to Australia and was chatting with some mates, one asked if I had any dice over there, I began trying to explain myself and my beta mindset was trying to deploy excuses but my mate just told me shut the fuck up and hit me with the most useful advice I've ever heard: "It didn't happen because you didn't want it to happen"
Just meditate on that
You gotta not fear rejection and just take every opportunity. If you like international girls try for a local language exchange, pretend you're interested in learning the language of a culture you'd like to fuck, then wait till a girl shows some interest i.e. moving in close to you, touching you and go from there. You might have to go 100 times before this happens but it will happen and you will know
Everyone is worthy Anon, you're a 10 in someone's eyes
Just go and dispell the mystery, you don't have to have a lot of sex after but at least you'll have confidence you're capable!

Also don't worry about ED just eat her out the first time and tell her you're gonna need a heads up next time so you can pop a pill. Or maybe it'll fix itself at the sight of some tits you never know

>> No.11247722

Just be out there man haha just WILL it brah

>> No.11247778

Congratulations! You have once again succeeded in posting a thinly-veiled 'literature' thread with the intention to gossip like a schoolgirl!

>> No.11247834
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>she asked me what I want and I said I like to go to Japan and have a gf and I asked her what she wants and she said she wants to live on a farm and have sex with guys that turn her on (and she said I turn her on because I'm tender).
The absolute state of humanity

>> No.11248089


>> No.11248126

>Any volcel literature?
My diary desu

>> No.11248164

I didn't ask for these feels fuck

>> No.11248454

>going outside
what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.11248578

I have some wish-i-was-a-volcel literature

>early last year
>had just started reading death of Ivan Ilitch that morning
>gf is at my place
>she's bored af
>40 pages left
>half-spooning my right side
>visibly horny
>i'm really into this book
>she starts dropping hints to what she wants me to do to her
>calm down bitch I'm reading here
>grabs me by the groin over the pants
>not paying attention to it, this part is really intense
>some minutes go by
>this cunt of a dick actually got hard, the betraying faggot
>well the book ain't done just yet
>she starts licking my ear
>tell her "You know I'm not stopping this right?"
>as in, I'm won't stop reading this quite about now
>she smiles and bites her lip
>unzips me and start sucking me off
>just realised she thought I meant I won't stop her misdoings
>barely going 20 words per minute now
>cum inside her mouth "accidentally" and she swallows
>tries to come in for a kiss with greater intentions on her eyes
>tell her "It's like 15 pages left, c'mon"
>disappointed she gets up and starts playing hommiv on my computer
>fucking finally
>this ending is amazing
>close the book
>see her and feel bad for her
>i'm still picking up my emotions as I get up
>pick her up off the chair and throw her om my bed
>she's all giggly while I have a pissed off look
>hate fuck her as I'm still processing the book
>go prone bone and push her face against the sheets so she can't look up
>start crying mid-fuck
>damn that ending was quite intense huh
>keep going while she's having the time of her life
>she ends up cumming 3 times
>I haven't
>she sleeps on my arms as I'm still thinking about an agonising death
>pick up the book the next day
>it's not nearly as intense as the first read
>fucking women

Thanks for ruining my reading experience thot

>> No.11248626

>>i disagree with current sexual norms
Yes dude, everyone who has a different view to contemporary thinkers, on with whom or how much they should have sex, just do it 'cause they didn't get the coochie.
On an unrelated note, anyone else feel like watching Solo™ right now? I already bought the funko pops.

>> No.11248972

this didnt happen lol

>> No.11249074

Unironically this

>> No.11249084

Do you have a big dick?

>> No.11249526

Avarage with a little erectile dysf

>> No.11249660

Life is cruel, anon.

>> No.11249707

I do this with many girls. Right now for example this very hot blonde, blue eyed girl (and large tits) literally ASKED me (have not responded yet). It is because im /fit/ and a rower+can act very confident and intelligent. I never follow through tho for two reasons:

- I'm a massive fraud, I just look very broad and muscular in clothes, but when i take them of I have pectus exvacatum and flared ribs making me look bad.

- My dick doesn't fucking work, and 2/3 girls that I have fucked have been nice about it, the third basically destroyed me.

So I basically flirt with girls untill they badly want me (I think I can fuck about 14/15 girls right this day if I want) and then don't do anything about it. I also hate women wayyyyy too much to engage in a relationship.

>> No.11249717

Also recently I think I broke my sexdrive, I really do not know how to fxi myselve anymore....

>> No.11249739

read diary of the seducer and all of either/or

>> No.11249759
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>> No.11249776

pelvic autism

>> No.11249794


>Jacob Rothschild

lol dumbass

>> No.11249814

>tfw I've become volcel

feels weird man

>> No.11250552

>>she asked me whether I like shaved or unshaved pussies
what did you say and how did she react

>> No.11250678
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She's disgusting. Drop her asap my dude

>> No.11250702
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Appeal to ignorance. A false one at that that misses where the points of abstinence were described and that those individuals were well known to have long periods of abstinence in their lives. You do realize, Newton died a virgin, correct?
Naturally it would be much easier to maintain back then to, without constant bombardment with superstimuli of a sexual nature. Lasciviousness was discouraged in medicine, theology and most literature and was regarded as taboo. While they certainly likely may have masturbated a few times, it's unlikely it would have turned into a habit. There was not stimuli around and the act without pornography, gets old. The only people who did develop habit usually such as Rousseau, wrote about it's debilitating effects and how it kept him in bondage. Naturally most people would seek to escape it, and the reward of indulging in it wouldn't be that great, especially paired with surrounding religious/moral/societal guilt.

In fact, we should assume the default presumption of sexual behavior as being far less in frequency than is committed today (where man is sedentary, no concerns for survival and has sexual stimuli everywhere). Thus, the modern society is the one we should surmise as having perverted sexual practices and frequency.

>Of all members of the mammalian family, civilized man alone is a victim of an exaggerated and morbid sexual urge, a condition which he has inflicted, to a certain extent, on the animals which he has domesticated and which have adopted his diet, especially the dog. Wild animals in a state of nature practice copulation only at certain mating seasons for the purpose of reproduction. Civilized man practices this act at all times, and in most cases without intention to conceive. On the other hand, so-called savages and primitive races leading more natural lives and who follow their natural instincts to a greater extent are far chaste in their sexual behavior, as noted by Havelock Ellis. Such considerations must lead one to the conclusion that the sex life of civilized men is unnatural and that the excessive manifestation of the sex urge among them is due to certain aphrodisiacal stimuli rather than to natural instinct; among such stimuli are a high-protein meat diet (accompanied by physical inactivity), the use of tobacco, alcohol and coffee, sexually stimulating literature, dramas, motion pictures, conversation, etc. For these reasons civilized man has departed from the natural law, obeyed by animal and primitive races, which requires the separation of the sexes during pregnancy and lactation, for the benefit of both mother and child. Violation of this law may account for the large number of physically and mentally defective offspring produced by civilized races as compared with animals and primitive peoples.

>> No.11250915


Rejected ateast two times someone that wanted to have sex with me before.

- Girl One was kinda too fat for me and I was already "in love" on someone else.
- Girl Two was just a skank and I knew it was going to be a dissapointment anyway when I would get sober from alcohol.

>> No.11250922

>You do realize, Newton died a virgin, correct?
And Einsten was a womanizer

>> No.11251024




>> No.11251228

I said I prefer shaved but also unshaved.
I asked her whether she likes unshaved or shaved dicks and she said unshaved.
She asked me how big my cock is and I said I don't know how to answer that question.
I went to pee and she said she doesn't like to swallow piss, only cum. Then she said that she's sorry if she's giving me to much info.

>> No.11251340

How much does she weigh?

>> No.11252270

how old are you?
make to 30 and you can unlock your wizard powers

>> No.11253144


>> No.11253170

top kek

>> No.11253191



>> No.11253750
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>>she told me to stop hating sex and stop being antinatalist
when /lit/ memes spill your pasta

>> No.11253759

would off been the correct answer. it was probably a test and you failed it.

>> No.11253768

Make her suck your dick moron, no kissing at all. She is a whore.

>> No.11253972
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Every single time

>> No.11253980


>> No.11253982

Good post anon. Screw the degenerate hedonists who refuse to admit their wrong.

>> No.11254072

My personal experience with continence, even if it is for periods as short as 5 days, shows increased focus, concentration, discipline and ability to carry responsibility in the body and mind. What is more, many books mention elevated states of consciousness achievable through continence if anything else at least due to increased power and vividness of imagination.

>> No.11254143

These 2 girls wanted me to fuck them at the same time. I instead ate an edible and passed out

>> No.11254320


>> No.11254330

hedonic apologism

>> No.11254659

Actually he would be subject to the NOCEBO effect because most advice online says "masturbation is harmless" and even goes so far to say that abstinence is harmful because of "repression" or "you'll get prostate cancer!".
Therefore, if anything, someone embarking on continence will have a negative expectation based on the sheer volume of search results affirming this line of thought.
Anyone alleging placebo is a moron.

>> No.11255607

Stop larping as some enlightened ascetic and take part in life. A hedonistic inclination will find far more detrimental expressions, and this no-fap nonsense is merely a surrogate for true virtue.
>''i haven't fapped to qt 2d futas in a week now, can I into stoicism?''
he wasn't tho and the tone here is usually quite different, i.e ''not touching your willie gives you super powers!''

>> No.11255763

>>she asked me whether I like shaved or unshaved pussies
what did you say when she asked you this? i would unironically answer the one that have my dick in it.

>> No.11255847


>> No.11256099

>doesn't know what the placebo effect is

>> No.11256336

Explain how I'm misinterpreting the placebo effect.

>> No.11256547

Placebo effect refers to benefital effects that are psychogenic in nature in response to an action, predicated on the belief it is good or therapeutic.
Most literature and information mocks abstinence and insists it is harmful. A placebo effect is not plausible. If this was r/ nofap, and people were taking about "getting girls", I would be inclined to agree with placebo being a suitable hypothesis for explaining those "benefits". However, he referred to it as continence and reported things that he perceived during this period of time, which, based on the neurological and physiological underpinning of the sex act, can be attributed to neurochemical and hormonal changes accompanying abstinence. Placebo effect is still possible but it's foolish to simply dismiss it as "placebo!".

>> No.11256659

>implying nofap anon, or anyone else with a brain, cares about dubious kike-funded (((empirical))) "studies"

>> No.11256667

>surrogate for true virtue
more like a qualifying step to attaining virtue of any kind

>> No.11256673

fair enough
I'm sure that's a comfort to you.

>> No.11256691

im so fully of cummy virtue that comfort is no longer in my database

>> No.11256974

>Choose either shaved or hairy
>pick creamed